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<br /> � . .�'`x r �,.,zt-�q. t�rc 4� �� M�� �.�. � , . .. ,- �F f'. .
<br /> �����+..-St�4 �T tl 4 -...�1 :3 S . µ� �t��F���+,,✓a r lL-- � c.i. -_4 .
<br /> L4 ..�i __iY� :F-- . � e�. M __�_ . t���tKG7�av�a�,i. iF.a�.4'swiaY..�J�.��...�._r ___— - —
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<br /> ��7.Trnosier of ttie Praaerly or e Beuetidal Iatemst In Bormw�.If all or eay part af the�ro�er�ty or�ny i�terest in it —
<br /> • • �s soI or transf�rred tar f a benefccial interest in Borrower is sottl or transferred aad Borrower is not a aatural person)withaut
<br /> . Lender's prior�viiuea wnsent. Lesder may: at irs option. reyuire imrnediate payment ia t5il1 of all sums savted by thls .
<br /> ' Sec.vr�ry ln�G Ha�e�%er.�his Q�tiu��h�il na hQ ea�ercisc�by Lender if exercise is prahibited by federfli la�v as of ths date ,
<br /> . of this Securiry Irastrument. • . . .
<br /> � tf I:ender euercis�s this epfiou,Leader sfiall give�orrasver aotice of acceferation.l'he notice shalt psovide a pe�iod of t�ot �-
<br /> le5s than 34 days from ehe date the notiee is delivered or mailed withiti whic[�Borroaer must�oay al! sums secured bjr this
<br /> ' Secarity Inmument.If Borrower Fails to pay d�ese sums prior to the expiratinn of this�eriad,Lender may in�roke any tesnedies
<br /> pennitted by this Security Inswment wi�out further afltice or demar.d oa Eorrower. '
<br /> ' 18. Bnrrowe�s Rtg�t to Rtdmstate. If Earrower meets certain oonditions, Bornower sha13 bavt the right to 6ave
<br /> enforcement of this Security instn�ment disconriuued at.any time prior to the e�ulier of (a)S days(or sach oth�r periad as
<br /> ' applicable ta�r ma}� specify for reinstaiement) before sate of the Praperty pussaanc to anq power of sale oa�ained in t�'ss --
<br /> Secucity Iasnvment;or(6j enuy of a judgment enforeing tbis Secnrity r� ,,., m.Those oonditions are that Borrower.(a�paya -
<br /> Lender alt sams rr�zc6 then would 6e due�tivs Security t� ,mp-r,a�d.tbe Note as if nu acceteration had occurred;(b) . �;�
<br /> cures any default=o��tcY ather covenants or ag�:ments;tc?PaYs al1 ex��-�.ina�med in enforcing Wis Seciuiry tnstrumen't. �:
<br /> iacluding,bnt not'ti�ite.l tv,r�anable attomeys'fees;aad(d)takes such actian as Lendei rnay reasonably require to,assure
<br /> that.th,�lien of ttus S�rry � • „ t. Leader's rights m the Property and Borrower's obligatian to pay the swns secured by
<br /> , this�.;5�arity Insuuriiem shaTl cantinae,unchanged. Upon reinstatement b}+ Eora€��sr;�. this Sec[ulty Instroment aad tHe
<br /> a1s�i�as's.c��s seEyre+�:�ereby shail rer�aui fiilly effecdve as if no acceIeradnn t�d��:However,IIb,is nght to reinstate shall
<br /> � aat'�I�ia,thet�ofacceleralion.underparagraph 17. � .:�.;''� , ':�`.. �
<br /> " ''`.� �F�`Saie of;iiat� Cba�e of Loan 3ervicer. Ttie Note or a p� intec�'�d�.No� (Eogefher witli this Securiry
<br /> .:��nt)may be soid or.e or n�tim�s arithout prior r��to Bdaower.A sate���1t in a c�ange.in tde e�(tsaowa
<br /> a9'tcta��°1..oan Senricer")that�catL�..��6nttily�payments due,?a,�'�r the Note and lhis�e�,.�:�,,+�.Insuument.There alsu.�be one . .
<br /> � o��i�aie changes oY the Loan Sercl�r onr�elated so a sale of.t��iote:Lf ihe�is a ch2a�;�a�the I,.osn Seivicer,Bo�o��er will be _
<br /> � given written�tics of the change in accordF::�.with parsgraph 14 afse-r�_.��apPlicable i�w.The noiic��+ili s�tTa�:uame aad .
<br /> ' address of the new I,oan SQrvices and the a3i�to whicb paymen'ts.�?hocd`3 be•made.The notice tqc�i alsi�co9taict any other
<br /> � , iafom�auon required 6y applicable law. � �'•'`=.-: :. �, -�;. ,• . • ��.:i .
<br /> � t0.8azardons Su�stances.Borrower s�::2U not���gefmit the presenEe,?.x�disFosat.:`.sZ�z"��;oi°e�ase of alry � ,
<br /> Haaardous Substances on or in the progerry. B,orrower'sh�ll aot`do, nar aliow:�s,y!ar�. else to�o�t�y�irtg`�'ecttng the .
<br /> Fro�erty d�aut is in violatian of any�nvamn�sal Law. The pt�ceding two senten��s s4�1.not app�y to'the��ks�,.use.or ... , ...
<br /> � stcrage an the Properry of small quaatir�s r�H:h'�ardous Substances that w.^�generslTy� recognizec�iat 6e a�spro�r'.�xr.�b�..orro2k�� ,
<br /> nesidential uses and to maintenas�ce of tC��l�,'r �� . . ,�. . � : . • • • `�;+. ;
<br /> • Borrower st�all promptiy g��.l..i��3:z�ren uotioe of any iavesti��..Ciaim,.�:marid,lawsui�4t other rs��sm i�y a�
<br /> govemmenta!or i�egulutory ager,.�.y���-private party involving the Property and any K�t.��ons Substance or Envun.�r�,�l Law ,
<br /> of wfuch BanowEr has actual kn�r:edge.If Borrower leams. or is nodfied by any gcrammental or regWatory an�h¢t�ty,that
<br /> any removat or other rem�ediation of any Haza�ous Substance afferting the Prnperty is necessary.Borrqwer shall promp8y t,alce
<br /> . ait ae�essary reraedial ac4ians in acAOrdatcce with Eavironmental Law. � � '
<br /> As use�d in this paragraph Z0. "Hazardous Substanoes"are those substances defin�as toxic or hazatdous substancxs by
<br /> Environmental Law and the foltowing sub�tances: gasoline. kerosene, other flammable or toxic petroleum products. toxic
<br /> pesticides and herbicides,voladle solvents.materiats containin�asbestos or formaldehyde.and radioactive materials.As used in
<br /> tt�is parag�aph 2Q;°Environmentai Lavl"means federal taNS and laws of the jurisdiction where the Property is located that
<br /> relate to health,safety or environmental pmtection. .
<br /> r:DId-tINI�OP•1�4 CG'�AI;R�'S.�r:a�es ar.d l.eader feirther cav�ant and a�e.e as follo�:s:� -- � .- — �
<br /> 21.Ascelesatiou;�temedIes.Lender shaYl�ive aotice to Borcawer priar to ao�eratloa fallowiag Borrower's brea�c6i
<br /> of nny coveaaat ar agreement in this Securlty Iastrument (but uot prlor to aeceferation�aIIder paragrugh 17 unless
<br /> appikabie law provdd�s oihcrwise).The notfce shail spediy: (a)We detautt;(6)tI�actIon requir�d to core the d�aniu
<br /> (c)s date,not Iess t6an 30 days from t6e date tbe uotice Ls given�to Saaower,6y�1�,�3ch We defaWt�ut be�red;iutd
<br /> � {�tbai faiture to core t6e defautt on or 6eforc t6e.date speeiited in 36e not[c�e rtnt� resutt in acceleratian vt�'L'�e sums
<br /> secn�!by this Securtty Instr�ment und sate ot the Pruperty. The notIce s6aA ft:ci'her iaform Borrower of t#te rtght to
<br /> . reinst�te after aceeleration and�tbe rig�t to bring a coart action to.�rs�eri t�e noa�istencr mf a d�et�utt or any other
<br /> defense bf Borto�cer to ac�celeration sad sate.If the det�nft is no1¢tp�on or iore the date spe�iffed i�a t.�motkx,
<br /> � Leader.at its optio�r, ms�Y reqwre imraediate paymeut in full af ell su�ins �y ttfLs Secur[ty Instraar�i�k witbout
<br /> Q�rtl��r deman�and.may invoge thc poyser.af sgle and anY otfler remedtes permitt�by appiicabie taw.I.�t�?r�tiall be
<br /> eatlded to aollect aU expenses tncarred In�s�ng the r�edtes pmvided tn Wts p�arFgrap4 z1,inclading,bai'riu�iimiia::: ,, `
<br /> to,nea�onabte attosneys'ices and�asts of titte evidence. ' �
<br /> . It the �ower ot sale ts tavoked, Tnrstee sLall recor�a notice o!defauit tn eas8 coetnty in w6ich any �Irt of She.��' '
<br /> , .S'roperiy is I�catQd aud sliall mail copics ot such aot1�.tn the�anncr prescribed Dy applica6fe law to Borrawer siad t� `
<br /> the oNier pc�sons prescribed 6y appticsbte taw.Afte���e time reqatried by�ppiicabte taw,Trustee shall give Fi,�lic notfce
<br /> of sste to the persoav and in the maaner prescrlbed by app!lcaDle[�w.Tevstce,wftiioai demand on BorroRag�sbali sell � ,
<br /> the Property ot pu6Uc aacUon to the 63ghest 6idder at the ttme and piace and andes,fhe cerms desig�rated in�tYe n,otice o�� ' �
<br /> s�te in one or�aore I�roets and[n any order Trnstee determSaes.Trostee may postpone s�le oi s�U or aq`r psu+cei ot t6e•'• '
<br /> Proprxty by pubtic anaaw�cement at tt�e time aatl ptace o!uny previously schedufed s�ie. Lendct�or its designee cqag� •
<br /> � pme6ase tik Property at any sale. .
<br /> . � � . �ao2a s�so
<br /> . Pago6ot8 _ , .
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