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<br /> 0. Huudau�Malelab.Truatar vhcit keep ths Property In oom►piltnco with all appllaabie Irsws,�rdlneacea and rogutttivflf
<br /> velaUnp to Industrlat hyylsns or�nvironm�ntal protQCtion(colisotivoty reten�d to Aereln ea"�nviroamenut Law�'�.Trustor Mall
<br /> keep the Property free/rom all aubsttncro dssm�d to b�h�rardcu�or toxto under any Emironmenul Lawa(coll�ottv�ty nNrnd to
<br /> hKeln i�"M�ardous M�t�riala").7ru�tor hsr�by warnnts end npreanb to Lendtr that then are no Huerclau�Aiiat�rlab on or
<br /> unde�ths Prop�ety.t�uttor h�nby�pner to Ind�mnity and hotd harmiat L�nder.lb direobn,oftica�,�mp�oysN and p�nb��nd
<br /> uny succ��son to Lendw's tnbraaL from and agilnn any and all cialms,damaQes,toaaes and Ilabillpes erlainp In con�eatton with
<br /> ths pre�enc�,ua�,dlepoalp�trantpaR ot any Hes�rdous MaWHai�on,unaer.trom or about ths Prop�rty.ifHE F��I��Ol�it�
<br /> t0.Anlqsmmt d R�b.Tru�tor h�re►by satipns to Lender the ronU,lasuea and profltr of ths Proporty;providvd th�t Trostor
<br /> shall.untll theoccurrortcs Atan EventAf Oahult henunder,havs the dpht ro colleat artd retatn wch�ente,tssus�and profib utl�e�r
<br /> become dus and psyabte.Upon the ocournnes ot an Event of OefaulL Lender may.e�ther lo psrson or by apenL with or without
<br /> bdnAln�any eetEon or proceedlnq,or by e�reae(ver appolnted by a eouR and without repard to the mdequaey of ita sacurity.entar
<br /> upon and take poaaeaelon of ths Property,or any paR theroof,In ila own neme or in l�e name ot the Truatea,and da ar�y aeb whlah it
<br /> deems neceaseiry or deairabla to preasrreihe vetue,meukstabllity or rentabtllry of the P�opeM�or any part thereof or intersst fheteln,
<br /> Inareses the income theretrom or protect the seou►lty hereot and,with or wtthout tnkinp paaaQaelon of the Property,sus tor or
<br /> otherwise coileet the rents.Issues end prottta thereof,inaludtnp thoae paat due and unpald,and�ppy the�ams,lau co�tt and
<br /> expensas ai opentlon and colteetlon inoiudlnp attorrtays'teea,upon eny Indsbtadnesa sacured hereby.ati in wch ardera�Lander
<br /> mey determine.Ths enterin�upo�l and takinp posseaalon of the P�opeAy.the colleoUon W aucb �enta,iaaues and proflb and 4he
<br /> epplicaUon thereot as etoroea[d.shiil not cure or waive any detauit or notice of detault henunder or Invaltdste any act dorh In
<br /> responao tn auch default or pursuantto auah�oEice oT defauit and,notwith�nding the conUnuance In poaseaaton of the PropeAy a
<br /> the cotlectlon,recelpt end appiica�on af rente,iasuea or profita,a�9 T�ustee and tender shalt tie ertHiled to ozarei�every rlgM
<br /> provided to�inanyof theLoAn Oocument�orby tawuponoccurrenceof any EveMof Detaul�inctudlnpwithoutltmitallonthe Npbtto
<br /> exerctae tho pawer of ssle.Wrther.Lender's rlghte an0 remedres under thia paragraph ohaii be cumututirv wiin,iuiu ii�iiu way:
<br /> Iimitatton on,Lende�'s�ightsand�emedies underanyasslgnmento}teasesand renterecordedagsinatthePrope�ty.Lender,Tnratae
<br /> and the necelver shall be�Iabie to eccount only.thoae�enb actuelly reoeBred.
<br /> 1 t.�rrnb d Ddaulf.Thd tollowing shall conatltute an Evant of Default under this Oeed af Truat
<br /> (e) Fatlure to pay any fnatalimer►t of princtpal or intereat ot any other sum seaured hereby when due;
<br /> (b) A4�reachofordetaultundernnyprovl�toncontalnedintheNote,thinOeedofTruat,anyaftheLoanCJocumenta.orany
<br /> other Ilen or ereaumbrance upon the Propeny;
<br /> (c)Aw�Rotexecutlanorattachmen2oranysimllerprocessshallbeenteredagainstTrustorwhichehallbecomeailenon
<br /> 4he P�operty or any portion thereof or tnterest Urerein;
<br /> (d)Thero shal be flled by or againat Trustor or 8onower an ac4ion unde�any qreaent or future federal.slete or other
<br /> atatuW.law or reyulattan relatinp to bankruptcyi,inaolvency or other relief for d�tstora;or there shsll be sppoiMed eny tnntee,
<br /> rt�lv�sar lSq�k�tor ai Tist_�tar or 9otto+�sr 4r Qi s!!or eny�r��+t th�Pi��,or the rerrta,issues or Qrotile thsreot or Trostor
<br /> or Borrower ahall make any generai aaaignment br the beneflt ot creditors;
<br /> (e)The,eale,tranater.leaae,asstgnment conveyance or further encurnbranca ot ail or any paR o!or any intereat In the
<br /> ; Prop�eRy,ei�er voluntnrlty or Involuntarity.withqvt Zhe express written consent at lender.provided that Trustor shai! be
<br /> • permitted to execute a leaae otthe Properly thet daoa not contain an opdon to purchase and the term of wbicb does not oxceed
<br /> one year,'
<br /> (t�.Abandonment otthe Properpr,ar
<br /> (g�fit�ruator la not an tndivlduai,the tsauance,eale,t►ensfer,assignmeat,conveyance or emumbrance ot more than etm�at
<br /> oL�.�-percent ot(N a corporetlort)ita iaaued and outatandinp atock or(If a partnorohtp)a totat ot percent of
<br /> pgRnerahip Intereste ddrinp the perlod thie Oeed of Truot remalns a Iten on tha Prpperty.
<br /> 12. RMn�diM;AceoMradon Upat O�tauH.In the ovent of eny Ever►t of Default Lender may,w(thout noUce exceptas requlred by
<br /> taw,deolsre ai!tndebtednesa aecured hereby to be due ertd payable and the eame ahall thereupon become dua and paynbte
<br /> withaut anp preaer►trner�R demand.protest ar noUce of eny kind.Thereafter Lander may:
<br /> ,:' (8)°Demand that T►uatae exerotse the POYY�R OF SAl.E�ranted heretn,end Trwtea ehall thereatter caust�Troatore
<br /> Int9teat fn the Properiy to be sold and the proceedu W be dietributed,atl in tfie manner provldetf in the Nebrdska Truat Deeda
<br /> ' ,A�
<br /> (b) Facvretseanyendalleightspro�ridedforinanyoftheLoanOocumernsorbytawuponocourrenaeofariyEventofCbtaulh,
<br /> a�(a}Gpmmence en acUon to toreclose thta Deed of Truat as a mortgiage,appoint a recetver.�i speoiflcally entores anyof Rhe
<br /> covenapts hereot
<br /> FVo romedy Aeoefn conterred upon or reserved to Trustes or lender is intended to be exclustre oi any olher remedy herein,in the
<br /> lo�n pocumenta ar by!aw provided or permitted,but each shall be cumutative,ahatl De In sdditton to svsry other r�emedy ytven
<br /> hereuncter.in the Laan Dacumenb or now ar he►eafter existing at taw or tn equity or byetatute,and may be exercieed ooncurtently,
<br /> lndb^ya�sntty ar sur.�lv�ly.
<br /> 13. 7�wt�s.The Tiustee may resipn at any dme without eauee.and Lender may at any dme and without cause eppolr�4 e
<br /> eucceasor oraubatlwto 1'tuatee.Trusteeshall rt�t be tiable to eny party.including w►I�out limitatlon Lender;Borrower,Tiustor ar any
<br /> purchaser ottNe Property,tor eny toas or damage untesadus to reckiess or wllltut misconduot and ehati not be requlredtotakeany
<br /> action in conrtAatlon with the enforcemeM of thia Oasd o!Trust unteaa tndemnitied,ln writing,tor ell costs,campenaBUon or
<br /> exp�soes whteh may be assoclated therewlth.ln addiGan,Truatee may become a purcheeer at any eale oi the Properiy�udM�nl or
<br /> undar the power of aate pranted herein);poatpone the eale of att or any pordon of tho Property,ao provtded by tnw;or eell RM
<br /> P�opery es a whote,or tn eeparate parcefs or lota at Y►uatee'a discr�tion. •
<br /> 14. F�n and��.In Me e+reM Truatee sella the Propert�►by exeroiae�of power of sale.�rustee shall be er►titled to ap+�►ly
<br /> any tsala proc�eda flret to paymont of a0 coste and expanses of exerciafng power oi sate.Includtng ail Tiustee's feea,ertd Lendera
<br /> and T�ustoe'a attomoys tees,eatuaily inourred to extent pertnittod by appticable Iaw.in the event 6orrower or Tlvator exerciaea ar►y
<br /> �Ight provldad by taw M cure en Event of Defauit,Lender shail ba entitled M recover trom Trusto�ali coata and expenses ectualty
<br /> fnounad as a resutt of Truator'e default,incladinp without IlmitflNon aIi Truatee's and attomey's tees.ta the exteM parmiried by
<br /> applte�bte law.
<br /> 1 S. Futun Advanas.Upon requeat ot Borrowor.Lender may,at Its optlon,make eddiUonel artd tuture advences and re-
<br /> advancea to Borrowor.Sueh advances and readvances,with interest th�reon,ehatl be secured by thls Q�ed of Truat At nv 8meshall
<br /> the principal amount of the indebtednesa secured by thts Deed oi Ttus� in }(� ms advanced to protectthe seaud of this
<br /> nY.�.s T..� •U.s •..i t�......�rs�a.�Aa►d� nr!��.��U.8�� u/hlr_lfnvar!G Araltaf. �
<br /> rw..v. ..w v..+ ......... ..�.�...�. ...--•---- �-� ---- �
<br /> 7n��n••wn�.v
<br />- i 8. IAbceilaiteous Prorbforts. � -
<br /> (a)Bortow�r Not RNut�el.F�denaion ot the tlme for payment or moditicatlon of amoAfzetlon ot Me suma seaured by tAls
<br /> Deed of Truat�rented br Lender to any succesamr in tnte�est ot Borrower shall not operate to release.in eny mann�r,the IlebiNty
<br /> otlhe odpinal Borrowerand Bo►rowePs euccessoro In Inte�esG Lender ahall not be requtred to commence proceedinga apninat
<br /> euch eucceasor or refuee to extertd Bme toc payment or otherwtse modiry amortl�tlon oi the aums�ecured by thi�Oeed otTiuet
<br /> by reason ot any dema�ds mede Er Ne orl0inat Bonower und Borrower's auccessora in interest
<br /> Sb)L�n�e+��Po�s.WltAout atfeeUng the Ilabitity ot any other person liabte tor the payment of any obtlgaUon herein
<br /> rrtenUoned.and without atieetin�tRe Ifen or charge ot thte Qetad of T►uat upon any portlon of the Property not then orMer�tofore
<br /> re�eased as aeaurity tor the fu11 amount of alt unpald abBQaUons,Lender may,irom Ume to 8me and without noUco(i�releaae any
<br /> person rto Ilabfe.(ii)extertd the matudry or etter any of the terma ot any euch obllgatlons.(ilp grent other indulqence�,(iv)retease
<br /> or reaonvey,or cause to be�eleased or reconveyed at any tlmo et Lender's opUon any parcet,portlon or all ot the Properiy,
<br /> � (�take or rolease nny other or addittonal eeauHiy tor any oblfpaUo�hero�n mentioned,or(vf)make composittona or other
<br /> artanpemenla wtfh debtors in rotaUon thereto.
<br />_ . , �
<br />