.. : . ._.� ,
<br /> _. . .__�----w--------- ..._._ . .. . .... � . _.... . . . .. _ . ..- -----�'= t
<br /> . .,.. . .
<br />... .. , ...: � ? .
<br /> � �-- ' � •-
<br /> . �" &irrower shall prumptly �ive L.ender written nutice of uny investigutiun, claim, demand, luwtiuit or other acti�m by any(Q ' ,
<br />- govrrnmental ur regulatury ugency nr privute party invalving the Propeny und uny H:uurdoux Subswnce ur Enviranmentul La�v� '
<br /> of which B�►rr��wer has uctuul knowtedge. If Norruwer leurnti.or is nutiticd by any �:�►vemmentid ur regulatury authuriry.that � .. '
<br /> un�� �emuvul ur athcr rcmcdiatii►n of any Hui.�rd��us Sub,uw�c allcctin�;ihc Properly i+necr�sary. Harru�►•rr.hull prumptl�•t:�kr
<br /> alt necessary rcmcdinl uctionti in uccurdunrc with Cnvirimmentul t.uw. �
<br /> o Ay uscd in thi�parngraph 2U, "H;uurduu� Suhtitimrcr" urr thrnc�ub+tum:cti dcfinrd u+tuxic ur haiardnuti suh�U�n�cs hy � ,
<br /> ,. Environmcntul Luw and thc fall���vinK suhstunccti: gu+olinc, kcro,cnc, uthcr nu�n�nani� ar tuxir pctrulcum �nxluct., toxic ,
<br /> _ prsticidcs und hcrbicfdcs. vulutilc wlvcnts. mutcriul�r�mtuiuiog u�hcstu�or fi�rmaldchydc.und rudioactivc muicrial�. A� u,cJ in �
<br /> �• • ' thic parugrnph 2Q, "Environmental Luw" mennti Gxierul laws und luws i�f thc jurisdiction �vherc thc Property i.r I�k,urd thut � -
<br /> _ • rclate to hcalth,safety or environmentul prutcctiun. �
<br /> , NUN-UNiNURM COVENANTS. R��rrowcr imd f.cndc�lurthcr covcnunt und ugrcc a�toUawr:
<br /> • � 21. Aceeleration;Remedi�. l.ender rhull Rive nntice tn liurn►Ner pr[or to ucteleruttun followin�Borrower's bmuch �
<br /> •• � uf nny covenant ar u�reement in thi!� tiecurity Iatitrument (but nut prior to uceclerntlon under purnRn�ph 17 unless
<br /> upplicuble luw provfd�othenvisef.The nutice shall specify: (u1 the detaultt(b)the urtion required tu cure the default; '�
<br /> (c)u date�nut Iess thnn 30 dAys fmn�the date the naticc i9 Riven to 8ormwer.by�vhich the defnult must be curedi and '
<br /> (d) that failare la cut�e the deFuult on or befare the dute speciBed!n the notice muy result in uccelerntlun af the Fums
<br /> secured by th(s 5ecurity lnstrument And ss►Ie of the Praper4y. The natice shall further inform Barruwer ut the right ta
<br /> , � reinstate ufter accelerattan ond the ri�ht to brinR u court action to assert the non�existence oP a default or any other
<br /> ' defense of Borrawer ta acceleratton uttd sale. IP the dePault is not cured on or before thr ds�te specified in the notice. '
<br /> . Lender. at its option, may require immcdtate payment in full af all sums socured by this Securily lnstrument wlthaut ,
<br /> = �, further demand and may invoke the pawer of r�alc and any ather remedies permitted by oppIlcable la«•.I.ender shall be . . . ,
<br /> ; entitled to collect ull expenses lncurred in pursuinfi the remedies provided in this paragraph 21.including,but nat Nmited , .. , "
<br /> S ' to.reasonaGle attomeys'fees and costs af title evidence.
<br /> • if the pawer ai sale is(nvoked. Trustee shall recurd a notice oF default in euch couaty in �vhich any part af the • ..
<br /> .. • Property is locnted and ahall muil coples of such notice in the manner prescribed by applicable law ta Borrower and to • _' "�"�
<br /> - " '� the other persons prcuribed by applicable Ixw.After the time required by applicuble luw,Trustee shail give public notice „ •. �
<br /> _ ' af sate to the persons and in the manner prescribed by applicable law.Trustee, without demand on Borrower,shall sell -
<br /> the Property at public auction to the highest bidder at the time and place and under the terms designated in the nottce of . + " •�
<br /> � '" sale in one or rtiore parcels and in any arder Trustee determines. Trustee may postpone sale of all or any parcel ot the
<br /> � Property by publtc ennouncement at the time end pfece of any prnviously scheduted salle. I.ender or Its destgnee may ' ° " , .-.,�;�`
<br /> ° pnrchase the Property at any sale.
<br /> '-::'�f _ Upoa rectipt of payment of the price bid, Trustee shsll deltver to the purchaser Trustee's dQed conveying the _ ���°`=--�
<br /> ,�'�" Property.The recitals in the Tc�utee's deed sliull be prima facie evidence of the truth of the statements made therein. �
<br /> Trustee shall apply the proc�eeds of the sale In the following order: (a)to all rnsts and expenses of exercfstn�the power of
<br /> ; ' • safe,and the sale,including the payment oY the Trustee's fees actually incun+ed,not to exceedthe�of S0.00 or 1/2% `���
<br /> „ of the princ[pal amount of tlie note at the time of the declarntton ot defuult,und reacanable att rneys'fees ac permitted '
<br /> - by lavn(b)to ell sums secumd by Wis Securitv Instrument:und(c1 any excess to the person or persons le�ally entitled to .• ' •
<br /> , . it. ; ,
<br /> ;;':• Z2. Reeonveyance. Upon payment of all sums secured by this Securlty Instru�aent, L.ender shall req�est Trustee to , �, . .' ' i
<br /> ��.::•;; reconvey the Property and shall surc�:nder this Securiry Instrument and all notes evidencing debt secured by d�is Security a� �
<br /> '•�t�Y��� Instrument to Trustee.Trustee shull reconvey the Property without warranty nnd withaut charge to the person or persons legally � %` `
<br /> . ; entitle�to it. Such pecson or persons shall pay any recordation costs. •.;�;�"` '� t�,
<br /> • �,;.'•,,, 7,3. 5ubs11tute Trustee. Lender. ut its option. may from time to time remove Trustee and appoint a successor trustee to �� ,
<br /> �� . ��``�� any Tn�stee appointed hereunder by sin insuument recorded in the wunry In which this Securiry Insuvment !s recorded.Without • �.
<br /> n
<br /> '��''` conveyance of the Property, the sacoessor trustee shell succeed to all the tttle, power and duties confernd upon Trustee herein �.ar
<br /> ,._�,:;. und by applicablc law. ;,'-%+� ',s
<br /> 1.4. Reyuest for Nofices. Borrower requcsts that copies of the noticcs of defuult and sale be sent to Borrower's address •�
<br /> , which is thc Property Address. •• ��
<br /> • 25. Riders to thls Secudty Instru�ent.If one or more riders are executed by Borrower and recorded together with this r�*�--
<br /> ' Security Instrument.the covenants and agreements of each such rider shall be i�.corporated into and shall amend and supplement . �'-�_'_
<br /> , • � the covenants and�greEments of this Security Instrument as if the rider(s)were a patt of this 3ecurlty Instrument. .?:,�� =--
<br /> , � ° [Check appltcable box(es)] ���.• �-
<br /> � ':� ;�:;n:....,,.:.:;^�'�}
<br /> n ❑Ad ustable Rate Rider '��L
<br /> j �Condominium Rider �1-a Fnmily Rider ? �': ``
<br /> , , � '� �Graduated Payment Rtder �Planned Unit Devetopment Rider [�Biweekly Payment Rider :��: •�- v
<br /> _ . � ❑Balloon Rider �Rate Improvement Rider 0 Second Home Rider ;�. a„ � �::.:
<br /> ❑V.A.Rider l�pther(s)[specifyJ ,�ti,. �,;;�'�%4:
<br />_ —_ , ,,:�':�... -- '� -_,--
<br /> . ;s,.,:�-:--. .> -
<br /> � � u', NOTICE OI' DEFAULT � �"'"'�
<br /> ' � ., •
<br />-- ` ' ' BY SICiNIN(i BELOW,8orrower uccepts and agrees to the te d covenants contained in this Secudty Instntment and i:•��' „
<br /> -- 1 > in any rider(s)executed by Borrower and recorded with it. '� �� .
<br /> ,.,; , .. Witnesses: ; .
<br /> ' (Seal) .
<br /> �� . � DANIEL J. ARREIWER -Borrowcr
<br /> �' �,�� .
<br /> ��.:
<br /> '��. � � (Sea!) . ' ,
<br /> ' SALLY . WARRENDER -Barmwer
<br />—�
<br /> a�`.
<br /> � .,
<br /> � ,, ,
<br /> ,� � tScall . .
<br /> _, ° ------- --- ----.... - ------ - - - - ------ --------tSeaU -
<br /> - —-.: - - -
<br /> �- --- - - -
<br /> _�
<br /> ' -13orm�rcr -finrmwcr ..
<br /> .+. . ' . ,
<br />:__ �- STAT�OF 1VEBRASKA. ��� County ss:
<br />— �� � 'fhe forcgoin�i�strument was acknowlalged before me this 30th aay�f ,1U(VE � '
<br />-_� Witness my h�ncf an notaria seal u G�D ISLAND� N � � ������ �d� / �
<br /> '��" :: <-� My Commission Expires: �a,.� � ��"'
<br />—:,7P: � . . ..ali�(�'�_�w.��'1t Nutaq. � °
<br />- -. . �i.�w�iY����� .. ..
<br /> .IM�• �
<br /> "i ��� . Peuo a o�< Form 3028 9190
<br /> "R;
<br /> �, «
<br />