� . , ._
<br /> '� .�:.� __
<br /> �!!�G.S����
<br /> --� t�.iiwr+i�w i�iri�iiriw Yrusiar riaii icaqa Gii�S�i�p�nir in vwiipSwiw+�►iw►adi�G�:wi+i�r ii�ww ur'i+kw�r�,wrlvi tqnir�itxM �_
<br /> ntsYrp b Ind��tri�l hypi�n�or�nvlronrtNnW PmMC1�On(e�IMrcttvNY►�nd b h�ln M�E�Mwwn�eMr t.�w'�T►ubfa MMM
<br /> k..p�h.arop.ny rn.hom•�i wb�.noM d�+s�d a b.na�rreow ar�ox�c u�nav M�y Em� n�+inlM Ll�w�(oolNolhr�hl tM��d l0
<br /> hKMn a"F�ardous Malerbte'y.Tiwlor h�nby w�rr��nd np»r1eN b Lmdn M�M Nfsh�no H�nlow MMwWe on ar
<br /> txidrr M»Pa�ety.TruMOt ItMyby ptM�b It�ni11ly�utd hold f�Na L�t.ib dfnafon.olAo�rb in�M'�4�M�,�
<br /> T,• , Cfly CISIIS°�'�1D t0 LL']lQ�A tR'",�f'�"l,1fQ1f!Ctt$C�1lP:!Gty Hl1+9�`!!Ctw��l{P�C�!tR.�,!!,�rt•+!y, rnri 1l�h�l1!!,r�R . M!onlHleeMon wiN� -
<br /> lh�Dr�e,wr,dhPoMl a tnnspoR ot M'q►FIYt�rdou�M�Mtiil�an,undr.lrom or�bd��t IM Pt YiiE FORt00M�1Q �
<br /> 10. Awla�nt�1 Rsnls.Yrwtor henby aMtOn�to�w+dw th��I�and prollb cf Nw P►ap�fy:pro+eld�6 m�t nuMor
<br /> ahall,until eM acaurc�c�ot an Ewnt ot ON�ult t►w�undK.haw th�ripht to oollwt and��En wcl�nna.INUM�nd P����Y
<br /> b�com�dw and payable.Upon th�ocoun�tc�ot�n E�wrt ot�uH,L�ndw may,�IlhK fn p�rson or by�pmt witlf A►wNhaut
<br /> bdnplrp any actlon or procNdfnp,or by a r�c�iwr�ppolnbd by a co+rd�nd wllhout npud lo thw tdpu�cy d ib Mowity,inlK
<br /> upan and t�lc�pau�stlon of thR PrppKty.or ttry p�A tMnof�In Ib own n�rtw or in th�nam�of tMTrwlM,snd da�r►y aol�whbh R
<br /> - dwms nec�sary a datrable b Pn�re th�valuo�mnrlatM�tlky nr nM�illty oHf w P�op�rty�or�ny PaR th��of or hMKMt M�+�N►�
<br /> tecr�us ths Incoms th�hom or Proteat ths sraur(ty h�rsof and,wltlt or wtthout takfnp poss�slon af 1h�Prop�ry.e�br a
<br /> oU�erwls�colls�t•ths rentf,is�uss and proflb thsroof.Inoludlnp thoss paft dw snd unpatd.eod apply IM�,IMS ewl�And —
<br /> expmsse oi opsntda�and colleetlon includlnp attoreeys'tmes,upon any Indsbbdna��ecuad Mraby.all ln subh onlsr�s L�neNr
<br /> may ddsrmine.Ths eMednp upo{�and taklnp paasssslon of ihs Proparty,th�cotl�allon of such r�nb,lu��nd pr�lils ar�f th�
<br /> eppllattlon thereof as aforesald,shnlf not aurs ar watvs any dstauR or�otic�of dNault h�reund�r a IovaUdat��I aat doM In
<br /> � responsa to such def�ult or pure�nt to aucl�notice ef default and.nutwMha4rWinp SM cGnNntt�nr�In po�N�sion.dlM Pt�l,t0s __
<br /> ths tolleetloe,recelpt and applicedon oi rerns.iaaues or proffts.end ltust�s and Landsr shall br sntilNd 10 taceraUs w�y►rt�t
<br /> prorW�dtoNnanyof tfa l!=�sth�cumerdsorbY Iawuponoocu�ronceofu�yEv�eMdOatwtt.lncludkgwltlwut�Imthtionfh�dOhlb
<br /> exercias the power ot sats.Furtha�.Lender's�ip�►ta end►emedfea under thla pa►apra�M sh�lt se cumulattrs with.uid In no way�
<br /> l[miUUonon,Lenders dghtsand remedteeunderaryessfpnmentof leaees and rontareoorded a�lnstths P►opMy.Lender.Trustee
<br /> -- and the rocs(v�er sJall be Ifabie to account ony thoee r+er�ectustly rooeMod.
<br /> 11. Evenfs d OatieM.The iollowtnp ahal�consUtute an Erent ol0efault under thls Oeed of TiwC
<br /> (e) Fellure to pay eny(nstatlmem ot pvinolpal a IMerest af any otAer aum eecured hereby when dus;
<br /> (b� Abreach4fardsfautturederanyprovieioncontateedinMeNote,thlsOeedofTrust.anyoftheLoanDocumeniB,orany
<br /> ather lien or encumbrance upon th�Property;
<br /> � (cj A wvit of execudon or attachment or any e1mller procesa ehal l be entered agatnst Truatvr whlcb ah�ll become�Ilen oe
<br /> the Properiy or er►y poMon thereof or Irnerest thereln;
<br /> _ (d) Yhere shall be flled by or agaf�at Trostor or 6onawer en actlon under any preaont or future federal,at�te a other
<br /> statute,law ot regulaUon relaUrtg to bankruptcyi,InsoMency or other reltef tor debtora or there ehall be appoDntsd any trustee,
<br /> _ _ ` recstveror iiquiaetor of irustor or e3oROwerorot ati or any parc of tne�operiy,or the renta.issuea or profi'ifs timrevi,v�ii�'s�i+r -
<br /> _ _ or 8o►rower ehatl make any general easlgnment for the beneflt ot credltorg;
<br /> -- ° (e) The�eala.tranMer.tease,asslgnmenL conveyance or turther encumbrance ot atl or a�y part a!or any Interest In the
<br /> - -- Properiy,elther voluntsrily or Invcluntedly.wlthout the expresa wrttten consent of Lendor. provided that Trwtor ah�q be
<br /> — permfttRd W execute a lease of the Properly that does not confaln an optlon to purchase and the term of whlch does no!exceed
<br /> _�, one year,
<br /> -- -= (fl Abandonment ot the Property;or
<br /> _- (g) ItTrustor is notan Indfvldual,the issuance,sale,Vensier.assignme�t,cpnveyanceorencumbranceof morethena totai
<br /> --=s of,r.._percent of pf a co�poradon)tts fssued end outstanding stoek or pt a partnershlp)a tota�of pereent of
<br /> _r.—., pSrfiership Interesta dtMng the pedod thls peed ot TruBt remafna a Iten on the Properiy.
<br /> - 12. R�m�dta;A�ralbn Upon ONsuN.ln the event of any Evertt ot Detault lender may,wlthout notice except as reQulred by -
<br />-<.�.��a taw,declare aIl Indebtadness secured hereby to be due and payable and the same shatt thereupon become due and payable __
<br />=°°"� wlthout any presseMment demand,prctest or notice of any klnd.Thereafter Lender may: "
<br /> � (p) Demand that Trustee exercise the POWER OF SALE granted herein,and Tro�tee shall Mereafter cause Tniators =
<br /> �y.-aQ��;� Intereat in the Properry to be soid and the proceeds to be distrlbute�f.alI In the manner provlded In the Nebraska Trust Deeds `
<br /> —- - a� �
<br />- = (b) ExerelseanyandallrlghtaprovldedtorinanyMtheLoanOocumentaorbylawuponoccurrenceofenyEventoYDefaul� `'
<br /> -�°?-u.;'��� e�d(o) Commence�n acUon to foreclase this Deed ot Trust as a mortgage,oppolnt a recelver,or apeclftoatly enbrce any of tha �`'�"
<br /> ,:..
<br /> �-.�r-• covenents hereot �-�_
<br />:��,���.y� No remedy herein conterred upon or reserved to Trustee or Lender Is Intended to be exctuslve of any other remedy herei�,ln the -
<br /> �-.�.:._• Loan Dacuments or by law provlded or pormltted,but each ehall be cumulative,shall be in addltion to every other remedy gtven _
<br /> "� hereu�der.in the Loan Documents or now or hereaRer exlstin at law or In ui or statute,and ma be exvrcised concumen
<br /> s;;';��;�:�,. 9 e4 �Y bY y UY�
<br />_.�?_Y���`_. Independentlyorsuccesslvely.
<br /> ��"� 13. Truate�.The Trustee may reslgn at any dme wlthout ceuse,end lender may at any time artd witt�out causa appoirtt a -
<br /> ,H��,j,:�. succeesor or subsUtute TNatee.Trusteci shall not be Ilab�e to any party.lncluding without Ilmltation l.ender,Bonower,Trustoror any � .r
<br />'�n;„�;� ..,�. pu�chaser ot tNe Properly,tor any loss or damago unless due to reckless or wllltul misaonduc4,and ahsll not be requtred to take&ny ;;.
<br /> , aation in conneatlon wtth the enioroement ot thia Oeed of Trust unless tndemnlfled,ln wrtting. (or all costa compensatlon or :
<br /> ". . _ + expenaes wMah may be assocls�ted therewlth.ln addition,Trustee may become a purohaser at any sele ot the Properiy Qudbial or .,
<br /> � ��� ` under the power of sale grarKed hereln);postpone the sale of atl or eny portlore of the Properly.as provlded by taw;or selt the
<br />. • ' • Properry es a whole. or in separgte parcels or tota at Trustee'e dlscreUon. .
<br /> � � 14. Fe�s and Exp�raea.ln Me event 7rustee setta the Property by exercise ot power of sate,Trustee shetl be erniUed to appty
<br /> .. any sate proceeds prst to payment ot all coats and expensea of exercising power of oate,Including aIl Truetee's foea,and Lender's
<br /> • °�� '� and Truste�a's attorneys fees,aotuatly Incurred to extent permltted by appllceb�e law.ln the event Borrower or Truator exercises any
<br /> ;ti �� �Ight provlded by iew to oure an Event of Ootault,Lender sha�l be entided to recover from Truator all coste and expenses actu811y ^
<br /> � fncurred as a result ot Trustor's default,Including without Iimltatlon alI T�ustee's and attomey's tees,to the extent pe�mftted by
<br /> appllcab�e law. ,
<br /> ` 15. Futun AfirancK.Upon requeat ot Borrower,Lender may,at ita optlon,make eddltlonal and}uture advancea and re-
<br /> � advancea to 8orrower.Such advances a�d readvances,wlth Intereat thereon,shatt be secured by thla Deed of Trust At no time shatl
<br /> the principal amount of the Indebtedness aecured by thls Oeed of Trust,�@j t��dl99aums advanced to protect the security ot thla
<br /> �_��-- - Dead ot Trust,exceba me o�lgfnal pnncipat amount smtea herein,or a ' ,wn�chever�s greater. -
<br /> . , 18. Mlscdlaetout ProvWortt.
<br /> -„ (a) Bonowap Hat Ret�asad.Fxtenslon of the rime tor payment or modlflcatlon af amorticatlon of the sums aecured by thle
<br /> . �� ��,;� Deed o}Trust grented by Lender to any successor in Intereat of 8orrower shall not opsrete to release,in any manner,the Ilabitlty
<br /> ot the original Borrower and Borrowe�'s succesaors In interest Lender ehatl not be requlred to commence prac�esdinga against
<br /> °� such successor or retuse to extend tlme tor paymento�otherwlse modliy emortlzation of the auma secured by thls Deed ot Trust
<br /> �� • by reason of any demends made by the origlne�Borrower and 8orrowe�'s successors in interes�
<br /> " (b) Lend�r's Pow�ra.Wlthout aNeoting the Iiabllity at any other peraon Ilab�e for the payme�t of any obligaUQn her�ln
<br /> � . menNoned,and wlthout attectlng the tfen or aharge o}M�s Deed ot Trust upon any portion of the Property notthen ortheretobre
<br /> relensed es secuhty for the tu�l amount of atl unpald obllga8ona,Lender may,from dme to tlme�nd without notice(1)release any
<br /> .. . person ao liabte.(II)extend the maturiry or alter any oi the terma of any such obtlgatlono.(ill)grant other Indulgenaea,(IV)release �
<br /> •, or�econvey.ar cause to be�eleased or reconveyed et any tlme at Lender's optlon any parce�,pordon or atl ot the Proporiy,
<br /> ' �,-,-_ , (v)take or rcloaro any other or addMlonal�ecurity tor any obNgaUOn horeln mentloned,or(vl)make compo9iti�ne or other �
<br /> M •�' �' '' • arrangemants wlffi debtors in relatlon thereto. , '
<br /> �
<br /> . �
<br /> � � �
<br />