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<br /> . . . � � . ` insutauu�ee oavem �(ia fike�� unia� ar the Si�ld _
<br /> , payments tnay`no[ongrx be mquired,at the option of Leader.tf az4rtga� ta S
<br /> th�t Leader r¢quires)Provi�ed by an insar�aPFmvcd by I�ender �aaain 6ccoines atvai3able ans�is obtaiaed.Bn�wer sBal[paY
<br /> �the nremiumq c�wi�t1 to a�aintain mostgage�insuranca is effect.or to pravide a toss resen+e.unc�l the require�nt for mortgage _ , .
<br /> . � is�ur�ends in axc�rdance�with any writcen agreetnent betwe�a Borrower aad l�ter or�plic�hhle iaw. ,
<br /> � 9.FpspectEan. �.ender or its agent a�y make•reasonuB[e entrtes ugon�d i�es��ci�dns of t;e F;cs�'s:Y.Le�.s shall��e —
<br /> :go�raurer notioe at tk�tim�of ar pzar tcr a��an�ci�S+iae r¢a.�te cause for the inspestinn. , . , . -
<br /> ' Y0.Cond�na�an.Th��praoezds of any armr�or claim for damages.d'uect or c6nsequential, in connecHon cvith any:
<br /> condemn3tiun or other takireg of any part af the Prapetty.or for,conveyas�in lie�n of eondemaation,aze'Aereby assigteed aad
<br /> ° Sh211 b6 p31d to LeildeL' ' tnctrnment;
<br /> " Iu the event of a total Eakir►g af the Froperty,the proceests shaU be applied w ths sums secured by tbis Sccuricy.
<br /> � whc�her nr noi then dae, with any eacegs paid to Soaower.In the eveni of a partial taking of the Prup�rty im whtch the fair
<br /> u�uicei value of t�e Progerty imutediatety before the taking is ecival to or g�eater than the amaunt of the swns secured 6y tbis
<br /> ` �ewrity Insmime�immediateiy hefore tfie taking.unless B6rrower an�IBnder othe�vvi�e agcee in writing>the�sums seeurecl by .
<br /> .this�ec+�ri_ry Iastnurtent shatl be reduced by the amount of�he procceds mulriplied by the followiag&action: (a)t�ie ootal
<br /> anaou�t of the suuu secure�immediately tiefore tt��taking,divided By(b)the fais markei value of.the Propeny iirt�edi�tely
<br /> l�ore t6e tatcing. My balance shall•be paid ta Borcower. In the event of a partial taking of the ProPertY�s�'hich ihe fair
<br /> �e€value of the Property immediately�6efars the tafcing is less than the amnunt of ttie sums secured imm �.'4y beforz the .
<br /> �,uniess F.oi3rrawer aad LeQder o�se agr�.e in writing or unless applicable law othernise provides:t�iz�Sra�eds's2ia1�� ,
<br /> , b�.applied to t2r sums searsed.6Y thisSec�ity Instrument whether or aot the sumg are then due. :� � .: ;`:;�";°- :
<br /> . `rs�?�::it If the Property zs A��....�^�hy•�tuix�asver.or if,aRer notice by Letider w 8oiro�ver that ti�condemmor m�to malce:� • .,.
<br /> . �xs�ar se,ttic a claim f�x?:?�;es.:�lo�+rawer fails w res�ond tm Lender rant�i='`.xI!days after tlse d�te the�hm�e is'gtven,
<br /> � ' �tder is suthos�d tn a�I:d�aad`appiu.r�6�proceeds,at its aption,eiti:er to restor�on or repair of the Pra��to the snms
<br /> , ,,,:.,. ,
<br />. sec�cred by ttils Seaurity Instcument,w}�°,��r aot then due. ' , . . .. . �
<br /> ` � Unit�s i.�uder and Sonower oth�use agree in writing, any agpliadion of proceeds to principal shall not extend or .
<br /> , �esspoae the due date of the mont�tilily paycne�tts�ferred to ui garagraphs 1 aud 2 oe ekange t�e amount of seich paymeuts.. .
<br /> ,•.f;:;'. il.Borrower Not tteleased;Forbe�rance By Lender Not a Waiver.Exteu,�ion of the time for payment or modifisatiou _
<br /> • . .�`¢�€�inortiration�f the sum.e secured by this.Security Inspument granted by Lender�e any successor�i intemst af Borronrea sbal� � .
<br /> ', "�i operat�t��iease the liability of the.���a�al Barrower ar Barroi��r's.sucaes��s in incerest.Lender sL4aU.aot be re�aire�ta . .
<br /> .: :��mea�tx:�:�edin8s agaia�t any sua�?�#n inierest or�refuse ta�'.�nd time€c*r�ayment c.�ci:�.�svise modifY.amartu��,i�1s
<br /> :�the sum���s..':umd by this Securitp Ius�rnent hy reason of any�.�d �ar��y the c=�'l�t� Bosrower or Sorccv,��ae'?.��'
<br /> , ��SUCCessor�in intemst. Any forbearaace by Lerider in exercising any riglif or rez'-i�r,•'shall not be a waiver of or precl�tde�'FTi'C � .
<br /> e�cercise of any rig6t or remedy. ` • . • �
<br /> 1Z.Succ�sors and Assig�es Bou�doim an� Severul�Liab'i:tyt���• The coveaanfs and.a�ment�of this
<br /> Seeurity Instrument shall•bind and beneiuj,�e successors and assigns,of LendsF aztd Borrower, subject ta the prnvisions of
<br /> paia�aph i7. Baauwer's covenants and�agreements shaU be Zoint and seHerai. Any Borrower who co-sigas tdiis Security
<br /> �nstrument dut does not execute the Note: (a)is co-signing'this Serurity Insuument only to mortsage.grant aa3 convey that
<br /> �3orrower's interest in the Pcopertq undea the terms of this Security Instiumenr,(b)is�aot personalty o6ligatec{to pay the Sums
<br /> scxured by shia Secarity InstrUmcnt;and(c)agre�s that l.ender and any other Bon'ower may.agee to eatcrtd,modify;forhear or
<br /> . qrake arry accA,�t�odatioas with regard tc�e terms of this Security�n.-�ment or the Note cvithout that Borrower's eansen���".,. .
<br /> L3,La�i�t�rges.If thG.loah secure�by this Security Inst�nn..�2�t is subj�to a law which seis ma�imum loan ch�t�rs�.
<br /> und that law�s finally intetpreted�so that thrp inter�a��•ether loast c�`'?�rges Co1i�c�or ta be coltected in co?�.'�i9n with the
<br /> � •��oah eaceer!tlte•Permitted limits,then:(a)any such t;�,+.��!raige,�t fse reduced 1�C7 I:�e amount nec�ssary to m�iir�e the charg�
<br /> to the permit[e�llmit;und(b)any sums alteady collecte3 froiri.l��� .ser a4hicb ex��eded PemtitteA limits wf?�I�C.�seftind,e�,co '
<br /> Borrower. L�det may choose ta ma[ce this refuad bg�reducitt�':c����rincipal o�•ed uttder t� Note ar G�'i�aking a'r�fr�x:t
<br /> gayment to Bomvuer: If a refund redaces principa�l. the redu�'�'�will be treateii as a.pir�lpal,pregcyt:��.witl}Otft��fvs����
<br /> grepaymeat charge under.;t:6't�?�Iote. ' .. .� : . � �;•.
<br /> id.Notic.�5.A�y ntic�,:L��Borrower provided f�ti�tix this 5ec.eriry Ins�shaii 1�givea 8y�deti�cr'.�#��:^c:��;mailino --
<br /> � it by first clas�mail utd'ess applirabie taw r.quiies use:�;f anothe,r.��:i��'aod.The natic�shall be directed to ihe Froperty�ladress . .�.
<br />- ar any otiter address Borrower designu:r�'•by norice ta L�enderj�Li�;-notice�to Lender shall:tse giv�n by first cltus mail��o �
<br /> Lender's address stated herein or any o�t��address Ler.der desi;u��,a by noiice�to Bomower:A���.t�fltick psovided for i�r�i:is
<br /> Security Instrurnent sball�e�deemed to ftave fie�n gi��,it+x Borrower mr t,ender when giveri as ptovlc�d in ttas��(?1�Tagraph. • .
<br /> 15.Govetnfng I.aw; Sev�erabUity. This Securtty Instnui:eat shall be govemed by federaf law aii�a��che luw of the
<br /> �jurisdiction in which the Pruperty is located. In dte eve�it that_aa���+ro�isian or clausa of this Se.cusity Instn%;C,ent or the Note
<br /> eoaflicts with a hcablc law.suc�+conflict shall not affect ottter�a��i.�ions of this Securiry Instiumeni ortfie Note wi�,ich�;R,k'�e
<br /> PP� .
<br /> g'�ven e.ffect without the eonflecting provision.To t�is�end the pro�:ons of Wis Security Inswment anc�the Note ara dr:�nm�3
<br /> .. .:�. • :
<br /> � to be s�oerable. ' .
<br /> t6.Barto��er's Copy.Bono�ver shall be given one conformed capy of tt�e Note and of this Security instnunant. �
<br /> � � . � . Form 3U28 .9I90
<br />. � � . . � PapeAOtB � - - .
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