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<br /> . (a)Forbtanrte�by Lend�r Not e Walv�►.Any torbearance by LendQr In exeraleing eny NgAt or resmedy hareunde►,or �
<br /> otherwloe eflorded by appliaable law,ehalt not b�a welvor of or preclude the exerciae o}any 9uch right or remedy.The '
<br /> procurement of Insurenoe or the payenent ot taxea orother tiena or ehergea by Lender shall not bo a walve�of Lender's right to
<br /> ' , acceterate tha meturiq of the Indebtednesa aeeured by thla Deed of Trust
<br /> •• (�Succ�ssor�and Aulpns Baued;Jolnt md 6sv�1 Ll�btiity;CapUons.The covenanta end apraements horein con-
<br /> ' tained shali b(nd,and the righta hereunder ehali is�ure to,the respactive euccessora and ossigna ot Lender and 7rustor.AII
<br /> covenants and agreementa of T►ustor shalt be Jolnt and severat.The capttons an0 headings ot the paragraphs af thfa Deed of
<br /> T�ust are tor convenlence only and are not to be ueed to Interpret ar deflne the provislons herea}.
<br /> ' (e)Rpuat tor Notica.The partteahereby requeat that a copy oteny natiae otdefau�t hereunder and a copy of any noUao
<br /> � oi sale hereunder be malled to each party to thls Oeed of Truet at the addreas set forth above in the manner prssarlbed by
<br /> �.-�,,
<br /> "� ,;,,., applicebie law.Except tor any other noUce requlred under app�icebte taw to be given in another m8nn9r,uny nnUce proyided
<br /> ° � for in thla Deed ot Trust shall be given bymaliing such RoUce by certi8ed mail addressod to the other paRiea,at the address set
<br /> ' •• forth above.Any noUce providad tor in thts Oeed ot T►uat shall be ellective upon mailing in the manner designated herein.Ii
<br /> . ". Trustor Is more ihan orte peraon,oo8ce sent to the eddresa set lorth above sha�l be notice to etlBUCh pereone. ,.
<br /> " (�Insp�atlon.Lender may make or aause m be made reasonabie entrles upon and fnspectiona of the Property,providad
<br /> " . that Lender shatl give Trustor noUce prior to any such inspecdon spec(fying reasonable cause therefor reiatod to Lender's
<br /> • . 8ntereffi In the Property.
<br /> , (g)ReQOnr�ana.Upon paymentof all suma aecured by this Deed of Trust,Lender shall request Trustee to reconvey the
<br /> , Properry artd shall surrender this Oeed of Trust and ail notes evidencing indebtedneas seaured by this Oeed ot Trus!to Trustee.
<br /> ._. � � �� .�' ; Truatee shatl reconvey the Properry wNhout warranty and without cherge ro the pereon or persona legally enUded thereto. � •
<br /> ��,:. :�;:•: Truator ahali pay ali cosffi of recordation,if any.
<br />•-�-� .,_. - ,
<br />='�•. • ����;+ (h)P�tsortd Prop�tty; S�cu�tl�ApraameM.As addiqonai secudty for the payment ot the Note,Trustor hereby grante '
<br /> .Si�C„;r
<br /> �=T'.� _.;,•;��,{ Le�derunder the Nebreska Unlform Commercla�Code e eeauriry interest in aII flxWres,equipment,and other peraonal property __
<br /> � '-!4�'" us�sd in con�eCtlon w(rin�a real estate a improvernenta tocated thereon,and not otherwise dectared or deemed to be a paR of
<br /> - � ' the reai estate secured hereby.This Instrument shall be construed as a 8ecurity Agreement under safd Code,and ihe Lender
<br /> . '�;::,k�; ahall have all the righta and�emedies ota gecured party under aaid Code in addition to the►ights artd remedlea oreated under _ _
<br /> • �'�:',rti,,:,, and accorded the l.snder puraua�tto thls Oeed of Trus�provided that Lenders right�and remedies under this psragraph shall '
<br /> '�_;��'`'�` be eumutative with,end in no way a UmltaUon en,L�ndera riphta and remedles under any other security agreement algned b� �•'�
<br /> .��•t.l; eorrower or Trustor. _-
<br /> ,; > _
<br /> ;,.��, (i)Wns�nd Enwmbranas.Trustor hereby warranta and represe�ts that there Is no defauit under the provislons of any —=
<br /> �' martgage,deed of trus��ease or purchase contrect desoribing all or any part of the Property,or other conGact,inatrument os �.:_
<br /> ',�;��_.;'' .• , . ; agreement consUtuting a Ile�or enoumbrance apalnet all or any part of the Property(colleativeiy,"Uens'�,existing as ot the sx4�=
<br /> �r' :•. ' :�•,;; t. date oi thts Oeed of Trust,and thet any and all exiadng Liens rematn unmodifle�except as dfsclosed to lender In Trusto�e =�„
<br /> ���+L°c. written disotosure of Ifene and encumbrances provided for herein.Trustnr ahait dmeiy pertorm all ot T►ustor's obligaUons. --
<br /> ., ,�.; , ,� ;`; . cayaiiants.represen�tianear�dwarra���asvnQeranya�daiiex{sitln�andiu2urai.lens.shaifprom�ytaswardtatsndsrc�sl�s .
<br /> 's�'�� ot alt nodces of detault sent in connection wlth any end all extstlng or future Uena,and shall not v�rihout Lendar's pdor wtitten —
<br /> _ .�. .�� consent tn eny manner mod��y the provbions ot or allow eny futu►e advances under any exlstlng or future Uana.
<br /> " n. ': (�)Applicatbn ot Paym�nb.Unlessotherwtse reqa�ired by law,sams paid to Lender hereunder,Ineluding without iimitadon --
<br /> paymenta ot prinaipal and interest insurance prooeed�,co�demnaUon proceeda a�d rents end proflts, ehall be applied by
<br /> ���'..,;�..''� � LertdertotheamountsdueandowingiromTn�storandBarowerinsuchorderesLenderinttseotediscretlandaemadealrabla:
<br /> .,�•. (W 9avatabUHr.If any provlalon ot this Deed of Trust confllcta with appUca6le law or la dectared Invelid or otherwise
<br /> �T�f '��� � " un�nbrceabte,such confllct or Invatidiry shatt not aNect the other provisona of thls Deed of Truffi or the Note whtoh can be
<br /> ��•� .���� g►ven eNeet without the conHicdng provlebn,and to this end the provislona of lhis Oeed of Truat and the Note are deolared to be
<br />.-,•�,k_�,r•��t.,r.°,...' _—
<br /> � _. severab�e.
<br /> _ ;:-^r;•�.:::.•r. (1)Tirm�.The terms"Truetor"and"Botrower' shall Include both singufar and plurxl,end when the Truator and Bottower ��"
<br /> ,Vr.::•,...,,:1.Y F_,:�r-
<br /> !� are the same person(s).those tezens as used in this Deedot Trust ahell be intercfu�ngeable. �•_s.,=
<br /> �` �� � (m)Gov�minp Law.Thts Deed o�Trust ahall be govemed by tt�e Iaws of the Sffite of Nebreske. ��,�_
<br /> u- Q�-
<br /> -=����ss"' Truator has executed thisDeed ot Truflt as o}the date wdtten above. �--
<br /> =,.:::�;:.'v — �.-'�
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