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<br /> � S.HAaard or Property tnsaraace. Borrower shall keep the ImprovcYncnts now oxisting or hercafter crected on the Propecty � "
<br /> insured against loss by firo,hazards included w1thL� thc term°eatemded covesage" and any other hazards,including tlood.4 or �'
<br /> ,. tlooding�for whlch L.ender requires insurance.'I7�is ineurnnce shaU be mainWned in tho amounts and far the periods that L.cnder , -°
<br /> requires.'lY�o ins�ranca carri�c providing tha inaurt�nca shall be chosen by Horrawer subject to i.ender's approval whieh shell not .,
<br /> � ..
<br /> •� bc unm,usonably withheld. It Borrower faila w muintein coveragc dacribcd nbove,Lender mgy. at Lender's opdob. obtaln
<br /> covcri�ga to protcct[.cndcr'e rl�hts in thu Pcaperty in eccordanw with paro�aPh 7. „ .,t�
<br /> ' ' Alllnsurance policie.v smd renewals aholl bcs uc:ceptablo W Lender and ahatl includo a atnndnrd mortgage clause. Lender shall �
<br /> . havo tho d�ht to hold thc pollcics ond renowWs,if I.endcr rcquires� Sonowcr ahull pmmptiy givo w L.cnder sU receipts of paid • .,
<br /> premlums and renowd rtot�ces.tn�he ovent of toss�8orrawer ahalt givo prompt nodce to tho insuronccs caMer end I.er.der.Lcnder
<br /> mny malco praof ot laa9 if not mndo promptly by Barrowcr. , '�
<br /> Unless Lendcr and Barrowec athcrwisa agrao In wdting,insurnnco pracceda sha11 ba a�+PUed t��s���on or �epair of the . ,
<br />' property dumaged,if tho restaratlorc ar repuir is ecartomlcally feaslblo end I.ender's sec�ulry�S not lessened.If the restoration or :. �
<br />'- repatr is not e�onamtcuUy (c�sebb or Y,ender's securlry would bc lessened�►e lnsurance Proct�ds shall be aPPUed to the awms
<br />' . secured by Ihla Securlty instr�ment,whcthcr ar not thcn due. with aey eacess p�d to Bortuwer.If Borrower abandons the � _
<br /> Property,or dcx�n�t anawet within 30 days a nodce from 1.ertder that t1►e inst��nnee carrter ha4 offered to settle a claim,then .. ,....-��:°
<br /> Lender may collect the insurertc.es pnncceds.Lender may use the procceds W repair or restora the Property or to pay sums secumd - �.
<br /> " .- by this Sec�utty Ynsts�ment,whelher or not then dua.'Ihe 30�Jay period wIll begtn when tho naticc is glven. ";_-
<br />. U�less Lender end Borrowcr othawlse agree in wddug�anY aPPUcadan of pmceeds eo principal ahall not extettd or postpone �
<br />- `" �� the dae date of the monddy paymertta refcned w in Pan�grapha 1 and 2 or chtu►ge the amount of the payments.If undrr paragraph . � . '�=
<br /> c-
<br />. 21 the Property is acquired by Lender. Bortower's right to any insurauce poHcIes and proceeds resulting from damage ta the ._-., G ��:�.y....:`�
<br /> . .. �P�Y Rrior w the acq�isidon ahall pass to Lender to the exteait of the sums secured by this Securlty Iuswment immediauJy `�..'I�'�,u�,
<br /> „ � ., � pdor to the acquisidon. � =
<br /> ;; 6.Oocypancy,R�eservtNon,Malnteaeace and Protection ot tlse Propertyi Borrower's Loan Application;Leaseholds.
<br /> � � Borrower shall occupy,estabiisb,and use the Property as Botrower's princIpal residence wittt�in si�cty days after the eacecuflon of .
<br /> " . chLg Securlty Insuument and shall condnua to occupy the Property as Bomnwer's principal residencc for at least one year after tbe `. ''1
<br />_ _ . , daiG uf�x�:upency. �mtes�Landcr atlsers.� agrees in wrIiing. which concent shall not be unreasonably withheld.or unless ' ,.��� �-
<br /> i
<br /> � extenuadng circumstances e�ist which are beyond Bo:rower's con�ol.Borrower shall not desuoy,damaBe or Impair the Propeaty. �.'1� �
<br /> ellow thte Property w deteriorato,or commit wast�on the Property.Borrower shall be in default if any forfeiwre s�tion or ,�
<br />_ proceeding.whether civil ar criminal,is began that in I,ender's good Fdth f udgimeat could result in forfeiuue of the Property or ; �%; � .
<br /> othetwiss matecially impair the lien cceated by this Sec,�uity Insuument or Lender's se�tuiry interest Boirower may cure auch a
<br /> �� default and m,instate.nc pmvided in puragraph 18.bY causing the acdon or pmceeding w be disnilssed with a ruling that,in +='�::<'; J �
<br /> � L,ender's good faith determinadoa,Precludes forfeiwre of the Borrower's inta�est Li ttte Property or other materFal impaircaent of �` ; ' .
<br /> the lien cseatod by tbis Securlty Instrument or Lender's security interest.Horrowa shall also be in default if Borrower.duting ihe ' .;-.
<br /> .. loan application procc,ss.geve materjally false or inecc�rate informatIon or smtemcnts w Lender(or feiled w pmvlde Landar with ��+���:��`
<br /> a ��
<br /> �•� �� any ruatcrial infomiaUon)ln connecdon witb Uee loan evidence3 by the Note,including, but not limited m,represcnrations �• •
<br /> ,�;`�,� concerning Bonower's occupancy of ths Propeaty as a princ.ipnl msidence.If rhis Security Instrument i s on a l e a s e h o l d,Bamower -
<br /> . shall comply with all the provLsions of the lease.If Bomower acq�ires fee dtle to the Property.the leasehold and the fee dQa shaU • o�
<br /> not merge unless Lender agtees to the merger in writing. �.
<br />_ .,. ' � 9.ProteetEon ot Lender's Rights tn the Property. If Honower feils to peifom►the covenants and agreemeats contained!n �„�;__
<br /> � ` �'• t63s Security Instc+imen6 a there is a legal pmceedinB that may signiC►cantly atfett Lender's rights in the Property(such a4 a -:;r� �
<br /> � � proceeding in bankcuptcy.probate,for condemnsdon or forfeiture or W cnforce laws or reguladons).then Lender may do and pny :'�;.,.,���_�'�'�
<br /> � for ahatever is necessary to protect the value of the Propetty and I.a►dea's rights in the ProIx�atY•Lender's octtons may include :�
<br /> . `� paYing any sums secured by a llen which has pdorIty over tiils Securlry Insuument,appeadn8 in court.PaylaB reasonable , ��---
<br /> .; �'... suomeys' fees and entering on the Property to make repalrs.Although Lender may take acdon undea this paragsapd 7,Lender � _.~���
<br /> -., _ . . .. does not have w do r.�. . _
<br /> :.:.� ._._..
<br /> „ ' My amounts disbursed by Lender under this paragcaph 7 shall become addtdonal debt of Borrower secured by this Security ".��`F=��
<br />_ „ lnsstiumeni Unless Borrower and Lender agree w other terms of pay►nent,4hese amounts shaU bear iaterest from ihe data of , =
<br /> um
<br /> . � disbnrsement at the Note ra�te and shall be payable.with interest.upon notice from Lender to Borrower requesting PeYmenG •N.. .,:
<br /> 8.Mortgage Iesur�na. If Lender required mo:tgage insurance a�a condidon of maidng the loan secured by this Seciuity � �'':'� �"
<br /> Insaument,Borrower shall pay the premiums requireti to maintain the moregage insurance in effect. If� for any reason.tbe , ,. '
<br />_ � � mortgage insurance cove,rage require�by Lender lapses or cea.ses to be in effect.Bomower shell pay tha premiums required w , ;,.,,.
<br />- � " obtein covecage subsmntially eg�ivalent to the mortgage lnaur�snce previously in effect,at a cost substantially equivalent ca the ,, J'r.`I;.,:.
<br />-= cost to Borrower of the morRgage insurance prevlousIy in effect, from an attemate mortgage in.4urer approved by L.ender.If
<br /> substantlaally egulvelent matgage insurance cuverage is not available.Borcower shall pay to Lender each month a sum equal to �
<br />— one�twelfth of the yearly mortgage insttrance premium being pald by Boirower when the insurance coverage Iapsed or ceased to '
<br />-= � ,, be in effect Lender wlll axept,use and retain these payments as a loss reserve in lieu of mortgage insurance. Loss r�setve
<br /> � Form 3028 9180 �
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