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<br /> ., � ' (c) Forbarancs by Lsnda Not e Watvnr. Any torbearanca by Londer in axercloing any rtght or remedy heiRUndor, ar otho►wiso
<br /> � afforded by oppitcabte Iaw,ahe�i not bo a vralvor of or practudo tha exerciso of any�uch tighY ot temedy. The prpcuromont of ,
<br /> • ,, insurance or tho payment of taxea or othet Ilons or chargse by Lender ahail not be a waiver of Londer's right to oacoloroto tho
<br /> mutu�ity of tho indebtednesa Eecurod by thlo Ooad of Truat.
<br /> •� (d)6uccnson and Aulpns Bound;Jolnt end 8�va�0 Wbtlit�r:Captlons.The covanants and egraements horein contolned shati
<br /> bind, end the righta hereunder shall inure to,the reapeadve successore ar�d assigne ot La�nder end T�uetor. All covenante end •
<br /> _ ' eproementA of Trustor ehell be Jolnt and soveral. The captiona end headings of the pare8raphs of thia Deed ot Truat aro tor
<br /> ' oonvenience only and are�ot ta be used to interpret or define the provislons hereof.
<br /> . - (o)R�qunt tor Nottc�s.The peRiea hereby requ�st that e copy ot any�ottan of detault hereunder and a capy of any�otice of
<br /> , • ��.;.�''�� saie hereunder be meiled to each perty to thla Oeed of Trust at the addrea toKdrabove fathe.m9n��r,plescribod by appticable
<br /> • lew.Except for any other notice required under applicebte taw to be gfven in���l��flfjiA�yJqq�IQp p�!qvid�d for In this Oeed of
<br /> o Trust ehall be given bK meiWng auch notice by certlfled mail addressed to tthe otiit�r�:.9t tha ad�� @et torth above. Any
<br /> notice provided for in thla peed of Trust shatl bo eitective upon mailing in tt�e�r�lle�Rat�O•llereirF.'i'. dator is more than ono
<br /> person,notice sent to the eddresa set torth above ahali be notice to alt such pereoos: ' `•"• -••. ,
<br /> (N InspoaUon.Lender mey meka or aause to be made reasonable entrles upon end Inspectiona of the Property,provided that
<br /> � Lender ehali give T�ustor notice pdot to any such tnspection specifying reasonabie ceuse the►efor related to Lender's Inte�eat in ths
<br /> " Property.
<br /> . �� � tg) R�conv�yanc�.Upon payment of ail sums secured by this Oeed of Trust, lender shail requeat Trustae to �econvey tha ;U
<br /> ^ Property and shail eurtendor thie Oeed of T�uat and ali notes evidenetng indebtedneas secured by thia Deod of Trust to T►uatee.
<br />_ �� Trustee shali reconvey the Roperty without waRanty and wkhout cherge to the peraon or persona Iegaliy e�tRied thereto.Trustor
<br /> "' shall pay all costs of re�ordation,B any.
<br /> � (h�P�non�l Praperq;&aeurlty Agra�mmt.Aa addkionet security for the payment oi the Note,Truetor hereby g�ante Lender under
<br /> �� the Nobraska Uniform Commerciai Code a aecurity Interest in all ftxtur�s,equipmeat, end ott►er pa�eonei property used in connecUon �
<br /> �� wlth the reai estete or improvements located thereon,end not otherwiae dectared or deemed to be e part of the�eal estete secured
<br /> hereby.Thia inacrument shaii ba consttuad as a Security Agreement undar aefd Code,end the Lender ehall have sll tha rights and -=
<br /> � remedles of a secured paRy under seld Codo in addftiun to the rlghts and tomedies creeted under and aceorded the Lender pursuant
<br /> to thla Deod of Ttust;provided thet i.ettder's�ights and remedies under this pa•agrapn shall be cumulative wkh, and En no way a
<br /> Iimitation on,Lender's rights and temedie9 under any other security agrpement signed by Bonower or Truator. ,
<br /> � . -,�l � (II Lt�ns �nd 6naumGwnc�s.Truator hereby wattants end represents thet thera is no defauft under the provisions of eny
<br /> „ ^ „ • :� mortgage, deed ot truat, tease or purcheae contraci describing al{or eny part ot the Property, or other co�traat�, inatrument or '
<br /> egreement constituting n Ilen or encumbrance agafnst all or any part ot the Property Icoltective,"Liena"1,extsting es of the date ot �',�
<br /> , this Deed ot Trust, end thet eny and eA exlating liene remain unmodHied except es discbsed to Lender in Truatur's written
<br /> • � " �„ diaelosure of ilena and eneumbrances providad for herein. Trustor shail timety peAorm att of Trustar's obllgattona, covenante, '�
<br /> ;', � • reprasencations and wattanties under any and aU existing and 4uture Uana, shatt promptiy torward to Lender copies of atl notices ot �._
<br /> defauh sent In conneetlon with any and ell exiating or future Uena, and shatt not Without LendePs prior written conser�t in eny := ?
<br /> • - manner modrfy the provisicns of ar a8ow any future edvencea under any existing or�uture Liena. �"
<br /> ,.,,., _ Q)AppYc�tion of Pay�n�nt�. Unless otherwise required by iaw, sums paid to lender hereunder, Inciudtng withaut 1(mitation t��'%
<br /> ';: --4 °' paymenta of principal an�tnterest, insuran�e proeeada,condemnatlon proaeeda end tmte snd profite,ohait be epplied by Londer to �±-
<br /> ,;;f,;, the amounte due and owing trom Truator and borrowe�In such order ea lsndar tn fts sola dfacretion deems desirable. �?='
<br /> (K1 S�v�abUity. If any provlston o! this Deed of Ttuet confticta wkh applicsble iBw or la deciarod Invaiid or otherwiae �
<br /> � � unenforceabte,sueh conflict or invalidity ehall not affeat the ether provistona of this Deed of Trust ar the N�te whfch cen ba piven
<br /> - eftect wlthout the confltcting proviafon,end to this end the provisions of this Dead of Troet and the Note ere deciared to be ��`='.
<br /> severable. ��'
<br /> ,, „ ; (i)T�rms.The terms•Truotor'end•Borrower"ohetl Inctude both singular end plurai, end wtien the Ttuator and Borcower are the
<br /> 5° some person(s1,those terma as used tn thla Oeed of Truat shali be Interchangeabie. �-°f-
<br /> -� •r (m�6ov�rrting Law.This Deed of Trust shell be govemed by the lewa of the 5tate af Nebraaka. f -'`
<br /> ., x ,..:.
<br /> _- . T►uator h ed thts Doed of Truet as of the dete written above. ::
<br /> :,� .. �::`
<br /> i� . e E_�--
<br /> • . • ' :°�, F_
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<br /> ?.;� (i. C �V/��J �! Trustor T�ustor ��=
<br /> � r �:V
<br /> CARQL A. CROW Trustor Truetor �.��
<br /> �. ` , � �1�-'
<br /> •- �� Trostor 1'roator �
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<br />;.. NBC 9467C INcoogdculturol Deodl Rov.1 J85
<br /> . Q 1888 Nntlona�Onnk of Commoreo 7rust ond Sovin�s Aoaocfotlon.Lincoln,Nubrnaka
<br />.$
<br />