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<br /> { 8onower may oure euoh a deteuR end roinstato. as provldad in psragreph 18,by eausUg the aatlon or prooeeding to be •�:-
<br /> � I dlamisaed wlih a ruQnp thet,tn Lender's flood tafth detertninetian,precludee to�(elture of the Bortawer's intereat In the Property o► � —
<br /> I othcr metatnl Impatrtnont ot tho Ifen crested by this 8ocwfly Inst+ument ar Lander'e secueity intareat. Borrower sha�atoo be In � p,�;
<br /> • detaurt B 8orrower, durtng the Ioan applfcetton proceae,gave meterlaiy fatae or Inaccurate informaUon or statemonte to Lender (or ! �
<br /> failed to provida Lender wftb nny meterfai intormatlon) In connecUon wNh the toan evidonced by the Note, Includ�ng, out not i �.�'=
<br /> Ilmfted to, reproaentstlone eoneeming 8orrowe►'e occupcnoy ot the Property as a pdncipal resldence. tt thls 3ecudty -
<br /> Insuumont Is on a Iesaehaid, 8orrowar shaq compty wfth al! the provlelona 01 tli8 1p800. I� BOROWEf BCQUIf68 188 Utle t0 th9 w.,
<br /> � P►opmly, the leaaehold end the tee tiGe eh�Jl�ot merge un�eaa lender ngreea to the me�ge�in wdting. ' ' �
<br /> 7. Protsatton at i.�ndor's iilgMe In th� Proptrtyr.it 8ortower iaia to pertortn the e�venants and agreements -• " �'�
<br /> contalned In thls 8QCUrity�nc;trumont, or tharo la o logol procaodinp thst msy elgN9canUy eflect Lander'e dghta in the Property • • �
<br /> (suoh aa n procnecllnp N 6nnkruptey,probnta,tor condemnetlon or forleiture or to mforee Iewa or regulaUons),then Lenda rtray ., �1�'
<br /> do and pay for whatev�la�eeeasRry to prutect the value of the PropeRy and Lender's dghts In the Property. Lender's acUons � 4
<br /> may inctude paying eny sums aecured by a Ilen whiah has prfority over this 8ecu�ity instrument, appearing tn crourt, paying _.
<br /> • ►easonable attamey$'feea nnd enteting on tha Property to meke repaira. Nthough Lender may take aatlon under thia pamgraph r�
<br /> 7, Lender doea not Mve to do ao.
<br /> � My amounta diaburaed by Lender under paragraph 7 shaq become addltlond debt of Bortower secured by this 9ecurity �
<br /> Instrument Unle3s 8orrowe� and Landor agroo to othsr tertns o!paymeN, these amaunts ehaU beer interest irom the date ot �
<br /> i; � d�sbursement et the Note rate and ahall be payeble,wfth inte�eat,upon noUce irom lender to Borrower requestlng paymen�
<br /> � 8. Mortgaga Insuranee. fl Lender required mortgage Insuranee as a wnd(tbn of ineking the loan secured by thia
<br /> � . � 9ecuriry Inshumen� Boprower ahatl pay the premiuma required to mainteln the moRgege(nsurance in eHect. M, tor eny reason, the
<br /> � mortgage insu►ence wverage required by Lender lepses or ceases to be fn effeat,8orrower aheil pay the premiums reqalred to
<br /> � � � obtain aoverage subatanUaNy equNalent to the moRgage insurance previouey N eNe�t,at e eoot eubstandeiry equivelent to the - ��".
<br /> � coat to Borrower of the mortgaga insurance previousiy in affeet, trom en attemata mortgage insurer approved by lender. it •,;,;''i:�
<br /> substanttaly equlvatent moAgage insurance coverege is not avaYablA, Boreower eheB pay to Lender eaeh month s sum equai to •� �:`'� ��• �;;:�,.��
<br /> ,.� ... �;�:.�
<br /> t , ,.� , � onatweffth ot tAe yeery mortgage insurance premtum being pald by Borrower when the insumnae aoveragd fapsed or ceased to �'�� �� - • • �k„
<br /> � '��• +: bo in eNect. Lender wi�acaept,use end reteln these paymenta a8 a lose reserve h Ileet of moKgage Insuranoe. Loas reserve ?��� i
<br /> ,.�r�- . ;.. .
<br /> °•:'� � payments may no Ionger be required,at tha opUon of Lende�.M moRgage hsurance aove►age(in the am.ount and fa the perlod �X�
<br /> � � � thst Lender requires)provlded by an Ineurer approved by Lender agah becomes aratieble and is obtained. 8orrower shell pay ��; � ,;
<br /> , t h e p re m t uma re quired to mainteln mort g a ge Ueurence In etfect,or to proride a toas reaerve, uMU the requtrement tor mortgage , �
<br /> " � Insur�nce ends In aeeordence wfth sny written agreement batween Borrowe and Lender or appAceble�aw. � �
<br /> : � 8. t��p e a t t o n. L a n dar or fts ngen t m a y m a k e r e e s o n a b l e e n d i e a u p o n a n d H e p e a t i o n s o i t h o P r o p e r l y. L e n d e r s h a q g N a �� . � �_
<br /> � Bonawer nottce at the time oi or prlor to an inapeotfon spedying reaaonnbW cnuse 1or the(napeotlon. ��(„
<br /> 1 0. C o n d�m n s t t l o n. Th e p ro e e e d a o f a n y a w a►d o r d n i m t o r d a m a g e a, e A r e a t o r e o n a e 4 u e n U a l,t n a o n n e a d o n w i l h a n y � �,u• " -�
<br /> � condemnaUon or othe� teWnp ot any paR of the Propaiy,or tor aonveyance N Ila af condamnabon, are hereby aesi�ned and � '- .�,_.�,
<br /> ehall be pdd to Le�der. ; ,;�`�
<br /> In the ment of e totat taking ot the Prope�iy, the p►aeeeda ehal be �pp7ed to the euma eeeured by thle Seaurity ' .
<br /> � __ _..___ Inawmen�whelher ar not then due.wRh rny anaeas pald to Bortower. �n the evant ot a W�RIa�taWnp of the Property In whtoh �__ �.� .� __ _ .
<br /> � the tatr muket vatue ot ihe Property Immediatety betoro the taking la equd to or proatar than the amount of the suma aeaurod
<br /> � by thla Seourfry inawment Immediatery beton the hWng, unbaa 8or►ower ind lender otherwlae aproe In wdtlng,the eums �'{'� •
<br /> �� " eecured by this Sec�Mty IneWm�t ehail be reduced by the amount ot the proceeds nwltlplled by the fotlowing iraaUm: (c) the );• �, ;
<br /> - totel amount ot ihe aume secu►ed immedktety boforo the tnktng, dNided by(b)the tafr market value of the Propeity Immsdlatdy . +
<br /> betore the teWng. My be�u�ce ehait be psid to Borrowe►.In the event of a par�el Wcinp oi the Prcperty in whiah the tair mnrket "�
<br /> vaiue of the Propotty trnmedintety be(oro the takinp la leae than the amount ot tbe aums eecured immedlately betoro the feidnp, ' �' �ii; .
<br /> � ,, unteaa Barowa and I.ander otherwlae ayroe In wdting or unteas appllable Isw othawiae provtdea, !he proeeeda aheU be • '
<br /> applled to the suma aecurod by this 9eaurity tnaWment whether or not the suma aro then due. �;4 �I
<br /> ` • • it the Preperty ta ebandoned by Botrower,or B,efter notice by Lenda to Bortower thet the condemnor oftera to make an .
<br /> � " awa►d or eetNe n deim tor damcpes, Borrower talla to respond to Lander wlthEn 90 days aiter the date tho notice ta given, � :; '
<br /> � Lender is nuthodzed to eoAeat and eppry the proceede, at its optlon,either to PaatoraUon or tepair of the Property or to the • ' ,�. _
<br /> � aums eecured by thia 8eourHy I�etrument,whethar or not ther due. . � �� � �
<br /> �•'�';"'�j:i:+�i
<br /> Untesa Lender nnd BoROwer otherwise agree In w�ttng, any app�CaUon ot proceeds to prindpal shall not extend or t-.•.>'-'f,� °
<br /> postpone the dua date of the ma►thy paymertta reterted to In peragraphs�and 2 ar ehnnge the emount ot such pnymenta. •� ���,-.
<br />-� ' ' 1 t. Borrower No4 Released; Forbearanee By Lender Not a Watver.Extena�on ot the�me tor payment or ��'' ,�
<br /> i �'`'`�,� �� modmonUon of amortltaUon of the sums aecured by thts 3eou�ily �nstrumeM grented by Lender to any euecessor M IMereat of � •�.� `'�f;,��" "
<br />— Borrowe► ehaU not oparnte to relesae the Ilabtlity of the original Bortower or 6arower's euccessors in interest. Lendx eh�A not ' • •,;, ;,•:• �,
<br />-- be requ[red to commence proceedings against eny eucceasor in Interest or refuee to extend Ume tor pnyment �r otherwise ° ,���
<br /> modiy amortlzatlo� of tha sums secured by thta 3ecudty Instrument by reason of miy dernand made by the odginal Borrower or - '�"
<br /> � " Bomower's auocessare in Interest. My 4oibearanee by Lender in exerclehg eny dgM or remedy shefl not be a wahrer ot o► ����-���:-.,;
<br /> produde tha exerdse af eny right or remedy. . . ,.,,'
<br /> -_ 1Z. Sueeea�o�e and Asstgos 8ound; JotnQ end Severa! UablOky; Co-atgnora.Tho eorcnanta ana ., « - - .:��•.
<br /> - , agreemente of th(s Seeurfly Inatrument shell bind end beneflt the suoaeaaars and esefgns of Lender and Borrower,subJeat to the � ��"''���
<br /> ` proviatons of peragraph 17. Borrower's oovenents and ageements shait be joNt and eeveral. My Bortower who oo-atgna this �'�°.��%:. :
<br />-� 3ecurtly tneUumeM but does not execute the Note: (e) Is co-signing this Securiry Instrument ony to mortgage,grar►t and convey . . �
<br /> ,. ` that Bomower's intenat In tha Property under the terms ot thie 3ecurity Nstrume� (b) ia not pereonelly obilgated to pey the � „ r�
<br /> ' sums aecured by tAla 8ecurity�nstrument; and (o)agrees that Lender end any other Bortower may agree to extmd. modly, . '- —
<br />' torbear or rtiake any accommodaUona wfth regard to the terme ot this Securily Inetrument or the Note without that Borrower's � �
<br /> '^ consenL .
<br />-�� 18. Loan Chargee. H the Ioan secured by this Secudty Inetmme�is subJect to s taw whiah sets maximum toan
<br />= � charges, and that law is 9naly Interpreted so thet the interest or nther loen aharges collvated or to be colieated In cooneoUon
<br />° wkh the loan exceed the petmitted Iimfts, then: (a) any such ban ahnrge she�be reduced by the emount neceasa�y to rcduoe � ,
<br /> t ' " the aharge to the pem�itted Itmk; end (b) any sums airesdy aoAeeted from Botrower wh�ch exeeeded permitted Nmks wiU be • � , „
<br />_�' � retunded to Bortower. Lender may ohoose to make this retund by reducMg the pnc�lpat owed under the Note or by meking a
<br />-. �' direat payment to Bomower. H e reiund reduces principal, the reduation wfG be Ueated ea a pertlnt prepayrteent wlthout any
<br /> .. prepayment ahergn unda the Note. '
<br />- . � 14. NOtIC9e.My noUce ro 8orrowor provided tor in this 3eatriry Inshument shail be givon by delivedng it or by maYing ft
<br />-`_ . , by flret class mall unlese appltcabi�law requirea use of snother method. The notle� ehal�bo direoted to the Propedy Addreas '
<br /> ` nr onv nfher adefrono Mnnurm efudnnntne hv nntinn tn �onelor Mv netln_n tn 1 ondet nhall ho dvon hv flraf t9snn twli tn �' �- `
<br /> - - - -- . _.. ._. ---. -. - - - -
<br />_�-�'-------�- -' -- -•• -"•-' ---'--- --"'---' -'-P'---- -• '----- -- --'--'- - - - �� --�-- � - -- � - -' ---- ---" -- ..... . . . ..... . ..
<br />° n Lender's addreas atated heroin or any other eddrese Lender designatea by tfoUce to 8orrower. My noUce providad tor In thia
<br /> Securily Instrument ehap be deemed to have been glven to Bortower or Lender when gNen as provided in thls paragreph.
<br /> Q 18. Governin g Law; S6verebill t y. This 8ecurtty Insbument shall be govemed by tederai Iaw and the law oi the
<br /> �-� judsdiotlon In whioh the Property�s Iooated. �n the event that any provkbn or deuse of this 3ecurity Instrument or the Hote � .
<br />__,Q contllcts wlth epplicable law, such confliot shall not aHeat other provlabns ot ihls 3ecurfty Insbument or the Note which can bo ..
<br /> given effeot wNhout tho conflicting pmvision. To this end the provlsions of this Seartty instrument and the Note ere dsc�ered to
<br /> _ �. be severabie. "
<br /> � � 18. Bo�rOwer'LS COpy.Bortower shail be glven one contormed copy o1 the Note and of this Security Instrument. '
<br /> _ � �� ,
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