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��: . , , ,. � <br /> ,n,r, ., .. <br /> , " ,,.. . s, � ' ,:; � � „ � .. <br /> +,,.:•.��,,..... ' .. , . .:...,rt. <br /> . , , .. ,� ,. <br /> -- - --- -. . ., . <br /> .. , ..�_...----°-- - - _..... . � _ .___,... - - � -- - -�-— <br /> --.- ._ .-, . . - � - --..._--�--,--- -- -------.-- ------_..._ .. .-,. .. - --== :-, -- _;:: -- <br /> ,� ., , „ ,. . ;' <br /> . . <br /> .. , . .. .. .�. _.. <br /> „ .. _.,. .___._ - - _ .. .. .. . -. . .. . � <br /> .. « <br /> , ,. � �} 9��- i�"��!�7 � <br /> ° ' S. Huaurd ur E'ruperty Imuruncc. p��rro�rrr tiha�l krcp thc improvcment+ n��w cxi.ting ��r licrcaftrr cmrtcd on thc <br /> ' Property inM�red uguin,t lu�+ hy fire, haiurJ+ inrluJeJ within the term'extendcd cuverage" and uny usher h�uards, including <br /> � f1uuJ�ur tla+dinH. li�r�vhich Ixndcr rei�uin, intiuranrc. 7'hi� in,u�.u�ce�hull bc maintaincd in thc amuunh und Pi�r thc�+criixis <br /> thut I.endcr rcyuir��.. Tl�c in,urancr rurricr pruviding tt�r intiuruncc+hull bc cho�cn by E3��r�uwcr+uhjcct to Ixndcr'ti appmvul � <br /> .. , whirh .hall n��t br unrcasan;�bly withhcld. U'liorrc,wrr fail+ to �naintain covcrugc dc,crihed abnvc. L�:ndcr nwy�. at L�:ndcr'� <br /> �_ aptiun.obtain r�wcragc t��pr�►tcrt C.cndcr'��ightti in thc Nroperty in acrord:uKC with parugruph 7. <br /> � • Atl inwruncc poliries und renewal+ sh:ill br acreptablr to LcnJcr u�zd shall inrluJe a �tundard manguge cluuse. l.cndcr <br /> � tihalt have the right to hold the��licieti and renewulti. If Lender reyuires,Born�wcr shull promptly give to Lender ull receiptx uf <br /> paid premiums und renew;el notice+.In the event uf los�. &�rruwer shall givc prumpt n��tice to the imuranre carrier unJ I.enJer. <br />. l.endcr may mukc proof of lotis if nut mad�promptly by Born�wcr. <br /> • � Unle�s I.endcr and Burr�wcr uthcnvise ugree in writing. insurance prorecds shall be applicd tu rertoration ur repair of the <br /> Property dam3�ed,if thc restoratiun or rcpair is ecuiwmi��ally feutiible und Lender's stcurity is not lesscned. [f the restornti�m o� <br /> � � . mpuir is not economically feusible or Lender's tiecurity wuuld be lessenal, the insurance pra:eeci� `haU be upplied tu the sums <br /> secumd by this Security Instrument, whether ��r not then du�, with uny excess paid to Barrower. If Borrower ab�ndons the <br /> .� Property, or does not answer within 30 days a notice fsom L.ender thut the insurunce currier has offered to settle a claim,then <br /> - - .. - . Lendcr may cullect the insurdnce proceeals. Lender mny use the prnceedti to repair or re�tore ths PmpeRy or t� pay cums <br /> � secured by this Secu�ity Instrument,wliether or not then due.The 30-clay periai��ill be�in when the notice is given. <br /> -:- llnlcss Lender and finrrowcr otherw�sc ugrce:in wntmg, any uppticauon of proceeds to principai ahali not extenJ ur <br /> postpone the due dxte of the monthly puyments referreJ to in pumgcaphs I and 2 or change the amount of th�payments. If <br /> ^ under paragraph 21 the Property is acquired by Lender. Borrower's right to any insurance palicies and proceeds resulting from <br /> � damage to the Propeny prior to the acquisition,hall to Lender tu thc extent af the sums secured by this Security Instrument <br /> „ '' immediatcly prior to thc:�cqui�ttion. ; <br /> ,'.� 6.Occupancy,PresYrvation. Maintenance and Prntection of the Property;&►rrawer's l.oan Appltcatlon;Leaseholds. � <br /> � �orrower sl�all ixcupy,estublir;h,und use the Propeny a.c Horrower'.principal residence a�ithin sixty days after the exa:ution of <br /> , � this Security Instrumeat and sh�ll continue to occupy the Propeny as Borruwer's principal residence for at least one year after <br /> the date of accupancy, unleati i.ender oiltenvise agrees in writing. which consent shall not be unrestsonably withheld.or unless <br /> _ _ - _' - , eztenuatin� circumcwnces ezitit which are beyond Borrower's control. Botrower shall not destmy, damage or impair the '" <br /> , Property, allow the Propeny to deteriomte,or cornmit waste on the Propeny. Barrower shall be in default if any forfeiture �` <br /> ° action or proceeding, whether civil or criminal, is begun that in Lender's gaod faith judgmont could result in forfeiture of►he �--'_ <br /> :' .����. Property or otherwise materiAUy impair the lien created by this Security Instrument or Lender's r,ecuriry interest. Borro�ver may �� <br /> ' . .. cure such a default and minstate,as pr�vided in paragruph l8,by cAUSing the uction or pmceeding to be dismissod with u ruling ��" <br /> , � ., that, in Lender's goud faith detcrminution, precludes forfeiture of the Barrower's interest in the Property ar other material <br /> • imp�irment of the lien created by this Security instrument or Lender's security interest. Sorruwer shall ulso be in default if �;� <br /> • �"'•• Borrower, durins the loan application proccss.guve meteriully false or innccurate informarion ur statements to Lender(or failed - �� <br /> ". to provide Lender with any materiul information)in connection with the loan evidenced by the Note, including,but not limited '�-.— <br /> .,�� �'_•:�. <br /> : � to, represeatations c�rncerning Borrower's�ccupuncy of the Property us a prIncipal residence. lf thib Security instrument is on a -�,,�.,_ <br /> . . ' leasehotd, Borrower shull comply a•ith all the provisions of the leuse. If Borrower acquires fee title to the Property, the •5: <br /> leasehold and the fce title shull not merge unless Lendar agrces to the merger in writing. ;r;;` <br /> u�.. 7.Protection oP Lender's Rights in the Pe�operty. If Bormwer fails to perform the covenants and agrcements contained in �'- <br /> " ,� " this Securit Instrument. or therc is a le al roceedin thut ma si mficantl affect Lender's ri hts in the Pro rt (such as u ��— <br /> �,�� Y 8 P � Y S � Y 8 Pe Y �°� <br /> > proceedin�in bankcuptcy.probate, for condemn3tion or forfeiture or to enforce laws or regulations).then Lender may do and �,- <br /> `�.F , pay for whutever is necessary to protect the vutue af the Property and I.ende�s righ�s in the Property. Lender's acttons may �`: <br /> ' ' - , include a in an sums secumd b a lien whic6 hus riorit over this Securit Instrument, a eurin in court. a in �`� <br /> P Y S Y Y p Y Y PP g P Y � <br /> reasonablc attorneys fees and enterin�on �he Prapeny to make repairs.Alttrough Lender may teke action under this paragraph �� <br /> ' 7,L,ender d�es n�t hnve to do so. <br /> ,,,�. «��. ,_:..`�,s.:, Any amounts dishuRed by Lender under this parnFraph 7 shall become additiont�l debt of Borcuwer secured by this = <br /> � •� r, Security lnstrument. Ue�tess Borrowcr nnd Lender agree to other terms of payment, these amuunts shall bear interest from the � <br /> �� dute uf disbunement at thc Note rate and shuU be puyable, with interest, upon noticc from I.cnder to Borrowcr requestin� � <br /> - , • - ;, � payment. <br /> • • � = 8.Mort�age lnsuru�ee. if Lender r�quired mortgage insurance ati a candition of making the loun secun'd by this 5�urity '' <br /> . ' Instrument. Borrower shall pay the pmmiums requircd tu maintain the monguge insurance in effect. If, for any mason, the <br /> �- ,� mortga�e insurance coverage required by Lender lapses or ceases ta be in effcct, Bormwer shall pay the premiums required to <br /> obtain covera�e subsu�ntiully equivalent to the mortguge insurance previously in effect,ut n cust substantiully equivulent to the <br /> ' wst to Bocrower of the mort�u�c insurance previously in effect, from un alternate mortgage insurer upproved by I.�:nder. if <br /> ° substuntially eyuivulcnt mortga�c insuranrc covcrsgc is not uvailablc,Barcvwcr shall puy t��Lcndcr c;sch mnnth a tium cyual to <br /> oue-twelRh uf the yearly nx�n�age insurance premium being paid by Borrower when the insurance cuverage lapsed or re:ised to <br /> , bc in effect.I..ender will accept,use and rctain these payments as a toss rcserve in lieu a( mongage insnrance. Loss reserve <br /> .� <br /> Form 3028 9180 ' <br />._ Payo 3 ot 8 <br /> � � � �_—.- .._.., __ r_._�_•_� ,r_.._—_.,-_._._-. - ,_.. _._,._- -----•r---�c^r--�,^,.� .. �_._,. •____'__�,� .. <br /> � � . � , - . , L. <br /> -- o .. ,� ,. -` . o . ., ' <br /> .. -�� �� � . � , " � , - .. .. <br /> .. .., .. . . ., ., . ,, � .. � <br /> _ <br /> , � <br /> , <br /> � . . . <br /> . . . <br /> �,i __. .. _ � _.. ___ - - -- - <br />