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<br /> ' ' puymeAta may ao longer be required, ut the optbn of l.ender.if mortgage lnsurance covernge pa the n�nount nnd for the pedod •. .
<br /> tbut l.ender requires)provided by an insurer upprovcd by Lender again becomea avnilnble end ia obwlneA. Borrower thsill pay .
<br /> the premivaas required ta mair►tain mortgage Inauraucc in effecc,or to provide a losa reserve.until the requireraent for mortguge ,
<br /> Inswance ends ia accordeace with any wtltten agccemeat between Borrower tind I.eader or appticnble law. ,
<br />� 9.Inspedton. Lender or tts agent may make reasonublo entrIes upoa aad iaspections of the Property. Leader ahall give
<br /> . . „ Borrower nodce at the tirae of or prior to an inspectioa specifying rea�oneble cause fot the inspectton.
<br /> ' 10.CottdemnaUon.The ptnceeds of aay uwari!or claim for dama�es. dire�t or wnsequential. in coanectloA w�tb aay , ,
<br /> " condemnudon ar other taking of any pact of tbe Property.or for coaveyaace In Neu af coademnatioa. are hereby assigaed and .
<br />- ahall be paid to Leader. �
<br /> � In the event of a total taking of the Property. the proc�s shall be applied to the sums se�ured by this 5ecuriry Insuument, ,
<br /> whether or not then due. with aaY excess paid to Horrower. In the event of a partial takIag af the Property In which the fair ••
<br /> anarket value of the Property lsnmediateIy before the taldng is eqnal to or greater thaa the amount of the sums secured by this , ,
<br /> �� Sei.vdty Insuument immediately before the taklag.unless Bormwer and Lender otherwise agree in wrttiag,the sw�ns sccured by
<br /> • this Secudty Iasuument shaU be reduced by t6e amount of the proceeds maidplied by the foUowing fracdoa: (a)the wtal �
<br /> emount of the sums secured immediately before the tatdng. divided by (b)the fair market vatue of the Proparty immediatelY
<br /> � � " before the taking. Any balence shall be paid to Barrower. Ia the event of a pa�tial takfng of the Property in which the fair
<br /> ` � market value of the Pt+operty immedietely i�efon the taking is less than the amouut of the sums secured immediately l�efon the . ,. . ,
<br /> teking. unless Boaower and Lender atherwlse agt�ee itt wrlting ar unless applicable law otheiwIse provides.the p�s ehall : .
<br /> .. � be applied to the sums secured by this Se+scuriry lasuument whether or aot the suau ar8 then due.
<br /> If the Pro�erty is abanduned bY Bo�scoWer,or If, after nodce by I,ender to Bon+ower that the condemnor offera to malce an
<br /> � awerd or sottle a claim for damages. Bortower fails to respond to Lender with(n 30 days after the date the aotice is given, � „
<br /> � Lender ia authorized w coUect a�L app1Y the Pmceeds.at ita option,either to reswrattoa or repair of the Property or to the sums :-
<br /> � • ��by this Secudt�r Instrument.whether or not then due. ���' �
<br />- • . , Unless Lender and Borrower otherwise agree in wdting, enY aPPlic�tion of proceeda to ptlaeipal shaU not extend or - ;;,,.; '�
<br /> � � � postpone We dus daze of the monthly payments referred eo in ParaSrnPha 1 and 2 or change the a�aount of such paymenta. • '
<br /> rorbearance Lwtder Not a Waiver.Extension of ttte time for papment or modiRcation � '',� ��.'�,
<br /> 1 1.B o r r o w e r N o t R e l e a s e d; B i' .. •�• ;
<br /> � af amortlzation of the sums secwced by this Secudty Insuutaent Srauted by Lender to any successor in interest o f B orrower s h a l l �-;; ;
<br /> . aot op�rate to release the liability of the orIgtnal Borrower or Bo:rower's successors ia interest.L�ender shall noi be uired to ' `'
<br />, eII iC�l ,, � a ,, f
<br /> .� : �-mm�,e,�ce proceedings againsc any successor in intcrest or refuse to extend 2 i t ne for payment or o t he e�v l s�s m o d i f y a m orti�ation -. �, _ u !
<br /> of the sums secured by this Secudty Inetnimeat by reASCm of any demaad made by the origtnal Hon+oaer or Borrower'a ? ':,, � `
<br /> � � suooessors ia iaterest. Any fotbearaace by Leoder in exeicis3�ng any rl8ht or zemedy shall not be a weiver of or preclude the f; ���•
<br /> � � �;
<br /> �. „ exercise of any rlght or s�emedY• . R ,•t,,;�
<br /> � 12. Suocessors and Asstgns Boundi Jofat and Several Ltabidityi C�SQers. 1]ie covenants aad egreements of this , . � !.
<br /> Securlty lnstrument shall bind and beneflt the sucr,essors and assigna of Lender and Borrower, subject w the pmvlsiona of ,,.1 .�i,
<br /> � patagraph 17. Borrower's wvenants aad agreaments shaU be joint aad severel. Any Botmwer who caslgas thia Secudry � 1:�.�:;.,.;' s . ,
<br /> • Instrument but dces not exxuu the Note:(a)is casigning this Secudty Insmumeat ody W mortgage.grant aad oonvey that ;1�;,:'�;,��,
<br /> � ' Bonawer's iaterest ia the Property under the terms of this 5e�urlty Inst�ument�@)Is aot peraonaAy obligated to pay the suma ,�����:"�;' �;;
<br />_ • secured by this S�cutity Insnument:and(c)agree,a that I.eader and eny other Botrower may agroe w extead,madify.forbear or , ' .
<br /> , melce aay aoconnmodations with regard to the tecros of this Sewdty Iasttumeat or the Note without thai Bon+ower's consent. . .. - -
<br /> 13.I.oan�harges.If the loan secured by tbia Secudty In�uumeat is subject to a law which seta ma�cimum loan charges, � ������
<br /> _ ' and that law is finalty inurpreted ao that the incerest or ottter loan charges aoAocted or to be collected in connection with the . - --
<br /> = � " loaa eaceed the permitted limits,then:(a)any such toaa charge shall be reduced by the amouat neceasary to roduoe ths cLarge „ �`:�_
<br /> . � to the penmItted limit:and(b)any soms aiready colleaed from Bormwer which eaoeeded permitted limits wW be rei�nded to .
<br /> 'w�
<br /> _ � Bomower. Ixnder may choose to make this refiwd by reducing the pr�cipal owod under the Note or by making a di�ct � ; ��
<br /> .: " ' '" payment to Borrower. If a cefund reduces principal. the reducttoa wW be u�eated as a partiel Pnpayment without any ;:, =
<br />_ . ^�• a nt charge under the Note. �� ,`:"`; ` M,�
<br /> _ ., • P�P Y� .� � .T:,
<br /> „ 14.Not[ces.Any aotice to Borrower provided for in Wis SecurIry Insuument shaU be given by delivering it ur by mailing :';;�-- _•
<br /> � it by fust class mail ualess applicable law requires usc of another method.The notice shall be directed to the Property AdMess :• "
<br /> r_.�. .
<br />;__ •' .., or a�y other address &+rrower designates by aodce to L.ender. Any notice to I..ender shall be given by first class matl w ..,__..:•::._- ._ _. _
<br />-� Lender's address staud hereia or eny uther address Leader designates by notice to Borrower. Aay aotioe provided for in tbia �
<br /> r. . Security Inatcnment shalI be decmed to have been given to Borrower or Leader when gtven as provided in this paragraph. _
<br /> � iS.Governing I.aw; Severability. This Security Inauumeat shall be govemed by federa! law end the law of the � •
<br />-= � jurlsdiction in which the Property is located.ta the event that eay provisioa or clauscs of this Security Insuuwent or the Note � '��`
<br />- conflicta vvttb applicable law.evch conflict ahall not afFect other pmvisions of thls Secudty Instzument or the Note which can be • �-
<br />�`' �� given effect wlthout the conflicting pmvision.To this end the pmviaioas of tbia Security Insriument and the Note are declat+ed • .
<br /> � wbe severable. ��
<br /> i► � 16.Borrower's Copy.Borrower shall be givea one conformed oopy of the Note and of thta Socurlry Inatn�ment. ��
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