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(hD P��N P�op�etyi Maurlty AOr�n�M additlonwt Mouriry fo►ths payment o}tht Notw Trwto�h�r�by pnnb <br /> L�n�unEK th�N�brului Unitwm Commoral�l Cod�a Noudy Int�rnt In all ilxtura.�qu�pm�nt��d otlN►PKSOnu P���Y <br /> utW In conn�odon wlth th��al atab o�Improvsm�nb tooet�d th�r�on,and not oth�rwU�d�ol�rid or dNm�d to b��paK of <br /> �hait�avs�1 M~r p b�►m�d.�o sui�ou►b party und�r M Coda in addfdon m h�iphb and��n�dlis arM undK <br /> �nd aacord�d th�Mndu punu�M to thls W�d of TNS�provtd�d that L:�ndH'�tighte and r�m�dlh urM�r thts p�rspnph�hall <br /> b�oumui��w wNh,�rtd In no way a IlmiqiNon on,L�nd�'s riphb�nd r�n�dia und�r any olh�r s�aunYy�pn�nMnt sipn�d by <br /> 9orrow�r a Ttwta. <br /> (I) LNnr�nd Rnaumb�sneN.7N�tor hsreby wurants and ropros�nts th�t thsn i�no dniuft und�r th�proviNona ot any <br /> mortOap�.d�ed of W st,liaW or AurChap contract d�saribinp ali ar any ptR of th�Prop��ty.or otl»r co�traat i�um�nt a <br /> agresm�nt con�tiwtlnp�itae or enoumbrence apeinst all or any pa►t of the P►opeM(eo���etiv�iy."Uens'�,�xiatinp aa of ths <br /> d�t�ot thli ONd of trusL�nd that any and a�l sxbting Ltens remaln unmodlHed excapt es ditaloeed to L�r�ds►in Ttuslor'� <br /> sx�i4a�s dle�l�eure�f�#•r�x and encumhrancas provtded tor herein.Trustot ahatl tlmsty psrfortn all of Truttors oblipatlons, <br /> covenanb,repreeentatlons and warnMles under any and atl exbNinp and tuture Uens.sha�l promptly taward to i-erKiarc�piss <br /> of slt noUces ot dsfautt�snt In conrtectlon wlth any and aU exisUnp or future Uenb and�hail not wNhout Lendsfs p�r wrNtsn <br /> conse�t In sr�y manner maily the provislona of or allaw any tuture advances under sny existlnp or tuture I.lens. <br /> Q) ApplieaYon d P�.Unlew otherwiee required by lew,eums pald to Lander hsreunder.inctudinp wHhout IfmitaUan <br /> paymeMs of pdnalpa!and proceeds.condemnatlon p►oc�sds and ronts and protitt,�hlttl bs applled by <br /> Lenderto tho amount�dus and owinp trom Trustor and 8orrower tn euch order ea Lendsr In Ns sots dlaarotlon desm�dM[abi�. <br /> (k)M�wrab�ty.H any provblon of thie Deed oi Trust conflfcts wiM app8oabir Isw or is decwrod Invalid a othsrwhe <br /> unentorceibte,�uah condiat or lmalldity�hail eot aHect ths ather provisoes af thl�Deed oi Trust or the No1s whkth cart�e <br /> piven�Heof without the confllaNnp provialon,and to this end the prov(slona of thfa Oeed of Tiust and ths�lote ar�dselared to bs <br /> . aeverabls. <br /> (1) Tima.7he te►ms"Trustor"and"Bonower"ehsli include boM ainpular and plurel,and when the Trustor and Borrower <br /> ere 1he aame perooMs),tho�e terma es u�ed in this�eed ot Trust shall be intetahan�bla <br /> (m)pby,�e+�tnp{.aw�Thq L7sed ot Tiun shall be�overned by the laws of the State of Nebraska. <br /> Truator Ae�exeauted thtf.Deed of`Truat aa of tho deme w�lt0en abov�. <br /> .`'..+' /�'b d � Z'� <br /> � <br /> , <br /> R�w�f•iM W M'i'IrMa <br /> �c::..:�� � r�ri� T""Mr . <br /> . ��`f1�lr I�RM�Etr.,i,� <br /> . ._...,..,,....�...�,�:�,..�,��,���.:.� .. <br /> . 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