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<br /> � g licadoa oi rooaeds W`¢f'IncSptI sha11 Aot extead or ,,�,���
<br /> � Llaiess I,en�er and Aonoaer otherwtse a ia writia ,eny app P
<br /> postpone tAa due date of tha monthly pnymeats refern�d to in paragrapl�a 1 aad 2 or chaage the amouat oi the paymente. ..,:�•
<br /> , L_ -
<br /> li uader patagraPh 19 the Pmperty Is aaqulred by I.euder,Horrower's r��ht w aay �nsurana►poltcles and pr000Eds *�.
<br /> resultiag irom damage to tho Ptoperty prlor to the aoquieitioa shall pass to Lende�'w tlie exteat of tha some secured bY , ���,
<br /> tids Security Iustrumeat immedlately prlot to the aoquieltton.
<br /> � 6.Preservatioa �nd Maintenance ai PropertYt Leaseholds;C°nd°miaiums; Plaancd Uait Developmeate. rp
<br /> . Bortower shell kap the Propert!►in good reFair aad ehall nat commit waste or pormtt impairment or deterioratioa oi ..,,
<br /> the Property and shell oomply with¢ho provislona of 8ay lease if this lked af Trust is oa a leasehold.If thia Deed oi � . _
<br /> . � Trust �s on a uait in a amdominium or a plenacd uait�ievelopmeat, Borrower shell pertorm all of Borroaer's . . ,�.
<br /> obligatlona uader the daclarat�on or ooveaeate cteating a goveraing thg ooadomialum or planned unit davelopment,the _
<br /> by-lnws and regu1atIona of tha ooadomiuium or plaaaed untt develapmeat,and oonstttveat documenta _�
<br /> 7.Protect�on oi Leader's Secudty.Ii Barrower tails w perform the voveaeats aad agrecmeata ooateined tu thia
<br /> . Deed oi Trust,os if eay acttaa or prooeedtn8 ie oommeaoed wbich meterielly affects Londer's luterest ia the Property, �
<br /> then Leader� at I.euder's optiar� upon aodoa to Bonoaer.may maka such appearancea,disburse such suma,iacludiag ;>.,..
<br /> � teasontble attorneys'feea.ead take such acttoa es is neo�sary to Protect Lender's intarest.If Lender required mort888e ,,.•. .. .
<br /> iasutaaoe a$a oondtdoa oi maktng the loea secured by this Deed oi Trust.Banower shell paY the pte�iums required to : .,,.'. . �I'
<br /> - , , mnintaia euch iasuraaoe ia effoct uatil auah ttme ea the requirenaent for such iASUrance cermia�tes ia acvordanoe vrtth ";,t�;�'..
<br /> Borrower'e aad Lender's WrIttea agrameat or applicablo laa. Aay amouata disbur�ed by Iauder pursueat to this :; .
<br />_ c: P�S�Ph 7� with interest therecm.at the applfcable aoatrect reta shall become additianat iadebtedaese oi Barrower �;,. .. t.:-. . � �a
<br />-",;'�,` . secyred by thie Deod of Tn�st,Unless Bonower and Lendar aatee W otha terms of p�yment,such dmouate shall be ,rn;,� .L
<br /> ' , pa y n b l e u p c m a o t l o e i r o m Lauder to Burrower r e questin6 Pa9�eat thercoL Notbiag ooataiaed ia this pnrsgraph 7 shalI • �. �f.�"
<br /> •`;'� • rcquire Leader to iacur aay agpease or take any action hereunder. , �r'
<br />" g,Inspectioa. Lender may make or cause to be mado reasoflable entrtes upon ead iaspoctioas oi tt�e Property, , - -�,
<br /> provlded thnt Lender shall give Borcower aottoe prlor W say eoch taspoctioa specitYIag teasonable cause thetefor nlated . � � .�
<br /> to I.auder's interest ia the Property. A' `��-
<br /> 9.Condemnation.Tba prooeeda of eny award or cleirn{or damnges,direct or ooasequentisl,ia connectton wIth anY -
<br />_� condemnauoa or other taking oi the Propercy.or part therooi,or for oonveyanoe ia lieu of ooademnat�on,ate hereby ., . .�N".s�:. �:_�
<br /> essigaed and ehaU be paid to Leader.subject to the temzs of eay mortgage�dad oi trust or other secudty a8e+eement
<br /> wIth a lien wbich has prlodty aver t6ie Dced oi Tn�st. , J � .
<br /> ----- !Q,g.���� N� �2eleased; Forbaranoe BY I.aader Not a Wsiver. Bxteneton oi the time for paymeat or , �.,'� , ' ---
<br /> . " modiitcatton of emortizadoa of the snms secuced by thie Deed of Trust granud by Lender co oay euwca�tfl Sntersst .
<br /> .. . of Borrower and all ot}�er pnrttes aho are or hereafur beoo=ne seoondarilY Uable shell aoi operate to selcase� in uU' ��•�� ;
<br /> manaer. t h e Qn b i t i t y o f t h e o r I g t n e l B o r ro w e r e�d B o t r o w e r e a u o o e s s ors in intetest. I.ender ehall aot be t+equired W r,,�_,�r;, ti ,
<br />-� oommeaoe pzooeediaga ag�inst such euaoessor or refuso to eactend tima for payment or otheraise modify aa►ortizstlon .. ,;;,+�,ti' ,
<br /> o i t h e s u m s e e c u r o d b Y t b I s D o e d a i T r u s t b y r e a s o a o f a a y d e mnnd mnde b y the ori g l n a l BorraWer and Borrower's :.,;;��;�'1 ,
<br />'- "'�� s u o o e s s o r s i a iatete,st.Aa y forbeataaae bq I.ender in�eiercleiag wy dght ot remedy henvnder.or otherwIse�f to r d e d by �� . ;
<br /> � � , applicable law�shaU not be a waiver oi ot preclude tha exen3�e oi aaq such rtght ot tesn e dq. , ° . i �
<br /> - 11.Sucassors aad Asst�ns Boand Joint and Several Liabilitf►: Co-si�aere. The oova�uats and t�recsmeats
<br /> herein odateiaod shall bind.aad the dghta hereunder ehall iaure ta the xespoct�ve suooessots ead assIgns oi Leadar iad -.
<br />° . � Bonomer�subjxZ W the provtsions oi pnregtaPh lb heraof.Al1 oodenants ead agroements af Borrower shall be joiat and �� ' y.
<br /> saveral. Anq Bonoaer aho 0o signs this Doed oi Truat, but does aot e�tecute the Note� (aj is oo eigning this Deed oi �
<br />_ .. . . Trust only to gtant wd oonvoy that Borrower'e tnterest tn the Property to I.e n d e r na d e r t De t e r e n s o i t h i e D e e d o i T n i s t, .� ��—�`"-,�•�
<br />-- ' , (b)ie not p ersonaUq liable on the Note or oader thls Dezd of Trust.and(a)agrees that Leador aad�ay othor Bonowar , -�-_ _
<br /> - ,, hereuader may agree to exteaQ modify�torbear.or melte aap o t har a000men o d a t toas wi t h r e g e r d w t L e t e r m s o f t h t s ;; - ,s
<br /> Dad of Trust or the Nota without thnt Bon+ower's oonseat and without nleasing tLat Bonowor or modifyiag this Dead , -,�;;,. .-,.
<br />= oi Trust as w that Borrower's iaterest ta the Property. ,� a�`�?�t:•�.'.
<br /> '�. iZ.Nottca 8xoept tot eay aotioe tequirod undar e pltcabk lew to be given in eaothar�neaa��(b) 8°��od mail � '1/��'":�
<br />- BorroWer providod for in tbie Dood oi Trust ahall ba g�ven by deltvering it or by mailing auch y -�---
<br /> = addresacd to Borromet at tho Property Address or at eucb other addresa as Borrower�uq dosiganto by aotloe to Leader � ._"- -
<br /> .. ... .. as provtded hereIa�aad(b?any notioe to Laader she11 be given by certitIed meil to Leader'e addrass eated haraia or to ''��::,����.,'"�:,
<br /> � auch other address as L�eader moy desIgaate by notice to Aormwer as provided hareia.Asiy uotice provlded for In this ,'�::r;�i::.,,..,�"-_
<br /> � Dced oi Trust shall be deemed to hava beea given w Borrower or Lander whea gtvea it►the menaec deslgaated hereia. , ., +�;.
<br />" � 13.Oovernins Lw;Severability.The atau aad local laae of the jurIedicttoa ia which the Property is located a1W1 ' , �
<br />_ �� ` aPPZY�aPt where such la�ts ooailtct with Faderal lew: in ahich casa. Federal Iaw shall apply. 1n the eveat that anf -
<br />; provislon or clauso oi thie Dad ot Trvat or the Note ooapicta wIth applicable Iaw�auch oontlicc shall aot aftect nther
<br /> � provietons oi this lkod of Ttust or the Note ahtch can be givea effect wIthout tha oonflicttng provlston,sad to this end .
<br /> - the provistoas of thie Deed of Trust aad the Note nre doclered to be severable.Aa used herein,"costs�""expensae�"and
<br /> - 'attorneys'teea"iacludo all aums w the exteat notpsohibitod by ep�plicable la f tha Note and i thta Deed of Trust.tf °
<br /> `�? 14.HmroWer's Copy. Borrower aba11 be furnisl�ed a oontormod oapy .
<br /> _e e'e9uestod+at the time oi exec,vtton or after reoordadoa hereof.
<br /> IS.�ehabU�tatton Loaa A�reemea� Borrcwer shell iu1ti11 e11 ot Borrower'e obligations under wq hon►e , :.' ?;'
<br /> -_ � rehnbilitnttrn4 �snprovemeat, repair� or other lonn agramaat whieD Borrower entote into with Lender. I.eader. �t , ,......,.
<br /> ' L,ender's optioa.may eequin Borrowee'to esec�►te nnd deliver to I.ender.in a form aooeptable to Iandor,aa assl8nment , �
<br /> � � of any righte�cluims or defenses which Horroaer may have against partiFs aho aupply labor.meteriels or sorvias ia � ,
<br /> � oonnectIaa with improvements mnde to the Property. �' .
<br /> � __ _ - - t�.'r�,.�t�ot the Prooertv. If Borrower sells or transiers all or aay part oi the.Property or an iaierest therern. �__._.__
<br /> : . -�-- --- --- -
<br /> ; excludis�g(aI tho croation of a lien or encumbraaae subordinate to tt►ts Deed oi'lrust.tb)a traasrer oy doviw.aor�sa r_ _ - -
<br /> � or by operatioa of taw upon the death of a joiat tenaat, (c)the grant of any leasehold interest of three qeurs or less aot I
<br /> watnining an optioa to putchase,(d)the creadoa of a porohese monay socurity interest for bausehald appliaaoea(e)a
<br />-�'� � tranafer w a telative resuldng trom the death of a Borrower, (f) a transier ahero the spouse or children of the Bonoaer
<br /> beoome nn owaer of tha property. (g)a transter resultiag trorx►a decroe of dissolution oi marriage, legal separatian
<br /> �� ; agreement, or from aa incidentnl propetty settlemene agreement, by which the spousa of tha Borrower beoomes an
<br /> � . ..
<br /> � .;'
<br />; � .� OC•IO•it DNd ot Trust N8 ORIOINIIL I���������������I� f�E007931
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