<br /> ,�1 . .
<br /> �._..,K .
<br /> . . , ; '
<br /> ;. „ `.� ., _ . ., . ' �;�,.%
<br /> . .
<br /> ... . ,. . , �
<br /> ., i..,.,�, •. . _ ... _. ...._..__....__._..
<br /> _.__. --._ . .._�--___.--=----..._......:......_.,. �..-�•- -- ... ..._•-- - —•--- _ ••_ .,
<br /> , . ' ` �'_ --.. ____..__._._.__.—____.--°_._..._.. . � .
<br /> - �" - "��- Barmwcr shull mm tl ive I�ndcr writtcn noticc of an � Y
<br /> p p y g y invctitigution, c1Alm, demancl, Is►wsuit or othcr actton A t+n �•-•
<br /> govcrnmentul�r regulutory a�cncy ar privute party involving the Propeny unJ uny H:uurdous Substunce nr Environmentu Law �
<br /> of which &�rrowcr has uctuul kni�wledgc. If Burrowcr leurns,ur is notificAi by uny govcrnntcntul ur rcguluti�ry uuthnrity, thut �
<br /> ' any remcwul or other rcmediution��f uny Hu•rurdous Sub�tanrc uffertinr thc Property i�ncec�sury.Borr��wcr+hull prciaiptly tuke '
<br /> i►II neeessAry remedlal uctians in uccc�rdunce with�nvimnmentul l.uw.
<br /> As u�ed in thi,parugraph 20, "Huzurduus Substunres" ure thutie tiubsmnce�define�l a+ tozic �ir huxurdnu+ �ub�tunce+ by
<br /> �nvir�rnmemui I.aw unct the fiillo�ving substunces: garnline, kerurene, other flummuble or toxic petraleum Pr�xluctx, toxic �
<br /> pctiticidcs und hcrbicidcx,volatilc salvcnts,mutcriulti cuntuining asbcst��s ur C��rnr.ddchydc,rnd rudioactivc mutcrlals. As uscd in ".
<br /> .. °. this parugruph 20, "Enviranmental [.uw" meunr feder:�l luws und luws nf thc jurluiiction where the Prc�perty is I�uted that �
<br /> rrlute t��heulth,wfety or enviranmental protrctton. � �
<br /> ' . NON-UNtFORht COVENANTS.Burrower und L.ender Curthcr cuvcnunt und ug�cc uh fu[luwti:
<br /> 21.Accelerntiani Rcmedies.I.ender shall gtve�wttce ta &►rrawer prlur tu uccelerntiun PollawinR Borrower's bmuch �
<br /> • ._., of any covenant or eRreement in this Security Instrument lbtet not prtor to acoeleration under pAragraph 17 unless
<br /> � upplicuble luw pmvtd�s oihenvtse). '�he notice shnll specify: (u)the default; (b) the actfun required to cure the default;
<br /> (c)a date,not les.4 than 30 days tYom the date the natice!e Atven to Barrnwer.by whtch ihe default must 6r curedt und
<br /> , " (d) that faituce to cure the default on or before the dnte specit7ed In the notice mt�y r�ult in acceleration of the sums
<br /> , secured by this Security Instrument and sale oP the Property.The nottce shnll further inform Barra�ver of the rlght to
<br /> � ". rnin�tc after uttelerattan and thc right to bring a court action to asse:t the nan-ca(stc»ce of u dePault ar any ather
<br /> . ., defet�e of Borrower to acceleratton and sale. If the default is not cured on or befom the tiate speciPied in the aofice,
<br /> , I.ender,at its apt[on, may require immedlate payment In full of all sums secured by[hts Security Instntment without
<br /> ° "` . further demand and may invoke the power of sale and uny other remedles permitted by applicable law.I.ender shall be
<br /> , entitled to collect ell ezpenses incurnd in pursuing the remeclic.w proWded in this paragrnph 21,including,but�ot limite�
<br /> , to.reasonabte nttorneys'fees and costs of title evidence.
<br /> If the power of sate is invoked, '1'nustee shall recaM a rtotice of default in each county in whtch any part of the
<br /> � . ' . Property Ls located and shal!mail copies of such notice In the manner prescrlbed by applicabte law to Bormwer and to
<br />- •-_` the ntber pereuav prescribed by applicabte law.After the time required by applicable law,Trustee shal!give pubUe notEce ,
<br /> • of sale to the persons and in ih�tnanaer prescribed by appltcnble law.Trustee, without demand on Borrnwer,,hall sell '
<br /> the Prap�rty at public auction to the highest bidder at the time and place and under the terms designated in the notice of
<br /> • sale In one or mor�parcels and in auy order Trustee determtnes.Tcustee may postpone sale of all or any parcei of the
<br /> , Prr�perty by public announcemeat at the time and place oP any prevlously scheduled s�le. L.ender or its deslgnee may
<br /> purchase the Property at any sale.
<br /> �.� _ Upon recei{�t of payment oP the pr[ce btd, Trustee shall deliver to the purchaser Trustee's deed conveying the _
<br /> Pmperty. The recitals in the"�'aaistee•s deed shall be prtma Cacie evidence of the truth of the statements•mnde theref�.
<br /> �� � Tnutee shall apply the proceeds of the snle In the[ollo�vins urder:(a)to all costs and expenses ot ezercistng the po�ver of
<br /> - � ; sale,and the sale,inciuding the payment of the Tnistee•s fees actuaily Incurred,not ta exceed the�of 50.QO or �%
<br /> of the prlacipal amount of the note at the time of the declaratton of default,and reasonable attorneys'tces as permitted �'
<br /> � ' by le�v;(b)to ap sums secured 6y thts Secur[ty Instrument;and (c)any rxcess ta We person or persons legally entitled to
<br /> �_•, . it. _—.
<br /> • 22. Reconveyance. Upon payment of all sums secured by this Secudty Instrument. Lender shall request Trustee to �'-"�
<br /> ' reconvey the Propeny and shall surrender this Secur�ty Instrument and aU notes evtdencing debt secured by this Security
<br /> . ' Insuument to Trustee.Trustee ahull reconvey the Piroperty without warranty and wlthout cher�e to the person or persons legally
<br /> „ ' entitled to it.Such person or persons shall pay any recordation costs. ;•
<br />. • 23. Substitute Trastee. I,ender.at iu option, may from time to time remove Trustce and appoint a successor trustee to
<br /> • any Trustee appointed hereunder by an instrument reconled in the county in which dils Security Instrument is recorded.Without ,;.;��
<br /> ' conveyance of the Property, the successor trustee shall succeed to all tlie title,power and duttes conferred upon Trustee herein , •
<br /> . . , end by eppl{cable law. �W"
<br /> - � -� � Z4. Yteyurst Por Nuttces. Borrower reyuests that copies of the notices of dcfault and satc bc sent to Bonower's�ddress �""
<br /> ,, which is the Praperty Address. �.
<br /> rt 25.Riders to tdis SecurUy Instrument. If one or more ciders ere execute�i by Borrower and recorded together wlth this ��-
<br /> " . .• Security inst�umem.the covenants and agreements of each such dder shall be incorporated into and shaU amend and supplement �"
<br /> " .� . .� the covenants and��reements of this Secudry Instrurnent as if the rider(s)were a part of this 5ecudty Instrument. �:;_
<br /> [Check applicable l�ax(es)] �_
<br />. .' ."T� �_
<br /> " ' • f� []Adjustable Rate Rider ❑Condominium Rider 1�3 Femily Rider ;;
<br /> ° � ,'`�� �Graduuted Payment R[der [�Planned LTnit Development Rtder Biweekly Payment Rider ;;=
<br /> L]Balloon Rider ❑Rute Improvement Rider Second Homo Rtder '�-
<br /> • � .�r []V.A. Rider [�Other(s)[specify]
<br /> ". .. ,.�..._.....,. .
<br /> ,�._ ,
<br /> " ° • -Hom� Bquity �.ine R3der - �
<br /> . •�.
<br /> BY SIoNING BELOW, Borrower uccepts und agrees to the terms and covenants contoined in t s Securiry Instrument and
<br /> " ` � in eny dder(s)execuied by 8orrower and recorded wtth it.
<br /> � ' Witnesses: l
<br /> 1) .,
<br /> � � � i ie D. NOde ' -��WCr
<br /> . A�ft� (Seal)
<br /> Susan S. den -aaROwcr
<br /> �
<br /> (Seal) (Se:�l)
<br /> -,�°_ __ _
<br />