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,i, -�.�tir , `, . . . .. � ... _ � . . _ ;:�;�`: <br /> ���.;� �� ;{;.. . : .�,�_ ,d . • .• ' �:w..s_y.*+'�,:�::�• ""_ J-,.�.�.— ... �_. <br /> . , . . ,;. <br /> .. i .,� �--'✓ ' � T'd�T.E.�"...�a='�.,..:...5�.'.i..�..� � ..�. _.._ <br /> .,, , -- — ----- - <br /> .� _ _ _ _ -- - <br /> ,�:.5t�`;:�; ' . � � <br /> -.=='�s.;��''� • eabstendally equtvutent mnrtga�e insurance cavernge iA not nvailuble. Borrower shaff pay to Lender euch month a sum equal to� � <br /> �. � .. ` ; � one-twelRh of the ycarl�monguge insurance premlum being pnid by Borrower when the inaurance caverage lepsed or ccased ta�� _ <br /> '����� ` �� _ b�in effect.I.ender wil nccept.use und retain theso payments AA u loss rcurve in lieu of m�rtgoge tnsurnnce.» re,serv�, - <br /> ,. paymenta mny no langcr he reauired,at the�it�i�n oP Londcr. if mortguge insurancc rnveruge(in the umount und far thc;perla� "' <br /> `-- -- crin[ t.ertaer reyu�res)provided by un msurer approvea by�t.,ertder nFctm tsecomes uvmtable ana is oduuned. dOTfOWC[ShAll pA� — <br /> - � the premiums requircd ta maintuin mortgug�in�urnnce in ta provide a lass reserve,until the req�irement far murtaa n. <br /> � u� �r : insurnnce enda in accardunce wlth any written ngreement betwsen Bonower end C.ender or sppl3cable law. <br /> � " ': 9.I�.vpeettom. L•ender or ius agent may reasunuble sntrles upon and inspections of the Property. i.endcr shall giv ;> <br /> Aorrower natice at ths dme of ar riar to en Ins ion e if m reasonable cuuse far the ins ���:�. <br />���,.�;• :1. .;>,;; P Pect Pec Y� 8 Pectian. <br /> > . .;. 10.Condemnation. The proceeda of ony nward or cluim for damages. direct or cansequentiul, in connection with an� <br /> _� ;,,r, ,, condemnation or other takin�of nny purt of thc Properry.or for conveyu�nce in lieu of condEmnation,are hercby assignuJ und �J_ <br /> shall be paid to Lender. <br /> '�''"�""�"'�'��' In the event of a total talcing of the Property,the prc�ce�is ahall bo applied to thc sums secure�by this Secutity Instrument, �`• <br /> :��• whether or not then due,wtth any excess patd to Borrower. In the event of a partial taklns of the Property in which the fair <br />;,.�- _ market valuc of the Property immediately befare thc taking is equat to or greater than the amount of the sums secwed by this . <br /> Secur�ty Insuument lmmediately beforc the tekinb,unless Horrowcr and i.cnder otherwise agree ln wdting,the surns secured by <br />��,�•� thls Security Instniment shall be reduced by the amount of the proreeds multiplied by the followIng fraction: (a)the total 'r:'..: <br /> -� � � amount of the sums secured lmmediately before the takIng,dlvlded by(b)the fair market valuc of thc Property Immediately ��;�, <br /> � '' � befon the taking. Any balance shaU be pa�d to Borrower. In the event of a partfal takjng of the Property in which the fair ':�t�'; <br />�-��'.�p's,..x:,_ ,� <br /> -� ;.•. ;,;:� market value of the Property immediately before the taking is less than the amount of the sums secured immediately before the °':` ' <br /> -�,:,:_ ' •• '' 7 taking, unless Borrower and I.ender othetwise agre�in lvritin�or unless applicable[aw otherwise provides.tha proceeds shall �:��-= <br /> `"'"•^"=���' � �' be applied to the sums secured by thls Secutiry Instrument whether ar not tlie sums are then due. <br /> -'�'"`'```�;. ,�fl '` If the Property is abandonecl by Borrower.or if. after notice by I.entier to Borrower that the condemnor offers to make an <br /> . . h;..�Y;+ , �,�Yi. <br /> ef`" award or setde a claim for damages. 8ormwer fails ta mspond ta L.onder within 30 days after tha date the notIcc is given, �� �� <br />__._;�rsti,���r��' Lender is authorized to rnllect and apply the Its option.e�thcr w restoration or repr�ir of the Property or to the sums - <br /> - sec�ered by this Security Instrument,whether or not tt►en duc. - <br /> �'�����= Unless j,eader a�nd Borrower atherwise a ree in writin an a Izcation of rocezds to nnci al shall not extend or <br /> "'�'��� g S• Y PP P P � P - - <br />_-_���;��;. �-- pu�ipone the due date af the monthty paymenta referred to in paragraphs I and 2 or change the amount of such payrnents. _ <br />_;,•=�„��;,���,�,,.�,•� ll.Bonower Not Released;Fo r b e a r a n c e B y L.e n d e r N o t a W a i v e r,E x t e n s i o n o f t h e t i m e f o r p a y m e n t o r m o d i f i c a t i o n — <br />'-�.yi�r,:;.�'r':s�� : af amortization of the sums secumd by thls Securlty Instrument granted by Lender to eny successor in interest of Borrower shall <br /> ��r''���t!�•„� _ reqtaired to <br />---- , ,.„ • not operate to release the liabillty of the orlsinal Borrower or Borrower's successors in fnterest. Lender shaU not be <br />:�-r,�,�,r;` commence proceedi ngs against any successor in interest or refuse to extend time far payment or otherwise mudify amortizatton <br />:..�r�,�;rn=rr . . of the sums secuned by this Secudty Instrument by reason of any demand mad� by the or�ginal Borrower or Borrower's <br />- ,�_: � '' successors M interest. Any forbearance by Lendor in exercIsing eny rtght or remedy shaU not 6e u wniver of or preclude the <br /> ._Y�r,,�r�� <br /> � exerclse of any right ur remeity. - <br />_°�:.;>;._ <br /> �,.}-��.,,., IZ. �uocessore and Assigns Baund;Joint and Severul Ltability; Co-signere. The cavenantx urtd ugreernents uf this <br /> -- �=•'"=-" Security Instruruent sholl bind cutd benefit the successors nnd assigns of Lender und Earrawer, subJect to the proviaions of <br />°_-;�;�":.. pnragraph 17. Borrowcr'e covenants und agreements shull be jolnt und scvenil. Any Bomnwr.r who co-signs this Scxudty . <br /> 4��� ` ' �ngisva�nt bui d� not cz�cute tt� Nuta: tuy ia c�rsigning�his 5ecurity i�crument onIy to mongage, grant and convey that <br /> � ������ti Borrower's interest in chc P�+operty uiider the terms of this Securtry Insuurnent: (b)is noi per�onally obligated ta puy the sums <br /> .._:�r��i- seturcd by thia Security lnstrument;and(c)ugrees that Lender and any other Harrower may agnx to extend,modify,forbear or <br />_:�::;��'�'._.Z , make any accommodations with regard to the terms of this Secudty Instrument or tha Note wtthaut that B�rrower's consent. <br /> -=•-_�s�, 13.I.�n Charges,If the loan secured by this Secudty Insteument ls subject to a Iaw which sets maximum loan charges. <br /> - �1 and that law Is finally interpreted so that the Interest or other loan charges mllected or to be collected in connection w�th the - <br />'`�""_�L�� loan excead the permitted lImits.then: (a)any such loan charge shall be ieduced by the amount necesssry to reduce the charge � <br /> _—_- to the permitted lirr�t:and(�)any sums alre,ady collecte�from Horrower ruhich exceeited permitted limIts wjll 6e refurtded to <br /> _ -- � Horrower. Lender may choose to make thia refund by reducl�g the principal owed under the Note or by making a direct <br /> __�=fs�q�� payment to Borrower. If a refund roducrs principal, the �eduction wll I be treated as a partiel prepayment wIthout any -' <br /> ._._.,p,.� prepayment charge u n der the Note. <br /> _--�- 14. Notices.Any nodce to Borrower ptovided for!n thIa Secudty Insttument sheU be given by delivering it or by mailing <br /> -�":� it by first class n�eil unless upplicable law requires use of another method. "fhe notice shall be diz+ected to the Prop�rty Address <br /> --°� _ or any other addresa Borrower designates by nottce to L.eader. Any notice to Lettder shall be 6iven by first class tnail to <br /> •-.�_v,�,� Lender's address stated herein or any uther address Lender designates by nodce to Boaower. Any notice provided for in this <br /> --.:.�,;,,..�- Serurity Instrument shull be deemed to have been given to Bornower or Leader w6en�iven as provided in th9s paragraph. - <br /> ___ss- :�� 1S. Governiag Lawi Severability. This Security Instn►ment shell be governed by federel law and the law of the - <br /> jurisdiction in which the Property!s located. In the event that any p►ovisfon or clause of this Security Insttument or the Note <br /> confllcts with applicable law.such confl[ct shall not affect other pmvisions of this Security Instrument or the Note which can be <br /> _-__ -' given effe�x without rhe conflictjng provIsion.To this end the provisions of this Security Instrument and the Note are declared <br /> -� ^::5:�: tobe severabie. F <br /> _--•:�� 16.Borrower's Copy. Borrower shall be given one conformed copy of the Note and of this Securlty Instrument. -` -- <br /> �v�,;;�, 17• 7Yonsfer oi We Property or a Heneftdal Intemat in Borrower,If all or any part of thc Property or any interest in it <br /> - - -- -= Is sold or ttnrisferred(ar if a beneficial lnterest irt Bomawcr Is sold ur tiw►�f'�rrcxI und Horrower is not a natural person)without `-- <br /> ------ = Lender's pdor written consent. Lender may. at Its option, require irnmodiate payment in full of ell sums secured by this <br /> -sW�+�=� Securtry Instivment. However,this option shall not be exerclsed by Lender if exercise is pmhibfte�by federal law as of the date <br /> of this Securlty Instrument. <br /> _,,���. If Lender exercises thie optton,i.ender shall give Borrower notIce of$ccelerntfon.The notice shall provide a pedod of not �--�` <br /> ___-- - = less than 30 days from tiie date the notice is delivered or mniled wlthin which Borrower must pay al! sums secure�t by this <br />---_=_ ___ Security Instrument. If Horrower fai�s to pay these sums priar to thc expiretaon of this pedod. Lender may invoke any remedles `rf;"� <br />�;�*.�,_�� permitted by this Secudty lnstrument wIthout further notice or demnnd on Borrower. <br /> -� � *� � 18. Bormwer's Rtght to Refnstate. If Borrower mcets cenuin conditions. Borrower shall have the r��ht to have . <br /> .�N;��'..;�a�. enforcement of this Secudry Instrument discontinued ut any time prior to the earlier of: (a) 5 duys (or such other period as -••��=-� <br />::�:-�r�:�'•;•-.;, applicabie law may specif� for reinstatement) before sale of the Propeny pursuant to eny p�wer nf snle contained in this �--_ <br />_--��i:�;;��_�:..� SecurIty Instrument; or(b)entry of u Judgment enforcjng thia Security Instrument.Those conditions ure thut Borrower:(a)pays �rt.::,.- <br /> �.� .. Lender all sums which then would be due under this Security Instrument ard d�e Note as if no acoelerntion had occurred;(b) •• <br /> ' " cures any default of any other covenants or ngreements;(c)pays all expe�tses incurred in enforcing this Security Instrument. <br /> � lncluding.but not limited to. reasonnble ottorne�+s•' fces;and(d)takes such actian us L.endcr may rcusonably requjce to assure � <br /> thut the lien of this Seeurity Instrument, Lender s rights in the Property and Bc�rrower's obli ution to pay the sums secured by � <br /> _ . �� this Security Instcument shall continue unchanged. Upon reinstutement bv Horrower. t�is Securifv incM�mnnt o�„� �� " <br /> -_ , ooiigacions secured Rereby shait remain fWly eff'ective as if no accelerution?nud occurred. Ho�vever.this right to�instnte shall <br /> . not apply jn the case of acceleratton under paragrnph 17. ' <br /> - %- 19. Sete of Note; Change of Loan Servicer. The Note or a p�rtial interest in the Note (together with this Security � <br /> � � •�' Instrument)may be sold one or more times without prior notice to Barrc�wer_ A saie may result in a change in the entiry(known " <br />_ .i� ' °•'`•, �." as the "Loan 5en+icer")thet collects monthly payments due under the Note and this Security Instrument.There also may be one <br /> ;�r.,;;,:_ , or more changes of the Loan Servicer unrelated to a sale of the Note. If there is a change of the Loan Servicer,Borrower witl be <br /> given wr�tten nottce of the change in accordance with paragreph 14 above end applicable law.T'he notice will state the nwne and <br /> _�� .. ��,�� address of the new Loan Servicer and the address to which payments should be made. The notice will atso contuin any other �a � <br /> �: • informativn required by applicabie law. <br /> _ - s•: 20. Hazardous Substetices. Bormwer shall not cuuse or permit the prcsence, use, disposal, stora�e, or mlease of any <br /> �1�:�� ,- Harardous Substances on or in the Property. Borrower shall not do. nor ollow anyone else to do, anything affectin� the <br /> �•.:;��;y4:;'' Property that is in violatIon of any Envi�bnmentel Law. The precedin� two sentences shall not apply to the presen��e,use,or <br /> �.;. $,� stotage on the Property of small quantities of Httzardous Substances that are generally mcognized to be appro�+riate to normat <br /> , residential uses and to maintenance of the Property. <br /> „• _y: . <br />-_ � aopo 3 oi e Form 3026 8I80 1 <br /> .... � <br /> t <br />