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<br /> ,J __'_-
<br /> � - 9 5- 1t����4F -
<br /> � THiB OEHD OF TRUST,Is made asof the 19th day of Jul. ,�g�s by�nd among � ' _
<br /> ..°
<br /> thoTruotor, GoodMin C�netruction Cc� . A Nebraska Corporati on , «�
<br /> a12 Johneon Pl Grand taland Ne 6fi�8��-4131
<br /> whose msiling address Is (herein"Truator;'w et er one or more),
<br /> "' Fivr Pointe Dauk� a tiebraska Corporatian • . --
<br /> the Truetee, -" -
<br /> . P.O. 9ox 1507 Grend IDlend, NE 68802
<br /> �• whose mailing address is (hereln"Trustee'�.and ° .
<br /> Five Poin ta Benk ..
<br /> the 8eneflcl9ry, ' � '_
<br /> .. 2015 N. Broadtiell Rrand Ialend, HE. 68802-1507 _ herel�"Lender'7•
<br /> whose malling address is � �
<br /> FOR VALUABLE CONS�OERATION,inciuding Lender's extension cf credit Idendtied herein to � , �� ' .�
<br /> 4oadvin Conetruatioa Co �
<br /> (heretn"Borrower",whether ona or more)and the Wst hereln created,
<br />' • the rece{pt of whicb is hereby acknowledged,Truator hereby irrevocably g�ents.transfers,conveys and aselg�s W T►ustee,IN - - � °
<br /> TRUST,WITH POWER OF SALE,for thebeneflt and securiry ot Lender,under and subject to the terms and conditlons Aereinafter set - °�
<br /> • toM,the �eal properry,desaribed as tollowa:
<br /> - � LOY EIGHT �8) , BLOCK FOUR (4) , IN GEBRGE LOAN'S Si180IYISION , IN THE CI7Y „ - ``•� ���'!�
<br /> . , , _ OF GRAND ISLAND. HALL COUNTY, NEBRASK" �� r __
<br /> , , . Together with atl buildings,improvements,ilxtures,streete,alleys,passageways.easementa.righte,privllegea and appurte- � , �y`
<br />' ���� nances tocated thereon or in anywise pertalning ther�to,and the rents,issues and profits,reversions and remalnders thereof,and • ����Z-
<br /> such personat property that Ia attached to the Improv�menta so ae to coneUtute a fixture,including,but not timited to,heating and • �.`„��.,��_�
<br /> " � cootingequipmenx and together with the homestead or maritei interesta,if any,which interesta are hereby released and waived;all � �,6*--_
<br /> '. of which.tnatuding�epiacements end additlone thereto,is hereby deotared to be e part ot the reat estete eecu�ed bythe lien of this .,,�,F�
<br /> t � Deed ot TNSt and all of the foregoing befng reterred to herein as the"Properry". ,;
<br /> .• This Deed of Trust ahal�eeaure(a)the peyment ot the principai sum and interest evidenced by a promisaory note or credit � ��°�,��
<br /> " July 14th 1995 December llth 199�
<br /> ,
<br /> .. , '
<br /> _ _ agreemer�t daied �having a st�luzir;��a! --—_ — ; . "� .—
<br /> '� 58,000.00 � �� � '
<br /> in the original principa�amount o!S ,and any and aii modiflcaUons,extensions and renewals ��t;,�,Y„_ `' !
<br /> thereot or thereto and any and ali tuture advancea end readvances to Bo�rower(or any of them if more than one)hereun4er ; .'•r;s�;:�' '�;
<br /> � pursuant to one or more promissory notes or credit egresments(here�n called"Note'q;(b)the payment of other suma advanaed by ��`'``� s"'
<br /> �� •� Lender to proteat the se�uriry of the Note;(a)the perfo►mance oi all covenanta and agreements of Trustor set torth herein;and(d)all � :.::�: ,�,,
<br /> ' " p�esent and tuture Indebtedneas end obQgationa of Borrower(or any of them it more than one)to Lender whether direot indirect, >• . ,.
<br /> . absolute or condngent and whether adsing by note,gusranty,overdraft or otherwise.The Note,thla Deed ot TNat and any and aii ' � '�'
<br /> other docuentathat aeCUre Me Nate or otherv�rise executecl in connectlon therewith,inaluding without limitetlon guaranteea,escurity •.-:,.-',f �
<br /> � �� agreementa and assignmer►te of Ioases and rents,sAail be referced to herein as the"Loan Oocuments". '`4�
<br /> TNStar covenanta artd sgreas wiffi Lender as tollowa: - �'
<br /> -. 1.Paymsrtt ot Indebtadntts.AII Indebtedness¢ecured hereby shali be paid whe�due. �
<br /> 2.TiU�.TruBtor is the owoer of the Property,has the right and authority to convey the Property.and warranffi thet the lien `-��
<br /> ' � • created hereby is a flrat and prior Iten on the Properly,except for Ilens and encumbrances set torih by Trostor In w►iting and � �s�
<br /> � " delivered to Lender bebre exeautldn ot this Deed of T�ust,and the oxeauUon and delivery ot thie Oeed of Truatdoea notvlatate any
<br /> _ . contract or othor obNgatlon to which Trustor Is subJeot _�_.�_�
<br /> 3.T�cee�AsiessmMb.To pay belo�e dellnquency ati taxea,�peaiat asaeasments and ati other charges aesinst the Properly .. � --
<br />:,, �ow or hereafter levied. , .
<br />- • 4.Intuanc�.To keep the Propertyr insured agalnstdamage by iire,hazards Inciuded wlthin Me term"extended coverage".and "���
<br /> ' such ather hazards as Lender may require,!n amounts and with compantAS acceptabte to Lender.nsming Lendo�as en additional .`� �
<br /> named inaured,with losa payable W the Lender.in casa of loss under such poiiciea the lsnder ia authorized to adJus�callect and � -��
<br /> .sv� compromlae,a0 ciafms Mereundorand shell have the optfon ot applying ali or pan of the insurance proceeds(i)to e^y indebtednesa ,.;o:� �-ww���
<br /> • ° secured hereby and fn such nrcle�as Lender may determine,pl)to the Truator to be used tor tl�e repair or restowdon of the PropeAy
<br /> "' - =� or pfi)for any other purpose ar obJoct�t►tlstuclory to Lencler wlthout aHecting the Uen of this Qesd ot Tn�sttor thetull emount secured � `-�----
<br /> �,. ' hereby betore such payment ever took ptace.Any appitcatlon ot proceeds to indebtedness ehali not extend a�C►9tpone the due •+, � �'�
<br /> r_. ' date ot fany paymenta under the Note,or cure any d�tault thereu�der or hereundar. ��-'
<br /> -_ , � 5.Esotow.Upon written demand by Lender,Truator ahall pay tu Lender,in such manner as Lender msy designate,suiNcfent _ ��'
<br /> sums to eneble Lender to pay as they become due one or more of the tollowing:(f)all faxes,asseasmentsand other cnarges agalnat , ,
<br /> � � the PropeAy.pi)the premiums on the property Insurance requlred Aereunder,and(liq the premlums on any mortgage i�sur�nce �
<br /> ' � , nsquired by Lender.
<br />� � � 6.M�Int�nane�.Rtpaln�and Compliane�wilb Lswa Truator shall keep the P►operty M good eondidon and repalr,shati .
<br /> _ prompdy repatr,or replBCe eny Improvement whlch may be damaged or destroyed;shall not commit or permit aey wast9 ar •�
<br />� ° deterioratlon of the Progerly;ehail not remove,demolish or substBnUally elter any of the improvements on the Properly;shatl not
<br /> � commit 9uHer or permit any act to be done in or upon the Property in violetlon oi any law,ordtnance,or regulaUOn:end shett pay and ,
<br />� promptly discharge at Truator's cost and expense all Ilens,encumbrancea and cha►ges levied,imposed or assessed against the .,
<br />— Property a any part thereof.
<br />_ • 7.Emtnent Oanain.Lender Is hereby asalgned all compenseUon,awa�da damages and other payments or rellef(herelnafter „ �
<br />_:
<br /> "Proceeds'y in connectlon with aondemnatlon or othertaking of the Properly or pa�tthereof.or tor conveyance in Iieu of condemna- ��
<br />= ' - tion.Lender shali be entlUod at its opUon to cammence,appear in and prosecute In its ov�n name any acUon or proceedinga.an
<br /> shatl also be eMiUed to make any compromise or settiement in conneatlon with such taking or dasnage.in Me event any portion ei •
<br />�+� � , the Propedy is so taken or damagea,Lender shai�have the option,in ita sole and obsoiute discreUon.to apply all auch Proceeds.
<br />= -- - - • - •. .. . .. ------�--------- •�� ��--°__� .�._.._�e ------ ..a.,,ew�..mem...�.�
<br /> .ti:.__-_.r. . .:. _._.- 81I8T G80UCU�18 Q19f8tfVtn Gn 4V�aoattv vwyo��aoa nw�uov vj N tlt VVIItIVV4VM:.w..wv....vwwv.:.1��.••�•�•••��--.'-^_'-_'_� r_..- -_ _,_ __._
<br />_ _____-- .__,:�
<br /> - .,� hereby end in such order as Lendor may determine,or to apply ail such Proceeds,after such deducUons.to the restoretlon of the
<br /> Propedy upon such condidonsas Lender mey detormine.Any aAP�tcatlon ot Proceeds to Indebtednass shalt notextend or postpono
<br /> -. the due dete ot any paymenta under the Note,or cu�e any default Mereunder or hereunder.Any una�piied tunds ahait be paid ta �
<br /> ' Tr�Btor.
<br /> ��_;j; 8.R�rtarmartc�br Ltrtd�r. Upon the xcurrence of an Event ot Default hereunder,or if eny act fs taken or lepal proceeding
<br /> commenced whtah materiaily aHecta Lender's Interest in the PropaAy.Lender may In ita own dlscretlon,bu4 wfthoutobHgat4on to do
<br />���'v •� so,and wiB�out�otice to or demand upon Trustor and wit�out reieasing Tru�tor trom any obl�getlav�,do any act vrhlch Truator has •
<br /> '�•� agreed�ut taUs to do and may also do any other act It deems nscessary to protect the secunry hereot.Truator shall.Imm..°dfstely ,,;•
<br /> upon demartd theretor by Lender.pay to Lender ail costs end expenses incurred and sums expertrled by lender in connectlon with � •
<br /> - ' the exe�clse by Lertder of Mo toregotng cighta together with interest thereon et the detault rate provided In th�Note,which ehali De I ,
<br /> �'� addeE to the irtdebtE�dness secured hereby.Lendsr shall not inour any�iabllity becauso ot anything it may do or omit to do -
<br /> � - hereunder. '
<br /> �
<br /> } .
<br /> .—r,., � � i
<br /> •.. I --
<br />