� � , V .. ,. -+ _ L' _ _ '4`2 � /`�4^rn'T_�:."—__..._.
<br /> t ' �.� . 1! . ''v -_
<br /> .y(� y.� y. .,�r t � .z_)��} f ��ie�i.��i�c,i.. —
<br /> ��F�➢ -.31..Ci...."r5�.:�d- - �:" - _ 4 - - -- -
<br /> � r-i�������im�rm --
<br /> _.. _ _ . a
<br />._ ._ __. ..., -_ _...___'_. -_ ._ . r
<br /> � 1
<br /> . . . ' � .. . ' . < . , t � .�. . .
<br /> .4 �- • � • - , ' � ' ' ' . . � . .. - f � . . � . .� .
<br /> , : ` ' ' • ' ' �• • . , ' :' � � � ���� 1,��� . ' �. ' -
<br /> � . .. ' de�ira��e ito�gsea�er`ve t�e v�.t�e, � . � . .
<br /> < i � . aarl�etabflftg or �'eatabil`ity ef.th� P�oger'C�, • .
<br /> � , � .�or part �here�f or intezest��therefui, increaso ' , . �
<br /> � ' � • �g.,ittcom�e th�r�fr�a os ps�te�L the ��a��ty ' . .
<br /> , � � , h�seof, and, w#.khont ta5ci.nq pn�vestsioa of the , ' .
<br /> � • . Prnjyp�r�yg, su� �Qo�s,3 or otta�zw�t,��,,,se Eolle�j�at� ths � :
<br />-._'--.,—_—.—<,�--.,. . __ �CS'LYA� iB��,P.� �.i �l".E3�LS��Lii�1�V��_'Litif�•� �..-_ ._ ` ' _ ___ . . ._- . : �_.
<br /> . " those,p�et dns and unpafd, er� apply ths -• . , . -
<br /> ' _ ' sa�y �ess cn�� and �spenses o� operatfoa.�
<br /> an�i co�.�e�tian,. i�t�Iud�ng attoraeg �fee�, .upoa � �
<br /> . aay �i.ndebt�dnsss eeaured hereby, at2]. fm ou�ch .
<br /> �, ' � ' ordes ,as B�ne�ic�aay �aay deteraf.ne. The ` � �
<br /> ` � enteriag t�an aad tnkixig pos�esw3oa� af the ; • , �
<br /> • . '. ix11$t QatB���."the co�3.Ie�tian of sa�ah rents, � . .
<br /> � � �eaues and profits awd �gplfcatfon thereof as
<br /> � � agoreaaid eha►].1 a4t cnze or wai.ve any, dafavitc � . .
<br /> •� � ar notia� of d�fanit her�under ox �validate . . .
<br /> . � � � , anp aat and fa �espou�e ta.such de aB].t oz � . , , .
<br /> . � . puxs�aat �o such sotiae nf default an�,� . - , ..
<br /> � . , • .ao�waLtheCand�ng the s�at�:nnan�e. ia pos$essfoa� �. , � �
<br /> , � � • � of ���a Prspe=ty or. �b.e �ollection. rece3.pt . . , '
<br /> . aad a�licatioa �f .reats, i8enes or praEi�s, � . . . _:t.
<br /> � . . Trnstee �or Beuefi�i.arg.usy 3ye ewtitled to . . ,,;:��::.
<br /> � ` � . eYeraiae every sight provided for. in� aay of _;:':�'
<br /> � - � th� la�n 3.aatsuments o�.bg la� upan � � ' . •
<br /> � . caca�rrena.e �f" r�ng event of defat�lt,�3.aclmt3i�q . . . �
<br /> , , the right to �zercfse the p�w+�r o# ��1er•� , . . . � .
<br /> . (bj C�nce,OA aCtfoA to fOreclose , . • :•�� •
<br /> . thi� Deed of Trast�as at aiort$acJe, +�PPQfa�.a ��,>�',:
<br /> receiver, or gpeai.fically. entorcp anp of the : . : .
<br /> - ' avv�nan�s hereof; ' , . - . � ;;;1 ,�,
<br /> . . :,,.-� . �.
<br /> � . � ,. .. :���•
<br /> . - (c� delines xo Trustee a �aittea �lao � . . .
<br /> ratioa of diefarilt.aad deaaad fos sale, _aupd a� • . � �, �
<br /> � wrLt4eA aotiae of defanZ� aad. election to. . � . ., ' � ,
<br /> . � � � aAUSe �rustora� iaterest nn the Prope�ty to �
<br /> � t�e sold, .whie�.aatfae Tr�t�s ehall aause. to . �
<br /> � . . • ha d��g �il�� ��: r�or3 ia t�e o€ffesf.a3 =s�- .
<br /> , ords of��the aona�y i.a wI�iah the Prapert� 3�� .. . � � .
<br /> ' � loaated. ' ��:;:. . ,
<br /> � � , � . � 7;,::���''
<br /> , . .;-;. : . .,.,, . � t�••�,� . . . . .. ,�:.,
<br /> � ' 13: , .��,'oraclosuge bY ,�.c��Z�a��.o�,..�.�.g. Shotxld.Heneficfa�y *�etz`��� : : , �
<br /> . to forec�.<s�ue by w�era�se�cx.���:��e po�rer. cf �sale he�cein.contaJa;��d . •'+>:'�S_
<br /> � Sane�icia�p' sha1.I no�t3.�y �'ri�stee �nd s�ll de�osit pith Tiu��ae . � ' � :��::��
<br /> � �s De�d of Trust� and.the �note and suah� racefpti� nad evi.dence of � .
<br /> e:penditwceg nusde and.sea�sred�hesl�blt e►s T��tee ma� requira; anct. : . . .
<br /> � � . upon reques�t of�the Beaef�ciliry� the Truatee shall fils �ox •ree- ' �
<br /> -. � - . - ard, a.n t�� xegirter o�� �ad�t offxce a,n. the �auntp �era tla�e � �
<br /> • � , Prr�pa=ty�:�:�r• l�ca�tsd, a n��at.ce.ef.de�au].�, `�etting forth the aans
<br /> , cr�:.-:�the. Tiresstoz, the Book an� Paqe os Doct�meat Aa.. o� thfs IIeed ef..., :
<br /> . � � �� 'a�c_�riecordac�::�n safd Regtst+�� of Ueede off3�i�, �he,l�eqal dA�»:�� �
<br /> �c���pfiar�,...s�� tl��;�iove-d�aeribed'��esaS. estete�.and.�s�at�a..bs�each�c��-': .:.
<br /> .. an obliqi�t�:a�n, tor whfch eafd re�l eatatc���aras aative�cd Aa�;:�n�eau.- . �� ,,;�;,;.;
<br /> . • rity, ha� �c�curra�i, �tnd ��ttinq forth the� zfatuse o# anah :�eaah �: �
<br /> � aad �he�.T�uatee� �lectiom ta se�.1L �the reaY estate''to aatife � the�°,'..;
<br /> c�iga,tion f snd afteY the lapr�e�cr��mat less thait �t�ite (I). aonth, �•: . .
<br /> � . � �Px�. Truat+�:o �f�'ld�2. g�V9� W��ttBIt Afri,�CB o� the time aiad p�� of � ..
<br /> , �gaYe wrhi.� may b�.betweea 9:00 s.�. aad 5 i 00 p.m. �t the. �r,��m- ,.
<br /> , iae�, or �t the�Courthouse f.n the Couatg� whereia ouah. Pza�ser,ty i� �
<br /> l�ated, des�ribing the Property.�o be sold by i ts legai deac.rip- . . • .
<br /> . t.���; sa f,d uot�e tp�be.pub].isbed �la a new�paper. of general ais- .
<br /> aulatiaa in tha Ceuaty whereia.suck� Psapc3rty ie located; onae � .
<br /> week fos five 65) aon�tecutfve weeke, the last gnblia�tioa to be ��
<br /> � at least ten (10) da►ys, �but uot ma�a than thizty (3�� �daye, pr3or
<br /> � � � to t�� ealei aitd the Truatee s�aXl�ti.hea soZl� s�id �icoperty At the �
<br /> �� tfm�e.�and�plaae deeignated.in the•�a�tiae� in the ma�ucza� �zovided � . �
<br /> � by law i,n eff�cti at the t3.s�a. of filiag.eaid nnt��e, st publ�.c .
<br /> ' auct�on to the hiqheet bidder for caeh and ehall deliver •to such.
<br /> purahaser a deed to the Propercty �sold, conefe�tent� with the law ia � .
<br /> ef�eet _at the�t�me. . . � �
<br /> . � • � 4 � � _
<br />