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<br /> fl.Hu�rdout M�i�rl�1�.Truttnr sha11 keop the PropnrtY in compllance wllh ell appllobbte lewe,ordlnartcea and�egutetione rotetin�to �.
<br /> Induatrial hypfene or anvlromm�ntel protentlon (coltectivety retaned to herein as'En�ironmental Lo�va'!.Trurtor ahall keep the Propeny
<br /> fres trom dl uob�tanae�de�med to be hivardou�or toxio under any EnvtronMente�Lewe lco!lsctively referro�to herein aa'Ffaasrdou�
<br /> Matnrleis'i. Trustor hernby w�mnts and repretmts to Lender thst thae�re�o Huardous M�txlsl on or under the Propany.Trustor
<br /> hereby opreea to Indemnify and hold harmtese lender, its direeton, otficare, emp�oyees and agente,end�ny euceeasoro to Lander'� _
<br /> IM�rnt.irom snd�patmt any end ell ct�ims,d�mepes,iosses rnd Nabilitics wialap tn eennoetton vvfth the preeence, uae,dispaaal or ,.
<br /> TRUST.
<br /> 10.As�nm�rtt M R�t�.Trustor hereby esstpna to Lender, end gants Lender e�ecurity interaat 1�,atl proaent,tuture and after
<br /> risinp rents,iRS�es�nd protiu ot the ProDerttl:Orovide�thet Troetor shati,untll the oecurronco of en Event of Default hereunder.have
<br /> the right to aollect snd retein euch rante,iaaues and ptofRe aa they 6ecome due and payablo. ltpon the oceurrence of an Evant of
<br /> pefault,Lendar may,etther in person or Ey epent, with or whhout brinpinp ony aotlon or proceodinp,ot by a�eeelver apDofnted by a
<br /> eouR and without regard to the adaquecy of it��eeurit�r, enter upon and take posseoalon of the Propercy.or any pert thoreof,In Its own
<br /> name or in the nsmo of the Trustee, and do eny ecte which it deems necessary or desirabie to preaafve the vatue, marketAbitltV or
<br /> tentebi�ity of the Property,or any part theraof or t�terest thorein,or to increase the Income therelrom a protect tha aecurity haraof and,
<br /> v+�ith or withcut teking poareasion of the Ropany, eue tor or otherwise coliaet the�nnte,isauea and profite theraof,inetuding those p�st
<br /> due�nd unp8d,by�oUfytng ten�ufta to make p�ymente to L.nnder. Lender mey appty�ents,iasues and profite,lasa casts end expenses
<br /> of operetbn snd coileotion inctuding�ttomsys'tee�y,to any indebtednass seeured heroby,dl in sucA arde�as l.ender may determine.Tho
<br /> �}urey d,��dl m ttour oPw�fany de eutt a�o�tice t d r�e��r��a�a��+V�ast any e�att�1°�e �°�Pon epto s eh detautt or _
<br /> punuent to euch nottca of defeutt end,notwfthstandtng the continwnce in poasesslon of the Piroperty or the eolieetian.reeaipt end
<br /> epplteatbn of rente, issues or profite. Y�usteo a�d Lender st►ell be antitied to exerciae every rEBht provided tor in any af the Loan
<br /> Inatrumente or by lavr upon oaunence of eny Event of Oatauh,including without Iimkation thQ r(ght to axercGse the power ot s�e.
<br /> Further,Lender's tighta end remedfes under thie psregrePh shati be cumutative wkh,and tn no way a Iimkation on.Lendere rights and
<br /> remediea under eny asaignment of leasea and rente reco►dod egalnat the Property.Lender. Trustee end the reeeiver shaii be itable to
<br /> sccount only tor those ronte actualty received.
<br /> 11.Ev�oi Q�iwtt.Tha toltowing ehail wnstitute an Event of Default under thia Deed ot Sruet:
<br /> (s1 Fafiure to pay any inataliment ot princlpei or intereat ot any other sum securad hereby when due;
<br /> (b)A breach of or defauk under eny provislon contatned In the Note,this Deed ot Trust,any ot the Loan Inatrumente,or eny
<br /> other pen or er�cumbrance upon the Property;
<br /> ta)A wtit oi execution ar attachment a any eimitar procesa eheli ba entared agelnst Trustor which ahnil 6ecome a ifen on the
<br /> Propert}t or eny portion thnreof or intarest therein;
<br /> (d1 TBSta�tsan be fiiee3 bY o�������°i�°�°� �$��"�under er►y Qresem or tuturo tederal,atate or other 6tRtue,I�w
<br /> Ilqur d tor of Truatopor Borto eptor of a 1 o any part ofethe�Property ao the r nte,tasuea or�Obofi thereot,or Ttusto o�r�Borcoweor
<br /> shall m�ke any eenerai saaignment tor the benetR of credttora;
<br /> (e)Tha sale,uanater.teese,asaignment,conveyanae or turther encumbrance of ett or any pert ot or any Intereat tn the Roperty.
<br /> ehher votu�tarity or tnvolunterily,without the exprese written conaent oi Lender;provided that TNator shail be pertnittod to execute �
<br /> a tense ot the Piruperty that doea not conteln an option co purchasa and the term of whtch does�ot exceed one year: �; ,
<br /> (fl Abandonment ot the PropeRy;or
<br /> (g)If Truetot te not an Endtviduet,the isauence, eate,trenafer.eaaignment, eonveyance or enwnibrance— o�f mo.rep�Mf of
<br /> carporetionl e total of u�� percent of ite tasued and outstanding sNCk,or pf a partnerehtp)e total of **��
<br /> partrtership intereata,or qi a l;mtte�ilablltty ecmDr►Y1�total of H/w percent of the limited IlebUfty campeny tMeraute ar vcting
<br /> dyhts durinp the peflod thia Oeed of Truat remtlns��ten on the Propariy. '
<br /> 12,Et�nndNs;AeeN�rallon Upoo D�f�utt•In the eveM of any Event of Oetauk Lender mey,without natice exeept ea requGed by Uw,
<br /> decisra sll Indsbtednese sacurad hereby to bo due and payable end the ssme ahett tt�eroupon become due snd psyable without any
<br /> presentment,,demand,protest ar nottce of any kind.Thereafter Lender may:
<br /> tn the PirapertY t�be sold end the ptoceed�to bNe distributed•ell�o the menner p ovtded in tAe Neb ske Trust Deeds Act ra interett
<br /> tb)Exerclse any end atl tights provided to� in any of the Loen insuumanta or by law upon occurrence of any Event of
<br /> Oetauh;and
<br /> (c1 Commence en octton to foracioae thte Deed of Tnist as e mortgege, appoint a rnceiver,or apeatticeliy entoree any o t e
<br /> coven�nts hereat.
<br /> No remedy fierein conteRad upon ar reserved to Truatee or Lender is intended to be�xcluslve ot enV other remedy herefn,in the loan
<br /> instrumeMe or by Iaw provlded o�permftted,but eaeh ehail be cumutativo,shail be in addkion to every other tamedy gtven hereonder.[n
<br /> , the l.oen lnstruments or now or hereafter existing at lew or in equtty or by etetute,and may be exadaed concuttentiy,independeMty or
<br /> ' euccaaetvety.
<br /> 13.Trust�o.TAe Trustee may resign at any time without ceuae,end Lendar mcry ot any[tme nnd withaut eauae appaint a aueexssar
<br /> or substitute Trostee.Ynintee ehail not be Ifabia to any pany,tnc�udi�g wtthout iimketlon Lnnder.Borrower.Truator or any puroheser of
<br /> - the Property. for eny toss or damaBa unieas due to reokleaa or wilitul miacontluct, end shal{ not be requlred to take eny eatbn tn
<br /> conneation whh the entorcement of thia Deed nt Tniat uniesa Indomnifldd,in wrtHng,for atl aosYS,aompenaatton or expensea whtch may
<br /> be esaoctnod therewlth.In addttlon, True4ee may become e purchesor at eny sete of the Properiy tjudicfai or under th@ power ot aate
<br /> prented hereln);postpono the sate of atl or any portton of the Piroperty.as Provided by taw;or ae�l the Roparty as o whote,or tn separate
<br /> parceis or Iote et 7rustee'e diacretlon. '
<br /> 14.Foet�nd�cpNfta.ln the cvent Trustae eelis the Properq►by exeroise of power of eale,Truateo ehstl be 6r�tkled to appiy any eete
<br /> proceeds tfret to payment of ell costs and expenees ot exerclsing power of sele,inctuding eil Truetee's feos,end LendePe end Truatee'a
<br /> - ettomey's fees,aatuelly Inaurred to extent permitted by appllcable law.In tha event Borrower or Truetor exercises eny dght providcd by
<br /> Iaw to cure an Event of Defoult,lender shell be entRted to recover from Tn►ator alt coats end eupsnsea actualty Irtcurted a�a reaNt of
<br /> - Truator's dotauk,Fnciuding wlthout Itmltation all Ttustee'o end ettomey'a fees,to the extent permtttEd by epplfaebte lew.
<br /> ;� 16. Wtun Advanees.Upon requost of Borcower,Lendor may,et ks optton,moke eddttionat snd futuro edvances end readvo�ces to
<br /> 8orrower.Such edrences and readvences,wkh inteteot thortsan,shell be secuted by this Dead of Truet. At no time shatl tho principat
<br /> � emount o}the indebtednesa eeeured by thia Deed of Trust,not Inciudtng sums advanaed to protoct the security of thts Ooed of trust.
<br /> exceed the originat prtncipal emount stated hazetn,or 8 0 00 ,whiehov�r Is greatar.
<br /> 19.BAt�aat�twus pmvisians
<br /> (e1 Bon'nw�r Not R�lasad•Extansion ot the time for peyment or modHicetlon ot the eume aocured by this DeerJ of 7rust granted
<br /> by lender te eny eucaeseor In Interest oi 8orrower shali not operete to reiease,In eny mn„nor,ihe Ilabftity ot the original8orcowor
<br /> ertd Botrower'e succassoto In Intorest.lendor ahoii not b¢tequirad to commence proeesdinps agein5t such succesaor ur refuse to
<br /> oxtend time for payment or otherwtso modMy emortixation of the suma secured by thla Deod ot Trust by ronson of any demands
<br /> made by the oBgtnal Borrower and Borrower's suacosaora in interest.
<br /> `' Ib>L�nd�r•s Pow�n.Without oHeaNng the Ilabiltty ot any other person Ilebto for the pnYment of eny obtigetion heretn rr�ntioned,
<br /> and without effaottng the Iien or cherge of thla Oeed ot Truat upon any port{on of the Proporty not then or theretofore released as
<br /> securky for the futl amount ot eti unpald obitgattons,Lendar may,from time to time and whhout notice(p�oioaae any pereon so
<br /> Ilabie,(li)extend tho mMUtity or aiter any of the tem►s of any such obifgetlons,(IiH grent otner indutganecia,(lv!rotesse or reconvey,
<br /> or cauae to be►eleased or reconveyed et eny ttme at Lendor•e option eny parcet.portion vr ell of the Property.tvl take or�etease ony
<br /> other addktonet accurky tor any obilgetion neroin mentloned,or fvil meke compoeittons or othor artangoments with dobtore In
<br /> • retetlon thereto.
<br /> k9C9�61D INOmprkNtur�OsaElRev.lfBB
<br /> Q�9E8 NaUona�Bmk at Commace TNit e�M6nvinqfASSOdaHOa.WeWn.NaGU►a
<br />