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<br /> " TOCZF.THI:R WITi 1 ull thc i�upruvcn►cnh n�nt�irc hcmaftcr rrccted un tiic pr�,�urty.a�ul all ca.cincut...►ppurtciian«•,.am1
<br /> lixture+ n���v ��r I�cnaltrr a p.ir¢ uf tl�e ptuprny. All rcpl:ircment� und udditium +hidl al.0 hc r�wcrcd hy thi, ti�curity '
<br /> ° •' in+truuu�it.All uf'tlic f��rcg�,ing i:rci'crrcd tu in thiti tie�urity In,trun�cnt uti tlic"1'ruprny.'
<br /> : HpKltc)Wl:lt COV1iNANTS ihat li�►rruwcr i.I�nvfully �ri�cd af Uir c+tate hcrchy c�mvcycd und ha,thc right tu granl and
<br /> ,, - cunvcy thr Pruperty anal th;u thc P�c�perty �s uncticuu►hcrcd. cxccpt li�c cnrumbramc. af rerord. F��rruwrr ��arrantti,md �vill
<br /> - dcfcnd gcnerully thc tid�tu thc Prupeny aguinrt uU�laltn+und dcmund+,.ruhjcct ta+my cnrumbrancc,��f rerurd.
<br /> ., ° THIS SE�URITY INSTRUMENT cumhincti unifi�rm rnvcnant,fi�r nationai utic unJ ��un-uniti�rm ruvcnantti with limitcd
<br /> � �"-"'"� variatiuns bf�jurisdictinn tu c�mstitutc u unifumi�crurity intitrume�t rnvcring rc:d pruperty. ..
<br /> "" UN IFORM COV�NANTS. ��rru�vcr:md I..cndcr cvvenunt and ugree a�G��<<►�����
<br /> . l. Ppyment of 1'rinri�ual uad Inten�+t: Prepayment �nd l.utc Churac�. Aorru��•cr yhall prompdy pay whcn Juc thc
<br /> � principal otund intere�t on thc dcbt evidcncrd by tlee Nate und any pmp:►yment:is�J latr rharge�Juc under thc Notc.
<br /> . 2. Fundc far Tazes and Insuranee. Subjert to applicuble law or tu u writt¢n wuiver by I.endcr. Burrowcr tihall pay to
<br /> �. Lcnder on thc day manthly payments urr duc uadcr the Notc,until�hc Nutc ix paid in full,u+um("FunJ,"►for:1:+1 ycarly taxes ;
<br /> und ussessinents which may attain priority over thi�Security In+trununt c+s a lien�m the Pn�peny:lbl yearly!cu`chuld payments
<br /> � ar�ruurtd rents on the Property, if uny;(c)yearly haxurd c�r pr��perty insur.►nce premiums:Id►yearly tlu�x!intiurance premtums,
<br /> - ' ,� �� if any;(e)yearly mon�age insurance premiumti, if uny:und (fl uny�ums payable by Burro��er t�►I.ender, in uccurdancc�vith
<br /> � � .•• „ ' .. the pmvisions of paraFrnph 8.in lieu of the payment of mortguge insurance pmmiums.The�e items are called"Eurow Items."
<br /> � Lender rnay, ut uny time,collect nnd hold Funds in an amount nut ta cxceed the maaimun►untount a icnctcr for a fedecn!!y
<br /> �� , � ' related mortga�e luan niay reyui�e Tu� I3uri�ower's cscroti��uccouae onder the fedend Real Runte Settlement Proredures Act of _ .
<br /> Iq74 as amended from timc ta time, l2 U.S.C.Sestion 26i11 et se•q.("RESPA").unless another tu�v that applics to the Furtds
<br />" sets a lesser amount.If so. Lender may. at any 1ime. collect und hold Funds in an:smount not to excecd the Ie�+er amount.
<br /> ... � Lender may estimatc the amount of Funds due on the basis uf cunent data :utd reaaue�able estimates of expenditures of future
<br /> � � Escrow Items or otherwise in accatd�rtce witb applicable luw. �.
<br /> ' ��4w ••� The Funds shall be held in an institutiun whose deposits are insured by u fcderal �geat��. instrucnentality,or entity
<br /> �f , ..
<br /> �' ' „��,� , � (including Lxnder,if Lender is such un institution)ar in a►�y Federal Home L.oan Bank•Lender shall�pply the Funds to pay the '
<br /> Escrow Items. L.endcr may not cl�arge Borrower for hulding and apptying the Funds,annually analyzing the escn�w account,ar . �
<br /> ° rGi,,�� ,.i verifytnb the Escro�v Items, unles�Lender pays Borrower interest on thc Furtds and applirable low permiu l.ender to make such .,;{�
<br /> "•-��•:����! a char�e. HoN•ever.Lender may rcquire Sorrower to pay a one-time charge for an inde�endent re:il estate tax reporting service „1':
<br /> � i���'' used by Lender in connectton with this loan, urtless upplicabie ia�v pmvidca ut��c�wi�• Unf.^ss � �Sreemen! !`-�" ^� �
<br /> ,t ,:. ,
<br /> , � -%��• appllcable law requires interest to be paid. Lender shull not be required to pay Borcower any inten�st or earnings or+the Funds. :.�!'
<br /> ' Bormwer nnd Lendcr may agrce in writing,howevcr. that intcrest shall be pald on the Funds. Lender shall give to Barrower. ���,y�.
<br /> . � � •�r;.�.
<br /> ,.` wi�hout charge, an annunl acmunting of the Funds,sho�ving credits and debits to thc Funds and the purposc for which each �s�«.
<br /> ' � � debit to the Funds was made.The fiunds are pledgai as additional secur�ty for�II sums secured by this Secudty Instcument. -
<br /> � . ��.. �� ' .
<br /> �: If the Funds held by Lender exceed che amounts permitted to be held by applicable law.Lender shall account to Borrower �T,a�
<br /> �� for the excess Funds in uccordance with the requirements of npplirable luw. If the sunount uf the Funds held by[x.nder ut any �=..
<br /> _._...::,, ,.�y�,';`.v --
<br />• .j� ..:• ,�� i time is not sufficient ta pay the Escrow Items when due,Lender muy so notify Burrower in writtng,and,in such cuse Borrower �
<br /> . . , :•� ; sl�ail pay tv I.ender the nmount necessary to make up the defictertcy. Borcower shall make up the deficiency in no mare than �
<br /> , twelve monthly Qayments,at Lender's sole discretion.
<br /> _ , ° ..;:� � Upan payment in full of all sums secured by this Security Instrument, Lender sh�ll promptly refund to Borrowcr nny ��
<br /> ��i^��� .•� �, �*• Funds held by L.ender. If,under para�raph 2I.L.ender shall acquire or sell che Property.Lender.prior to the acyuisition or sale _�
<br /> � •� "��` ` of the Property. shall apply any Funds held by l.ender ut the sime of acquisitian or sale as a credit a�uinst the sums secured by �,�
<br /> �",';'�'��" `"'""":�� � this Securiry inst�ument. �
<br /> '�'E���`': -, '.�;. �. ` 3. AppUeation of Payments.Unless applicable law provides otherwise.ull payments received by Lender andeX paragraphs __-
<br /> �rii,�'r... ' 'L—
<br /> °�:�•'' . � ,. 1 and 2 shalt be appl�e�: first,to nny pr�payment chcirges due under the Note: second.tu amounts payable under pan►graph 2: _
<br /> �'��-�%:�.. : ��:".�° thicd,to internst due;fourth,to principal due:and last.to any Inte charges due under the Note. �-
<br /> °t�� 4. CbBrges;Ltens.Borrower sh�ll pay all taxcs.assessmen ts,c harges. f i n e s an d i m p o s i t i o n s a n r i b u t u b l e t o t h e P r o p r�'t}� �,_`
<br /> ��
<br /> �,g>r.r�ju::r.,: . : P Y 8 _
<br /> ,z.,. . � which may uttain priority over this Securiry Instrument, and leasehold a ments ar round rents,if any. Borrower shali pay ��=
<br /> --u�-'.��...�.... ..... ` these obligations in the manner provided in purngruph 2,or if not paid in.that manner,Borrovrer shali pay Qiem u►►timc dim.ctty _:,
<br /> • % -� `�'• to the person owed payment.8arrower shall prompdy furnish to I.ender all notices of amounts to bc paid under this paragraph.
<br /> _ ::,:;;• ;� ,� If Borrower makes these payments directly.Bonower shall promptiy furnish to Lender receipts avidencing the payments. _
<br /> °.�;' . i. � Borrower shall promptly discharge any lien which has priority over this Security Instniment un(ess Borrower: (a)agrePS in
<br /> ' • ' "�'��` ;� writin�to clie payment of the obligution secured by the lien in a manner ucceptuble to Lender;(b)contests in gaad faith the lien
<br /> °� ' �r•;, by. or de fen ds aguinst enforcement of the lien in, legal proceedings which in the Lender's opinion opernte to prevent the
<br /> " � enforcernent af the lien;or(c)secums from the halder of the lien un agreement satisfactory to i.ender sutwrdinating the lien to
<br /> . , , this Security Instrument. If Lcnder determines thut any pnrt of the Praperty is subject ro a lien which may uttain prioriry over
<br /> �• this Secunty Instrument.Lender may give Borcower a notice ide»tifying the lien.Borrov►•er shatl satisfy the lien or take one or
<br /> morc of the actions set forth above within 1�days of the�iving of noticc. �:
<br /> - . Form 3028 8180 ;
<br /> - � Pape 2 of 8
<br /> , ., � �
<br /> ��b1__--_•;----_'�;�-�.T _'� � � . ... . .. --^'�... ---T-� .,
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