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' • . , � � , <br />. i4 <br /> ,. . h <br /> �� . . . ... . .._ . � � �� � <br /> . �:1� � f, 4� <br /> � . • n <br /> �:—" " � <br /> . : .., ."_... .. _..... .. _ <br /> � ';I g 51 ���Q�79 . �r� � <br /> " � �i <br /> � 9.Ha=erdoua Meterleit.Yruator shntl kaap tho Propon/In complianco w+th all uppticnblo lawn,ordlnnncas nnd ropulntions rolaNn{�to � <br /> Industriel hygfeno ar snvironmontot protectlon Icnliectively refonod to horoln as'Envlrunmontoi Lows").Truator shnll kaop tho Propnrty <br /> freo from aW substancoa doemed to he hemrdous or toxfc undor ony Envlronmuntni Lawo Icolioctive�y refarred to horoln as"Hotnrdaun <br /> „ I Mntorfals"I.Trustor heroby warmnte and teprasonts to Londet that ihoro aro no Hotardoue Mntoriul on or undor tha Proporty.Truetor '� <br /> hereby agroea to Iridemnlfy and hotd harmteas lender,its dirocto�e,o4ilcars, omployooe and opoote, and any auccosaora to londor's <br /> � intorost,f►om and ogafnst any and ail ctelms,domeges, losaea end Yabllitlos arising in connoction with tho preannco,uso,dispoenf or <br /> I [ransport of any Hazardouo Motorluts on,under,from or nbout the Property.THE FORECi0IN0 WARRANTIES AND REPRE3EN'iAT10NS. . <br /> AND TRUSTOR'S OBU(iATIONS PURSUANT TO THE FOREDOtNG INDEMNITY,SHAII SURVIVE RECONVEYANCE OF THIS DEEO OF <br /> TRUST. <br /> 10.Auignmsnt ot Rents.Truator hereby asslgns to Lender, and grants lender a security interest in,a1i present,tuture and after <br /> riefng renta,iseuea and protits of tha Proporty;provided that Truator shell,untll the occurrence of en Event of Oofauit hereu�det,heve �• <br /> the right Yo co0ect and retain such rents, iseues and protite ea they become due and payabie. Upon the occurrence of a� Event of <br /> Defauit,Londer may, eRher in person or by agent,wlth or without bringing any actlon ar proceeding,ar by a receiver appointed by a . <br /> court ond without regard to tho adaquaoy o! its security, entet upon and take possesalon of the Property,or any part thereof, in fts own _ <br /> name or i�the name of the Trustee, and do a�1y acts whfcn it deems neceasary or desirab�e to preserve the vatue,marketa6flity ar <br /> rentability of the PtopeRy,or eny pert thereof ot interest therein,or to increase the income theretrom or proteat the eecurity hereof and, - •• <br /> wltF►or w�thout taking poeaesslon ot tho Property,sue for or otherwlae coliect the renta,Issues and profite thereof,Inciuding those past <br /> � � due and unpeid,by notifying tenants to make payments to Lender. Lender mey appty�ente,issuea and profits,�esa costs and expensea " <br /> of operation end coilection inctuding attorneys'feea,to any indebtedness eecured hereby,all in such order as Lendor may determine.Tho <br /> �� entering upon and taking possesslon of the Property, the co!lection of such rents, issues and profite,and tha applicetion thereof as <br /> aforesald, ahali not cure or wahre eny defauit o�notice of defaWt hereunder or inva�idate any act done in responsa to euch default or <br /> � pursuant to such notice af dofault nnd,notwfthstanding the cont(nua�ce in posaeasfon of the Roperty or the coUection, recelpt and . <br /> epplication of rents, iasues o�proilta, Trustee and Lender shaM be entRied to exercise every right provided �or � eny of the Loan . <br /> „ Inatrumenta or by law upon occunence of any £vent of Defeuft, inciuding witheut Iimftation the right to exercise ine powc� of sale. , <br /> , " Further,Lender's riyhte and remedleo under thls paragreph shati be cumuletive wlth, end In no wey a�imitation on,Lender's �ighte and ' + <br /> ,Y, ` ' remedies under any assignment of Ieasea and�ents recorded apainet the Property. Lender,Truatee and the receiver Bha11 be Ilabie to „ <br /> account ooty for those rents aaualry reaelved. � , �' '• <br /> � • 11.Evante of Defeult.The following shall conatitute an Event of Oatauft under this Deed of Trust: .. "' ��` <br /> •,;,�;';,: <br /> � la)Feiture to pay eny Installment of principe�ar Interest of any other eum aecured hereby when due; i•t ; <br /> - Ib)A breach of or defauit under any provlaion contained in the Note,this Deed at Trust,eny of the Loan Inatrurrtents,or any ':�?��� � � <br /> � ' other Ilen or enaumbranae upon the Roperty: "�, `�,— <br /> -, ' (cI A writ of execution o� attachment or any eimiier praceas shaN be entered ageinat T�usto�which ahall Eocome o iien on the �,�!, <br /> , ,. �• Praperty or eny portion thereof or interest therein; " j ' <br /> • '� (d1 There shatl be filed by or againat Trustor or Borrower an ectfon under any present or future federal,state or other stetue,Iaw fi �, I <br /> - or reguleL4on reletin�M benk�uptcy, Insoirency or other reiief for debtora;or there aheil be appointed any truatee, rece(ver or _ <br />— •• ' . Iiquidator of Truator or Botrower or of ail or any part ot the Property,or the rents,issuea or profha thereof,or Truetor or Borcower <br /> ` = � i <br /> ' shell make any general aseignment for the benefit of creditore; � -; � ' <br />__� „ � te)The se�e,tranafer,leasR,asslgnment,convuyance or further encumbtance of all or any part of or eny Inte�est!n the Property, 4 ';• a " <br /> either volunterity or involunteNly,wkhout the exprese written consent of Lender,provided that Troator ahall be permkted to execute •7�, ;� , <br /> e leese of the Property thet doea not contain an optlon to purehase aM the term ot which does not exeeed ane yeer; �• ' �,�i <br /> �• (ff Abandonment of the P►apeny;or , d'� <br /> •� � " (g)If Trustor is not an Individual, the issuence, seia, tranefer,asaignment, conveyance or encumbrance of more then tif e `�`��� � � <br /> -� corporetionl a totel of N�A percent of ita iasued and outatendhg stock,or(if a pertnorship)a totat of u�n petaent of • <br /> pertnership interests,or Iit e Iimited Ilability compeny)e totai of N/A percent of the Ilmited Ilability company interesta ar voting ' <br />— .. rights during the period this Deed of Truet remeina a Ilen on the Property. , <br />— 12.Remedies:Acceiorotlon Upon Defeuit.In the event of eny Event af Default Lender mey,without notice except ae requfred by taw, ��� , <br /> deciare eIi Indebtednass secured hereby to be due and payabie and the seme ehatl thereupon become due and payabte without any l�..y <br /> presentment,demend,proteat or notice ot eny kind.Theroafter Lender may: I�� <br /> , ,„ � (a1 Demand that Trustea exerciae the POWHR OF SALE grented herein, and Truetee shoil thereafter cause Trustor's Inierest !`r �. � <br /> In the Ptoperty to be eold and the proceeda io be dlst�fbuted,at!in the manner provided in the Nsbraska Truat Qeeds Act; ', - <br /> ' � (b)Exerciae any and all dghts provided for in ony of the Loan instruments or by Iaw upon occurcence of any Event of T <br /> � � Defaulr,and �� '� : <br /> � (c1 Commence an action to fo►ecioaethia Deed of Truet as a mortgage, appoint a recelver,or epecRicaliy enforce eny ot the �i_ <br /> ;�•�;�, , ' covenants horeot. � �'�`� <br /> ` No remedy hereln conferred upon or reserved to Truatee or Lender Is intanded to be exclusive ot any other remedy hetein, in the loan "==,�rr,�,_ <br /> ` � Instrumente or by lew prov(ded or pormitted,but each shall be cumWetivo,shall bo in eddRion to every other remedy given hereunder,tn •�?.�'�- � <br /> the Loan Instruments or now or hereafter exiating at iew or in equity or by atetute,and mey 6e exereised concurrentty,independent�y or - �,;;;,�;,;,____ <br /> .._ _ . " _ "_ succeasivehr. " � <br /> ., . ._. __.�.._'�'� <br />_�� �� 13.Truates.The Truatee mey resign aY any time without cause,and Lender mey at any ttmo and without cauae appolnt a euccessor - - � •�r,;,- <br />-- or substitute Trustee.Trustee shall not be tiaMe to any party, lnctuding without Ilmitetion Lender,Borrowar,Trustor or any purcheaer of <br />— � � tha Prop�rty, tor any loea or damage unlesa due to reckiess or w!{Iful misconduct, and shel�not be required to teke any action in � , <br />-- connection with the anforcement of thia Deed of Truat unlesa indemnified,In wdting,for ail coste,compensetion or expsnses wMch may `O„ '° <br /> • ' be asaociated therewlth.In eddkion, Truatee may bocome a purchaser at any sete of tho Property Qudtciei or under the power of seie <br /> � „ granted hereiN;postpone the eate of ail or any portlon of the Praperty, ea provlded by �aw;or se�i tha Property as a whnte,or In seperete <br />�'� . parcets or bts et Truetee's discretlon. <br /> -- � 14.Fses and Exptnaee.Io the event Truetee selis the Propeny by exercise ot power of eale,Trustee shell be entitled to apply any seie , . , <br /> _�� , proceeds firat to payment of ell costs end expensea of exercising powar of eaie,tncludEng all T�ustee's feea,and Lender's and Trustee's , <br /> _� attorney's fees,ectueliy Incuned to extent permitted by applicable lew.In the eve�t Borcower or Truatar exerdsea eny right provided by <br /> . law to cure an Event of Default, Lender sha11 be entltted to recover from Truator eIi coeta end expensea actuelly incurted as e resuit of <br /> ' Trustor's detault,including without Iimitetlon eIi Trustee's and ettorney's fees,to the extent permkted by applicablo iaw. <br /> — 16. Futu►e Advancea.Upon reque»t ot 8orrower,Lender may,et Its option,meke edditfonat and tuture advancea and readvances to � <br /> -�^;y . Borrowe�.Such advences and readvances, wkh Interest thereon, ehail be aecured by this Oeed of Trust.At oo time shaU the pdncipai " �, • . <br /> �, „ ., nmount ot the indebtedness secured by this Deed of Trust,nat including sums advanced to protect the secu�ity ot this Oeed of Trust, <br />__� �� excoed the origmat pdnclpai amount stated herein,or 8 so,oa ,whlchever is greater. <br /> . 18.Miaceltanooue ProWslona <br /> .'�' ...--- - -- -- ._...---"'�.'-'.u"__� e...�..�i......�•�.e�t..�.e b.•..e� nr mndi}Iratinn n}thn eumc anr.urarl hv thia Daad ef Truat a►entad �------- <br /> , ...--------.__.. _._----- tm w�rvwm�rv�no.ouow....w�.o..................�._. �_�..._.._ _....__...--"-" ' � <br /> - -_..---��-------- -• . . . .-rr <br /> 1G — - <br /> ,.= by Lender to any auccessor in interest of Bonower snall not opetate to release,in any manner,the Ilebiifty of the odginal8orrower <br /> -- and Borrower's successors in interest.lender shall not be requfred to commence procoedings agai�st such auccessor or refuse to . <br /> � � �� extend time for payment or otherwise modify emortizetfon of the sums securod by this Deed o!Truet by reason of any demanda <br /> � made by the orlgi�ei Borrower and Borrower's succesaora h interest. �� <br /> �� (bl lender'e Powars.Without aftecting the Ilability of any other person Ifable for the payme�t ot any obllgatlon herefn mantioned, <br /> -� and without aifecting the�ien or charge of thia Ooud of Trust upon eny ponion of the Property not then or theretafore released es , <br /> _� eecurity tor the full emount of all urtpeld obligatlone, lender may,from time to tlmo and without notice(i) releese eny persan so <br /> � Ilable,1if1 extend the matutity or alter any of the torms of eny such obligations,(iip grant other fndutgencea,tiv)release or reconvey, ' <br />''-� � �, or ceuse to be reieased or reconveyed at any time et lender's option any percel,portion ot ali ot the Property,!v)take or reiease any ; <br /> ,'� • �; other addltional securfty for any ob�igation herein montloned, or IvU make compositlons or other arcangements wfth dobtors in <br /> reiatlon thereto. <br /> �; <br />— ;• • <br /> �^ NUt94676 INOnoO�����rd Dond)Nov.ti96 <br /> .,,`, � �1908 Naaonat Bent of tanmem Trmt ond Savinge Nsociatlon,Llncolq NObt�lkU _ <br />