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<br /> ° . r TOG�'THER WPfH.all the improve�nts now ar h�xc�fter�on ttx pnnpeity.and sU eaSements.a��nanc�2s:a,�d
<br /> fixtur.�s mw or.�ei�after a p�rt of t'�e pra�erty. A4t replaameats and addidons s�all alsn 6e'covexed<hy thiss Securiry .
<br /> Insuu�acnr.Atl of thc fq�in$is eefer�ed to in this Seairity Insttumgat ac tFtE'b�rc�perty.° . • •
<br /> �ORROWER COYENANd'S tl�ai�orrower is las�rfWiy se'�sed of the estate,Bereby oonveyed and das tpce rig�t to p�tt and
<br /> cc�:�;t�:°r3�; a�l�si s�?rc��is�►it�L+�re�J.�ao?nt for en�m6raaoes af�M.EarroNer wariaais aas�will . -
<br /> 'defenc!�IIY th�title ta 1`he Fnvpaty against�il claims and demands.sub,��x W any eacumbrances of record �,
<br /> � T�II.S SECURITY iNSd'RUIt'SEI3T oombincs umifoim coven�ts for aational isse�unrfun4faam covert�nts with limital .
<br /> Variatiwss by jurisdicxion to c�nsti�ue a teniform security inslrt�ment oovering�ea1 pr+operty. . - .
<br /> � UIVIFORM WYENA1�lTS.Barrower an�Lender covevant a�agtee as foliows: � "
<br /> t..Faymeit of Prin�3p�1 and Iui� Pre�ymeat�td Iafe Chaig�s. Bouower shaII P�F�Y P�K when due the
<br /> psir�s�pai of aad inter�st oa tfle d�i evid�by ttt�NoFe attd anY P�PaY�and Iate char�es due ander the Note. '
<br /> 2.FnuBs[ar.T�es and Iasm�ce.Sbbjieet to appiicahte taw or.to a written wai.ver by�.�der.BomaRer st�ll p,ay to
<br /> t�ender an tDe day�womhly payments are dus under the Note..at�7 th�Note is Qaid in fpll.a surp("FunBs")far.(a)Y�Y� �
<br /> .aiad as�s which may aztain priority over.tbis Secmrity IasOn�t as a lien an the Property:.tb)Yearly Fease�ol8 gay�
<br /> or grnund rrats on the Pmperty.if ms}r:(c}yearty 6arard or pmpertyr insar�anae pramiums:(d)yeazl9 t3oad�ncrminca�g,
<br /> ' if any: (e)��uly mortgege iasuraace��*+��.if aTry:aad(fl�Y�P�1Yable!ry 8ormwer to Lend�r.in acoordanse with -
<br /> the provisians of paragraph 8.in tieu of the�avment of mort�age i++d�*��premiams.Tl�ese iu�ms are caIIe��w Ittms."
<br /> . Ler�dei may.a4�Y time.callact and�itol�Fewds in an auhat�not tu eaceed the maximiam amoucet a lender.fot a faierally .
<br /> re�;tced�rtgage toa�may�qaire for Borruwer'�esraovi accoun4 aader t�e federal Reat Estate S�ttement Pcoced�tres Aci�af ,
<br /> 1474 as ammdsd fmm t�e ta�.e. 12 U.S.C.Sec�on 2601 et seq. ("RES�A�,umle�s aaath+er'lew tLat appites to�e Funds
<br /> ` sets a le�er a�.int.if so. �de,r ra�r,at_ar►y ti�e.wlEect and liold Fuads in an a�a¢nt aat to exceed the lesser affinuf►i.. ' �
<br /> � L�ad�r may estimate the amg�t of Fuads c�re on the basi.s af carcent data and reasama6le�6m,at�s of expendiau�s of fasute
<br /> �Fscravv�Items or othenvase in aooa�wi�applicabfe taw. _ ` . /,
<br /> TBe•Funds s6a11 be 6dd in an iastitw!ion whose c�e�posits are iasured by a �deial aget�cy. iasnumentali►y, m'wtit9 �
<br /> (iac(fld'ens I�ender.if Lendr,r is suc�an ins6tatian)as in 2ny'Federal Home I�oan Baufw.:I�der�hali appiy the Funds m pay tlbe � .. .
<br /> Fscraw Items.I�eoder may not charge�Borrower fos hnlding artd app4ying the Pund�.a�t►ually analyzia�tha escraw a�camt;or
<br /> verifying the�as�ow,Items:untess Lender pays Barr000�reer interes[an the Fuads and app}ic�ble faw pemtits l�er�de'r tn a�svch .
<br /> , a c�arge.Now�vec,Lender may tr,quire Bamuwei t�pay a on�ti�ctiarge for aa i�e�ende�c reaj esTaate taa rtportsn$se►viee ,
<br /> t�} tiy Lender i» araaectit��r witb this loan. antess ag�;sDicabte !aw pi+nvides adTtt�+isc. Un!e�s aa a�t is made or
<br /> a�li�able!aw requi�es inter�4�:��be paid.d.ender shatt aog be aequired ta pay�Bornn�rer any interest or eamings on the Fands: '
<br /> l�rrower and Le�der�may�z£.i�'in writiag,however.t�at interest sha116e pid on the Fuads.iznder shall gide to Borrqwef, .
<br /> withoiit ct�ge,�aa auanal asrauntin�of tt�e fiunds.�shuwittg ct�iu and debits�to the.�unds and the pw�pose for.which eac�
<br /> dcbit to the Funds was maGe..�e Fw�ds are pl�ged as addiaonal sec�xity for all sums seau,ed by this Security instnm�eai.
<br /> . If tae Funds h�ld by�i exoZed tre amnunfs pe�mitted to be held By app&cable taw.l.eader shall acc�mt t�Botiawet '
<br /> for the excess�und�in ac�xit;il:�tce cvith the reqnire�RS of applicabl�taw. If the amonni�f the F�s heid by �xndst at any�
<br /> time is noi suificieut to pay�lf��Fscrow Items v+�en due.Lender may.so notify Batrower in writing,and,ui swcb r.tse Bomnwer �
<br /> shali pay to l.e�r the.�mouni ne�ssary to make up the�deficien+.y. Bormw•er shall rrialcc up the deficieney in no mare than '
<br /> . t�e�se utontlil�F�?r�.�t•I.ea�r's sol�discsetio�.. ' ' �� . � � .
<br /> ,•.Upon pay�atent in fitit:tt�E all snms secu�ed by this Security,Instrument,I.endet s�a11 pramptly refvn�P�,li►��orrawer aay
<br /> . Fua�i�etd by L$nder.If.anrt'i:r pacagraph 21.Le�er st�all acqnire or sel!the I'roperty:Lender.prior to thc act�it�sit�an or sala.
<br /> mf the Pmpeny.shall appSy any Funds held by Iraider at We titnc of acx�ulsidon or saSe as a credit a�aiast the'sums securod by
<br /> � _ this Socurity Instn�ent. � ' • �_;,;. •
<br /> � 3.AppGcation ot Payqtea�ts.iTa2ess;�ipp�iceble law providts othera+i�e.a11 payments reaivtd try[.eader atyderpasagraphs
<br /> . . 1 and 2 shall 6e sippfi�:first.to anY P�►r�neat c�arges dae under the Nate;sec�nd,ao simouiits payabl�uiWes��ph Z:, '
<br /> t4iiid.to interest due;feunb.�tt>>�riacipat due;a�d tast.to any late charges due urxier ctbe Nooe. . � � .
<br /> � d.Clw�ges;Litns.Batr�swer$l�all pay sill taxes,assessments,ch�tges,fines and impositions atuibutabte W the Froperty
<br /> �Yh--d��?�2tiai�l Qrlt)li�AVCt tII1S SOQUit}���IISti11AiCAI.and Yeasehold paymenLS oTgtotmd tents,if.any. Barrowcr shatl pay
<br /> these ob{igatIon.y�'it�the manner provided io pazagraph Z,or if not paiu ia.drat n�umcr.Barrowet shall pgy t�em o.n time dire�tly
<br /> w tne person avir'�'payment.Borcawer si�all pmmpdy tu;nlsb to Lender atl notices of amounts to 6e paid under tE�is pa�agraph.
<br /> If Barmwcr noakes thcse paynaents.dirc;ctiy,Batrowcr sitnii�.pramptiy fur�Ish to Lender receipis evide�uing the payareats. �
<br /> � Borrower st�a11 YromptiSt.:ilisc2�arge any tlen whicE�ti�priority over tlns Sec+uity Instnur�nt�unless Sortawes:(a)agre�;in . �
<br /> writing w the payment of the:obligauoa�raieed by'the Lim in a mamx�acceptabte to I.endcr;�(b)oatJdests in gqod faith the lien .
<br /> lsy.or defendS•against enfo�ctrnient of If�ie�,licn in,�legal.pmc�dings which in the Lende�'s opinian operate to prevent the
<br /> tnf'orcement of the lien:or(cX Cecur�es from thc holder of the lien an agreem+ent r.atisfactory to Lender su6ordinaring ffie lien to
<br /> � this Secarity L�strument.If l:�rssi'ti?er detercnines that any�,��rt of the Property is subject to a litn which may.satain priority oveT
<br /> ttfis Sticurity instrument,Leifti�iti may give Borrower a ttukcce tdentifying the ltem.Borrower shail satisty the l�en m take one or .
<br /> � more of the t�ctians set forth above within 16 days of die giving of natice. • .
<br /> : , .. w.n,aass arso .
<br /> � • � . omr z ct e .
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