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_. �� .2 , . � __ ._. <br /> � � <br />— � � <br /> , ' .. . ' .. �. <br />� -�-- _ .� ._ . _......��,.�__.—_ ._ .. _ . .. . .. �5°° i���!�� � - =— - - <br /> _ , 1 � • ; - ,-- y <br /> � ta. Futun Advana�s. Upon requoat o!8onower, Lende�m�y,at Its opilon, make�dd�lonai and Nturo adoances and readvanca�to <br /> BorroNCr.8uch advanwa and resdvances, wttfi IMcsroot thercon, ahaG bo sacured by thla Oeed af Tast.At no Umo ehnll the principat amount <br />' at the indebtedneae eaoured by thia Dead of T�uat, not includirtg eume advanced to proteet tha secudry of thla Deed ol T�uet, exceed the _. <br />�_ o�1glnN pdneipal amount eutad hereln,or S .wh���►�s 9�1�• +,,= <br />—� 18. MJsc�llan�ous Provislon:. �'' _ <br /> (�) Borrow�r Nd Rd��d.Exbnalon o!the flme tor payment or modNlatlon ot amortiuttnn of the auma aocumd by thta � <br /> ^ Qacd of T�uat yrmted by Lend�r to any eucaesaor In (ntere�t of Borrowar ehaN rtot opente !o re!e�as, In eny manrta, ths IIablYly of the � <br /> . o�Iprui Borrower+usd Bom�wer s sueeaaao►a In IMereat Lender mhit not be roqulreai to canmenae proaee�finqa oqalnet such auccesaor or -_ <br /> neNae to extertd Ume tor p�yment or otherwtae modity amoAl�ation oi the suma aaaured by thla Deed nt Truat by rosaon of any dertwn�la -- <br /> . .. . rtside by the exighd Borrower and Bortowe�'s succesaorn in interest. <br /> � • (p) L,�t1dAd'� ppwof�. Wtthout �ffecdnp the WbiNty of eny othe► paao» Yeble for the payme�t of �ny obNpsUon herein � <br />�'.. menUoned,�rtd wtthout attecting the Nen w charQa of thta Qeed ot Truet upon ar►y porUon ot tbe Proparty not then ar lhaetofore retecsed aa <br /> aeoudty tor the tuq amount of ail unpald obYpatlona,lender msy.1rom tlme to t(me and without noUce (p►e4ense any pereon so Ii�ble, (i� <br />�.:5 _ � extend the maWtiry or after any at tha terma of eny auch abllgatlona, (Nq grant other Indutgences, (N)release or reeonvey,or cauao to bo �- <br /> reteaaed or r000meyed dt�r tlme at Lende►'a optlon any p e r c d,Pc+t t on or nMM of the Pro p e r t y, (v) tnke or reieaae any otha or ndditlonal <br /> t� � seautity for any obHgetion heretn menWned,or(vq make campoatdons or other artartpanents wtth debtota In tetaUon thaeto. �' ° •w <br /> (o) Forb�uana� by L�nd�r Nd � Walver. Any torbeerence by Lende�In e�cerdsN�O any dpM or romedy herounde�, ar <br /> ' othawlae attorded by appNcebts�w, ehaU rtoi be s waNer ot or predude the exadae of any such dgM or remedy.The prowromarrt of ,�p <br /> � inauranee or th�Psymant ot hzea or oth�Nena or charyea by lande►ehaU not be e waMe� of Lender'a dgM to u�ekrste the mrduiry ot �" <br />-. �' the hdebte�eae securod by thla Oeed ot Tn�st. <br /> �f � . � (� Suceossaea and Asslpm 6ound; Jotnt and $�v�ral Uabiltty; Captlon�. 7he �ovenants end sqreeman�a �� " ... . -' +�_ <br /> ��.,_ _= <br /> ��_,. . . herein c�nWb�ed ei1�A btnd� �nd tha t'�lrts hc�tndsr ct�aE lnuro to. the re��fa encceeeer_+ end A6+ele�nR et Lender artd Truator. AO _ <br />_�� . covenaMs Md a�reements of Tntata aheN be Joint and eevenl.The eapUone end hendings ot tRe perngrepha ot thia Oeed ot Tmet ere tor • e �-- <br /> comenlence ony and�rs not M be used to Interpret ot deflne and provialons hucsoL „ . • � ��- <br /> ° (e) R�quilt 90f N011Cw.The putlea hereby requeat that a copy of any notke ot default hareunder end a copy of arry�otlee .• .. ''�c <br /> � of eale hereunder be m�Aed to aaeh perty to thls Qeed ot Truat at the addroae eet forth abave In the menner presaibed by appYcabie lew, <br /> Lt�r <br /> � � Except for�ny other notiee requked under�pplt�6le I�vi to be pNen in another manne�. any noUce provided tor H lhia Deed of Trust shat �• �--. <br /> be�hran by m�Wn�auch noUce by certiNed mWl sddressed to the other pertles,et the addreaa set toRh abova. My notice proNded for in � �" <br /> �� thla Qsed o!Trust shail be eKaoWe upon melNrtp In the mmner deal�nated herein. N Truetor Is more then ono person,notlee ead to the „ >�'•.,•��.�� . �_ <br /> � addreas set toRh�bove eha8 bs noUce to oU auoh pasone. ��� !'�'�; <br /> U <br />- (q InipOCtion. I.cnder rtu�y make or eause to be made reaeoneble entrtea upon and inspaeUons af ihe Prope�ty, providad that � '��, °s'' " f _ <br /> +:i�'� � Lender eheN yke Truator notiae prtor to eny auoh inapeatlon epedrykig roaaonabte cause ihe►etor retated to�en�r'e intaest in the P�op�iy. — <br /> " (�) p�aonveyAnw. Upon paymant of all suma aecurod by thia Oeed ot Truet, Lmde► ahatl request Truatee to aconvsy the ; ,� '• ' <br /> Propaty and sh�l aurtender thla Oeed at Taat artd aN notes evidandnp Indebtedneas eaaurod by thia Daed ot Tivat to Truatee.Truatee ahnl , , �.'�,t: �. , <br />;�, reoonvey tha PropeAy without wartanry and wRhout aharpe to the pereon or peraona le{�eAq enUtled thAreto.TRJStOt EhaB pay �A C0.1lS Ot ; •'•°' •�i , <br /> � ,,:;h_ _ �:� '.�4 � <br /> � " ��) P rsonal Prop�t�ty; S�urity AprNm�nt. As ad� aecurtry tor the payment ot tlie Note, T�uetor henby gra+te �. � <br /> Lender under th� Nebraska UnHortn CommeraW Code a aewrity intaeat tn atl tixtures. eq�eipmeM� and other peraoMl proPatY used In � .�i . <br /> , • eonneodon wtth the retl eataDe or improvema�ts bated theroon,�nd rtot othe�wlse dedued or deertted to be a put ot the retl eatato ., <br /> �� aewred heroby.Thts hetrumeM ehd be oonstrued aa a 8ear[ty A9r�c+nent undK s�W Code. md the Lander sh�U h�vs a9 the dphte and <br />�� ; ': � romsdfea of a s�cured puty unda eafd Cods In additlon to the dgMe�nd remsdies arotted under md aceorded the Lander purswnt to thia <br /> peed p} TNa� prpyW�d ihat Lander�e t1aMs �nd remadtes under thia paraynph slut be cumukthro wtth, �nd h no way a pmkatbn on� -. <br />�„ . Lende�'e dphta�nd ranedtes undx�ny othar seauiry a�reertbnt elpned by Borrower or Truetor. � <br />= Usns and Enoumbrana��. T�uatar hereby wamnts end rop�sente that there la no detault under the provtalona ot any , '��-�` <br /> � <br /> .; matq�pd. dssd of truat.baso a purohaae eontraat deaadbNp atl or an1► W►t of the Property,or other aontract,InaWment or ayeement .�"—'. <br /> .. e�esUtut(ng a Nen or enaumbnnes a�inat�N or�ny pvt ot the PtoParlf►(coYeaWely�'Uana'1. ex}adnp as of the dlt@ OI 4h16 D80d 0}TNBL ":o ���;�.` <br />- . . :,.;�• . and that any and vi exbtlnp Uena�in unmodilfed muxpt as disdosed to tender in Truetor'e wdttar►diaobaure ot Qena and enaumixancea ;t �-..-°-�T� <br /> �,•.;;�� � prpvided tor heroM�. Trustor ahaN t4ttety perPorm etl of Truetora obltfµtlona, covenams. ►ePresentatlona and warttntles under eny and 61 � . •" <br /> � eodaUnp and tuhue Ltena� ehW P►omAHY fawerd to lender coptes at et noflcea o!de[auft aent in eonneciton wUb eny and at�e�dsdnp or ' -+ . K-,:•-� <br /> ,, . <br /> . . • ';� ' - <br /> ��,��. • � <br /> - `"" '��' �j� tuWro U�ns,artd shtN not wRhout Lender'e pdor wrllten cons�et in any m�nnx modly the provletons ot or at�ow my tuluro advonces unde , ,,';,".� <br />- __. �.%:.:..• �.�� <br /> �. .. .._.. : . . <br />-- - � �•.,,. �ny axiatioy or Nwro ttene. �` �`. <br /> � ... ;. ,;•..,� .,r-• .r,:;, <br />� • � :, N �PltaatiOn Of Paym�eb. Untese otharwtae raquted by liw, aurtro patd to lender hereund�. Mdudnp wfthout Gmtt�tion ��.,_::,.� � '`.�,��.�,^• <br /> -r�.• .�:;;:,. • Wfi►nenta of qholpU etnd IMaeat, ineunr�ae ptooeede. condemnatfon ptoceeds artd renta and profits. ahaN be tppAed by Lender to the <br /> �''°':-'•. ' ' • amourtta due and owhg from Truator and BoROwor M auah order�a Landx In Ne eole diaerotlon deama des(rabb. � <br />= �'��" ({c) $�Y�irabllity. M �ny Provialon of this Deed of Truat corMie�s wtth esfpdculAe law or is dee�ered hvalid or otherwfse .. <br />•; ' ° unentorceebb, suah oo�liat or ImaIMKy eAaU �ot�Neat the other provlslons o}thts Deed of Trust or the Note whfch can be qNen eHed ., ' <br /> . wlthout the co�liadnp provtalon,end to this end tha provlsEona of thls Ooed ot Trust�nd the Note ere dectered to be sererabie. <br /> � m T�rma.The terma 'Truotot' and 'Borrower' ohali Indude both shpukr and plural,ettd when tho Trtietor and Bomower are the ,. <br /> � ' ' eune peroon(e),thoas terma as used(n thts Doed of Truat ehall be interohange�bte. - � � ' <br />; _� ���� . (m) QO�r�tn117� LIW.Thta Dea!of Tn�a!eh�l be govemed by the kws of the Stste of Nebraska <br />_ , ltuetor has eneouted thta Qeed of Tcuat as oi the date wdtten abore. . <br /> .*' '•,_, � - .. <br /> -.• •Y� � . <br />�t� ..'- TNBtM � ., � . <br />��� ._,•. _.— ._.'. . .. --'_ <br />_'� .�.. - ,. • - : <br /> } <br /> T a n <br /> F73T7.LM�(10/�) Peqe�o}0 . .. ., <br /> ,� AL . <br /> � ORIGIN � � <br />_ .� <br /> . . <br /> . . <br /> _ . ... . <br /> . .. � <br />