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<br /> TO(3&Tk[SR WITH all the improvemeats now or hereafter ertctcd on the property.and WI easemcnts.appurtcuaaccs.aad
<br /> fixturc.w now �r hereafter a part of thc pmperty. AI! repincexnenta smd addit�ons shali elso be covet�d by this Sccuticy
<br /> II °�� � Instrument.,AU of tho turc�oing is rcferruD toin this Security Insttu�cnt ns the"Properry."
<br /> BORROWBR COVENAIVTS that Barrower�s la�vPolly setscd of ihe estate hcreby canveye�d aad has ths r�ght to grnnt and
<br /> canvey the Property end that the PropPrty is unencumbered.except. for encumbrances of record. �orrower warrnsits and will
<br /> ---��� defend generally the tide to the Propeny a�ainst all cl�ims and demand+, subject to any encumbrances of rerord.
<br /> THIS SECURITY INSTRUMENT combines uniform•cov.enants for national use arni non-uafform covenants wdth limite�! .
<br /> varlAiio�s by jurisdiction to ccrostimte a unifam security Ip,4truraent covering reat property. -
<br /> ---- °� '. LlNiFORM COVENANTS. Borrower and Lender ca�veetuni und agrce as foAows: --
<br /> ". �:Payment oi Priacipal uud Interesti Prepayment and Lr�te�harges. Borrowcr shall pnnmpdy pay when due the
<br /> pr�t�cipal of und interest un the debt evidencxd by the Note aad any pr+epayment and late chargea due under the Nate.
<br /> 2.Funds for Tnxes and Insurance. Subject to applicable law or to a written wt�ver by L,ender. Borrower shAll puy to
<br /> I.ender on the duy monthly payments arc duc under the Nate.until the Note is puid in full.n sum("Funds")for:(a)y�rly taxes
<br /> actd assessments which may attain pr��rity uver this Security Instrument as u lien on ttie Pmperty:(b)yeatly leasehold pnyments
<br /> _ -- =
<br /> or ground rents on the Prnperty,if any; (�)ye:uly hazucr!or property insutunce premiums;(d)yc�rly floai insurance premiums.
<br /> if any:(c)ycarly martguge insurunce premlums. it'uny:und{q any xums pnynble by Harmwcr ta Lcndcr. ii�uk�urJuure w th �
<br /> tho pravinions of purugruph 8.ii�ticu Af the payment af martgage lnsurunce,prcmiums.Thcyo items are cnl(ed"Bscrow Items."
<br /> - Lendcr may, ut uny timc. c�►ilcct and h��ld Nunds in un umount not tn czccal the muximum umnunt u Icndcr fi�r u Ccderuliy
<br /> relotcd mortgu�e lcian muy rcquirc fur B�irrower'R cscro�v accuunt undcr thc fcderul Rcul �stutc SMticment Procedures Act of
<br /> _,;� t97A us amendcd frum time to time, I? U.S.C. Scctiun 2601 et►•ey. ('ltBS�A"). unlesg u�tother luw thut npplies to thc Funds
<br /> �;ets u lex+er umount. If no, I.endcr muy. ut any timc. cullect und ha�ld Funds in un umount nut ta exceed the Icsscr amaunt.
<br /> = I.ender muy estimute�hr umuunt uf Funds due on the basis of cunent data und reaxmable cstimntes of expenditunes of future
<br /> — -_- Escrow Itcros ur utherwiu;in a�r�rdance with applicable lu�v. _
<br /> -----= The Funds �hall bc hcld in un institwlon whose depostts are insurcd by u fcdcrul agency. instrumentality, ur entity
<br /> --'- (inctuding l.ender,if Lender ix such an insdwtion)or in any Federal Horne Loun Bunk. Lender shall apply the Furtds w pny the �,
<br /> _°�� Escrow Items, i.ender rnby not chsuge Borrawer for holdin�and applying the Funds,unnually analyzing the escrow account,or =
<br /> ^ -�= venry�ng the�scrow Items,unfess i..ender pays Horrower interest an che Funds�nd uppiicubfc idw prn�ut�L.ct�dai io rnal:e sucli
<br />-�::.:�
<br /> �:��r+;��!;�: a charge. However. L.ender may require Borrower to pay a one-time charge for an independent re;il estate tux reporting service
<br /> '.t=�y�:� used by Lender in wnnection with this laan, unless appHcable law provides otherwlse. Unless un agrecment is mude or -
<br /> ::.,s,:�°•
<br />.rry=,a�?? � applicable!aw requires interest to be paid. I.ender shall not be required to pay Borrower any interest or eamings on the Funds. __
<br />_ � � ``°`°% Borrower and Lender muy ugree in w�ting,however, that interest shall be paid on the Funds. Lender shap give to Borrower.
<br /> ���-��;�� without churge. an annual uccounting of the Funds, showing credtts end debits to the Funds and the purpose for which each �:.
<br /> =-=�="9 debit to the Funds was macie. The Funds are piedged as addltional security for ali sums secured by this Security Instrument. . ��j�:
<br />'�°'��-=�'�� If the Funds held by Lender exceed theamounts permitted to be hetd by;�pplicable law,L.ender shall account to Borruwer �•--
<br />_='"=�sb%'+b�:�
<br /> W, ��� for the excess Funds in accordnnce with the requirements of upplicable law. If the nmount of the Funds held by i.ender at eny E;. �;�
<br /> time is not sufficient to puy the Escrow Items when due.Lender may so notify Bonower In writing,and,in such case Borrower
<br />.°������ shall a to Lender the amount necessu m make u the defictenc Bormwer shuil make u the de�clenc �n no more than
<br />:��-„ PY �Y P Y• P Y
<br /> •���y�_� twelve monthly payments,at Lender's sole discretion.
<br />°-'�''`'��� Upon payment ln full of all sums secured by this Security Insuument. Le:nder shull promptly refund to Borr�wer any �'
<br /> ri'ti���.:�;� :_
<br /> �„ti,�� Funds held by Lend�er.If,under paragraph 21,l.ender sh�il acquire or seU the Property,I.ender.prior tc:the acquisition or snle :Y
<br />__=.,.=�,-;i of the Praperty, shull npply any Funds held by Lender at the time of acquisition or sale+u u credit aguinst the sums secured by •,,:;
<br />!�;� this Security Instrument.
<br />�'"��~� 3.Applicatlon of Payments.Unless applicable Iaw provides otherwixe,all payments receivExi by Lender under par$graphs
<br />=ti,��;�;.�,,� t and 2 shall be nppl{ed: first,to atty prepayment chsrges due under tde Note: second.to dmounts payuble under paragraph 2;
<br /> --��`-�-�'-' third. to interest due;fourth, to principal duc;and lavt,to any late charges due under the Note.
<br />:.���:=a�;� 4.Charges; Liens. Borrawer shall pay all taxes, assessments, charges, fines and impositiuns attributable to the Property
<br /> ``"'�'_�_�: which may uttain priority over this�Securiry Instrument, and leusehold payments or smund rents, if any. Bonower shall puy _
<br />--�:��:�r��' , these obii�ations in the manner provid�;.i in pua�raph?.,or if not puid in.thnt manner, Bonower shnli pay them on timc directly
<br />�-�'�=�y"`L`'�►, to the rson owed a ment. Horrower shall rom tl furnish to Lender all noNces of amounts to be aid under this aru rn h.
<br />-_, '�,. ,- P� ' P'Y P P Y p P B P ,
<br /> -�:'-�':.:`�` � If Borrower makcs these A ments directl Borrowcr shall rom tl fumish to I.ender recei ts evjdencin the a ments.
<br /> ...:.� :•� P Y Y• p P Y P 8 P Y
<br />�'��?::,; Bonower shaU promptly discharge any lien which has priority over this Security Instrument unless Horrower:(a)agrecs in
<br />`:=�,�"',� writing to the payment of the obti�ation sec:um,�i by the licn in u menner acceptable to I.ender;(b)contests in good faith the lien
<br /> "'�'� • by, or defends ugainst enforcement of the lien in. Icgal proceedings which in the Lender's opinion operate to prevent the
<br /> �"���" �� �' enfon:ement of the licn; or(c)secures from ihe holdcr of the lien un agrecment sutisfactory to I.ender subordinatins the lien to „
<br />-"�'��:��� this 5ecurfry Jnstrument. If Lender determines that any purt of the Propecty is subject to a lien which may attain prioriry nver °
<br />�y��'° ` this Security[nstrument. Lxnder may give Borrower u nottce identifyin� the lien. Borrower shali sntisfy the lien or tuke nne or
<br /> '�"°"r��� more of the actiom set forth ubovc within lOdnys nf the�iving uf notim. o
<br /> • ,
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