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�,.� .._. . ......... . ..:ZF;::� R-m•,.�.,ti �nsw{ -n:-.. , <br /> F ` ' - .. � �i�...wrn�A awAqm-e�,1Mn�s�I�;r ^ -Y .._. . '''.,� <br /> t ,,1 ._. � �:..\. • A.. <br /> .^ "�w" _ <br /> .. � � �� 7 .�' , � . -.. . ��,- 7 �� <br /> ('- �y'� .�i .�._ . .. -�,»�.T__..�1�:�,���.�...__ <br /> _�fl ��a ,� .� r�•� '����.-_ , - <br /> _---_-- • --_--.. <br /> 'iF-t�...t-��'CT�'... . Q.T^"!""^�^'_°._.�__..'� <br /> -_.._ . .._ �e..�_.���arCJeul[ - ' s=-- _ .:a7�ew _Luaa.r.�_. .�a�i�1��w-�._.i. ____�. ... - <br /> 1� •. ... -.w�ra�_r1�•._.�t ' ••� •Y Ye.lS� '�u�._.. �Il. .�t __ <br /> --.'`--_. _ ' <br /> -- ----------.=�,::;t.^.�z.i 1�4E3k��9.��n3�?°'��,.�i,...'�Q��'��.�r.4^�.""S+r_�r;�4�"_'�i:E�."��''�:�_._- . <br /> -�._____..��_.,. ����._-- �,� ��-w�:�S.;r_-�,rn� - -'—_ __._.,--,- -- "— �-- <br /> _ u.i.h:�:i XdS,�1....".:.....:�_.'...-. .�.'. <br /> : �5_ �Q4683 � <br /> condemnution or oiher u+kl�R of any patt of the Property.or for conveyance In tieu of condemnation,are hereby asslgned and <br /> `o. <br /> shall bs puid to L�nder. <br /> [n the event of a totnl tnking of the Property. the proceeds shall be npplied to the Ruma secumd by this Securlty — <br /> Insuu�nenb whether or not then due,with any excexs paid to Bormwer. [n the event of a parttnl taking of che Pr+perty in <br /> whlch tl�e fulr market vnlu@ of the Property immedi�►tely bcfore the wking ts equul so or�reaier thun the amouat af thc sums ��_ <br /> secured by this Securlty InRtrument i�rimedIately before the tukfng,unless Borrower And l.ender otherwise agree in writing, <br /> the suma secured by thfs Security Insttument shall be reduced by the amount af the proceeds mtddplied by the fdlowtng <br /> fraction: (a)the total amoune of the aums secu�+ed immediately before the taking.dlvlded by(b)the fair market va�ue of the <br /> N+openy immediaeely before the raking. Any balanca shall be paid to Borrawer. In the event ot a partial wking uf the <br /> Property in whlch tho fnir market value of the Property immediately before the tnking la less than the amount of the sums <br /> secured lmmediately before the taking,unless Botrower and Lender othenvise agiee in wddn� or unless law <br /> otherwjse provides,the pmceed+sf�all be appHed to the sums secured by thla Sectuity Instnunent whether or nnt the sums nre <br /> then due. <br /> If the Propeity ia abandoned by if.after notice by Lender to Borrower that the condemnor offers to maka <br /> an award or settle a cluim for da�nuges,Borrower fails to respond to Lender within 30 days after the date the notIc�ia g[ven, <br /> I,ender ia authorized to collect and apply thc proceaila,at 1ts opdon,either to restoradon or repair of the Property a to the <br /> sums scxured by this Security Insuu��ent,whether or not then due. <br /> Untess L.ender and BorroWer otherwise agree in wridng,any applicatton of proceeds to princtpal sha1D not exknd or <br /> pastpone the due date of the monthly payments referred to in purngmphs 1 a�►d 2 or chanse�he amount of such payineds. <br /> ll. Bosrower Not Relessed; I�bri�eamace By �de� Not a Nraivcr. Exrenston of thc time for nnymcnt or <br /> modiflendon of amurtization of the sums secured by this 5ecur�ty Instnement grannted by L.ender to any successor an interest <br /> of Bo:rower shaU not operate ro ielease the(iabiUty of the odginnl 8onower or Bomowet's successors in{ntems�Lender <br /> shnll not be required ro comunence proceedin�s a�ainst any successor in interest or refiise to extend time for payment or . <br /> otherwise modify amortizadon of the sums sec�red by thls Se�urity Instrument by reuson of eny demend made by the original <br /> Borrower or Borrowetk sucoessors in lnteresG My forbearance by I.ender in exercising any right or rcmedy shall not be a <br /> watver of or preclude the exenise of any right or remedy. <br /> 12. Successors ertd Asslgns Dound;Jotnt and 3everal L.IabUity;Casignera. The covenants and agneemente of this <br /> Sec�uity Instrument shall bind and benefit the successurs and asstgns of Lender and Borrower,subject to the proviabne of <br /> paragraph 17.Barrower�s covenants and agreements shatl be joint snd several. My Borrower wlio casigns ttiis Securlry <br /> Instrument but cloes not execute tt�c Note: (a)is co-sibming this Security Insttument only to mortguge.grant and convey that _ <br /> Borrower�interest in the Property under ihe ternts of this Security Insuvmont; (b)is not personnliy obligated to pay the sums <br /> �r»sed by this Secur.ty lnstrumcn�and(c)a�ees that Lxnder and su�y other Borruwer may ugree to extend,modify,forbear <br /> or make any nccommodadQns with regurd to the tenns of this Securiry fnstnunent or che Note withuut tYiat Baravverk <br /> consen� <br /> 13. Loan Charges. If the ban secured by thia Security Tnsmunent is subject to a law which seta maximum loan <br /> chacges,nnd that law!s t7nally inurpreceil so that the Interest or other loan charges collected or to be wllected in cannecdon <br /> with the loan eaceed the permitted Itmits,then: (a)eny such loan charga shall be reduced by the amount necessary to t�duce <br /> the charge to the percnitted![mi� and(b)any sums already collected from Borrower whiah exceeded permitted limits w�U be <br /> refunded to Bormwer.L.ender may choose to meke tMs refund by reducing the principal owed under the Note or by mnking n <br /> direct payment to Bomnwer. If a refund reduCes pr�ncipal,the reducdou will be tneated as a partial prepayment withoue eny <br /> prepaymcnt charge unde�r the Note. <br /> 14. Notice.g. Any notice to Somower provided for in this SecurIty Instsvment shall be g�ven�by delivering it or by <br /> mniling it by fust class mail nnless appllcabla taw reqaic�es use of another method.The notice shall be duected to the Property <br /> Address or any other address Bonawer designates by nodce to l.ender. Any notica to Leader shatl be given by fi�t class <br /> meil to Lendu's nddrsss stated he�in or any other address Lender deslgnutes by nonce to Borrower. Any notice provided for <br /> in this Secuiiry Insuument shall 6e deeimed to have been gtven to Borrower or Lender when given as pmvtded In this <br /> F�b'�Ph. <br /> iS. Governing Luw; SeverabtUty. 7t�is 5ecurIty Inswment shull be govemed by federal taw and the law o�the <br /> jurisciicdon in which the Property is laated. In the event that any provision or clnase of thls Security Instzument or ihe Note <br /> contlicts with uppllcuble law.sucfi contlict shall not affect other provIslons of thts Secudty Instn�ment or tLa Note whia?i c�n <br /> be gtven effert wtthout the cont'�icttng pmvision. 'Ib this end the provistons of this Security Instrument and the Ndte ace <br /> deciarrd to be severuble. <br /> 16. Borrower's Copy. Borrower shaU be given one rnnformed copy of the Note and of this Securiry Instnunent <br /> 17. ltanster of the Property or a Benefictal Interest in Borrawer. Tf aU or any pa�t of the Property or uny interest in <br /> it is sotd or tn►nsfr•,�ad (or if a beneficta!i�tcr+cst in Bonower is sold or transferred and Borrower is not a nnwral person) . <br />- w(thout Lender�s prior written consent,Lender may,at its opdon,m.�ulre immediate payment in f�tll of all sums secur�ed by <br /> this Securtty Inswment. I�owever,this op�on shnll not be exer�ised by Lender if exerc�se is prohibited by fedecal law as of <br />-- . the date of this Securicy Insuvment <br />