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<br /> ��9_5-3.04�� �_
<br /> 8. H�s�rdous Mstrrleta TNetor mhatl keep the PropeRy In aompltance with all aRP��oeb�e lawa ordlnancos an0�eDutattona
<br /> relattnQ to industrlal hyptene or environmen�al protsotfon(colleoUvety reTerred to hereln as"Ernironmenta{Laws"j.TruaWr ehall --
<br /> keep tha Proporty frae trom ell�ubatanaea deer+�od to bs huardoua or Wxla under a�y Environmentat Laws(aoileatively referrsd to _�
<br /> hsrein s�"Hezardous Mabrtai�'y.Trustor hereby warrante and�spresanta to lender th4t there ara no Mazsrdous�datedats on or __
<br /> under the Property.Tiustor hereby aaress to indemniry and hold harml�Lender,its dlrectors�ottlaera,emP�oYees�nd a��°nd
<br /> nny aucceasorn tA Lender'o Interest,trom nnd aga�nst any and all otaima demapea,lossea and Ilabllldes erisinp in conneotion wHt► _
<br /> ths prewncs, u�s.diepoaal or hsnspoR of any Heaerdoua Materlais on.unde�,���or abaut tAo Proparty.THE FOREDOIN(3 L'
<br /> 10.Aatpnm�M oi R�nb.Truator hereby aeaipna to Lender the oents,isauee and praNte o!the PropeAy:provided that Troetor
<br /> ehett,undl the ocaurrence ot a�Event ot Default hereunder,have the�lght to colieot and retain auoh renta.tssuea and proflts as theY
<br /> become dua and payabie.Upon the ocaurrence of en Hvent of Defauit,Lender may,either in person or by apent,with or without
<br /> brinpinp anq aadon or proceedlnq,or by s reaeiver appointed by a aourt and wlthout repard to the edequaay of its seaurity,enter
<br /> upon and take poaaese►on ol the Property,or any pari thereoL In Its own nama or In the name of the Trustee,end do any acts which it �
<br /> deems neceasary or deairable to preaerve the value.markatabllfy ar rentabftity of 1ha Properly.or any pan thereaf or interest therein,
<br /> inoreaee the Income Mereirom or proteat the seourity hereof and,with ar without taking poaseselon of the Property,aue tor ar
<br /> otherwise cotieot the renta,issues and proflts thereof,includinp those past due a�d unpaid,and appty the�ame,lesa co�ts and
<br /> expenaea of opereUon end cotieotlon irtcluding attorneys'fees,upon any indebtedneas seaured hereby,ali in suoh oMeras Lender
<br /> may determine.The oMerinp upon end takinp poaaesston ot the Property.the co�teotton of suoh renm,isaues and proflls and the
<br /> applicarion thereof aa atoreasid,ehall not aura or wafve any defautt or noUce oi detauit hereunder or irnalidate any aot done In
<br /> reaponae to such detautt or purauaM to suah noUee of defautt and,notwithstanding the contlnuance in posaesalon of the Property o�
<br /> the collecUon,receiPt ertd aPP����o��renlo.lesuea or proflts,and Tnrstcia ond Lender shait be eMlUed to exerolae every NgM
<br /> provided for in anyof the Lan Doauments arby Iaw uponoccvrrence of any Eventof Defau�,inctuding withoutiimiMUo�tho dghtto
<br />= exerciae the power of eate.Further,lsnder's�ighta and remedtea under this paragraph shait be aumutative with.and in na way e
<br /> ' Iimitationon.lender'eri�htsandromsdiesunderanyesg4gnmeatofloa�asn�rentarec:ardedagafnstthoProperts►•lender,Trustee
<br /> and the reoatver shsll be ifabte to account onty.those rerits aatually recetved.
<br /> 1 t, �v�nb ol DN�uNl.The toilowinp shatl conaUtute an Event of Oefault under this Oeed of T►ust
<br /> (e)�ailure to pay any Insfaliment of principai or interest of any ather sunn secured hereby when due;
<br /> (b) AbneaahotordefeultunderanyprovialonconteinedintheNote.thteDeedofTrust,anyoftheLoanOocumenQa,oreny
<br /> other Ifen or enoumbrance upon tho PropeAY:
<br /> (a)A writ of exeaudan or attaohment or eny sfmilar proaeas shalt be entered againat T�ustor which ebail beaome e Iieo on
<br /> the Properly or any portion thereo}or interest theraln;
<br /> (d)There shail be filed by or agafnst Truator or Bor�ower an action under any preaent or future federat�a���
<br /> etatute,law or�egulation reiating to bankruptcy,insolvency or other�eltet tor debtors;or there shail be appo
<br /> ° recejver or ii�uidatc►��f T�ustar ar 8orrorssr ar Qf e!!a Any oaR ot the Properhr,or the rente,isauea or proftta thereaf,ov'ftustor
<br /> or Borrower shal�rteake any generai esst9nment for the beneHt oi oreditore;
<br /> (e) The,sate,transter,tease,ass�8nment,conveyance or turther enoumbrar�ce of all or any paR of or any intereat In Me ,
<br /> permltt�ad to exeoute e eas�e of the Properirry 1ha douea ot contain an ptton to pur hase and th erm o which does no ex iceed
<br /> one ear:'
<br /> �Q Aban�onment of the Prope�ly�or
<br /> (q) If 7tustor Is�ot an Individuai,the iaeuance.sele,transter,assignment eonveyance or encumbrance of moreihan a total
<br /> a} T�n percert of(it a corporaUon)its issued and outstanding stock or(If a partnershtp)a totat of Ten perceM ot
<br /> ptlrtnerahip intereata d�hing the period this Deed of Truat remains a Ilen on the Property.
<br /> 12 R�diM:AccMKa11on t�"�on�bu���n the event ot any Event of Detault Lender may.without nottce except aa requfred by
<br /> taw.deolare a�l Indebtedness eeeured hereby to be due and payable and the same sheli thereupon beeome due and payAble
<br /> without any preaentment,demand,protest or noUce of any hind.Thereaiter Lender may:
<br /> (a)•Oemand that Truatee exereisa the POWER OF SALE granted hereln,and Trustee ehatl thdreaftar eause Trustor'e
<br /> intorea!in the Propedy to be se�d and the prxaeda to be dlsMbuced,all in the manner provided In Me Nebraeka 7ruat Deeda
<br /> AC�
<br /> (b) Exerctseanyandali�lBhtsProvidedtarinanyoftheLoanDocumenlaorbylawuponoccurrenceofanyEvontof
<br /> end(o� �mmence an actlon to toreoiose thls Oeed of Truat as a mortga9e�aPPo�nt a receiver,or speciflcally enforce any ot the
<br /> cavenanffi hereot.
<br /> Na remedy hereln conferred upon or reserved to Trustee or lender le intended to be exetusive of eny othet remedy heretn,in fhe
<br /> Losn Documente or by taw provided or permitted.but eaah shall be cumulaUve.shati be in addition to every other remedy�iven
<br /> hereunder,i�the Loan Documente or now or hereatter existing at Iaw or in equity cr by atatute,and may be exerciaed concurrentty.
<br /> ° IttdeF��►dy or aucCSashre{y.
<br /> 13. Trusb�.The Truatee may realgn at eny time without cause,and �ender may at any dme and without eauae eppolnt a
<br /> succesaor or substitute Truetee.Truetee shali not be Iiabte to any parly,inc�uding without Ilmitation lsnder:Bonower.Trutstor orany
<br /> purchaser of the Property,for any loas or damage un�esa due W reoktesa or wilNul mtaconduot,and shaq not be required to take eny
<br /> aotton in connection with the entorcoment ot this Deed of Trust uniesa Indemnitfed,in wrlting,tor alt ooats,compBheaHon or
<br /> expenses which may be associeted therewith.In addtdon,Trustee may become a purohaser at any sale of the Property(judiclat or
<br /> under the power of eale g►anted herein);postpone the sale of sil or any portlon of the P►operly,es provided by tew;or se�l the
<br /> _ Property as e whole,or In separate parcele or Iote at Trustee's dtooretton.
<br />-- 14. Fse�and F�cp�nws.U the event Truatee seits the Property by exerclee ot power of sale,Yruatee ehall be enUded ta appty
<br /> - any sate praceeda tlrst to payment oi eil costs and expensos of exerals[n8 power of sale,inaiuding ett Trustee's fees.and Lender's
<br /> and Truetee's attomey's feea,actuattY incurred to extent permitted by applkable law.in the event BoROwer o�Trustor ezerolsea any
<br /> right provided by taw to oure an Event of Deteuit,Lender shali be enUtled to recover irom Trustor all coate and expenses actuaily
<br />-_i incurred ae e result of Trustor's detaui�ino�uding without 1lmitadon ail Truetea's artd attorney's fees,to the extent permftted by
<br /> appllaab�e taw.
<br /> 15. Future Adranan. Upon requeat of Borrower,Lende�may,at its opNon,make additional and future edvances and re-
<br /> advances to Borrower.3uch advanoes and readvanaes,with interest thereon,ehail be secured by thla Oeed of Truaf.At no tlme shail
<br />�`- the prinolpa�amount o4 the indebtedness secured by this Deed of Truat,not incly�ding sums advenaed to proteat the security ot this
<br /> _ _ .. . . ..--•--.--• ----.�. - - •w d.. .,.c ri!2i .. whfohever is 9raater.
<br /> ' Q8@q Ot TfUSt,6xCe80 tne vngma�pru�uipa�auw.m.o.a.o.......�....-•
<br /> 18.Mtseellaneous Provittons.
<br /> (a) Borrowtr Not ReNaad.Extenaion of the tlme for payment or moditfeatlon of amortlzeUon oi the eums seouved by thia
<br />° - Deed of Truat 9ranted by Lender to any succesaor in Interast of Borrower shatt not operate to reieage,ln anY manner,the�!abiNty
<br />� oi the original8orrower and Borrower's successors In intereat Lender shell�ot be requlred to commence proceedings against
<br /> = suoh aucceasor or retuse to extend time tor payment or otheMrise modiry amorlizaUon ot the suma seau�ed by thla Qeed of Tntat
<br />`
<br />