.. y _ ,:•)..�;;'.1.��irirl:� . ~�;._ ...
<br /> .. . ' . � ° �� . ` . � ., . -. . .. .. __�.�,, ... �.�.
<br /> -� . . • .,. �. . .
<br /> _.. .. . ... --. ..- . . � L ,
<br /> ., !_,..-----_.��.._� ... �---
<br /> � c,�. J.., . .. . �... - —
<br /> .. --- -------- •
<br /> ... . - �.0��54. _
<br /> 8. P��formtnca by I.�nd�r. Upon the oawrrcnc� of�n Event ot Q�Gutt hemunder, or If any not ie Ukm or lapal proceedinp .
<br /> eomntencmd whtch ma2erla1ly ifteote Lender's Interest in the Property, lartd�rnay N Ita own dlecr�tlon,but wlthout obUpation to do ao,and
<br /> � •. rrtlhout nottw to or demdnd upon Truetor and wiihout rdeaetng TNeta hom any ob9patlon, do any aot whloh T�uator IWe agrcad but hua to � �,L__
<br /> ' do�nd msy tlao do any other sct it deama neaesaary to proteot the eecudty herwt.Truator ehaU, Immedlntdy upon denund theretor by . � ' T
<br /> � Lenda, pi►y M Lende►�A coata and expeneea Inewrod artd aums e�mdad by lander ln conneeUon wNh the exerdae by Lender o}tha � �i
<br />' tonpoinp Aghb, topUh�r wNh Intrest thenon at ths dehult nte proNded In th�Note,whloh sbail be addsd to the bdebtadnese eeourod
<br /> hereby.lendr shtL not Incur any Iiablllry beoauae of anything It rtwy do or omH to do hereunda. �
<br /> Q. NiiWdOYi MiN�lal�T�usto�th�N k�ep the Prop�rty In aompWnce w�th aN appNaabte kwe, ardinrnoea and reaulaUona reltUnQ .
<br /> to hduaMal Uyplene nr environment�l proteetlon(eotectNey retert�d to herok►aa 'EnvironmenW lawa').TNnta nhU keep tAe Properry iree �
<br />• • irom ap wbaWc�e deemed ta b�hauMou�or to�do under�ny Envk�onmeinW 1�w�(coteatHety reterted to herein ae `Hwrooue IN�taWay.
<br />, 7htetot hereby wamnte and re�reaents to lmdu that thero tro eo Nuardoua Mnafala on or under tho Property.Trueto� heroby agreea to ��� �
<br /> ind�nnt(y and hold hartnlese LendK, fta dkootwe, oAteora,employees+uid�pa�te.Nd any auaceasoro to l.end�'e Interoot. irom and agalnat -
<br /> ar►y and ap cWma,d�maQes, loases and �ttes adsk�p U conrteetlon wllh the preaence, use, diepoael or tranaport ot any Hazardoua
<br /> Matakta on.unda,from or�bout the Properly.'CHB FORE�OIN014VAFtRANT1E8 AND REPRESENTATION8,AND TRU9TOR'S OBLIOAT10N8 ,
<br />� �, 10. A�al�nrtl�il!ot R�ntf.Truetor heroby aesiqna to Lsndx the ronts,laeues and proffis of the Property; provided thtt Truator ehd, #
<br /> „ uMY the 000vrrence of an Erent et De(nuR he►eunda, h�va ths dpht to co�eet and re�tN such ronte,laauea and prolfta�a they become due �
<br /> , �� and payibl�.Upon the oxurrenw of an Cwent of Oetau�, Lander nwy�elthar In paraan or by agent,wfth or without brh�alnp any aatton or
<br />' . proceeclNQ, a�y e►eceMe►�ppolnted by a court md wlth�rut regud to the adequ�ay ot ha security,anter upon and qke poaaesslon ot the " � .
<br /> .. .. � y
<br /> ..:.
<br />. � Ptoperty,or my put theroot, in IW own nune er h the neme ot the Tn��.and do any acta which tt deana neee�aary or dealrabte to --
<br /> -
<br /> . :._. . -: _ :.. -
<br />� pnaene ths vdue,marketab�ty a renbbiiily o!ths Property�or eny pvt theroot a hterost therein�incroaae the Mco�i�e tii��oirar�or p��tecri . � .. .� —�
<br /> the aecudty Aaeof�nd,with or v/Ahout taidng poaaesaton of the Property, aua tor or otherwise coNeat the�nta, laaua�attd proltte Maeot, . �
<br /> ,,.. inot�dirtp those paet due and unpitd. and nppy the a�me.kss coata and expenees of opaadon and aokectlon k�cluding�ttomeya'fees� �-
<br /> •. .�-
<br /> upcn any indebtedne�s seoured hec+eby. �I in such order ae Lender may dete�rtdne. 1'he entering upon and Wc[ep posaession of the , . " --
<br /> • Proprty,ths a�teatloe of eueh �enta,Ieauea and prottta and tho appYe�lon the►eof�s doraaald,ehat nat aur+e a wdve my d�tauh a rtoUoo �-
<br /> ., , af dsfauh henun�a or hvaYdate ury act dons b rcaponae to euch defauR or purauant to such noUoe ot defwtt and ootwithstmding lhe " " ��`-�-
<br /> " conti�utnce h poaseaabn ot the PropMy or Mo coNectlon,rocefpt�nd appYcaBon ot �e�►ta,taeuea or proAte,md Tn►atee �nd Lertdet ahe11
<br /> . ., b�mUtNd to�x�tdas ewry dght pravtd�d tor in�ny of the Loan Inatrumenta a by hw upon occurrence o!any Eve�o! Oetau�,Indudinp ., � .st—'
<br /> without Ifm�lbn the dpht to exerdae the powe►o!aale.FuAher.Lendere�Iphte and remedtea under thia pusyrtph ehd ba aimukWa with, �� �
<br /> . and h eo wipr a &dtaUon on, Lendera dgMe and ramediea under ury aaatgnme�ot tenees and renta rccoM�+d agninat the Properiy. Lendar,
<br /> � Truatee�nd ihs tcaesva ehae be N�bk W accouM ony tor thoae rortta tduaNy�ecebed. �, .r r ,;
<br /> , >- �
<br /> „ 11.Ev�tlt�0t O�faUlt. The fodowinp ehaN conetitute an Event of Dahuh undsr thia Oeed o!Tma� ••� '`�`+ �
<br /> (a) F�ilu�s to pry any Ineblment ot pdndptt a Intere�t of any other cum eeourod heroby vrhen due; � ,%�y :
<br /> , (b) A M+eaah at a dstauh undx any provtaloe eontahsd h the Note,thta Dsed o!Truat,any of the Lo�InatrumeMs, or�ny otha '�j �` �
<br /> .. Nen or encumD�anae upon the Praperty; � �-j�
<br /> , ° (a) A wrU ot executton a attacbment or eny akntlu proass ehaM be eMared agdnat Trustor which eheN beoome a Uen on the ��
<br /> " property or a�r portlon theroot a hte►est theroin: , f '.
<br /> "" • (dq 'ihee+s eha�be tYad by o►sgak�et Truator or 8arrowar an ectlon under Ny preaent or futum tederal,state or otQ�a staMe,kw a �� `'
<br /> . ., reaulatlon r�eUtlitp to bantouptcy.insoMenay or otha roYef fot debtoro:or thero ehat be�ppohted any Watee.f6C8IY8I Ot IIf�UIQitO�01 TNBtOf ''
<br /> . or Bortower a M�9 a iny part o! ths Propaty, or the ronts,laeues or pro�Re tlearoof. or Tmator or Bortowe►oht�l m�ke�riy qenent "+,-- ."
<br /> • �selgnment tor 11fe benellt of oredRore: ,. ..'��''�''� '
<br /> .: (e) The e�M. t�nafar. tetae. ae2lgnmeM. conveyanoe or turtAe�eecumbance ot ad or eny part of or any iMeroat M the Propary� �, ,�°' -`
<br /> •:` etthe�roiut�Wly a Involunta�Yy. without the e�rosa written consent ot Lertdar, pr�orided that Truetor eh�N be permttted to exacute�teaee of ,...���;a
<br /> the Propaty that doea not coMaln an option to purchaaea end Me tam ot vfitch does not oxceed one yeer; "' "r•;.
<br /> � ,��' (�Abtndonment ot the Property;or � -��
<br /> (� M Tivator la not an Indiulduat. the iseuance� e�le. tranate�. +eaignment,conveyanca or encumbrance o t more Men a toW .' '"��
<br /> . ., �" o? percent oi(M a corpora@on)Ita laaued end outetending stodc a(it�partnership)�toW of perc,ent ot ..�
<br /> - �'�` partnerohap Nitereate durhp the period thta Oead of Truat re�rwina�Nan an the Pnop�l�. �� ��
<br /> �N�/1�7
<br /> • - ,�cl7�fY
<br /> 1P.Rem�dUi;ACOd�1'�tlOn UpOn D�fauil. In the event of amr Evant ot Oelault Lender may,vrithout notio�mocoopt aa roquirod ,x.�-_.!
<br /> ' " by{tw,dec�ere atl hdebtedneaa eeaired hereby to be due and p�yabie end the amne ehnN theroupon beoome due nnd psy�bte wrihout ury n�� '��"�'.
<br />_ . proaeMmen�datiend.protest or�adas of any Idnd.Tharoafter Lander m�y: �
<br /> � (a) Oertwnd thit TNStee exe►dae ihe POYVER OF 3ALE yru►ted hereM, u;d Truatee ehaN thaearter awae Truatote tntero�t In the ' �'' -
<br /> Properry to be sold and the prooeeds to bo dleUibuted,aN in tha mannar provlded h the NebRaka TNat Oeade Act; . •
<br /> (b) Exerotse any and a!t dphta provided for in any of the Loan Inetruments a by law upon occumence ot any Event ot Detauft;and " .:�
<br /> � (o) Commenee an eatlon to foredose thla Deed ot TNSt ae a mortgape, eppotnt s receh�e�, w epee�toalry entorce eny ot the . " '
<br />*� ' covenanb heroot ,.
<br />� No remedy her�etn coMerred upon a rosenred to 7ruffiae or Lender is Intended to be exduslvu of any other�nedy he►ek�, In the lonn
<br />= Inshumenta a by qw provided or permitted,but e�ob aheil be cumuktNe, ehall be in addidon to every other remedy gken hereunder,M the „ • �
<br />- Lwn Inetrumente or now a heroafter exiaNng et law or in equlty or by statute, end mny ba eneroised co�cumenUy, lndependentty or
<br /> - � su�6Ne1y. • ,
<br />- 19.TrultA�.The Tnietee mny realgn at any tlme wkhout cwse,end Lender may at any Ume nnd wlthout ceuse appolnt a eucoesaor " •
<br />•`� or subaUtuto Truetea. Tmstee aheq not bo If�eble to arry pa�ty, Induding wHhout UMtation Lender, 8ortow�r, Trustor or eny purehaser of the ~ ' „
<br />-� .��. aY....,_.� .. • ....�....e..... •• .....�.mna�..t..w.d,■.,e and�hall nn!ha reeuired tn Lke anv aetlen In mfrteetlen with
<br /> $ �: - _ -'__ .-�.,�.�,�.,. �y .,,.., .. ..�.....,�....�.��..�. .. .._._...�--••----- - _ - ., ,_ ___
<br /> = the entorcement ot thia Oeed ot Tnist unleso IndemnHied, h wdtlng, for ali eoste� comt�ensaUon ar e�enses which may be aseodated ^
<br /> L therewtth. In additlw�. Trus4ee may beeome a pur�haser at any eate of the Prop�ty Qudtdai or under 1he power of eale grantod heretn);
<br /> " poatpone ths eale ot eA or eny portlon of the Property,aa provlded by Inw;or eeq th�Propedy as a who�e, or in eepuate pan�ila or lots at ' �
<br /> ltustao'a dlsaetlon, •>
<br /> � 14.F�os �nd Exp�nsY�.tn the over►t T�uetea eefla tho Propaty be exerdse ot power ot aale,Trustee shall be entitled to eppy emr ° ••
<br /> � sete proceeda tirat to payrrtaM ot ap coete and oxpensea o4 exerotstng power ot eab, Mduding ap Truateeb fees, and lenuer'e and Truatee'e
<br /> _ attomey's tees,aatu�lry incurted to extent p�rtnttted by eppltcebte kw.In the event 8orrower or Trustor exerdses any�ipht provtded by law to
<br /> - cure an Event of Oetau�, Lender eha8 be enUtled to reeover trom Truator eq eoate and expenaes aclualy fncurred ae a resutt ot T�ustor's
<br /> s , d�fau�,Indudh�wlthout IMHctton eli Truatee'e end ettomey's teea,to tho extent pamitted by eppitoabte taw. �� •
<br /> � • FT377.LM0(1�18�) Pape Y ot� � . .,
<br /> f
<br /> r ,
<br /> ORIGII�AL �
<br /> -T�: � �� � _� ► .,--__. - .. '����
<br />