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<br /> OEED OF TFtU3T WITH FUTURE ADVANC�S � �`` �� " �
<br /> THIS OEC�OF TRUST,Is made as of the�day of June ,19 '.�.�,by und nmong �
<br /> theTrustor, jtuusoll r�. Barth & Larrai.ne i��. 13artli, husband �'c �•ri�f�l , '
<br /> whose malling address is ��� �� p�ttP ����'"; "�"" �'��'= ��};r�'�? (herein"Trustor;'whether one or more), �
<br /> the Trustee, � �
<br /> whoae mallfng addroas ia P� �ox ;3� lloni phan , Id u uc�t3�2 (heretn"Trustee"),and
<br />� the Beneticfary. �nnk n f Tl e�n j„rl�� � ' .
<br /> whose mallfng addresa�s 1'..4_J3�2��3.a n�ni}�;L�. I�'a E��L32 (hereln"lender"). ;
<br /> FOR VALUABL�CON8ID�RATION,Mciuding Lender's extenalo�of aredit IdenUfled herein to_ 4u=%�a1 l .� �3;axth .S:
<br /> '� Lor�raine IY, Darth, husband & wif�erein'gorrower",whether one or more)and thetruet hereln created,
<br /> • the receipt of whioh is hereby acknowiedged,Trustor hareby irrevooably grants,transters,conveys and aeatgne to Trustee, IN •
<br /> TRUBT.WITH POWER OF SAI.E,for the beneiit and seaurlty ot lender,under and subject to the terma and conditio�+a hereinetter set
<br /> 1ohh,the real properry,desaribed as fal�ows: The i�ast One Huridred Pwenty-five (125 J Fec�t „
<br />� ' " o£ the ;lest Two Hundred Four (201�) 'r'eet af Lot One (1) of the , , �
<br /> �� L'ounty �ubdivision of the South Half (:�]./2) of �ection Five (5)r ,
<br />• " in 'lb�•mship Nine(�), IJo.rth, dan�e iVine (�) , 'r�o:.t of the 6th Pnl
<br />. " H;,�lt County, Nebraska
<br /> � Toget her w i t h e i l bu l l d i n g s,i m p r o v e m e n t s,N x t u r e s,a t�e e t a,a l t e y s,p a s s a g e w a y s,e a s e m en t a,ri ghts,privlte ges and aapurte• •
<br /> nencea located thereon or in anywlse pertafning thereto,and the rente,isaues and profits,reversions and�omaindera thereot,and
<br /> � euch pereonal properly that Is attaohed to the improvementa so as to conatitute a fixture,Inaluding,but not�Imited to,heaUe�g and . :. „
<br /> � aooNnp equipm�n�and together with the homestead or marita�interests,If any,which intereste are hereby released and watved;all • �t
<br /> o!whlch,Inaluding reptacements antl addltions thereto,Is horeby deolared to be a pert of the reat eatate secured by the Ilen of thia y�5 ,�
<br /> , • Deed of Trust and a�l of the toregoing being reterred to hereln es the"Properly". n
<br /> � Thts Deed of Truat ahall secure(s)the payment ot the princlpal sum and interest evidenced by a promissory note or oredlt ;�,���'-
<br /> June 15. 20Q5 �� ° . '� �
<br /> agreoment doted J�� 11.�.. Ly9 5 ,hav�ng a metu�iry date ot � � � � �
<br /> ��:
<br /> --- �y �nn nri ,anci any and a0 cnodittcadons,axtsnsiQne an�!rAnewats • ' .
<br /> -� In tho orlginat prinolpal amount of$ �� ��"".""
<br /> ' lhereoi ar thereto and any and aIi future advances and readvances to Borrower(or eny of them it more than one)hereunder
<br /> pureuant to one o r m o r e p r o mi s sory notes or credtt a greements(herein oalled"Note"):(b)the paymont of other suma advanced by y 1,�� ,
<br /> Lender to p►oteat t ho secur i t y o f t he No t e;(a)t h e p e r t o r m a n o e o t a l l c o v e n a n t s a n d a g r e e m e n t a o f T r u s t o r s e t t o r t h h erein;and(d)all ,c
<br /> °� preteM end tuturo Indebtednesa and obllgatlona ot Borrower(or any of them it more than one)to Lender whether direat,indireot 4' ;���.
<br /> abaoiute or continpent and whether erloing by�ote,guarenty,overdrait or otherwlse.The NotA,this Deed of Trust and any end sll �•� ,
<br /> ' other doouenM that eoaure the Note or otherwlse exeouted in conneation therewith,Inaluding wlthout Iimitatlon guerantees,seourity � f°
<br /> � • � �� ayreemente end eaetflnments of leasee end rents,shail be referred to herein as the"Loa�Ooouments". � � �
<br /> Yruetor oovenente and agreea with Lender as(ollows: ' i:
<br /> 1. Po m�n2 ot Ind�bt�dness.Ail Indebtedness secured horeby shalt be pald when due. " .
<br />� ' 2. Tlt�e.T�u9tor la the owner of the Property,has the right and authority to convey the Property�and wartanla that the Iten .��__v
<br /> ' createc!hereby le e flrst and prior Ilen on the Properry, except for tlena and enoumbrancee set forlh by Trustor in writing and �., _,F_
<br /> ' dellvered to Londer befora exeauUon of this Deed of Trust,and the exeautlon and delivery of thia Oeed of Truet does not vlolate any �. ,'�
<br /> coMreat or other obligaticn to whiah Trustor is subJect .: _ __.
<br /> 3. T�xn,A��nsmmb.To pay betore detinquency all taxea,apeaia►asseasmenta and all other chargea against the Properly r
<br />- now or heroniter levied. ' �
<br /> � ' 4. In�unne�.To keep the Property Insured agalnat damage by flre,hezarda included wlthin the term"extended coverage".end
<br /> ..`M,
<br /> • � su�h other hatarde as tender may �equira, In amounta and wlth companies acceptable to Lender,naming Lender as an addidonal
<br /> ��amed Insured,with loss payable to the Lender.�n caee ot loss under such po�iofea,the Lender is authorized to adJust,colteat and �" .�-
<br />- �� compromlee,alt alalms thereunder and shall have the option of appiying all or part of the Inaurance proceede(I)to any indebtednesa . °\:: _—, -
<br /> secured horeby and in ouoh order ae Lender may determi�e,pi)to the Trustor to be used tor the repair or restoredon of the Property �,r, �^ .
<br /> . orpll)for sny other purpose or obJeat satistactory to Lender without afleating the lien of thia Deed ot Truat tor the fuil amount seaured - _,;�;�___
<br />- haeby before euah payment ever took place.Any appltcaUon of proceeda to Indebtedness shatl not extend or postpone the due 'qIA��:�
<br /> ' dete of uny peymente under the Note,or aure any detautt mereunder or hereunder. . . `'�'°� :.
<br /> 6. F.�o►ow.Upon wrltten demand by Lender,Truator ahatl pay to Lender,In auah manner as Lende�may designate,sut�cient • .
<br /> ' ' • suma to onebto Londor to pny as they beCOme due one or more oithe foilowing:(i)all taxes,asaessmenffi and other chargea agalnat •
<br />= " !ha Proporty,(li)the premlume on the property ineurance required hereunder,and(iil)the premiums on any mortgage insurance
<br />= � �eQU1reM by londer. ln ood condltlon end repalr,�hell '
<br /> ` � 6. Id�lotmane�, R�pain aed Compilanao wHb Lsw�.T�uator ahall keep the Property p ,
<br />= promptty repeir,or�oplaco any tmprovement which may be damaged or destroyed;ahall not commft or permit any waste or ,
<br /> deterloretion of tho P�operty;shutt not remove,domolish or substantlatty atter any of the Improvomenta on the Property;shali not .,
<br /> commit auMor or porm8 any nat to bo done in or upon the Property i�vlotatlon ot any law,ordinance,or reguletlon;and ehali pay and
<br /> �� " promplly dieahargo nt Truator's ooat and expense all Iie�s,encumbrances and charges levled,imposed or essessed agalnst the � ;
<br />_ _ . ' Propc�rry or any puA thoroot. •,
<br />- 7. LmlMttt Oom�ln.Londor te horeby aeatgned all compensation,awards,damages and other payments or relfef(hereinafter
<br />� "Proaoeds")In eonnnctlon wlth condemnation or other taking of the Property or part thereot,or tp�canveyence in Ileu ot condemna-
<br /> : tlon. Londor shn�l bo ontlttod at Ite optfon to commence,appear In and prosecute In ita own name any aaUon or proceedings,an� .
<br />:� � ehaii o�so bo ontlElod to mako pny comprom�so or setttement in connection with such taking or damage.In the event any portion of
<br /> � tho P�oporty ts oo takon or dnmefled,Lender shall have the optfon,ln ite sole and absoiute dlacretlon,to app�y alt such Proceeds,
<br /> �,. , ador doduolinfl lherofrom nll aosts and exponaes incurred by it In connectlon wlth auch Proceeda,upon any Indebtednesa secured f
<br /> _ __ hmebv nnd In euah ordor ns Lend�r may determine,or to appiy a�t auch Prxeeds,atter such deductiona,to the restoretion ot the L
<br /> -- . . . . ..-�-----�_,�__._..._..a.,...�........e „
<br /> �. PropeRy upon euah condttiono an Londer mey detemtlno.Any 8ppitcenon ot rroceeas w inanoiw��oao o��a����...d�.4..��..•••-Y-•.- -
<br /> � -- _
<br /> - the due dato ot uny puymonte under tho tdote,or cure any deteutt thereunder or hereunder.Any uneppiied tunda shaif be pafd to
<br /> Trustor. �,
<br /> �- �� 8, Psrtorm�nc�by Lond�►.Upon tho occurrence ot an Event ot Qetault hereunder,or it any act Is taken or Iega�proceeding
<br /> ; ' � commena�d whlah matorlally aHoolo Londor's intereat In the Property,Lender may In i!o own disoretion,but w(thout obligation to do
<br /> • eo,Q�d without notloo to or domu�d upon Trustor end without releasing Trustor trom any obilgatlon,do any aot whfch Trustor hao
<br /> bqroed bu!fnl�e to do and mny aleo do uny othpr 8at It deema neceasery to protect the aeourity hereot.Trustor ehall,Immediateiy
<br /> upon domnnd thorotor by Londor,poy to londer nll coats and expeneea incurred and suma expended by Lender in connecdon with
<br /> � the exorolso by Lendor ot tho torogalnfl rlghto,togother wfth interestthereon et the detault rate provided in tha Note,which ehall be
<br /> adde3d to Iho Indobtodnose oocurod horoby. Londor ehail not fncur any Ilebiilty because of anything tt may do or omit to do
<br /> horvundo►. , •
<br /> :i � .
<br /> „
<br /> ,t
<br /> r
<br /> ` , I
<br /> f �
<br /> '�t+ I
<br />