<br /> __ . :, ; � .� :_:�� �,��.,- '�t " _ —
<br /> 1` - s —'� � � -�< r,f,,,s.- � -- — �� �.
<br /> ii�i'-��',ua�,etaiia �nun�:s�arss�' --- -
<br /> . . ,. , : . c . .. � ' � � ' . - , . . . - . ' �. < ,� .
<br /> .. � .. . ` . � �. . ' ' ' . . , '. . - . . . r c . ` - ..._.
<br /> . . . . ` - 'r , . . _ . .. . �. . ` _- .' .
<br /> c . . . . , _ , < , - . �. - °-
<br /> , � . . .. �, �. ����� ��5�
<br /> � < ` vgieih recefp� of pa��eat� o� the .p;iaa.bisl�.��arei�tes�h�l� da:� •� ' .-
<br /> � � livar to 'Chs pur��saer, Tr�stc�� deet3 con►veyi�aq :tt�e Property .
<br /> . s��d. Aea��a�s in tY�e �ra�+�e�r� �da�tl shail be pri�m�t iavie avi- , .
<br /> Yt
<br /> � e�emce c� the ts�t8 Qf Thes et+�temea��e makde Lhes�..�n. �Tru�te�.s�all , .
<br /> � ��agly 4Iie praceeds a� '�he eal� in �� �olla�i�g osder: 6a= t+s , .
<br /> a21 reaeon�blp �c+ste �ad eupe�ses o� th� esla, iaicsiudiag �ut'�not
<br /> � - •1�� 'e_:a, Taue�te�s_fa�ea of_.n�t.mcYe. �tan_ 1.5�_� �he.'gaosa -- .-
<br /> . sala prfce, rea�onabie att�aey f�ea a8� er�s�s��f t�t.�� c'����e3 � , . _:
<br /> . � ��b� to all e�a securecE h� tbfs Dee�i of �rust; arad �iaj the es-
<br /> � cesa, i€ asnp. tq the ,peraoa,or eereo�s f�qal,�y entl.tlad thereto.
<br /> . An� `persop, inclus�iac� He��xeiasy, �aY ptxrclaa:e said Propes�y at .
<br /> said sale. F . . � � � • .
<br /> � . �he person coudnctfag the sale a+ay, fox aag� aa►use ha or sYta ;
<br /> �3+aer�s �esrpecif.ent, pagtgone the sa2e fzom ti�e ta �ima ttati.]. it . .
<br /> � eha�1 be aoatgle�ed aud, � "�qe�ey. aucb case, aotice og ga�tpoaa-
<br /> . ment s�3� be��give�n � .pnb��a det�3�cratfon thereo� by su�b pes�oa �
<br /> at the ta�e and p3.ace_ I.a�►t aPPoitated. #o; the eal+e; P����e da�e `
<br /> �fie ��eale .f� ��tpon�d for longer tl� one I 1� daY beY .
<br /> .. de�iqnat�e8 in the n�ati.ae of aale,•nat�ic� thereof aha11 be �iven .
<br /> . � in the aem� a�anner,a� the arigfaaZ amt��e of �ale:. ,
<br /> ::�,�.; . � , ..
<br /> � ' 14. . Rem�edies I�ot B�ccZ�is3.ve. Trustee aad� Beaeff�fa=ys � .
<br /> � .:`, each of'th�� sh�.l.]. be e�atitled ta.�or+ce psymeat aud pertors4 ' . . _
<br /> � ' ' aac� af any iadsbt�ed�ess .o� obligatioA s�cn=ed h�t�T aad to es- . .
<br />'�"I ,. � .. �erc�s�.sl� righ'Ca aad go�rars under �ri3.e �eed o� Tr�t o� wader � . .Y .
<br /> auy l+�us instru�e�t or ott� a�gree�ent or an� la�rs.nos or he�re�f- �
<br /> •ter enfoiaecl, :�twi�hstanding �oara or al� of the. �3:adebtedaeas and .
<br /> �._ obliqatf�ns st�red�hereby wbic h may nvw o� h e=e after ba ntiher- .
<br /> � :,,��:�3.�se•��cured�.''��x��tl�er. by mortgage, deed of trust, pa.ed�e. 1i�i: ,
<br /> '��.�� : ` �"'a�aiqnment'�o� •�he=wie�. Neither the� ac�eptazia� of tbfs Dee�l .vf .
<br /> :;;,:;; .� ,::�•.� Tr�st �x.�its`�orca�at, whether �y� ca�rt action �or pnravant to _
<br /> ,``:: the ga�r�ic of a.�.e or ot�er poarera�hereia aontained, sha�l�.�Pre�u-
<br /> - �•,���;�;-�.ae ot� in an�"�aner affect �stees os Beaef�ciar�s r�iqbrt to . . .
<br /> � ,;_•`; ;;��a�lir.�� upo� or enforae any 'o�. security now or here�ez 8eld , .
<br /> �,�'": p T�tee oz �eaef ie�arY. it T�in�g � ���Traa►tea- aad Betne� � � �.
<br /> � ficiasy,� e�nd �ach of t&ea, shall 'be en.�.tled t� enfora� this Dees� .
<br /> of �sast and any ather security now or hersaft�r held by tLe . � � .
<br /> . 8saeficiszq. �n�. �rnetee iu sucII o�der and nann�a�:as. they, pr ei- . � � .
<br /> � 't�l@r..o�' $IIeaa,�;;t?�F in i�i�i� �bai��.u�o 3a.:i�t.s.:�i�°�'.tiY "�n,,, �1�9 , _
<br /> � ' rea�edy hearein'i�0ufe�r�..:uPcA or rese�ved to Trustee os Beasfiai-. . . . .
<br /> • � arg is inteaded ta.b�>:esi��,us�.ve of. ang-rother re�edp�1u�ain. or by �: .
<br /> . :� lav pzovi�ad or per�:�s� but Each sl�l� be.aua��s,t�€1�±�;,�and.shall.� �.�_;,:• . .. .
<br /> :. be im e�dditfoa to overy'.o��.�;�t�medy� gfven heretutder.��ii�``b.c�rar or .
<br /> � :;. he�rea�ter•exi�tf a� a►ti. Isw o�;�� equitY or bp �►tat,uto. Sv�zg.�;;;,"'. ,.
<br /> � . patirer br rasedy qivea�,� �uy''�f.the loan instru�ents �o Tras�1�� . ,:,:.:
<br /> � or H�?t�icii�ry or �to �ah eith,er o� ,t6ea aay be iY�hes�atse enti:� � � .,.,��.,;.,_
<br /> • t2ed`urtxy be exrxcisi�d, ��oncnrreatLy Q�;indepwendently,� £seaa t,i.a�e : _�,
<br /> � - t� t�,�►. r� �•:.o€t� � �; �° �ei��'�►�d.fe��. bg Truate� or � .
<br /> � �Bettaff.c�ia�.na�d e9.ther af thes aay �uroua�in�nsistent re�ad#.e�•
<br /> . N�of-hfnq ti�reuin,:�ahall be canetruecZ�as.�rohi.b3.tfag Heaefia�ary fraa
<br />° � ' . . ae�k�ug a dAficfe�a�r �.�q�.^.n�.�ga�i.a�_�'xva��� ta t3� a..-tont�eg^.�. .. .
<br /> actioa Ys per�itted Y�;'law. . � � • � �
<br /> . . . ,e .
<br /> � ' � .� . l�i. Reaue��„�or�lotice. Trusto'r he�elsy. requa�ts a copg'of �
<br /> aay x�otics o� defau�t aad tha►t ang aotice af aale hereuader b� •
<br /> ma�,i�l� to Traestacr at the addreas se�,���rth in the first pa�saqra�ih
<br /> � of �c� Deed a� Tsus�. .
<br /> 16. .A�intment oi� ,Succ�asor Trastee. Heaeffciary �sy,
<br /> fr�, tfine to time, by wri.ttes fnstrament execnted.aad ackno�l-
<br /> � edged b� Beae�icfary, ma3.led to Trustax aad�seavr�ed fi.n the ��
<br /> Caunty► in.wriirh.tke�Fsoperty' f e lACated and by athesatf se aamplgp-
<br /> � � iag �r3.th the praviafone a� �he �appli�able law o€ the State of Ne-
<br /> braekn, substiCute a.su�ceesor or aucaessoro to the .Truetee �nan�d
<br /> � I�esein or aatiAg hereunaier. � � �
<br /> � 17. �ac�eesars and Aesiane. � This t�eed of Trua� ap�33es to, .
<br /> � . a�xd•3,nures to the bene�3.t of, and bfatds al,l partfee heseto, t.�eir �
<br /> � h�irs,. legateesR. davisees, pezsenal.representa�ines,� srtcces�rors �
<br /> en+d aes�iqns. � The term Henefi�aia�y eha7.1 mean.LQe o�ne� and, . �
<br /> inolder�of the note, whether. o� not naas�d ae Beue�3�cfary her�l�n• . .
<br /> __ . . , 5 • � ' . _ . .
<br /> - . .
<br />