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<br /> ' DEED OF TRUSY lflii'i�i �rtiYiJRt AiA�iAHiCES 3 5�,���► �-
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<br /> THIS OCCD Or Ti�tiST,i�m�da�ot tha_ 2`�th day of JWio ,19 gs ,by ond�mong R'_-_
<br /> the Truntor. JERAY �Ci. 8M8TTBR aad BANDRA J. DMBTTEti� HU38AND AtJD NiZPfi
<br /> whoae maUing addreas Is 305 WBBT CBDAR D02tIPHAN N8 68832- _�heroin•Trustot,'whather nne cr marel, r
<br /> the Trunee, �R�F ��� —
<br /> whoae maliing eddreaa Is g0 BOX B DODTIPHAN,_ N8 68832 (harein'Yrunee"l,and
<br /> the Benettciary, �K �P ��P�A�T '
<br /> whosn mailing addres�h PO BOX H AONTPHAN. NB 68632 (herpfn•Lender'!. �
<br /> FOR VAWABLE CON�IDERATION,inctuding Lender's ext�nafon ot credh idontifled he�ein t4 J�:RR1� a• gMBTTBFt
<br /> 9ANDRA J. SI�TTBFt
<br /> (horeln'Bonowar',whether one or mare)and the trust herefe�ereated,the
<br /> recelpt ot which i�hereby acknovuledged,T�ustor hereby irrevocabiy graMS,tranafere,conveye and etaigns to Truatae,IN TRUST,WITH
<br /> POWER OF SALE, Ior the boneflt end securIty of Lender,under end suOJect to the tertna and wndltions heretnafter set forth,the rq�
<br /> proporty,descAbed aa tollows:
<br /> Topethe�witA aIl Eufldings,tmprovements,ttxturea,streete,elieye,pessegawaye,ea�ements, rights,pri�llepea and appurtene�ectla
<br /> locata!thereon or tn anywiae penaini�p thereto,and the renq,laeuea and profka,ravaraione and remainders thereof,and suotf psrwn�l
<br /> property thet la ettached to the imptovamanta eo es to wnsNtute a flxtu�e,ineludtng,but not Ifmked to,heatinp and eoollnQ sqWpmeM;
<br /> end together wkfi the hormeatend or markal Intarests,I4 eny, which interests ero hereby �eieaaed and wahrnd; ail of whic�, inctuding
<br /> . i;,�t�,,-�en�,-�s��arldii�s 2l�grssip.�tscrt�y dxlased to!�a e�lsat 4f!Ae!!�1 est+stw sarurad by the Uen of thU Deed oi.T�wt and�Il 0! _
<br /> ths forepoinp being�eferted to t�ereln es the"Propeny.
<br /> • Thia Deed of T►usu shu1�aecure te1 the psyment a4 the principal sum and intarq.4t evidenced by a promlosory note or uedit
<br /> ayreement dsted J�e 29, 1995 �,having a maturth►date o! J�Y 15, 1999•
<br /> in the ortpinat prinelp�i amount of i 5,664.77 ,�d �y end atl modifteationa,extenaions snd ten�w�s
<br /> theroof or thersto�nd my�nd ati tuture advance�and roadvamces to Bar�owsr lor any ot them If more than one)hereunder punuant to
<br /> ons or mote promissory pc�ten or eredk egreementa lherein ealled'Note'1;(b)the payment ot othot euma edvanced by Lenda to prot�ct
<br /> ths security ot the Note;�a1 the parfomtence of all covenenta and apreementa of Tn�nor aet torth herein;and(d)a!t present and futuro
<br /> indebtedneas�nd odilgetions ot Borcawer(ov any of them If moro than ons)to Landsr whether dirsct,tndfceot.abwlute at contfnpent
<br /> and whatha arialnp Ey no[e,guarenty,ovordrait or otherwiaa The Note,thle Deed of Ttuat md any and+�Il ott►er documentt that s�curs
<br /> the Note or otyetwfae exeeuted in conneallon therewitb,Includtnp wkhout Ilmitatlan guarsmaes,eacurity sgroements�nd�siqnmeat�
<br /> o!Iva�es�nd rent�,shY{be.refertad to berain as the"Loaa�net�uments•.
<br /> Trustnr covensnb�ndaprere wtth Lander�es foltowe: •:
<br /> 1.P�t of tnd�6t��All tndebtedneas securnd heroby ahall be pald when due. _
<br /> 2.TItN.Truator I�the awner of tl�e Property.Aes the hpht end eutho�tty to convey the Proparty,and wartante thet the Ben croated
<br /> Axeby is�Hrat snd prior lien on tha PropenY.except tor Uens and encumbrances aet torth Ey Truator in writinp and deliverod to Lender
<br /> betore exscudon o!thl�Deed af Trust, a�d the exeeutlon end deUvery of thts Deed of 4rust does not violate+�ny contna¢ o► other
<br /> obli�atton to which Truttor Is sub�ect.
<br /> 3.Tsxn,Abs�sxnwnb.To pay before datinqueney ai�texea,epecial essesamente end a1i othar ohuties apeinst the P►operty now o�
<br /> heroefter levted. � .
<br /> 4.Inwrm�.7o keep,the Property inaured apainat damage by f(re, hezerde, included wfthtn ths term'extended covKaps",and _
<br /> suah otieer iwzwJa uy teqdet titay rC�uiro,tn amounta aM with e.rompanies aeeoptaSie tA leiMa.nem[np l.endu aa cn cddttions!r+umed • -
<br /> Inaured,wkh ivus Oplrab�o to the Lender.tn case of�oas undm aueh policieb,the lender Fs euthortied to adjust,ootiaat and compt�tni�e,
<br /> a!I clatms theteunder end ehdl heve tha optfon of epplytn�aN or pert of the tnsunnce proceedi Iq to any indebtednes�securod hereby
<br /> and In such ordor ae Lendet may detertnine,tH)to the Tmetor to bo ueod tor the tepalr or restoration of the Ropeqy or tliq for any other
<br /> purpoas or obJect setl�fecSary to lender without aNaati�p the Ilen of thie Oeed of Trust for the futt omount secusod hereDy betore suoh
<br /> payment ever took plece. Any appifotttlon of proceede to tndebtedneas ehall not exteed or Ooatpone the due dete df any psyme�t�under
<br /> the Nnte,ot eure ony defapk thereu�dor ar hereunder. '
<br /> 6.�crow.Upon wrhtan demand by Render,Tn�stor shell pey to Lendar,in euch manner ea Lender may�desiqnete,suftlatent aums
<br /> to enabte Lender to peY �a they becom9 dun one or more of the fallowine: ti►aq texea,easeaaments end other aherges egaina tAe
<br /> Propeny,t1i{the premlum�an the property insur-.:.ce�required hureunder,an�ti�J)the premiuma on eny mortpape insurcnce requlred by
<br /> lande►. _
<br /> 8.M�Snt�mnc�.Mpaln and CompWrera whh Law�.Trus�or sheli keap tho Propeny In 800d condition and repair,sAetl promptly
<br /> repafr,or rcptaca eny improvemont whioh may be damegad o�deatroyed;shatl not commit o�parmit eny waste or detutoratfon.of Ne
<br /> Bropeny;ehNl not remove,demoileh or substantially aker any of the Improvemsnts on the Piropsrty;shali not commit,suNer or pecmit
<br /> eny aat to be dor�o in or upon the Proportlr in vioiatton of eny(ew,ordlnance,or�egulatlon;and ahal�pay end promptly discharge et
<br /> Trustor'o coat end expense all Ilens,encumbrances and ehergvs Ievicd,impoaed or oaeesssed againet the Prc�perty or any part thereof. —
<br /> 7. Emtnmt Dom�in, lendet�s hereby asalgned all compensetion, awatdo, damagoa end othor p�ymonts or reilef theretnafter _
<br /> -'--- .____��,...�--- - ---�--
<br /> 'ProCOCCta'1 in conneonor9 wtin candemnaaon vr ocoar ieicins oF mo r.v��o:.r��'vm:��•�����••�•�••:•�,m��••�--•--��•-�:��-�-�..
<br /> Londer ehell be antkled et hs optlon to commeneo,eppear in and prosecute In he own namo any actlon or proceedinga,end ehalt etso Oe o
<br /> entitled tp meke eny compromise or settlement In connection wlth such taking or damago.In the evont any portion of the Property ia sa �_
<br /> taken or demaged,Lender ehatt heve the optlon In ke sote end ebsolute dlseretfon,to apply ell euah Proceeda,efter deducttnp therefrom -
<br />- alt coate end expensea tncurred by it In conneotlon wRh suc�Proceede,upon en�Indebtedness eecured hereDy and in sueh order es
<br /> Lender may dotormine,or to appty elt auch Proceeda,after euch deducttone,to tho rostoratl�n ot tho Propercy upon suah conditEona as -
<br />