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<br /> The Funds �huil b$ heid in un institutiAn whase dcpositF are insured by a fed �T1�ency. inRtrument��iity. or entity
<br /> (including l.endcr, if I.cndcr iw auch un institution)ar!n uny FcdcrAl Ham�l.ui►n Bank.Lsndcr shufl appiy thc Fund.ti to pay thc
<br /> ` -°- Bc.ciaw{tcros. Lcndcr muy nat churgc 8orravrcr for holcling und applyinb the Funds,s�tnunlly.mnlyxing thc cscrow uccnunt.ot �`
<br /> : ; �� verifying thc�xcraw Item�►,unicsw Lenaier pays Bormwer interest an the Funds unJ upplicriblc law permita L.end�er to make such �-_:
<br /> a chnrge. However. l.cnder muy rcqufrc Horrowcr tc�poy a ane•timo charge for un independent real c�tratc taz reporting scrvtce c-_-,
<br /> �' � '"�f' uscd by l.ender in cannectiun wlth thiA laan. unless s►pplicublc luw provlde!� otherwisa Unless un agrccment is mudc �r =.,.
<br /> �� ° ��P�� upplicable law rcquires intcrest ta ba puid.Isnder�hall nat be required to puy florrowcr any Intcrcst or curnings on the Hund�. ��_
<br />�;��+;��;�?'� Hanower und Lender may agrco in wriNng, hawever,thnt intcrest aha{I be paid on tha FundR. Lendcr shull give to Barrpwcr, =r
<br /> without churAc.un unnunl uccountina of the Funda. ahowfng credits and debits ta the Fund� und the purpase for which each �
<br /> :��''►;;n'�{����� debit ta the Funds wav made.Tho Funda ure pledge�as additional s�x:urity fur all suma nr.curuf by this�tcur�ty Instrument. �
<br /> Y ' If the Funda held by Lertder exceed the amounts pern►itted to be held by applicuble law,l.ender�+hail accaunt ta Hc►rrower �%'
<br />•;_,,'-�� .
<br /> for the excesa Funds in nccordance with the��equirementR of appiicable Inw. If the amount af the Fundy held by Lender ut uny L���`;
<br /> ��`� �~' time!s not sufficient to pay thc Escrow Items when duc. l.ender may so notify Borrower in writins,und,in such rnse Barrower ��;..
<br />'`fi-�� shull pay to Lender the amount necessary to make up the detIc[ency. Borrower shall make up the def icfency In no mare than
<br /> � „ , •' twelve manthly payments.ut l.ender's sole dirc:retion.
<br /> .�'_::
<br /> �;�:
<br /> � Upon payment In Poll of all sums xecured by this Security Instrument, Lender shall promptly refund to Borrower any 4:�_
<br /> �;x;;,':��:"� Funds held by Ixnder.If.urtder paragrnph 21, Lender sheit acquire ur sell the Pro rty,L.cnder,pdor to the acqulsttion or sale ���
<br /> of the Property.sha11 spply eny Funds held by Lender at the tlme of acquisitlon or�sale as a credit against tho sums secured by �`
<br /> -,,,����.� -
<br /> .�.�;,��,�n��� thia Secudty Instniment. __
<br /> �%fi���. 3.Appltcatton ai Paymenta.Unless applicable law provides othenvise.all payments recetved by Lender under pacAgraphs �
<br /> ��•�'��;�� ' i and 2 shall be ap�lied: Grst.ta uny prepay�resnt chazges due under the Note;second.to amounu payable under paragraph 2; __
<br />';;,�.<.�;�, thircl.to interest du�;fuutth.to principal due;and last,to any late charses due under the Note.
<br /> -�i�. 4.Churges; Ltens. Bosower shall pay all texes, assessments.charges, fines and imposidons attrtbutable ro the Property ,
<br /> ,,i}�,b�,;�� w61ch may attain prlority over this Security Inatcument.and leasehold paymenu or graund rents.If any. Bortower shall pay
<br /> :,_,�,.v, ; these obligutions in thc manner provided in pnr��mph 2.or If not paid in that manner.Bonower shall pAy tl�em on timc dirccdy
<br /> --i.��iim44'f� ta the person owed Qayment. Borrawer shall�+ao�ptly fumisb to I.ender all notices of amounts to d�e paid wider this paragraph. �
<br /> - '%:��`•?�,;,�' Tf Borxower makes these p:ryments clirecUy.Borrower shali prampUy turnish to L.ender rc.,:eipu+��idcncing the paYnanis• :---:
<br />�--<<��'?'f�� �onower shall promptly dischurge any lien whlch has priorlty aver this Securlty Instnrment unless Barrower: (a)agrces 1n �'r:
<br />-=y'��;�'�;`"' writing to tha payment af the obli�atian secured by the lien in a manner acceptable to I.endor; (b)contesta in good faith the lIea �
<br />.,,�3�,. � -
<br /> -� � by,or defends against enforcement of the lien in. legat praceedings which in the Lender's opinion operate to prevent the
<br /> � enforcement of the lien: or(c)secums from the holder of the lien an a�reement sntisfactory to I,ender subordtnating the lien to ,
<br /> 'S a�'+��+� this Securiey Instrument. If L.ender determines that any part of the Property is subject to a lien which may attain priority over �
<br /> �ti°�yt.b� this Securlty Instrument. I.ender may give Borrower a notice identifying the lten.Borrower shall sadsfy the lien or take one or
<br /> '""''ni e rnore of the actions aet forth above wichin 10 deys of the giving of notice.
<br /> =�-�==;�� g. Hazard or Property Insurance. Barruwer shalt keep the lmprovements now extsttng or hereafter erected on the
<br /> -�-=•��t� Property insured against toss by fire. hazards lncluded within the term "extended coverage" and any othcr hazard.g.including
<br />"��"-;.' _ z ��Qf����g, f��r whicA Lender rcQuires insurnnce.This fnsurance shall be maintainai in the nmaunts and for the perlods
<br /> -=-»� thut l.ender requires.The insurance carrler pmviding the insurance shall I►e chosen by Sorrower rubjat to Lec�i�r's apprcfca!
<br />�'�"`-'�TM�" which shall not bc unreasonably withheld. If Horrower fuils to matntein covcruge descdbed ubove. Lcnder muy. at Lender'K
<br /> :,1,�r.r�:�e� i paruBrnPh 7.
<br /> _�my.•�+. opdon,obtain wvemge to pmtect L.ender's rights in the Property in accordance w th
<br /> `TM"� All insurance policies and renewals shall be eaceptable to Lender nnd ah�►ll inctude a standnrd mortgege cluuse. Lender
<br /> shall have the risht to hold thepolicies und renewal�s.If Lender requires. Borrower shall promptly give w i.ertder ull receipta of
<br /> ___._.___.�=� pald premiums and renewal notices.In the event of loss.Borrower shnll�ive prampt notice to the insurunce currier and Lender.
<br /> --= = l.ender may make proof of loss if not made promptly by Boaower.
<br /> "" Unless L.ender and Bomower otherwise agree in wrld�g.insurance proceeds shell be applied to resturadon or repair of the
<br /> �= prope�ty demaged.if the reswration or repair is eamomtcalty feasible and Lender's secudty is not lessen�.If the restoratton or
<br /> ��`'_=��� repair is not ernnomfcally feasible or L,ender's seciuity would be lessened.the insurance proceeds shall be applted w the suma
<br /> stcured by thls Security Inswment. whether or not t hen due. wlth any eacess p a id to Borrower. If�Borrower abundons the
<br />