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<br /> 'P0C3S1'H8R wIth ell the Improvccnaate aow or Set�eaiter erected ua tha property� aad all eascmoAU+, r�gh4o, � ;;,�_
<br /> ay�purtenaaaa aad teata(subject hoaever to tLe rights and auMorIttes given Aeteia w I.andet to collect aad apply sucA `• �
<br /> I renta�.dl oi ahiah e6d1 be deemed to be aad remain t part of the property ooveted by thts Deed oi Ttust;ead all ot tho ..'fi
<br /> `;�; � fore�oia�, to�ather wIt�sdd proporty(or tDe leasohold astate it this Deed oi Truat is on t laasohold) aro hereimefter �''°�`
<br />_ roferred ta as the"Praperty." �''
<br />_� ; Borrovm oovenauta tAat Borrower is lawfully eeised ot Lhe estaW huroby oonveyed aud has the rigAt to gcaat aad oonvey r
<br /> OALA
<br />- the Pr�operty�aad ttut the P�operty ie uaencumborod ezoept tor eacumbranas of reoord. Boernaver oovaaeats that M�'
<br />- Borrower aartants aad will defead generaliy the title w the Propc+:ty egatast all cleinns and desnsade, subject to �
<br />;. aacutnbranaca oi rr.00rd. �
<br /> � • LJNIPORM COVBNAN'P3.Borrower and Lendet caveaant aad agcee ae follow� t,
<br />_ 1.Paymeat o4 FrincIpal aad Interes� BorroWer shatl promptly pay wAea due the priaclpal aad tatenat .
<br />- . iadebtedaass evIdenced by the Note� iaeludIag nay variadona resulting from ehenges ia tha ooatract nte. sad other ,
<br /> - . cherges�s pmvided in the Note. -.
<br /> � 2 F�mds for Tuea aad Irisuruica Subject to applicable 1aa or wdttaa wa�ver by Leader�Borrower sDa11 psY w ,
<br />_. . I,eader oa t�e daq moathly paymeats ot priaclpal aad iaterest nre payable uader the Nota,until the Nou is paid�a tnU, �
<br /> -- • e sum (dereln "Fuada")equal to oae-twelith oi the yearly teaes and assrasments(lacluding oondominiussi and pla�uted
<br /> uutt developmeat eaeessmaata, ii aayl which mny attain prlortty ova thia Deed oi Truet, aad gtouad reats oa the • �`
<br /> � Propetty� �i my�Plus�ae-twelfth oi the yeuly um instellmaats for haz�rd inaut�aoe,Plus oae-tweUth ot yeady .
<br /> _- prern;um tnstaltmaate tor mortgege ineuranee.�� tt11 as nasonably estimeted iaidnlly aad irom ttxne W ttme by . _
<br /> -t; Lsader on the baeie of assesameats and biUs and reasrn►able eetimaks thereot.Borrav�er sha11 aot be obligated w ineke .. ��;�.
<br /> = .' � aucD payeneats oi Fuads to Leader to tho cl�eat that Bonowor makea gucb papmaats to the holder of a prIor mortgaga . �,�._
<br />— . ot dxd of ttust ii such holdet is an inatttutiotulleAdet. � r.
<br /> �f Harower paya Foads to I.eader.the Funds ehall be held ta aa insdtuttoa the depoeite ar a0000nte oi which are , ' �
<br />-- ' iaeured or guerantoed by a Federal or etete aganaY(iacluding Lender ii Leader 1s eucb aa tnsdtudaa).Laader s}uU apply •. .
<br /> . t�e Fuads W pay said tanea,�ssesemente. ioawsaoe premiums and g�ouad reata Lendet maq aot charge for so holdiag ''� �� ' , ::{.
<br /> �::.;� �
<br />�; and�pplyin8 tAe Fnada.analYz�aB seid a000unt or verity�ag aad oompiUag sald�ssessments uid bill�,uWess Lender paYe • ",,L;�
<br />— Borrower inter�st oa the Fuads and sppliceble law permits Lender to meke such a cherga Borrowar and Lender may :_-_.—
<br /> -" . agree in wrlting at the time ai e�ocutton oi tbio Deed of Tnst that int�arest on the Funds aLall be paid to BorroWer,and � ��„�„r:
<br /> � unless such�greemeat is made or�ppUcnble lnw royuires auch iatenst w be paid,Leador ehnil aot be required w pay . ,- ,.b!�`j
<br />_ .. HortoWer any tatenst or earniags oa the Funda Iaadar ehell glve to Bornnwar�without ehatga�u►aaaval t000�mtiag oi �f, .,�y �
<br />— _ ilts Ft�s�aiag tredits aad slebFts so ihe Fua�s ans! th�gurgc+�±tc�t v�hi�h eacn debit to tDe Funds�vas meda The ' � t
<br /> -- —__—__ �::31.___ ...
<br /> � Fuads tn�pledged as iddittonal8ecueity for the aums secured by thia Deed of Tru�t. ` �
<br /> It the unount ai the Fuads held by Lender�toget�ar with the future moathly Iastsllmeata of Funda payable prior to ; .i y
<br />— `` the dve dates of tsiee,assesemente,�neuranoe premiume aad grouad rents,shall osoeed the emount required to pay seid , .
<br /> . taaes. �sessmeats, insurarme premlums and grouad reats as th.ay faU dua,such exoess sheU b0. at Borrowet's optto�, : . ��" � �:
<br />— I �iffier P�PUY�d W BorroWer or cndited to Borrowar oa mont�ly inetallmente oi Funda Ii the unouat of the ' �,• ����
<br />-= Fuads held by Leader s1u11 aot be suificient to pay taes,�esemeats.insurasoe premiums ued ground ronts ts they fa11 � .• �; f y
<br /> . due,Barower ebaU pey w Leader tny amouat nooeseary w msice up tho deitdeaey ia one or more paymaats�s Lender „ + 1
<br /> „ '�.
<br /> �nay nquira
<br /> � . Uponpaymeat tn tuU oi t11 suma eecured by thts Deed oi Tn�st,Lender et�U pramptly niund w Borrower�ey fuada �
<br /> � held bq Leader. �f uader gnragraph 17 hereoi tD� P:operty ia eqld or the Praperty is otheraise aoqvired by Laader� : r .,
<br /> _. .,. Lender shall apply.no later than immodiately prIor w tae sala at the Pioperty or ite noquleition by Lvader.aay Fuada ..' ' :�r+'� '_
<br /> � � " � held 6q Lendar et the t�sna ot application es a cradtt agaiast the suma secured by this Deed oi Trust. _ -�,:e.,--'
<br /> �� � � 3. Appllatloa oi Payments.Ud�s appltcable t�w provtdes otherwIse.all payments t+eceived by L e ndar un der t he ���_��_- _—
<br />— • PTote rnd puagnpba 1 tad 2 hareo#ehall be appliad by Laader fIrst ia payment oi amoimts payable to Imder bp , , �
<br /> �'s � ���P�+B�Ph 2 hereoi� thaa w interest payable oa tDo Noto et the appiicable oontract rate.wd tha► w tLe , ;�� "� ,i _
<br />�, priaclpl oi t�e Nota . "- � "`
<br />`'�: 4. Fdor Mort:a=es and Deeds oi Tivst;Citar�es�Lieas. Borrowar eh�l! periorm dl oi Boreower's obligations ���[
<br /> y"'s ustdat�ay mortpge,deed oi ttuet ot other eocudty tgtaemeat wtth a liea whic�has priority ovar this Deed of Truet, �
<br />�;A ,. . . ., .. .;��',-=Y
<br /> ° ineludla� BortoWer's wvenente w mske pcymenm when dne. Borroaer shail pay �r causo :,, � �►.. ai, t�ca, '��,,..
<br />'j • sss�mtats and arther charges,itaas and impoRidons attr�butable W the Property ahic�may attaia a prlorlty ovar ttis � • '"S
<br /> 1
<br />_,� .. �_
<br />�-�' �� '� - . Deal�Trust.�nd le�sehold paya►eats or grouad rents.ii eay. .
<br /> ._.. . .,.-;�W;>--
<br />�.. S. H��td Isfsa�maoe. Botroxer eAaU kaep the lmprovemeats aow etisdag or hara�hor erasted oa the Property , . }� �-,,�
<br />=�;� �asured a laes by iire, bsurds included aithin the term "eaten d e d o o v e r aga�" a n d s u c h o t D e r n a z a r d e a s L e ader :: .
<br />�� � may r+ n sad in euch amouat�end for sucd paIads as Leader mey rcqvire. „ .
<br />�� Thetnsurenoe c e r r ter pro v i d i ng t h e i n a u r a aoe a h a U be c�asen by tAe BorroWar sub j o c t to a p p r oval by Lender; :r
<br /> --��'�` �ovlded.t�at euch approval ahall not be vareaeonably wit6hold.All inaureaoe policiES aad reaewais thereof shalt be ta n
<br /> fona aoaepteble to Leadar aad ehdl includo a steadard mortgpge clauso�n invor of ead in e fom�aooeptablo W Leader.
<br />��� Leader ehnll have t�e right W hold the polictes ead maewals theroof.aubjxt w t�e teems of any mortgage,deed oi ttust �
<br />- a . or othec eavrity agreemaat with a l�ea wbic�6ns priority over this Deed of Trust
<br />�y: Ia the eveat oi loss.Bon+ower aha11 give prompt notioe to the iasuranoe earrier aad Leadar.Leader rney make prooi :
<br />'��� o f lose i!no t mn de pram p t l y b y B o r r o w e r. ,
<br />_-$� . � Ual�s Lender aad Borrower otheraise egroe in Writing.insuranoe prooeeds ahili be applIed to cestorattoa or ropair oi
<br /> the Pmperty dameged.if tho restotadon or ropair is eooaomically ieaslble aad Leader's soaurity is aot lessened.If the
<br />_� � restor�don or repair Is noi econan�cally feaslble or Lender's ee�urity would be l�aened,t�e insuraaoe prooeeds shall be
<br />_�• " � appliod to t�e aume secured by t�is Security Instrumeut,whether or not then due,with aay aaaess paid to Botrower.Ii {
<br />-_ ' __ - -- .----.. u.,..,.��.,t,�.�..ns th.,Pr�t�.�dr�enc answer wittia 30 davs a aotioe{mtn Lender that the insuranoe carrier bea :
<br /> — _� - --•--��-- --------- ---�---..-- ----
<br /> ' � , ofterod to eettle n cleim� tAea Lender may oollact the insurance prooeeda Iaadar inny use the prooeeds to rapair or —_-- --- _
<br />���' , restora the property or oo gay sume sxured by t6is Secudty Instrument,wheffier or not then due.The 30-day per�od will ' �•
<br /> --� begin ahea the aatiae is givea. . .
<br />_;'{ Ii t�e Property is ebaadoaed by Barrawor,a ii Borrowar faile tfl reapond to Lendar wIthin 3fl deya from tae date
<br />��, aotioe is mailed by Londor to Bomoaer tAnt the inew�aaoa carrier ofiers w eattle a clatm tor tnsucaace beaeiits, Lender �
<br />� is antAortzed to oollect aad appty the �nsuranca prooeods at Landar s optioa elther to e+esturadon or reQatr oi the
<br /> � Property or w t�e aums eocured by t�is Deed oi Trvst. ,
<br /> � ,
<br /> . � oe•�o-K o..a ot m.�te oR�a�wu I�����������1���I1 �� .
<br /> �_ � . I
<br /> i I
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<br />