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i ' ,' <br /> n i •. <br /> � . . . .. �-.. <br /> .i.��� . . . .. ' .� . . . . . . . . .. <br /> . . . <br /> . i. :. . • - - . <br /> . . . . . i1 . ,� <br /> - . . •. ' • ' - � , _ <br /> ' -i . •-..�, .� . <br /> . <br /> '� <br /> � , . . . . . . . .�arM . <br /> . <br /> . <br /> . <br /> � <br /> � <br /> ��' ' . .. . ....... .. . �-�'1'� �- r )�1.. . <br /> . <br /> .-• � <br /> . _......._ _... _ .....__. _......... . _ . l . 1 <br /> �. , , ,,,�. , ,. <br /> � � --.�--- <br /> .. . . - �9�-i��t�!99 . � <br /> � 8. BurlowW9S�etl ke�ap tho Prnpnrty m S�oud rnpmr�md�hall nr,t cnmmu wasto nr pormit�mpairmont or datonamt�on of tho Proporty. <br /> � 7.U the Bo�rowo�f:nlfi to: al mamtam ur pay�hu pro�rnuu�a fu�ihn t�yu�wd�n:urenco ut thu bl p+�y�ares boforo dol�nquont.ur c)P�y.t+�y <br /> nmount duo undor o pimr morly��i{�n nr tru�.t dnnd botnra dohn��udnt,�ir d)mumiwn ihn Prnpnrty m guud rapulr,or�)porlarm any of ihn covnnrmts nr <br /> ttprqomontn ot thle T�uet pacd,tho�i Londur mny M it�:uptron pny�uuh msuranco promiunu:,t.ixo::,murtna4�o ur Uu�t dond p+�ymonte,ur maka rqp.ure <br /> nM dlebur�o nuch aaim��:�nd u�kn�>uch��ahun.c�rt dooms n�r_na�nry to protoul rte mtnrnst withuut w+uv�nk�u� niteiadnfl aa n�ht to docinro or Antuuit <br /> ard ancolatnM tho dabt :+cr.urod hmaby bumwsn nf :u�V zuch in0um of tho 8�rtrowor. Any nmountn so d�sburt;od by tho L�ndor efiali consdturo • <br /> ^ �ddltionnl tndobtadnooe of Borrowm eoaurad by Hu:+Trunt Duud nnd sh:�ll banr mtotost frum tha dnto uf diaburcomont nt thn tatn poy&blo uador ihn , , <br /> ` Note. Nothing contamad in thr�pnra�raph ahall roqwrn Londor to mako nny such d�obwanrnenta nr tako r�ny acuon whateoovcr. <br /> 8. Londor mny mnko or oausu to bn mr�dn raason.ibin nnmor� upnn nnd mspochon at thn Propm�y. � <br /> � •� 9. Tho procouds of any�►werd or cl�xm for Anma��nn, d�raat��r cun�oquontial,�n uonnoohon wrth nny condomnatian or othor tak�n4 of tho Prnporty. „ . ' <br /> ' or part Ihoruof,or for eonvoy:�nco m�iou uf condumn�t�an,:irn horuby avs�gnod nnd ehall bn pmd to Londor to ihe oxtant of tho tull omount of tho <br /> _ � ' ranefnng unpad mdabtndnosn soaurod by thin Trua�t Oood. <br /> It tho Property �s abandonod by Borrow�r.��r d,nftor notico by Londor to Bo�rower that tho oondomnor aftors to mako nn awatd or eettlo a elaim for <br /> ' .. , darnnpes.Borrowor fruls ta rospond to Londor within 30 daye aftor thodato auoh notico is mailod,Londor�s authaitad tq coliect and opply tho proceods <br /> , , to tho eums seared by this Truet Daod. <br /> � Condemnation pro¢aads or iw�rds ahall bo croditod to the last maturinQ inst�llmonta of tho indobtednoss suaured and shatt not oxceod or postpono „ ' <br /> , � . tM duo dato of iho instailmonte rnfarred to m paragrapha i and 4 horoof or ohange tho amount af such Inetailments. <br /> 10. If tho Londor issuos a pat4ai roloaso of ihix Trust qoad, tho procoads racowed ihorefor shali bo crnditod to Iho lest matunng mstallmonts ot tho <br /> indebtadnasa sacured horeby. � <br /> . ,..� <br /> 11. If londor ei�he�vdu�taoly or�nvoiuntarily bonomos a pArty to any suit or Iegal proaoeding retating to tho Proporty,Note or this Truat Dood,then , • <br /> Bor�owor will �eimburee the Lender for ali noets and,to the oxtont parm�tted bY��w,roasnnabte attorney tees maurred by tha I.enJer reia:�np to swt � <br /> •. � a(egal proaeedngs and said aurtis shull conat�tute additional inde6tpdness aecurad by this Trust Dead and boar interost at the rato payabte undor the <br /> Note,until paid. • • <br /> •�,' • <br /> 12. Ae Additionel security Norrowor doos ho�eby ass�gn,tranafer and set over ta lender,in oaso of defau�t�n the parformanoe of any of tho terms ar <br /> condidons of thia Truat Dead,tho Noto,or tho torms of any indeEtednose socured hernby,all of tho ronta,revenuoe and any inaomo of any typo •,,��.`-. <br /> ' - � whatsoevor to bo dorived from the Proporty,includfng Iand oontraot payments. Lender,in person,by ngont or by rooeiver, without regard to the �, � <br /> solvency w insdvo�oy of the Borrowet or the valuo of the Proparty,ahaii bo ontitied to take posseselan ot, ropdr,rent rnd manage the Proporty and . �� �� <br /> , to oollont the rants, revenues and income thorefrom and�t may pay out of safd incoma ai�expenses of repair and costs i�curred in ronting and managing , <br /> tho Properry aid aollacting rentais and for pnymont ot insuranoe premiums with any romaining baiance to be appifad to the last maturing poymants <br /> . .. of ihe debt securod horoby. Upon proaunting a aopy of this Truat Oaed and domand to any tessee,tonunt or aontracc purahasor of the Proparty,auch � � . � <br /> - � peraon eheY pay aIl ronts,paymonts nnd profits aaorued or thoroaftor aacruing to tho lendet until further notice from tho Lander. :-�y_ y ,��� <br /> . • 13. If aIl ar a�y pa►t of tha Proporty or any intarest therein is daeded,sold by Iand aontraot or othnrwiso oonveyed,atienated or further encumbored �k � <br /> ,� "' "' afit���voturiar�l7 os:c:nlnr.tasfty-:7thau!Ler.d=r's grf�r wri!►..o���cen*:or if�hn Trustor is a aorporaUon and tMre is a ehanga in ownerehlp of 50°,6 � � �� � <br /> or more of the corporntion's stook,or if tho 7rustot ia a partnotehlp and there ia a ahange in tho mombershlp or a disso�ution of the partnetsh�p. . �, �{ ,r�. ,,� <br /> ezoludmg lal a transfor by operation of Iaw upon tho doath of a Juint tenant or tb)the grant of any�easehold inta�est not containing an optio�to • a. <br /> ` purohaso with alaasetorm of two yeara or laea,or(c1 the oreanon of fhe purohase money seoudty intorest in household epplfencos,than Londar mny, !� :•, • <br /> '� at its option, decla�o all aums sonurod by thie Trust Dead to bo immediately due end payablo. In the event the Lendor oortsents to any suoh ohanye �_.� , <br /> in owne�ahip, eontrol or diesolution or tranefor of all or any part of the Property,then Londer may at its option adjuat tho intorost rate to tha pravafling r � <br /> � rate of Intarostthat isaharged on now eoaurod toana of the type eocurod by thlo Trust Daed at the timo of the afienge In ownorship.oontrol,disaolution <br /> � of tranater and may aha�ga a transfer feo. n�i <br /> + <br /> 14. Upon Borrowe�'sbroach of any covonnnt or agteemont oi 8orrower In this Truat Deed,inaluding the Qove�ante to pay whon due any sums aocured � ; <br /> •• by this Trust Oood, lendnr at ite option may deolaro aIl of the eume sonured by thls Trust Deed to bo immodfately due and payable without further . � <br /> demand end rney i�voke tha power of ealo andlor any othor tomedioa permitted by applicable law including tho right to foroctose thls Trust Oeed in I� <br /> '_ • the man�or pronded by law for thn forealoauro of mortgogos on renl estate. Landor ehall be ontitled to collect all ronnoneble ooste and expe�sos . � <br /> ' ncurrod ie pureanp euah ramodies inotuding,but not limted to,and to tho oxtont pormitted by taw,roaeonaWn attomey feos. <br /> � � ° . If the power of aalo Is Invokod,Trustoe ehal�reaord a�otica of defaWt in eaah aaunty In whioh the Proparty ot aoma part thoreof is looatod and provlde � ' � <br /> _ ' nodoo theraof in tho mnnner prosctfbed by applloablo law.ATtor the lapao of euoh Umo ae may bo toquired by epplioabte law,Truatoe shall give publio -�' <br /> ' � notioo ot salo to the porsons and in tho mannor prosatfbed by appllcnblo law. Truetoo,or tho attorney fot the Trustee,without domand on 8orrowor, •�'-' <br /> thell so11 tho Proparty at pubtio auctlon to tho hiphoat bidder at the time and plaoo aM under tho terms deaignated In the notina ot eale in one or moro '' <br /> pa�aels and in suoh ordor as Trustae moy detarmino. ?rusteo may postpono ealo of oIl or ony parcet of thc+Prapetty by public announoemont et tho . � o. <br /> .. a��� <br /> ^ ' "� Umo and place of any preWously sehodulod sa�o. Londm or Londar's doslgnoo may purohase tho proporty at ony sale. 'L=�'_�» <br /> �', Upon roaeipt of paymont of tho prico bid,Trustoo ahAll deliver to the purohaser a Trustoo's Doed,wlthout wnrrenty,aonvoying the Ptoporty sold. Tho " � s y�� <br /> ' �i' reoitals in tha Tmstae's 17ood shalt be prima facio ovidence oi the truth of tho statomonts mado thoroin. Trustoo sha�l supply the prooeeds oi tha eale ,. <br /> •• In the followi�g ordor: a)to n0 roasonablo aoste and exponsas of thu ea�e,including,but not Bm�tod to,Trosteo's fees of not more than Five Hundrod , �.� _, <br /> ' artd No/7 00(9600.001 plua 1!2 of 1%of tho nmount soeured horeby and remafninfl unpaid,and costs of titlo ovidoneo;b1 to nll sums soourod by thfs „ e: <br /> -�'.: <br /> .. •' "-- -, TI�19�DRA�I;anA e► thn oxnnss,if any, to tho porson or poreons�ogally entftlod thereto. ���'1 <br /> , . ..... ... _. .. . _'_.-.-.:.`�M..�__.. <br /> 15. Any(orbonrorico by Lendor in ozorcisfng nny right or remody horeundor,or othorwieo affordod by applloabto law, shall not bo a walver of or ° <br /> precludo tho axoraiso at any suoh right or romody In tho ovont of oontinufng or futuro broaohes by tho Borrowor. , , <br /> • ' 16.All remodas p rovidod In thle Trust Oood aro diattnot and oumulative to any othor dght or remody undar this Trust Oeod or offorded by law or oqwty. , �. <br /> andmay be oxerclsod ooncurrontly,indapondontly or auccossivoly. If Borrowor has given lender a ohattol mortgepe,or aeourity a�roement on personal • <br />— , propeny ae addtlonal eoaunty tor tho dobt aocurod horaby, in tho ovont of dofault hereu�der or thoreunde�, lMdo�ahall have the right and option to „ " <br /> first forea�oso on sok porsonal p�opotty wfthout projudico to n[►ight to thoroattor soll or forealose tho Property or to pursue all socurity et the sema <br /> tlmo or to pureuo tho porsonnl propony nftor tho snle or taraolosuro of the Propeny. <br /> �^ 17. Upon puymont of aIl aume socured by thls Truat Doed,Lendor shell requoot Truatoo to reaonvoy tho Proparty and ehall aurrondor this Trust Oeed <br /> � <br /> ' and aM�otas awdencing►ndobmdness soourod by this Trust Dood to Trusteo. Trustoo sholl reoonvey tho Proporty without worranty to the person or <br /> porsons lagal�y en�itlad ihoroto. Suoh poreon or porsone shall ppy all uoeta of r000tdation,ff eny. <br />-`y, 1$. Londor, at LondoYs option, may from Umo to timo romovo Trusteo und appoint a su000saor trustee to any 7rustoo uppomtod hereuadur by an <br /> _ ' mstrumont rocordnd in tho County in whiah thia Trust Dood�e roaotdod. Wrthout oonveyanco ot the Proporty,tho euccossor trustoe sha0 succeod to . <br /> .`� alt titlo, power and dutfos confnrrod upon thu Trustoo hmein and by npplfaublo law. <br /> _,�. <br />���= _-- „_ 19.Excopt f oranv noticos,domunds,roquoats or othor comnnuniaehone requlrod under appliaablo law to bo grvan in ettothor manner,whenevoi Lendor, <br /> - _-__ - <br /> -� 8onower or Tnistso gives or sorvos �ny noUco Ifnc�uding, without timitation, not�oo of default antl �otfoo of satol,cfomantls, requeste or otner -- - <br /> g , cornmunfcatian wi th rospoct to this Trust Doed, oach such nouca,demand,requoat or othor commu�ication ahall bo in wrrtmg and shall be eftect�ve <br /> only ff tho samo is do�verod by p�rsonnl aervico or mudod by cortified mail,poetago propaid,roturn rocoipt�equoatod,addrossod to the addroas as set <br /> = forth at tho bngmning ot tho Trutit Duod. A copy ot any notico of dofau{t,any�otice of sale,required ot pormitt¢d to bo givon horounder,shall be <br /> ,_s.„ ma�lod to eachperson who�s a party horoto ot tho addroes set forth at tho bog�nning of thls Truet Deod. Any perly moy at eny time ohango its addross • <br />. .� � „ for sucfi nohcos by dolivoring or meihng ro tho othor parUOS horoto,ns oforoanid,a notfaa of auoh ahango. Any noUCa horeunder shAll bo daomod to <br /> hove to boen gven lo Bonowor ot Londor,whon givon m tho munnor doslgnetod horein. <br /> � 20.Thct cov onants and agroomonts horoin containud shell bf nd,and tho nghts hvroundot ahall inuro to tho respootivo ho+re,��+prosontot�vos.sucuessors � <br />� ��" ,� and ass�gns of tho pertias. All covo�ants end agrootnants of tho Borrowar ahall bo jumt nnd aevaral. WhonevA�tolarencu ia miida to tho singutar <br /> _�� , horaunder,it eholl inch�do tho plurnl ond tho plural sholl mcludo tho s� , <br /> ��� ., • <br />_�: , <br /> ,1 , <br /> -��- . 1 _____ <br />