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.. .,1� ` • •• � ' --. <br /> -t. ii . .. '• - <br /> _' � � „ ' .. �' • ,� � .��� � .. <br /> �. . ' . <br /> . .. . �. , •• . <br /> ^ . <br /> . <br /> . 'u_ .._ . _ - '—_"'_'__ " -_-- ___- - -- <br /> ., .. . .. .-'...... . ..... .. . _.. ... ... _ . ..��.. . .. . . . . .... ..... ......_ ...... . .. . . _ '-� .... . _.. =.-=T '__, - . _ <br /> .�a . .. n. .' " <br /> . _, . ... �._ -..--�- <br /> . .. .. _ .._. .. _ 95��n�'70 �_ . <br /> ° 'P0C3ETHER WlTfi aU the improvem.ents now or hereafter erected on the property.end all casementa,appurtenances,su►d <br /> Cutaua now or hem.atter a part of tha property.All replacements and addiflons shall elso be covared by this Securlty Instrumen� .. <br /> All of the faregoing is referred to In this Seciutty Instsument as the"Propecty" <br /> BORROWBR COVffiVANTS Wat Bomnwer is lawfuUy seised of tho esmte hereby convoyed and has the rlght w grant and <br /> � convey the Aroperty aad that the Praperty i� uneneumbere�d, eae�epi for e.ncumbrances of record. Borrower warrants and wW " <br /> . ° dcfend geuemlly the Htte to the Property against ali claLns and demands.subject to any encumbrnaces of record. <br /> . . ' THIS SECiJR1TY INSTRIJIV�N'T cambiaes unifom�covcnents far nnflonal use and non-uaifom� covenants witb Wnited , <br /> ., . .. variadons by jnrisdicdon to coacdtute a unifom►securiry iastrwnent covesing real property. , <br /> , - .; UMFOR.�1 COVBNANTS.Bonorvcr and L.ender coveAant aad agree a4 foAows: <br /> � � 1.Payment at Prtndpa!and Interest;Prepayment aad Late C6arges. Horrower shall prompdy pay when duc tho <br /> pdncipal of end interest on the deht evidence�by ihe Note and any prepayment and late charges due undcr the Note. <br /> 2,F�nds tor Tnxes t►ad Insurnace. Sub�ect to applIcable law or w a wrttten waiver by Lender. Horrower shall pay eo , ' <br /> ., Leader on the day montlily payments are due undcr the Note.un�l the Note is paId in fuU�a sum("Funda")for.(a)yesirly taxes <br /> " and a5sessments whlch may attatn priorlty oves thLv Scxurtty Insnvme,�t a�a Uen on tha Property;(b)yc�rly leasehold pmyments . <br /> ° or ground rents on the Property.if�any;(c)ycarly ha�.erd or property lnsurenca premiums;(d)yeariy fiood insuranca prcmiuma,if <br /> � : any;(o) ycarly mortgagc inswnnca premiums. if any;and(��ny sums puyablc by Bonuwcr ta l.cndcr. In nccords�nca with tho <br /> ' provlsions of paragraph 8, !n tteu of tho puyment ot mortgego insuranc� premiuma.TYteso iteme oro cullod "Bscrow items." ,, <br /> ,. Lender cn�y,at any timo�collect and hold Furtds in un amount not to oxca��ho mnximum amount u lender for a[ederuUy rolated � •,. <br /> °.. � mortgagcs loan may�uiro for Borrowa's cscrow account under the federal Real Bstate Seulement Proccdures Act of 1974 av ' ���- <br /> '� emended from dme te dmo,12 U.S.C.Secdon ?.b01 et seq. ("RBSPA"),unless enothcr I�w that appUes w tho Funds ixta a lcsscr • <br />, •• amounG If sa.I.ender may,at any tima.collect end hold Funcls in en a�nount not to exceed the lesser emo�ut�. Lendet may <br /> , ' cst�mate the amount of Funds due on the basls of current data and reasonable es�mates of eapendiwres of fupue Bscrow Itema or �� _. <br /> otherwlse in accordance with eppllcable law. �. . . <br /> � The Funds shall be held in an lasdtudon whose deposits are lnsured by a federel agency.instnunentafiry�or entity(inclttding ..�-_ � <br /> , . Lende�, if Lender is such an iasdtudon)or ia any Federal Home Loan Bank.Lender shall epply the Funds to pay tke Escmw „ • �S'. <br /> " Iterna.Lender ma not char e Borrower for holdfn and a 1 �n the Funds.annuaU anal zin the esaow account,or v L� ���, <br /> Y 8 8 PPYB Y Y 8 �l' 8 �,�' <br /> ' " �� , the Bscrow Items.unless Lender pays Borrower interest on the Funds and applicable law permits L�rtder to make such a cherge. �. <br /> '�'�' _;-. <br /> .. However.Lender may nequice Borrower w pay a ono-dme charge for an independent mal estate tax reporting sem+Ice used by •. <br /> ° I.ender in conriecdon a+ith this loan,unless appUcable law provIdes othetwlse.Unless en ag�ement is made or applicabls law . , '-�:_�} <br /> . <br /> reqwces interest�be paid.Lender shait not be requned to pay Bormwa any inte�ce,st or eamings on the Funds.Barrower and ` �"` <br /> , I.ender may agrecs in writjng,hoaever.that interest shaU be paid on the F1u�ds.Lender shail give w Borrower.without :';1;. <br /> � annual aocounang of the Funds,showing credits ead debita w tho Funds and the pnrpose for which each debit to the Funds was �',�;: <br /> ,. " mado.ltie Funds am pledged as sddidona!securIry fo:all sums secured by this Secu�rlty InstrumenL •�.;;� :�� . <br /> If the Fnnds h�ld by Lender exceed the amaunts permitt�d w be held by applleable law.Leader shall account ro Borrower for `'.;• . -��_ <br /> � „ the exoess Funds in accordauce with the mquirements of applicabls law.If the amount of the Funds held by Lender at eny dme is �� �:�•.� "` __ <br /> �, not s�icient to pay Wo Bscrow Items when due,Lender raay so notlfy Horrower in wrtting, such case Bnrrower shall pay � � ;�'�' <br /> ,... . <br /> � � . W L,eAder ihe amouat neces.cary w make up the deficiency. Bo:rowes ahall make up the defidency in no more than hvelve ,� <br /> a monthlY PaYments�at Lender's sole discreflan. ,;�, � <br /> Upon payment in full of all suias socured by this Securily Inst�ument,I.ender shatl promptly refund to Borrower any Funds �•`�c.,� -m- <br /> held by Leader.If.under paragrepb 21,Lender shnll acquire or seU the Property,I.ender,pilor w the acquisition or sale of the �°-- <br /> � ��.�r Prope�ty, shall apply any Funds hold by Lender at tha time of acquisidon or sale as a credit ageinst the stuns secured by this �� <br /> � .,. Securlry Enstniment �::' �-y <br /> ;.�: ., 3.AppIIcatiun ot Paymenta. Unless applicable law provides otheiwlse.all payments received by Lender under puragraphs ,. � � _ <br /> 1 and 2 shall be appIIed fust,to anY prepayment cherges due under the Noie;second,w acnouats payabie uuder paragraph 2: ';.'��`,y�-. � = —-- <br /> ' � :�: ._, fhlyd to interest due� principal due:and last,w any late charges due under the Note. ' u <br /> �� 4.Claargest Liens, Bonower shall pay all t�es,assessments. charges.tines and impositions attrlbutable to the Property ��' - <br /> wiuch may atlain prIorIty over this Securlty Instrument,and leasel►old payments or gcound rents.ff eny.Borrower shall pay these " °}�__, <br /> ,: �,, obllgedona in the manner pmvided in paragrapb 2,or If not paid in that marmer.Borrower shall pay them on time direcdy to the , •{,':=�µ <br /> .° _ . �-.::, � persun owed payment Bonower shaii prompdy fnrnish to Lender ati notices of amounts w be paid under thia par�graph.If ` - -° <br /> - ., <br /> _ ` Borrower makes these payments diresdy,Bomawer shall prompdy fumish to Lender receipts evidenctng the payments. �-,.� <br /> . ` " Homower shall pmmptly discharge any lien which has priority over this Security InsOrument untess Horrower. (a)agrces in ° " � <br /> . � writing bo the payment of the obligation secus�ed by We lien in a mannex ecceptable W Lender.(b}contests In good faith the llen � .: .t <br />- � , by. or defends against enforcement of the licn in, logal proceedings Nhich in the I.ender's opinion operate to pmvent the .. ., <br /> , enforcement of tha 1ien;or(c)se�ures from the holder of the llen an agree�nent sadsfacwry to Lender subordinatinng the flen w � <br />- this Secnriry Instrument If Lender determines that eny part of the Propertyr ia subject to a lien which may atmin priorIty over N�S „ <br /> " Securlty Instrument,I,ender may give Borrower a noflce identifying the llen.Borrower shall satisfy the lie�►or talce one or more <br /> . of the actlons set forth above wlthin 10 days of the glving of nodce. , <br /> „ • Fo�m SoZB 9/eo - <br /> �. �j •BR(NE�(02ta) Pag�t ot 9 �n�twr..—- - - <br /> , � � , . . <br />- , <br /> . <br />�- --------- ---�-�r--------�•--- -- �----- ------�—..._..___ .. <br />�y _ - . .. . .. . u - � . �J�. ,. .� <br />.:: . 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