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<br /> n� . •.. ' -:n..a..d ^T e.�:�.:
<br /> . . , • ..�.a�, .r.'.h".WY�R1�:"M+;�.d� fu.;...':�w*. _..�- .
<br /> .:.� _ _ .. .��... .y��. �. . .. � � , °��� �p.nt�i�e.�.` -
<br /> �,T n�� .._- — �...
<br />-----��-•a�.�r 11b
<br /> _'�p.i.1S- --_
<br /> i�:.'.':-d� � : —
<br /> ��' '���.�.4 DEBD OF TRU81�W17H Ft�TU6iE ADVANCE� �►9��- io4�4
<br /> , � e 1.r Tu 1 Y - 19�1...,by and umorty �
<br /> �. :,;. THIS OEED OF TRUST,Is made ae o!the.�..�.daY a�--- ` '
<br /> -:��.;'",:�"`-'' � r Yn c. , �;,
<br />_�;:,._.�..., r �ha Dison trou �_
<br /> �r ��rf�i. ths Trustor,
<br /> -:��;•,:,,, ,.
<br /> � =""y!t�;:•�.� P.O. Box G'7�. �i toam 3pri n�s. AR �herein"Trustor,"whether one or more�, �:
<br /> whots matilnp addrat 1�_____- '�°:
<br />_.�;�,.,-;�.��' --.
<br /> � � �T�� t�ank of Tloni han � �:�
<br /> :�,'°`.�`'c�''`._,,, , p1� b�R3 2 -- �herein'?ronee'9�and
<br />�T���' whoasmellinpaddro�sle P•0• Box �. Doniphan. __
<br /> � �-,
<br /> �:;._
<br /> ths eeneflctary. �8rik o f Doni han ' �"=.
<br /> '�T�� � p�0. aox A Doniphan� N� 6�?�32 (herein"Lrende�'1.
<br /> ` whoae mnliinp addreas ta �.�
<br /> ;..r .�:-�'.1'�,r• —
<br /> ;,�t2s�� The Bi son Grou�. _ _
<br /> _=�,�� FOR VALUASLE CONSIDERATION,inaludinp Lender's extension of aredlt iden�fled hereln 40 _
<br /> •-"� �,°'�� InC. (herein"Borrowe�',whether ona or more)end the t►uat herein areated,
<br />-- ,{!� ''
<br /> ±T'✓'��'���" the receipt of which is hereby aakrtowtedged.T►ustor hereby inevocably grante.t►anetere,convoys and esaipna to Trustee. IN
<br /> -�°�.`���� TRU8T.WITH POWER OF BAIE,br the beneflt and seaurity of lender.underand eubjeat to the terms and condltlone hereinefter set __
<br /> �s��� torth,the�eal propedy.deaa�ibed aa follow�
<br /> �=�rs►�ana
<br /> �_�.�� Lots 3even (?) and Ei�ht (�3) in Dlock riumber One 1 ,
<br /> �����j Villa�e of Doniphan� Ha11 County, Nek�raska. `
<br /> -��,;,��
<br /> _�....a..fu:�a:.l
<br /> �����;;._�.{r
<br /> - ._=.-+���� ToQether with all bulldiage,improvements,flxtures,sheets.alleya P�geways,eseemems,rights.Privitegea and appu
<br /> �:�;-� nsncea loaated Mereon or in anywise pe►�telninp thereto,and the ronts,Iasuea and proflts,reverelone and remainders thereof,and
<br /> e
<br /> -'�F� i, suoh pereonal praperly thet is attached to tha(mp�ovemente so as to consUtute a ifxwre,inoludinp,but not Iimited to,heatinp an
<br />—�:-�,�,;i� coo�infl equipmenx and together with tha hameatead or marita�IMerests,i4 eny.whfch interests are hereby rdteaeed and waived:ail
<br /> '-"����� oi whtat�,inaludinp reptacementa and addWons thereto,is hereby deciared to be a part of the raat eatate aecursd by the Ifen ot thia `
<br /> ��;=�z�� Deed of Trust and eli of the torepoing being ret�rred to herein as the"Property".
<br /> °'-°"�°='A"�`� This Deed o7 TNSt ahail seaure(a)the paymeM of the prinelpa�sum and IMerest evldenoed by a promieaory note or oredit
<br />'`;�� JulY 11. 1995 ,havin� a matu�ity date ot January 7. 1996 ,
<br /> $greement dated ._
<br />�;;,� n� �7 �and any and all modiflcatlons,extenalone and rene�vais
<br /> �-���-�=�� tn the origina{prinalpal amount ot S 2�.QF
<br />�_._p::,:"`-:�;�� thereof or thereto and any and ail future advanoea and readvances to eorrower(or any ot them if more than one)herounder
<br /> --���� lender to p o�Lect tha seourity otlhe Note;(o)�e��orms aA ot all acevensets a d greement�ot Tmuator set brth ha8ei�nd�all
<br />':���+��. Qreaent and tuture indebtedness and ob�igetions of Bo►rower(or any ot them if more than one)to Lender whether direat.indireot,
<br /> ---------— absolute or contlnpent and whether arisirtg by note,yuaranty,overdraft or otherwise.The Note.this Oeed of Tniat and any and a�l
<br /> �� other doouentsthataeoure the Note or otherwlee exeauted in conneation Merewith�Inolud(ng without�imitadon guarantees,eeaudry
<br /> ---= agreemente and assignments of�eaees and►ento,ahali be�eferred to herein as the"Loan Dooumenta".
<br /> --- - — Truetor covenanta and agrees with Lender as fo�lowe:
<br /> — 1. p��ms�y d lnd�htadn�.Ail indebtedness eeaured he►eby ehaii be pafd when due.
<br /> �„��;� 2,Tffh.Trustor la tbe owner of the Property,has tha right anci authortty to convey the Properly,and wanants d►at the Ilen
<br /> crested hereby le a Nret and prior Ilen on the Property,except for Ilens and enou:nbrancea set torth by T►uator in wNtlnp and
<br /> _-• deilvered to Lender betore exeaudon of Mia Deed of Trust,and the exeoution and delivery of thls Oeed of Trust does not viotate arry
<br /> --_�-�� coMrect or other obligaUon to whicb T�uAtor Is eubjeat
<br /> ----.; g,Tax�,As�sm�nb.To pay betore delinquency ail taxea,apeciel aesesament�and atl othar ehar�es apeinst the Property
<br /> - ---------- now or hereafter�evied.
<br /> = 4.insuranc�.To keep the P�operty insured against damaQe by fl�e,hazards Inoluded wlthin the term"extended aoverapd'.en
<br /> - such other hezarde aa Lender may requlre,in amounts and with companies acceptebie to tsrtder,naming Lender as an addltional
<br /> ---- - nemed insurad,with loas pgyebte to the Lender.In oase ot toss under euch poifeles,the Lender is authorized to ad�ust collaat and
<br /> --��-i compromise,atl ctalma thereunder and ehell heve the opUon of applying ali or part of the inaurance proceeda(1)to any Indebtedness
<br /> -, seaured hereby and in euah order as Lender may determtrte,pID to the Trusror to be uaed tor the npair or►eatoration ot the Prop�rty
<br /> -- - orpfhforanyotherpurpoaeorobjeatsatlstactorYtoLenderwlthoutaffeatinpthetienofthis0eedotTruettorthetuttamount4ecured
<br /> v-- � horeby bstore euoh payment ever took place.Any app l lca U o n o f p�a c e e d s t o i n d e b t e d n e s a e h s l i n o t extend or p ostpone the due
<br />_-:;���� �te p}8ny p8yments under the Note,or cure any Cefault thereun�ier or hereunder. •
<br /> =:� S.Escrow.Upon written demand by Lender,Trustor shaU pay to Lender,in suah manner ae Lender may doaignete,sutHctent
<br /> ���-�"" suma to enable Lender to pay as they become due one or more of the lollowing:(q alt texea,aasesainente artd other eharges apalnet
<br /> �'-'—"•'�'� the propertyr.(il)the premiuma on the prop��tlr inaurance required hereunder,and(fil)the premiuma on any mortpege inaurance
<br /> .._.,.n:��-� requlred by lsnder.
<br />-----`�=�;. 8.Nalnbn�nc�.R�psits and Complt�nco with 4w�.T�ustor sha�l keep the Property In 9oal condidon and repalr oha
<br /> = --�e:�` prompUy re�sir.or replace any improvement whiah may be dart�aged or deatroyed;shatt �ot commit�r permit any waste or
<br /> -�,��� detertoration of the Property;shait not�emove,demo�lsh or eubsta�Ua�ty eiter any of the improvementa ort the Property:ehati not
<br />_�,:;,�. comml�suiter or permit any aat to be done in or upon the Properly in vlo�atlon of any�aw,ordlrtance.ar tepulaUOn;and shati pay and
<br />=��n_:��'.�_�_,'_�_.,��_'."�� prompUy disoharpa at TrustoPs coat and expense all Iiens,enaumbrencea and ahargea levted,imposed or aaseased aea�nat the
<br /> y��`•'�"" Property or eny Dart thoroof.
<br /> :-.A'(V�:.kiC��..; y
<br />-.:.;_�,;��.:�,��� 7,Emlrt�nt Oomaln.Lender le hereby aealgned ail aompeneatlon,awarde,demegea and other payments or rellef(hereina �
<br /> "Proaeeds'yinconneaUonwfthcondemnadonorothertakingotthe Propertyorpartfhereot,ortorconveyanceinlieuotcondemne-
<br /> Uon.Lender shall be entltled at Its opNon to commenae,appear In and prosecute fn its own name any aatlon or procee�ings.and
<br /> � ' ��' ' ehali also be entiUed to meke any comprom�ee or eottiemeM in conneatfon with suoh taking or damage.In the event any poRion of
<br /> the Property lo so taken o�damaged,Le�der aha�l have the option.ln its aole and abso�ute dtaoretion,to appty a�l auah Proceed0.
<br /> -- =�,_ o�dodunUns therefrom ell eoate end expenaea Ineurred by It In conneotion w►th euah Proaeeds,upon eny indebtedneae eeaured
<br /> _,W_ _ --- -t-,__ - _.�. ____ _
<br /> ��_....--�----�..tlw.oaterntlnn alUte
<br /> ,,,��,�. hereDy artd in auch order as lender may d�termine.or to appry�eii euan'rroaeedo,eRO�o�,���...••���-.---•------ -
<br /> ,:�..*��'• • proQeriy upo�eucb conditlona ns Lender mey determ�ne.Any sppliaedon of Prxeeds to indebtedness►ahatt not extend or postpona
<br /> ' �.;:�'-_; the duo date�i any payments under the Note,or oure any defeplt thereunder or hereunder.Any unapplled tunds shait be pafd to
<br />�'��:,. .. �, . ° Truator. '
<br /> 8, portonntnc�by 6end�r.Upoo the ocaurrenae of an Evenpet�of,De�ef mareu�nd�pWn die reUoni but wfthout obiigatlon�to'do
<br /> � �� -�^° commenced whlah materiatty affects Lende�'e inMreat in the Pro Y
<br /> ' so,end witt�out notl�.e to or demand upon Trustor and without reteaaing Truetor trom any obligatlon,do any aot which Truator has
<br /> � tt
<br /> � • apreed but tatla to do and may a�eo do any other act It d�sems neceasary to proteot the seaurity hereof.Trustor ehail,immadiatety
<br /> upon demand theretor by�ender,pay to Lender a�l eoats end expe�ees inourred end sums expended by Lender In conneotlon with
<br /> � ' the exereiae by Lender of the tore8otnp rlpQtts,together with intereatthereon at the detault rate provided In the Note,whieh ehail be
<br /> ' added to the i�debtednesa seoured hereby.Lender shali not Inour any itabllNy beaause of anything It may do or omR to do
<br /> . ,,�r.. :�,` hereunder. •. ' � • '
<br />���•, �. . "A„ �'� . a
<br /> �
<br />--� � .�"' ••_��e�, . .• ' rr�- -
<br /> .
<br /> .... .
<br /> .r—r—�'. _.._^—•--77:....._..._.�.., . ,.._._� .-'-. - ---- - -�-- -_— ...
<br />