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<br /> • THI�DEHD OF TRUST,la made as of the.1,1.-_day of i �N F ,18_�5..�y and smertg
<br /> wAossmailinpaddns�la 2410 OYERLANO TRAYL CIRCLE GRAND I�����.���r;'6w-h�ethAroneormora),
<br /> theTn,�teo, FIYE POINTS BANK � ,
<br /> �whose msllinp�tddres�la P 0 gOX 1507 GRAND I SLANQ NE 68802 (herei�"Tn�atee'�,and
<br /> theBeneflolary, FYYE POINTS BANK ,
<br /> whoaemailtrtpnddreaals 2015 N BROAOWELL GRAND ISI.AND NE 68803 (here�n"Lende►'�.
<br /> FOR VAWABLE CONSIDHRATION,tnctudinp Lende�e extenston of credit IdenUfted herein to aR NO LD C W E�J!d -
<br /> & E.I N QA C W E N N (hereln"eorrower",whether ane or more)and the Wat herein croated,
<br /> tha recetpt ot whlch la heroby aoknowtedped,Truator hereby inevacably�rante.transte%conveya and astlpna to Trustee.IN
<br /> TFiUST.W1TH POWER OF SAL�for the beneflt and a�cudty of Lendsr.under and eubJeat to the terma and Conditlona heretneiter set
<br /> to�,the�ea�l property,descdbed ss follawx
<br /> 7opether w(th ail6uiidinpe,improvemente,tixturea.at►eete.atieys.passageways,easemente,rlghte,Pdvilepea and appurte-
<br /> oances located Mereon or t�anywlse pertaininp thereto.and the rer�a,fanues and proflte,reverelona and remafndero thereof,and
<br /> suob petsonal properry that is attached to the improvemeMS eo aa to constitute e flxfure,irtcludinp,but no!timited to,heat[np and
<br /> coollnp equtpmenx and topether with the homeatead a meritsl intereate,tt any.which iMerests are hereby releaaed artd walved;eli
<br /> ot whiah,Inaluding replacementa and addidonsthereto.ie hereby declared to be a pa►t atthe�eal eatete secured bythe tien of thia
<br /> Oeed of Truat and all of the foreqoing being retetted to hereln ae the"Properiy".
<br /> Thta Qe�d of Truat ehall seoure(a)the pnyment of the prinoipal sum sad intereat svidenced by a promiasory note or oredlt
<br /> aIIreemeMdated �UNE 2TTN. 1995 _,ry���ngamaturitydateof aUNE 28TH„ 1999 ,
<br /> In the arigiRal pflncipat amount pf S �2 0 2 7.5 0 �and any and all nsadlflcatlons.extenalona and renewals
<br /> thereof or thereco and any and ai�tuture acNQncea and resdvances to 8mrrower(or any of them it more than one)hereunder
<br /> pu►suant to one or more promiasory natea or credR apreemente(hereln califlsl"NOtey:(b)the payment of other eu�na adranced 6y
<br /> Lendsr to proteat the aecurtty of the Note;(o)the peAormence aP all covensnts and epreemente of T►uator aet torth hereln;end(d)atl
<br /> proaent end tuWre indabtednesa and obtigations of Bor�ower(or any of them tf more than one)to Lende�whe�er dt�ect,indirect,
<br /> abcolute or conUnpent and wt�ether artainp by note,yuarenty.overd►att ar otherwiae.The Note.thia Oeed of Truat and any and atl
<br /> otAer doauerdathataeaurothe Noteor otherwlaeexecuced�n connecdon therewith.Irtcludin�wlthout Iimttatlon�unrar�ea security
<br /> agroements and assignments of leases and rents.shntl be reterred to t�erein as the"Loan Qocumenta".
<br /> Trua�tor covenante and agrees with LenQer,as tollowx
<br /> t, paymMft cf ind�bddn�a.Atl fndebte�neas secured hereby eball be patd when dua
<br /> 2.Titl�.Trugtor le the ow�er of the Properly,haa the tight and authority to convey the Prope►ry.and warreMe tt��the iten
<br /> created hereby ta e ffret and pdor Ilen on the Property,except for tiena and encumbrances aot torth by Truator in writin�and
<br /> deliverod to Lsrtder befaro ezecutlan ot thia Deed of Trust and the exeauUon and delivery of Mts Oeed of Tnist doea not v�olaM any
<br /> contraot or other oblipatlon to wMcA Truator la aubJeoL
<br /> 3.Tax�s,Astram�nb.To pay betore deli�quency atl texea,specbl asseaaments and ail othar cherpes ayainct the Properiy
<br /> aow or hereafter levied.
<br /> 4. Iraur�ne�.To kaep Me Property ineured apaf nat damape by flre,hasards included wtthin the tenp"extended covm�e".and
<br /> suah other hararde as Lender may require,in amounts and w(th compan(ea ac�pmbte to Lender,namfnp Lender as an iddltlonal
<br /> named In�ured,with losa payable to the Lender.In caso ot losa under auah poticies,the Lsnder la nuU�orized to adJuat.caiteat and
<br /> compromise,eli cieima thereunde�and shall have tho option of applylnp all ar par�o4the inaurance proceeds(q to eny(ndeb�edness
<br /> securod hereby and in mueh order as Lender may detemn(ne,(�q to tho Trustor to be used tor the�epai�or reatoraUo�o!the Proporiy
<br /> or(iiq tor eny otherpurpose or obJect aaUatactory to Lender without a0teatinp tho�len ot thla peed ot7ruat tor the tull amouM eecurod
<br /> t�reby betoro e�ot�paymeM ever took ptace.Any eppllcaUon oi proceeda to Indebtednesa ehstl not extend or poatpane ths dus
<br /> data of any PaY�nce►mnier tite Note.or cura any dotaalt it+eres�rtdcr or hr•raundar.
<br /> S. Hero�r.Upon written domand by Lender.Truator aha11 pay to Lender,in suah manner as Lender moy deatgnate,suttiateM
<br /> a�ta W enabte Lender to pay ea they become due one�or more of the tollowing:p)ail taxea.aeaeaamer�and other charpes a�alnat
<br /> 4he Properiy.(II)the premfume on the property Insur�nce required hereunde�.artd pii)the premlums on any mort�a�e In�surance
<br /> required by lsnder.
<br /> e. Wtnlmane�.Rrpaks u�d Canpitanct with l..�rn.lYuator ehail keep the P�operiy in Qood condttton and repatr,sA�il
<br /> prompUy repatr.eu raplsco any improvement whtah may ba dameged ar de�oyed;ahail eot commit or permit any wuls or
<br /> detertoraUon of ths P►operiy;aha0 rtot remove,demollah or substanUaily atter any of tho�mprovernente on bhs Propsrty;sh�ll not
<br /> commit,auffer or pennit any eat to be done in or upon the Properly tn vlolaUon otany taw.ordina�ce,or repulatlyn;and ehtll pay and
<br /> prompUy dlacharQe at TruatoPs coat and expense all Iiene,enaumbrances artd chargea tevled,Imposed or aasessed apainat the
<br />- Properiy or an�►part thereo9.
<br /> 7. �min�nt OanaM.Lender is hereby asslgned ail compeneation,awnrds,demages artd oth�r paymenta or►elio4(he►einafter
<br /> "ptoceeds'�in conrtectlon wtth cottdemnaUon ar other ffiking oi the Property or part thereof,or for conveyance in iteu ot condamne-
<br />- Uon.lender ehali be eMlUed at ita opUon to commence.app�ar in end proaeeute in(ts owe neme arn►acuon or prot�InOs,snd -
<br />= ehali elao be enUUed b make�ny eompromise or eettlement tn conneetlon wEth such takirtp or damaga.In the ever►t any portlon o!
<br /> the Property fs so taken er damaged,Lender shali have the option,in ita sele and abaoiuta dlacreUon,to eppty aU euch Pooceeds,
<br /> i aiter deduatlrtg thereirom alt costs and expenses incurred by it in connectlo�with euch Proaeeda,upon any indebtedrteas eecur�ed
<br /> .�.,._ �....
<br /> hBfQby 8Nd tt18UCN Ot48�801.dAQef m8y Q8[@Rntn9.or io flitpry 6ii eit�ribwov'b,fiiwF biiui�aivwuv'v�ro,w a�o.v.�..ao.......a.o
<br /> Property upon auch conditlona aa Lertder may determlrte.My eppltaaUon ot Proceeds to tndebtsdneas sha�i rtotextend orpostpone
<br /> tha due date of any paymeMa urtder the Note.or cure eny detault therounder or hore+mder.My unapplEsd tunds ehall be patd M
<br />- Tn4ator.
<br />= 8. Pertormanc�br L�ndar.Upon tha oceurreaee ot a�Event of Defautt hereunder,or H ar�y aet ts taken or lepal proceedinp
<br />' commertced whtch materfally atteots Lender'e IMereat In the Properiy.Lender may in ita own disoretlon.but withcut oblEpnt�on to do
<br />- so,and without noUce to or demand upon Truator end wkhout oeteaainQ Truator irom any oblfgaUon.do any nat whioh Truator has
<br />.' epreed but iafis to do and may atao do any other aat It doema necosaary to proteat the secudty hereoL Trustor ehatl.lmmadlasery
<br />- upon demand therefor by Lertder.pay to Lender atl coab and exQenc�ea tnaurred and eums expended by Lender in conneation wriM
<br />, the exeralse�y Lartder of the faroQolrtp rights.topethor wtt�Intorest thereon at tha detautt rete provtded In the Note,whict�eAnli pe
<br /> - added to the indebtedrteas seaured hereby. Lender ehatl not inaur eny Ilability because of anythtrtp it mey do or omn to do
<br /> ° her�under.
<br /> • , • {
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