,q ' ,. ^��
<br /> ,, . .
<br /> „ , , .. -
<br /> _ ----_.�_._........___.._....... .._ . . _� . . . . . ... . ... ...--- .._..__ . . ...... . , ..
<br /> .. __ J � � -
<br />' . aub,tuutiutly cqulvatcnt mortg�gc iasurancc covcragc i�r.os aeaitabtc.Somn.cr sha!! pay tn LCR�r�t•}��h in�mth it sum cyual u►. '
<br /> - . . . ..:---
<br /> one-tweifth of the yearly mortguge insurIInee premium tx:ing paid by Borr�wer when the insur.uice covcrage lapxecl or cea�ed tu � � ��{ .
<br />_ he in effect. Lender will accept.use und retain these payments a� a Inti, nserve in lieu ��f murtgage insurunre. I.�i�s retiervo . , �
<br /> puymentti muy nu lun�;er bc reyuired, at the option nf L.ender, if m��rtgugc imurunre roveragc(in thr umnunt imd ti�r thc prri�Ki �
<br /> that [.cnder rcquires) proviJcJ by an insurcr approvcd hy l.andcr aguin hce��mc�availahlr and i,ubt:lllll'lI• BOf�l1\Y�T�IWII �1�y t�
<br /> , �� the prcmiums myuirui to maintuin moetguge intiurance in�ffrct,ur to provide a lurs reservc,until the requiremcnt I�►r mortgag��.. .
<br />. intiurance end�in urcordance with uny writte��agreement between Bi�ra►wer und I.ender nr applicuble law. �i .
<br /> 9. Inspectian. I.ender or its agent muy muke reasonable emcies upon und in.pectionti uf th�: Propeny. I.en�ler .hall bive�
<br /> Borro�vcr nuticc ai thc timc of or prior to an intipecdon spzcifying reationablc cau,c fur thc in�pcction. � °
<br /> 10. Cundemnution. The prcxeeds uf uny uwurd ur claim far dwnuger,direct or comequentiul, in connertion with any�
<br /> , condemnatinn��r other taking of:,ny pan af the Propeny,or for ronveyance in lieu of cundemnation, ure hereby u,tiigned andw •
<br /> � � ,hall br pai�tu LrnJrr. � . '� -
<br />- In the event of a total tnking of thc Pmperty,the pmceeds shull be upplied to the tiums serured by this Sccurity Imtrumcnt. • ,
<br /> ' whethei ur not then due, with uny excetiti paid to Borrawer. In the evem af u panial tuking of the Property in which thc fair
<br /> - murket vuluc oF the Property immediately bcfc�re the tuking is equul to nr greater than the amount of the sum.+,�-eurcd by this �
<br /> . , Security lnstrument lmmediately before the tuking,unlass Borrower und l.ender otherwise asrce in writia�, the+um�secured by
<br /> . thi� Security Instrument shatl be reduced by the umount oY the proceedti multiplied by the following fruction: (u1 the tatal
<br /> umaunt of the sumn securuf inim�iiately before the taking, dividcd by (b)the fair market valuc of the Property immntiutcly � �.,
<br /> before thc tuking. Any baluncc shali bc paid to Borcowcr. In thc evcnt of a partial talcing�f the Property in �yhich the fuir '
<br /> murket value of thQ Pr�perty immediutcly befnre the tuking is Icss than the amount of the sums securod immc{iintely bcforc thc
<br /> takin�, unless Bonowcr and Lender utherwiae ugree in writing or unless applicable law othenvisc provides,the pmcceds shall
<br /> . bc applied to tho sums serurcd by this Sccurity Instrumcnt whether or not the sums arc then duc. .
<br />- If th�Proparty is abundoned by �orruwer.ar if,after notice by Lender to Borrower that the candemrwr offcrs t�muhe un
<br /> awurd or setele a claim far damages, Borrower fails to respond to I.ender wfthin 30 days after the date the notice is given.
<br /> � " I.ender is authoriu:d to collect and apply the proceeds,at i�c option,either to restoration or repair of the Pruperty or to lhe sums . �
<br /> , secured by this Security Instrument,whether or not then due. "'
<br /> ' . Unless l.ender and Borrower otherwise agree in writing, any ttpplication of pmcer.cis to princip�il shuit �wt rxtoud oi• �t� .
<br /> . postpone the due dute of the manthly payments referred to in paragraphs 1 and 2 or change the amount of such puyrnents.
<br /> J+ ll.Borrower Not Reteased=Torbearunce By I.ender Noi a Waiver. Cxtension of the time for payment ar modificatiou �
<br /> � of amortization of the sums secured by this Security Instrument granted by Lender to any successor in interest of Barrower shall
<br /> ! . nat operate t�release the liability of the original Borrower or Honower's successors in intere�t. Lender shalt not be required to
<br /> ' . commence proc:c�dings against uny successor in interest o�refuse to extend time for payment or otherwise modify amortization
<br /> • -'�'c• of the sums secured by this Securiry Instrument by reasan of any demand made by the originril Borrower or Borrower's � '��._
<br /> '�;;,;;.� succ�,sars in interest. Arsy forbearance by L.ender in exercising any right or remedy shall not be a waiver of�ur preclude the � --
<br /> � , exercise of any ri�ht ar remedy. t� .__
<br /> 12. Successois and Assi�ns Baund; Joint and Several Liability; Co-signers. The covenants and a�rcements of thls ,. "
<br /> Security Instrument shull bind and benefit the successors and assigns of Lender und Borrower, subject to the provIsians of ��+`��';
<br /> . paragraph 17. Borrower's covenants i►nd agreements shall be joint and several. Any Bonower who co-signs this Security .� '
<br /> ►n
<br /> Instrument but dces not execute the Note: (a) is co-signing this Security Instrument only to mort�age,grant and convey that ' ,;;;:;
<br /> , ' `: }
<br /> . „
<br /> _ ,.:� . :•
<br /> �:;:j'—— Bonower's interest in the Property under the terms of th�s Secunty lnstrument; (b)is not personaliy obiigated to pay the sums "`i , � � '"
<br /> secured by this Security Instrument;and(c)agrees ihat I.ender and uny other Borrower may a�ree to extend. modify, forbear or ��. �
<br /> � • make eny accommodations with re�ard to the terms of this Security Instrument or the Note without that Borrower's consent. � �'� <''; �
<br /> 13.Iw�an Chargea. If the loan secured by thie Security Instrument is subject to a law which sets maximum loan chargas. : `
<br /> . and that law is finally interpreted so that the intere.qt or other loan charges coUected or to be collected in connection with the , ��� !
<br /> loan exceed the permitted limits, then: (a)uny such taan charge shull be reduced by the amount necessary to reduce thecharge �;r'
<br /> .`,,..:'� °.' to the permitted limit;and(b)any sunis ulreudy collectecl from Borrower which exceeded permitted limits will be rvfunded to �;
<br /> � � Borrower. Lender may choose to make this refund by reducing the principal owed under the Note or by making u direct .ti�, �;
<br /> '� �• payment to Borrower. If a refund reduces principul, the reduction will be treated as a partial prepayment without any
<br /> _ ' prepayment churge uader the Note. -
<br /> �,�.�;ti� 14.Notices.Any nottce to Bonower pravided for in this Security Instrument shall be given by dclivering it or by mailins ,���
<br /> -,,:,:�,,;,�' it by first ctass matl unless applicable law requires use of another method. The notice shall be directed to the Property Addrcss ' •:.�Y�.�.--
<br /> � � or any other nddress Bonower designates by notice to Lender. Any notice to Lender shalt be yiven by ftrst class mail to ���, .,;�
<br /> . Lender's addcess stated herein or any other address Lender designates by notice to Bonawer. Any notice provIdc�d for in this
<br /> -'y� Security Instrument shall be deemed to have been�iven to Bonower or L.ender when given a+provided in this parngraph.
<br /> �'`'-' • I5.Governing Law; SeverabH[ty. This Security Instrument shall be governed by federAl law and the lawof the ��
<br /> . ��;�^
<br /> • jurisdiction in�vhtch the Property is IucAted. In the even[that any provislnn or clause of this Securiry Instrument or the Note . ��
<br /> � �" conflicts with applicable law, such conflict shnll not affect other provisions of this Security Instntment or the Note which can be
<br /> , given effect wIthout the conflicting provision. To this end the provisions of this Security Instrument and the Note are declareti , u
<br /> to be severable. ' � R""�`
<br /> � .� 16.Borrower's Copy.Bottower shall be given one conformed copy of the Note and of this Security Instrument. " �'• .
<br /> - " ' 17.Transfer of the Pro rt or a Bene�cial Tnterest in Borrower. If atl or an art of the Pro ert or un interest in it '
<br /> :,«,-.._,. :� . _. 6�c Y Y P P Y Y ..:�;�--
<br /> - ' . .• �'` ' is sold or transferred(or if a benet3cial interest m Borrowcr is sotd or trnnsferrcd and Horrawer is not a natural person)without
<br /> = Ixnder's prior written consent, Lender muy, ut itx optian, requirc immediate payment in full of all sums secured by this � �'' "
<br /> ` Security Instrument. Howevcr,this option shall not be exercised by Lender if excrcisc is prahibited by federal luw as of the date , �
<br /> - of this Security Instrumcnt. •�'�����'
<br /> If Lender exercises this option, Lender shall give Borrower notice of acceleration.',"he notice shall provide a p�ria1 of not � „o
<br /> .- less than 30 days from the date the notice: is delivercd or muiled within which Borrower must pay all sums secured by this
<br /> = -- Security Instrument. If Borsower fails to pay these sums prior to the expiration of this period,Lender may invoke pny remetlics , -
<br />-_ , .. permitted by this Sccurity Instrument without further notice ot demand on Horrov►er.
<br /> ° 1$. Borrower's Right to Relnstate. (f Borrower mcets certuin conditions. Harcower shall hnve the right to have '"
<br />_��' ' � enfarcement of this Securiry instrument discontinued at any time prior to the earlier of: (a) 5 days (or such other period as
<br /> a applicablc law may specify for rcinstatement) beforr s;ilc uf thc Property Purauant tn any power of sale contained in this ' ,
<br />-= 5ecuriry Instrument:or(b)entry of a judgment enforcing this Security Instrnment.Those conditions are that Borrower:(a)pays
<br /> — Lender all sums which then would be due under this Security Instrument and the Note as if no acceleration had occurred:(b) '
<br />_;�. cures any default of any other covenants or agrcements: (c) pays ull expenses incurred in enforcing this Security Instrurnent.
<br />_ � including,but not limited to, reasonable attomeys' fces; and(d)takes such action as Lender may rcasonubly require to assurc
<br /> �� that the lien of this Security Instrument, Lender'x rights in the Property and Borrower'.obligatinn to pay the sums secured by '
<br /> �'� • this Security [nstrument xhall continue urnhan�ed. Upon reinstatement by &irro�ver, this Security Instivrnent an�i lhe
<br /> -� � ----- -- nhlivatiorn cecurncl hrrnhv chnll rcmain fnl(v effective ati if ru�arceler�tion hud ixc:�rred. However. thix riL•ht t��rrinstale zh�ll - ------
<br /> —..—. _ . ., - _ -
<br /> - -
<br /> �Y ,, nnt apply in thc ra.c nf acccicraticm undcr paragraph 17. „
<br /> - 19. Sulc of Note; Chnnge of I.oan Seevi¢er. Thc Notc or a partial intcretit in thc Nntc (togethcr with this Sccurity ,.
<br /> � In�trument)may bc tiold cinc ur nwrc timcs without prior noticc to Borrower. A s;dc may rosult in a change in the entity Iknuwn
<br /> i .: a.the"I.nan Serviccr"1 that c��llcct.monthly p,�ymcnts due under thc Nnte anJ thi.Security In.trumcnt.Thcre ako may bc onc `
<br />_ a. or murc�hangc�o(thr Iaian Scrviccr unrclat�til to a sale�sf the Nate. If there i.a rhangc i�f the Luan Scrvircr. B��rmwer��•ill he
<br />;-��, ' ° givcn writtrn nuticc cif thc changc in arcorJ•rncr with parsgraph 14 abuvc and applicublc la�v.Thc nc�t�rc�►•ill�tatc the namr and
<br />_ _ •• addrcsc of the ncw Luan Scrvircr and thc addre�s to �vhich paymcnts tihould bc madc.Thc noticr will also contain any othcr ;
<br />_�� inti�rniatiun n�quintii by applicuble law.
<br /> ; .. 20. Harurdous tiubstana.w. Bunuwcr.ha�l ni�t ruu,c ur permit thc pre�rncc. u.c. Ji,�x�.al. �torrgr, ur rdcu�r i�t'an�
<br /> � , Hur.aniuu. Sub.tanrr, un ur in thr Pro�rty. Bottuwcr .hall nut du. nur :IIIOW 811Yll�ll` rl�r tu d��, anything afC��ting tl►r .
<br /> Pmperty that i� m viulatiun uf c�ny Envin,nmrntal La�v. 'fhc prcr�tiing tw•i� .entenreti�hall nut apply tei thc prt�encr.u�c.�,r
<br /> '� • . sturagc un thc Property uf+mall yuantitir�of HazurJuu. Sub.tanrc� thut an�rncrally rcrognirnYi t��hc appropri,rte t��nurnial '
<br /> � •' rcsidentiul u.cs and t��maintcnanc�ot'thc F'n��rty.
<br /> -�
<br /> �
<br /> �� �.�•��•a,��a Form 3028 9i80 �
<br /> •�
<br />