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f.* ;�� '''1;� _ .. .__ _ _ '_�-- ....�.----- <br /> ' _ � J 5-�044�'� . - <br /> , 5. �or pro�, I�yurauce, Bonrower shall keep the impmvemcnts now exis�ing or herealicr er�ctai on c.�e <br /> pmparty insured against lass by fire. ha�ards included within the term"extended coverag�'n�►d eny other haz�ards. i��luding r- <br /> a ar <br /> floods or tlao�ing. fo�e insurunLeeTCarrler provtdi g he i su�nlunce shulltbe ho�n bY i8o�werC ubject tv Lenderts appmvel <br /> thut Lender�equires <br /> L,ender may.ut i.ernitr s <br /> which shutt not be unmasonablY �n'ithheld. If Borrower faila to maintuin covemge described above. <br /> optIon.obtnin coverage to protect Lender's dghts in the Proy�eerty in uccordsmce With Pan►Sc�Ph 7. <br /> All insurunce Poli�les nnd renewuls shail be ucceptablc to L.ender and shall lnclude a swndard mortgugo Lenaier <br /> shall hnve the dght to hold the pollcles and renewals. If�d�r��ral�hte���8 C prompthnoticc to he nsurnnccecnnler'uund L.ender. <br /> paid premiums und renewul the event of loss, <br /> I,ender muy malcc proof of loss if not made prompUy by Burrowcr. <br /> Unless Lendcr und Bon'owcr otherwisc agree in writing, insurance procecds hhuli bc upplicd ta restarution ur rcpaic��f the <br /> Property dumng�af.n icuDl r feus ble�r l.ender'ayEC.�:udty iw uld be Ic,�cncd�clic insurunce procccds shnll be uppliod to thc:�nums <br /> repair is�t t e Y <br /> secured by this 5�curity Instntment. whether or not tltcn du�, with uny ex�xss paid to Borrower. If Burmwer�bandm�9 1 e <br /> - F�raperiy.ur docs ncst an.w�ver within:�u�ys a natice from Lender that the insucnnco carrier i�ua affec+ed to settle u cinim,���q <br /> Lender may caUect the insuranee praceedc. L.ender may use the proceal T��WP`i�8� when t e not ce is given��y <br /> secured by tleis 3ecurity IaAtrument.whether or not then due.The 3U-duy Pi don of mceeds to princlput shull not extcnd or <br /> Unless l.endcr wud Eom�'ver otherwise agree in wdting. any appl P <br /> postponc the due date oi the monthty payments refened ro tn paragrnpha 1 nnd 2 or change the amount of thc pnyminGs. If <br /> under purngruph 21 the Property fs acquired by Lcnder,Borrower's rtght to nny insurnnce pollct��s and proceeda resutUng f iom <br /> damage to the PropertY prtor to the acquisition shall pass to Lender to the extent of the sums secured by this Securlty Instrutnent <br /> immediutely prinr to the ucquisition. Iicatioa3 �alds. <br /> Borrower's I.oan APP <br /> 6.Occupsutcy,Pr�ervallon,Maintenunce and Protectton of the Property; _ <br /> Borrower shall occupy. establish.and use t0e Property as Borrower�s Pripcipal resides�ce witdin sixty days after the execudon of <br /> � this Security Instrument and shall continue to occupy the Prapeny as Borrower's pr�ncipal residence for at least one yeac after <br />— tho 3ete of occuPsuc;. u��P`-`��er othecwise agrees In writing. which consent ahall not be unreasonnbly withh��d�ror unl� <br />; eatenuattng cimumswnces exist �vhich ure beYom! Borr'aWer's control. Borrow��We1���be in�defau�ItAif any forfeiture <br /> F� property� ailow the PropertY co detedarate, or commit wastc on the Property. <br />� action or proceecfln8.whether civt{or criminal, is begun that in Lendei s�ood faith judgment could result in forfeiture of the <br />-;: Property or otherwise rnatcr[atly impuir the lien crcated by this Securiry Instrumens or I.ender's securiry interest.Barrower may <br /> -� cure such o default and provided in paragrsph l8,by cuusing the nction or proceedin�to be dismisos othetr mater3al <br />-�. that. tn Lender's good faith determination. precludes forfeiture of the Hortower's interest in the Pcopetty � <br />::� impairment of the Iten emuted by chis Security Instrument or I.ender's security interest.Borrower shall also be in default if <br /> '� Borrower,during the loan applicadon process.�ave materially false or inarcurace information or statements to I.ender(or failed <br />-� to pmvide Lender with uny mqteriul tnformation)�n of thetPro e�th as a U rinc[�al cs dencc�If this Secu'ty Instrument isnon0a __ <br /> — to,representations coneerning Borrower's oceupuncy P rtY P P <br /> =- leasehold. Borrower shall comply with uli the provisions af the leuse. If Bormwer acquires fee eitle to the Property, the _Y <br /> �� leasehoid und the fee title shall not merge unless T.ender ugrees to thc merger in wrtting. <br /> °_'� 7.Protection of Lender's Righta in the ProperiY•If Borrower fails to perform the covenants and agreeme�s con�„ia --�- <br />_� this Secucity Instrument,or there is a iegai proceeding that may significantly nffect Lender's righ�s in the Pro rry (s � <br />= proceedin�in bankrupceY• probate, far condemnation or forfeiture or to enforce laws or regulauons), then Lender muy do and � <br />•.'� pay for whatever is necxssary to protect the value of thc Pruperty end L.ender's ri�hts in the Properry. Lender's sctions muy W— <br /> include puying any sums secured by u lien which ha5 priorlty over this Security Instrurnent, uppeuring in conrt.paying � . <br />- reasonabie attorneys' fees and entering on the Property to mnkc rtpairs.Although Lender may tukc action under this para�graph ,� _ <br /> 'f,L.ender does not have to do so. F - <br /> Any nmounts disbursed by L.ender under this para�rnph 7 shail become addstionat dcbt of Born�wer secured by this � <br /> �;,: <br /> ,� Secunry ingtrutineut. Unless Bonower snd Lender agree to other terms af payment.these amounts ahall bear interest from the �ax. <br />�.a dnie of dtsburscmeni ut the Note rute and shell be payable, with interest, upon notice trom Lender to Sorrower reyuesti►►g <br /> ';� payment. <br /> 8.Mort�age Insurence. If Lender requlred mortgage insurance as a condidon of ineking the loa«�secured by thls Scxudty <br /> Instrument, Borrower shali pay the premiums requtred to maintain the mortgage insurance in effect. If, for any reasr�n, the <br /> mortsage tnsurnnce coverage required by Lender lapses or ceases to be in effect. Borrower sh�ll pny che premiums required to <br /> obtain coverage substantiaUy equivulent to the mortga�e insurunce previously in effect, at a cost substantinlly equivulent to the <br /> - cost to �3orrower uf the mortg�sc insurance o era esi Yn t ava�able�Borrower hull pay so Lender each month�a um equat to <br /> �:''�I su bs t a n t l u l l y e q u i v a l�n t m o r t}�a g e i n s u r a n c e c g <br /> one•twelfth of the ye�dy mortgage insurance premium being paid by Borrower when t he insurance cove r a g e l a p s e d o r c e a s e d c o <br />-:��,� e� <br /> be in effect.Lender will accept,use and ret�tn these payments as u loss reserve in Iteu of martgage it15ur8ttC�rm 3028C 9 9 0 <br />`�_�.;�YII Paqo 3 018 � <br /> �� <br /> : � � _ _.----1�., <br /> ._ -^-^�."taRl�' . ,:J1..� .:r'.. . .. ;-��-_^' , . _ <br /> �iaTf'Y,.N�..�� ..f... ,t.• .� ^-'�' :<: . . - � - o . .� F�. .. . ;� <br />. . V _ . . ,� _ .. - . <br />. ' . .� . � . .�� . �i .� <br /> . ~ •"d.' . . ... . 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