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<br /> � g 5_ 104910
<br /> � xnsuremce. Borrower shall keep the improvemeata now existing or hereafter erected on the � _
<br />- ' � S. Huzurd or �'ropeaty _
<br />� • � Property fasured agat�fst loss by fire.hazards Included withia the term "eatended coverage" aad aay other hazArds. inctudiag „
<br /> . .. , flooda or flooding, for wblch I.ender requires insuranc�. Thi���°�eh�l������e amounts suid for the pedoda , .
<br /> " ,� �t��d���y. �he insuraace carcier providiug the insurauce shall be chosen by Borrovier subJect to I.euder's approval
<br /> Lendes may at Lender's
<br />= which shall not be unteasoaably withheld. If Bortower faUa to taaintain coverage describPd aboVe, .
<br />� opiiOA�obtain coverage to protect Leader's rtghta in the ProPertY in acs��deAC.e with paragraph 7.
<br /> � pU iasaraace policies aad renewals shall be acceptable to l.ender aad shall iaclude a staadard mortgage clause. I.eader
<br /> s sbaU have the rlght to hold the policies and renewals.If I.eader requice.s.Borrower shali pmmpdy give to Lender all receipts af
<br />; p�d prem{��nd ren�v�,ai notices.In the event of loss, Horrower shall give prompt nodce to the iasutance r.artler and I.eader.
<br />_ I,ender mey make proof of lo�s if not made promptlY bY BorroWer.
<br /> - Un(ess L,ender aad Bosrower otherwise agree in wddng,insura�►ce pmc�d8 8�1�applied to restoratton or repair of the .
<br />' Property damaged.if the reswratton or repair ia economicsUy feasible aad�der'insurance p jmceeds shaU be appl�ied to the swna ,
<br />_ �' npair is not economicaUy feasible or Lender's security wuuld 1�e lessene�.
<br /> ` � � secured by this Security Insuument, whethee oc nat then due, with any excxss paid to Borrower. If Horrower abandons the ^
<br />_ ;`•;;', ,. ,
<br />�.; `,• , Property�or dces aot enswet within 30 days a nodce from I.ender that the ir�surance carrler has offered to setde a claim,then .
<br /> �'���` ' � Lendar may wllect the insu�aace pma�ds. Leader may use the proceEds to repair or restore the Property or to pay sums • .
<br />±; ��by�y S�urityr Instcumeat.whether or not then due.The 3Qday perlod will begin when the notice is gtven.
<br />_ . Unless Ixnder aad Horrower otherwlse agree ia wrlting� az►Y aAPlicatlon of proceeds to principat shaU not extead or
<br />_ � posepone the due date of the monthly payraenta referred to in paragrapl�s 1 ead 2 or change the amount of the payments. If °
<br /> ,, uader paragraph 21 the Property is acquited by L.ender, Borrower's dght to any�aurance policies and pmceeda resulting from �.. .`-'�
<br />"' " . damage w the Property Prior to the acquisidoa shaU pass to Lender w the extent of the suma secured 6y thia Scruriry Iasuu��t .� .,jt'�'" _
<br /> _ �� immediately prior w the acqutsitton.
<br />_ m ,;.
<br /> - 6.OccupancY,Preser�'atlon,Matatenance and Protectton oi We Propertyi Borrower's Loaa AppIIcatlon=Leasebolds. �� �
<br /> - � Bornower shaU occupy.establish.aad use the PropertY as Borrower's prlacipal resldence within sixry days after the execudoa of ..;, '�
<br />_ ' -_--- c oatlaue to x�p y�1'�lP��as Borrower's prIncipal residence for at least oae year aRer jYa�, _ ... �ti,� 1
<br /> c h i s S e c a i ri t y L�t�u n t e n t a u d o h a l t
<br /> ..� the date of occupanaY,unless 1.ender otheruvise agre�s in writIng,w l�i c h�°nsen t s h a ll n o t b e u n r e a s o n a b l y w i t h h e l d,o r u n t e u a :,, � :
<br /> ' extenuadng circumstances exist which are beyond Borrower's conu+ol. Bornawer ahall aot destroy► dama8e or icppaie the �;`,��: :.
<br /> - to deterlorate, or comrait weste on the Property. Bornnwer sball bs �n default if az►y forfeiturc `.{ �':;.;,� :
<br /> ., Pmperty. aUow the Ptoperty .,: �
<br /> — . action or proceeding,w he t b e r c i v ll or a r i m i n a i, i a b e g u n t h a t i a Lender'S Sood faith judgment could result in forfeiture of the ;i,'`I
<br /> •' !
<br /> - Property or atherwise materially imPair We llen oreated by this Security Insuvment or Lender's securlty laterest. Borrowec tnay •• +:
<br /> cuc+e such a default and reiavtate.as pmvidai ia paragcaph 18.by eausing the eccioa or pmceedia8 to be dismiascd with a nding ,j , j i
<br /> - �hat� in I,ender's good faith determination, Precludea forfeiture of the Borrower's interest ia the Property or other materlal �. ;
<br /> _ impairateat of the lien c�by this Securiry Insuunneat or Lender's securlty inurest. Borrower sball also be it►default if
<br />-. Borrower.during tho loan application process.Bave matertally false or inaccurate infora�atton or stntements to Lender(or failed -�
<br /> _„ co provlde Lender with any materlal iafarmati°a)ia�°�n°�tion with tha loaa evidenced by the Note,including�but not limited , �;��_
<br /> of the Property as a priacipal residenc�.If this Secudty Inatrumeat is an a F,�� y�:_
<br /> - . to.rePresentedons concernin�Borrower's occupanoY .: . `_``-
<br />�. � leasehold� Borrower shalfl comply with a11 tt►e provleions of the lease. If Bormwer acqu�res fee dtle to the Property� the _,
<br />_._ `` . leasehold and the fee dtle ahall not merge unless Lender agre�to the merger in wrleiug. � �•
<br />' tedton of Leader's Rights in the Property.If Borrower faila to perforca the wvenants and ageementa wntained 9n �,-;.
<br /> 7.Pro
<br /> -- • , this 5er�rity Insuument� or there is a legal pmceeding thnt may significantly affect Lender's rlghts in tho ProPortY(such as a
<br /> then Lender may do and �t ���`-�
<br /> o; �� p�iug iu bankruptoy,probate for condemnation or forfetture or to enforce lawa or reguladons)� _ < �w=
<br /> , , , �,,�..� :.���
<br /> _ • ��. pay for wbatover is necessa►y to pmtect the value of the PropertY and Lender s dghta in the Property.Lender s actions may ,ti.., :
<br /> — �' include PaY�8 �Y sums se�ured by a lien wlach has priority over thia Secutity Instrunaent, aPPearjag ln court. PaY�B � ,��...
<br />-4= ..��-�'�:`• .. reasonable attomeys'fees and enterlag on the Property to make rePairs.Aithough I.ender may take action under this paragraph . ,.:.��;.�.
<br /> �. , . . 7.Ixnder doea noc have�n do so. " ' -. ��. � °
<br /> _ � , � pny amounts diabuised by I.ender uader this paragraph ? shetl bc�ome additional debt of Bnrrower secured by this �`>;sY
<br />�°� Securiry Inamuaent. Unle,cs Bormwer aad I.ender agree to other terma of payment,these amouats shall bear interest fcom the , ,
<br /> °', , date of dtsburscment at the Note rate and shall be payable, wlth intereat. upoa notice from Leader to Borrower requesting s,`.,
<br /> ��
<br /> payment.
<br />��.��� • �� 8.Mortgage Incuranee.If Lender required mortgage insuraace as a condition of making the loaa�ecured by this Security
<br /> "� •. Instrumeat, Borrower ahaU pay the premiuma required to meintaia the mortgage insurance in effect. If. for any reason, the ..
<br /> ; mortgage insuraace coverage requiced by I.ender lapses or ceases to be In effect,Borrower shall p�r the premiums requinb to
<br />'.t' obtain coverage aubstaatially equivatent to the mortga�e Insurance prevtousty in effect.at a wat substaatially equivaleat to the
<br />`a , coat to Borrower of the mortgage lasurance p:'eviously in effect. from an elternase mortgage insurer approved by L.ender. If ,�.
<br /> <�� substantially equivatent mortgage insurance coverage is aot available.Sorrower ahatl pay to L,eader each month a sum equal to „
<br /> oae-twelfth of the yearly mortgage insurance premium being paid by Botrower when the insurance covecage lapsed or ceased to
<br />'•r , j be in effect.Lender wi11 aaept.use and retain these payments as a loss reserve in lteu of mortg�ge insurance. Loss reserve
<br /> form 3028 9/90 '
<br /> � • .
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