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<br /> EaU1TY LAAN TRUST DEED y ,9 5"'1���'}99 ^ }�
<br /> TMiS TRUST OEED in mado thla 13 doy uf Ju, 1.�_._____���J 95.�Y��nd aotwoan tho Trultor, � o�
<br /> Wil a� A alender and Sandcu K. 8lender husLaad and wife, .
<br /> . lhoro�n'Borrower"1.
<br /> whoeomailingaddreseis 4117 ptif[wood At.. Gtend Is18n�NE 68803 �
<br /> Omaha Neb raska �ne�ein�r�os�eo•►,and tho
<br /> � ° undFireTiot aank, �Ation�l ASSOCi9Lion. arnam Street '
<br /> ,. 8enefioiary,FraTler_��jyr,j,paa� s8°A^;At.nn_ A�nah�evth�gs0�8�ing addross le
<br /> b K
<br /> , " -•- n �, ti y,�ak� 6Atn9 lherey�'Lendet">.
<br /> BORROWHR,In oonsidoration ot tha indebtednoas hetein reoitod and tho trust harein oroatad,i�revooably grante ard eorneys to TStoto of�Nebrdska: ,
<br /> . WITH TH8 POWF.R OF SALB,the following dosarfbed proporty Iooatod In the County of Hal l ,
<br /> � � . � Lot 2, Westwood Park Second Subdiviaion, City of Grand Island, Hall r. .
<br /> County, Nebraska.
<br /> � �,. ..
<br /> • ., � .
<br />, j5.
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<br /> ' � '��r s.� � TOtiETMBR with ail bufidinga,flzturoe end Improvements now or here�ter eraoted thereon and ali�ighte•of•way,oasementa,rents,Iseuea,profits. . .
<br /> '" �, ?;�'+�:.. �naome,tonemonte,hereditamonte,privlleges,appurtenonoee, royattiea,atid minoral,oll,gas end water dghte thereunto belonging,uaed or on�oyod •
<br /> ���ti}(r .• with saW land or any part theroof, and the homastead o►medtal interoata,if any,whioh intoreate ero hereby reteased and waived,and ail of which, �;uj7�"'l�=a
<br /> � inoiudinp roplacemente and addidone thoreto shalt be deemed to be and remaln a part of the property aovered by this Trust Oeed;a�NI ot the •
<br /> foragoing together with satd property aro heroln rofened to aa tha^Property." •_";" __
<br /> TO SECURE to Lender the rapayment ot indebtednesa evidonced by 8orrower's noto dnted .Tu 1 y 13 . 19�_.togather •> >, �
<br /> ' with any and aIi renewals,modlfloations,and extenelone thereof and eubatitutlons or exchanges thorofor, thorefn rofetred to aa the•IVote"1 in tho � r,:.
<br /> "' prinolpal sum of 8 ��(17 oq ___.togethar with intereatet tho rata providod thorofn,wfth a Hnal matunty,if ��"'•_.^�'�
<br /> ^ .. • .ri . -.xGir�, _
<br /> . :,�.Y.. �
<br /> �� „ � �ot sooner paid,of ,19�,_,and as eeourity tor any futuro advancoa that may bo mado by Lender to 8or►owar -
<br /> from timo to time and ea se uriry for the poyment of uny and ell other Indebtednesa of the Borrowar to the Lendor whloh mey adso,all of eeid eums ;'''�c^' �
<br /> � �� not to ex000d In tho eggregate a eum equa�to threo tlmes the orlgfnel p�fooipal Amount of the ebove realted Note. ,;,:��j9".`-
<br /> , BORROWER aovonante thet Borrower le iawfully solted ot the Property heroby oonvoyad and has tho�ight to grant and aornoy tha Property,that the ,.;;�T���'•`--
<br /> • . . •�;y. Propotty is unonoumbered by eny mortgege, huet doed,oontraot to purohaso,or otherwise,exaept for a Dee o£ T uet _ - %`
<br /> y._. --s•
<br /> � FirsTier Bank �'�����
<br /> '. ` in favor of . `�`�'
<br /> - � ��. on whiah the unpeid beianoe on thie date doos not oxoeed 8 . . Borrower oovenante to compty with all the terms ::•.,A� '� _-_
<br /> � � -�••- - • and provisiona of any prior murtyaga,trust desd or eontraot to purcha:se,upon the Pmperty end to meke eli pwymenta theroon betoro theY beaome �� ._
<br /> ' • dolinquont. If no namo or emount is insorted fn thfa paregraph,then Borrower aovonants thot thoro aro no prfor Ilone of eny kind upon tho Property.
<br /> � 8or�ower furthor aovenants to warrerrt eM detend the titlo to the Propeety ageinat aIi o�eims and domands. „ ��
<br /> •.�;',1
<br /> ' �•�;:�;•�," � Borrowor and Lander tuKhor eovonant end agroo as followe: .
<br />- 1, Borrower shal�promptly pay when due the prf�oipal end intorost on tho irdeEtedness ovldonood by the Note.
<br /> 2. At least ten days batoro thoy b000me dailnquont,8ortowot ahall pey all taxes and epoolal assesamonts levied or assoseed againet the Proporty, `'
<br /> '� or onv PaK thoroot. and all taxee,lovles end esaesements�nviod upon this Truet Deod or tho debt whioh it soourea. � .,
<br /> 3. Borrower ehai�keep tho Improvemonts and buildings,if any,upon tha Proporty Insurod,with e aompeny or companles approvod by the Lendar,tor
<br /> en amount aot Iess than the unpaid belanoe on the indebtodnoss securod by this Trust Daod with a etandattl martgago olausa wlth loss payabie to ,
<br /> � the Londor. Borrowot ehe�l deihrar eeid poifoy or poliolas to the Le�der. .,
<br /> In tho ovont of a tosa,Borrower ehall give ptompt notfoe to tho inauranoo earrier and 4ha LorMer ond file a proof of lose. if the Borrower ie not othorwise '�..
<br />- `�'! in defauit,tha 8orrowor may otoot to epply tho insuranoo prooeoda to ropalr or roplaoe the damaged Proporty,if oconomiceliy teasible,end the eoourity
<br /> of this Truat peed wouid not bo Impoltad. If the Borrower la in defoult or o�oots not to ropalr or repiaco tho damagod Property or ropair or�eptaoement
<br />- woWd not 000nomfoelly feealblo or the securiry ot thle 7�uet Dood wouid bo impeired thon tho inauranoo procoods ahali bo apptiod to tho�oat maturing
<br />'" _�.u_._ .a_ �...�..w.���n.lA�n a..w.......�e. •,
<br /> - ;- -- Peymonte Que an th9 Noio. tT tne insuranoo yroaooda aro iv oxuoea u�a:�o ivia:m7.:.ar.:��a���oa...............�----__.�.--,-- ._ ...---••--.--. -_- --_—-
<br />` � Ineurenoo pr0000da for repalr or rop�noement shnll bo pl000d fn oscrow wfth tho Lendor und dlsbureed b�r Landor during or upon oomplotion of such
<br /> _-
<br />-- �. ' ropair or raplaaomont. It tho Londor noGuirea dtlo to the Proporty 6y axoroisUg Ita power of eulo,toroc�oaure or othorwiso, in satlsfoatlon of the �
<br /> ,. �ndebtednose eoourod horoby,In w�olo or In port,thon all tight,dtlo and fntaroat of tho 8orrowet in and to suoh innuranao polioy or polelos shell pasa � �
<br />- to tha Londer. ,
<br />-_ �. � 4. For the puryose of providl�g o tund for tho paymont of texoa,specfa�aseessmonta and fnauranoa promfums,Borrowor ahal�depoaft with Londor,
<br /> on the datos thnt payme�ts ero duo on tho Noto,en amount equal to tho tnxos,aseoasmonts and insuranco promfums noxt duo Iall as oat{mated by ,
<br /> the Londer,loas amounts a�ready depoeftod thotoforl divided by tho numbet of peymonte on tho Note thet wlll beaomo duo prlor to the dato whon suoh � .�
<br /> v taxes,assoesmonta and insuranoo premfums will beoomo due and payabto. Sald funde will bo hald by tho Lendor in o non•fntorest boarfng escrow •
<br />- a000unt for tho purposes set forth above. tf the amounta of thoao tleposlte ete not autfloiunt to pay toxes,aesoasments and insuranoo promwms es
<br /> � thoy beaomo duo,the Borrowur shall upon roqueat,pay Londer tho amount noaessery to meke up the dotioinnoy.
<br /> p � � 5. Unlosa applioubte lew ptovfdos otherwise,dl payments roeolvad by Londer undor tho Note and pawgraphs 1 and 4 hereof shall bo appliod by Le�dor
<br /> fuat in poyment of amounts payoblo to Londor by Bortowor under peregreph 4 heroot,thon to Intorost payahte on tho Noto,thon tn the pMnolpa�of
<br /> �
<br /> ' � � tho Noto,and then to intorost ond prl�ofpo�on any furthor edvanoea or othor indebtednese eocurod horeby.
<br /> 4 e
<br /> .,, � ...._ __ ..._.—._._—"_' -.... . _. . `r. .._._ ..
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