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<br /> � ' � TO�ETHER WITH ull tho imptovements now or hereaRer ereeted on the proparty, and ap essements,eppurt�nenoes,and �s
<br /> i lbctures now or hereaftor a pert ot tha propettyr.All �ep�aaomenta and addlAone shall atso bo eovaed by thle BESCUrfty Inatrument. �=.=
<br />- Atl.of tho toroflolnp lo r�feirod to in thio 9ecu�fly Inst�umsnt aa tho•Properry.'
<br /> BORROYYER COVENANT8 ihat 8ortoweer ia lawtully aeized of the esfate hereby convoyod and hus tho rlght to grant und }1�
<br /> convoy tho P�opariy and that the Properry le unona,mbe�es7, axcopt lor oneumbrancea of racord. Borrowa wartanta und witl � ,,.•�
<br /> ' detend gene►aly th�tiGe to the Propeity agaMet aA ciadns and demande, oubJact to any encumbrence�ot record. � •
<br /> THIS 3HCURITY IN3TRUMENT combinea unitorm covenarrts tor nedona� use and non•unifortn corenantn wtth 9mtted ��'
<br />_ , varlaUone by Ju�fadiaUon to conelltute� unNorm eocudty tnatrumont aorerfng real properiy. � '�'
<br /> UNIFORM COVENANTS. Ba�rower and Lendor covenant nnd ngree ea toQowe:
<br /> "' � 1, p�yment o4 P�ineipal and ir+toroeR: Prepayment end Late Charges.Barower eha!promptly pay whon , �'�
<br /> � a ._
<br /> due the pAncipal of end inlerest on ihe debt evidenced by tha Nota end any prepayment and late aharges dua under tho Note. �,
<br /> 2. Funds to�7ax�s and Insuranas.3ubject to appAeabio tew or ta a wrttten wah�er by Lender,Bortower shall pay I
<br /> • to I.ender on the day monthly paymenta are due under the Note,unUl the Nate Is paid in tuil, a sum('Funda•)for. (a)yearly ' "
<br /> taxes and asaesaments whioh may attain ptbrfly over thls 3ecwity Instrument as a Ilen on the Property;(b) yearry leseahold �
<br />� paymenta or ground ronts on the Property, N any; (o) yearly hazard or property insuranae preeNums; (� year{y Aood Insurenee o
<br /> premiuma.M any: (e) yearry mortgago Insurenoe premiume,N any;end(Q any auma payable by Barower to Lende+in accordance _
<br /> wfth the provlsions ot paragraph 8, In Ileu o(the payment of mortgege Insu�anee premiuma, Theae Iterns arA cailod 'Escrow
<br /> Itema.' l.ender may, at any time, coQeot end hotd Funds in an emount not to exeeed tha maximum emourrt a lender tor a •
<br /> tederely related mortgage Ioan may require tor Borrower's escrow aecount under the tederal Reai Estate 9eltlement Procedurea
<br /> Aat ot 1874 as amended irom dme to tlma, 12 U,S.C.@ 2801 et seq. ('RE8PA'), unieas another law that eppiles to the Funds •
<br /> sets a Iesser nmount. If so, Lendsr may, at anyr tlme, coUect end hotd funds in en emount not to exceed tha tesaer amo�cr.t
<br /> Lendar may eadmate the amount ot Funds due on the basts of current deta end reasoneble astlmates of e�endRures ai fu�re . .
<br /> Eserow Itema or othenaise in accordance with eppiicable lew. � ��':'; '�
<br /> The Funds shall be held in an InsUtudon whose daposita are insured by a federel sgeney, [netrumentmlNy,or entlty(rtdudtng � •.': '
<br />.i:� Lender, M Lender fs euoh an inedludon) or In any Federal Home Loan Benk. Lend�r ehall apply the Funde to pay the Esexow � '.�:'';'�:'�,'� �'
<br />.5 I {:.'�.`.:.. ..: ;.
<br /> ftems. Leoder may not charge Borrower for holdhg and eppytng the Funda, ennualiy anatyzing tha escrow account,or v�ifyling � ;,;: •�-�:':i:=:�;'�•:"p�,:_;
<br /> 1!w ��crov: ft�, unlese lender pays Botrower interest on the Funds and appdcabie law permtts l.e��der to meke such a : � °;�,`.:_.,�;
<br /> chargo. However, Lender may require Bortower to pay e one-tNne charge tor an independent real eatete tax reportlng serv+ae ��;•' ;}.,.: �^.,;
<br /> ° used by Lender in connectlon with this loan, unieas appNcable law providea otherwiae. Udess an egre�nent is medv or ;.: �, ., r•
<br /> ;�'�•, `�,�'�'� •• % � eppllc�le Mw req��hnn Interest to be pald, Lender sheA not be requlred W pay 8or►ower any int�rest ar eamirpgs on the Funds. h':; .;. ��'
<br /> _ r , , � ,.-•. .,•�: ��
<br />_ .;,,ti ,•..� • ,(;;.,,` Bortower and Lender may agree in w�itk�g. however, that intereet shail be paid on tbe Funds.Lender she0 �ve to Bortower. �,.
<br />.. '�1•„ wRhou4 chargo, an ennud aacountlng of the Funds,ehowing credits and debfte to the Funda end the purpose for whioh eaah � .�
<br /> � , debR to the Funds was mede. The Funds are pledged as addidonal aecudly for ell suma seaured by the 9eourity Inshumant �. y
<br /> � It the Funda hetd by Lender exceed the amounts pertnitted to be held by applbable Inw, Lender ehsU eacaunt to BoROwer . _
<br /> - tor the excess Funds in eaoordance with the requtrements of eppliceble law. B the emount of tha Funda hdd by Lender at any ;;` °-�
<br /> .. . Gme fa not suNfcient to pay the Esorow Itema when due,I.ender mey so notlty 8ortower in w�itlng. nnd, tn euch case Borrower � ��w-�
<br /> • shell pey to Lender the amount neceoanry to make up the defldenay. Bonower shall make up the defldaay h no more than • ,,,�ij-+'
<br /> Mrehe monthty paymenta,�Lender'e nae diacrodon.
<br /> ----_-- -=-°__- UPon Paymant in tuN 4i idi bums settiisd by ih� �xtt!!y inslswtliYlL LEn�e! eh�pr�+R�tly retund to Botrower any Funda �- � � �� � --.- •-
<br /> held by Lender. li, under paraprsph 21,Len der s heq ecqulre or soll th�Pro p e A y. Lender,prlo�to the eaqulsttion or eate ot the • -' '
<br /> Property, ebnY apply any Funda hetd by Lender at the Yime of acqulaltton or stle os a c�e�t aq�inet the euma e�cured by thia '� ,; ,
<br /> 8ecurity IneUument. '
<br /> 3. Appllaatlon of P�ym�nts. Unlese uppltcable taw provtdee otheiwfae, etl p�ymenta rocefired by Lender under • ' v: �
<br /> ; ' paragraphe 1 and 2 shvl be applled: tlret. to any prepayment chargea due under the Note;seoond,to anaunte payable undar • ' y_ ;� ,
<br /> peragn�ph 2;thkd,to fnteroat due;tourth,te p�nolpat due;and kst,to any tate charqes due und�the Nota ��;t.�
<br /> - 4. Ch�rg�; WD�. 8otrower ehaM pey atl texea, aeeeasme►�ts, ohargea, ftnea end impoaidons attributable W tho . . �
<br /> - Property whiah may attain pdoriry over thla 3ecurfly Instrument,and Ieseehold paymenta or pro�md ronte. N usy. Bortowar ahtN . ���
<br /> pay theae abligadone In tbe mnnne�provided in paragrnph 2, or it not paid in thnt mtnnw, Borrowe slul Wy them on time • '��'
<br /> _. � direatly to the penson owed paymer►t. 6orrowar ehdl promptly lumhh to l.ender ell noUaes ot amounta to be paid under thia
<br /> , paragraph. it Borrower makes these payme�s dlreatfy, Bozrower shaq promptly tumish to Lende� eeceipte evideneing the ���. 1
<br /> P�ents. ' �,..�
<br /> Borrowet shaU prompNy disaharge any Wen whleh hes prlorUy over thls 3ewrtry Inadument unlass Barower. (a)agrees in .,�_
<br /> � � ' - ' wdtlng to Mo payment of the obAgatlon secured by the lien In e manner acceptable to lendor; (b) contests In good iaith the .'���..:_.-:.-�
<br /> :��;.�� ' Iien by, or detends agninet entorcement of the Ileo in, Iega� proceedhga whkh in the Londer's opinion operate to prevent the �;; ` ��
<br /> ;t �'" eMoroement of the Ilen; a(o) securea trom the holder ot the Nen an agreement setiafaotory to Lender subordlnating the Uen to � �� "'��
<br /> , this 3ecurity Instrument. H Lende�detertninea that eny part of the Property Is subJeet to a Ilen whtah may edatn priodly over thia , '�'' �
<br /> � ' Seautiry inehument, Lender may gh►e BoROwer e noUce IdentHytng the pen. Bortower shaU eatisty the Ilen ar take one or more of ��°� � •
<br /> Gi':"''. :—
<br /> - • � the scUons set toRb above wlthin 10 deys ot the giving ot notioe. "' '�" '*
<br /> _ � 8. H�sArd or Proporty Insurane�. Bortower eheU keep the improvemente now e�dstlng or herosfter ereated on the �.�.:��%''�-
<br /> , Property inaured againet baa by flre, heznrds Nctudad wlthin the term'extended coverage" end any other hetarda, induding ., ,�1f T
<br /> floods or ftooding, for whloh Lender requires ineurance. Thfa inaurence aheil be maintained tn the amouttle and tot the per[ods . . .
<br />_c., that Lender roquirea. The insurence earti�r providing tha insurance ahaA be ahosen by Borcower eubJeal lo lender's approv&t '� „°;�,;�„�:-
<br /> whtoh shaM not be unreaeonably withheld. If Barower falts to mainfehi coverage desaibed alaove, Lender mny,at Lender's
<br /> � opUon,obtein coverage to proteat Lender's dghta M the Prope�ty in accordance wfth paragraph l ° ��
<br /> '� ' AI� Usurance pollclea and renewais shnil be eeceptebie to Lender and shail Inciude a s�ndard modgage clauae. tender ..
<br /> - ° � shatl have the dght to hdd the poAdea and rer►ewats. �t Lender requires, Borrowe►ehall promptly gNe to tender eN reeelpts of
<br /> ' paid premtums and renewat noUces. in the event ot toss,Borrower ahall gNe prompt noUce to Ihe Insuranoe aerrlor and Lender. ,
<br />- Lender may make proof ot loas H�ot mada promptry by Borrower.
<br />= Un�esa Lender and Borrower othe�wise agree in wdting, Meurance proceeds shnA be appNed to restoretlon or repalr ot the
<br />-��"�� � Propeity damaged, N the restaretlon or repalr Is economk�Ny teasib�e and Lender's seourity ia not leseened.Ii the restoraUon or
<br /> repalr is not economlcnlry feasibie or Lender's securtly wou�d be Iessened,the insurance proaeeds shell be app9ed to the sums
<br />= , secured by this 8eaudty�nstrument, whether or �ot then due,wfth any excess paid to 8orrawer. Ii 8ortower abandons the
<br /> � Property, or does not answer wkhin 30 days e noUee trom Lender that the Insurenae caRia hes oNered to settle a da�m, then •
<br /> . Lender may aollect the insurance proceeda. Lende� may uae the prooeeds to repair or restoro the Prapeirly or to pay auma
<br /> secured by this 8earily�nstrument,whether a not then due. The 30�day perfod vdll tregin when the nottee I� gNen.
<br /> Uniess Lender and Bortower otherwise egree in wridng, any appNcatlon ot prooeeda b prindpal eheG not extend or � .
<br />_�,, - � postpone tho due date ot the monthy paymenta referted to in paregraphs 1 and 2 nr ohenge the amount ot the payments. It
<br /> under paregreph 21 the Property Is acqulred by Lender, Bortower's dgM to any insurance po0des and {xocaeda resutUng trom
<br /> damage to the Propetty pdor to the acqulsitlon ehe�� pass to Lender to the extent of the sums by this Sxurfty InsUument
<br /> -" - _ immediately pdor to the acquNiqon. -:',;----_—_--.- .
<br /> ��� 8. Occupanoy. Preservatton. Malntenance and Protectton of the Properly: Borrower's Loan
<br /> ` � lipplicatton; Leseeholds. Borrower sheN occupy, eatablleh, nnd use the Property as Bartowe�'s p�ipel realdence wNhin
<br /> �•r sbdy days after the execuUort of this 3ecurity Instrument and shell aontinue to 000upy the Propeity as Barrower's pdndpai
<br /> `�� residence for at�east one year after the date ot occupency, uniesa Lender otherwise agrees in wHtlng, wNoh consent shall not
<br /> be unreeaonably wkhhetd,or unless extenuadng alrcumstences exist which ere beyond Barower's sontral Borrower shall not
<br />_ i�" destroy, dnmage or Impalr the Propetty,atlow the Prope�ty to deteriorate,or comrnit waste on Ihe Property.Barower aheil be in .
<br />="• �� detauft B any todekure actlon or procoeding, whethe�dvil or aimine6 ts begun thet in Lender's good takh Judgment couW resuft . .
<br />� .�i. . in torfefture ot the Properly or othenvise materlalty impair the tien created by th�s 3ecurity�netruraent or Lender'e socurfty interest.
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