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<br /> , ��ii � ' _� �,,.
<br /> .�.a .:,.:;_ __.�--
<br /> �
<br /> -- �. OEED OF T�tUBT WITN FtlT'UIiE AD1dAN�ES �r`���'"�(.U�c"�
<br /> - ' '�tA �tti+!�� 9S .�
<br /> _`_� i'ifity�it+eu s�F i n�i&i�Is mads�oF 6w=.._._.cSe� ut - . - .
<br /> �i � ��-�..��'ijI G'i'w�wn�ji
<br /> � �T��.f�CMT L. 8130,�,I,N � PA'fRIC2A J. BRQ�IA . hu�bend �nd u3�r _,�„r �
<br /> wT�oNK�lirwaddr�b 17t73 S Curtis I3rtnd Ialond���"Tru�iero►�wf�1oni o►may, ,
<br /> .
<br /> -- __ , �lv� Roau:.o Bonk. Q ii��rr��k� Coi aor Q�iofl
<br /> _ _ thr Tru�tw, .__�____�
<br /> witowrn�iliny�ddn�h P.O. 8ox iS07 Qr�nd I�laQd. NE 68802 " ����,���
<br /> - � ���� Fiv� Paint� Bank �
<br /> _ ��������i 20�5 N. aro�dr�ll Graad Yal�nd, Nfi. �eaoa-1507 ���„���
<br /> -- -A� FOR VALttABLE CQNSiOERATiON,Inctudinp L�r��*xana6on of ondlt Idw�AiMd henln�� �°• HROMM
<br /> i PATRICIA J. BRflMN
<br /> (h�sein•'BoROw�",whNhar on�ar more)and th�tru3t twrNn c»aMd,
<br /> tf»naipt c+f whloh 1�hs►�by RaknowNd�d„Trustor hsrsby trrevocably pranb,tramfsn,cor+wy�arld wrpns b TiruqM,!N
<br /> - TRUBT,WITHPOWEROFt1ALE,torthsb�nefMands�eudryofLendsr,undirandwbj�attothsMrn�tsndcaiditlonsMr�InMrrt�t
<br /> torth,th�Na1 p��psrty,dacdbed as talowa
<br /> COUNTY, NE9RA5KA.
<br /> To�afAw w8t�atl bulidings,Improvemenb,flxture�,streab,alby�,patapaways,eatemerns,d�hb,pnvilp�s and appu�-
<br /> nar.ce�loceted therean or fn anywise pertainlnp thereto,ead ths renb,is�us�and proflts.�everatona end remalnden theroot,end
<br /> euch peraonal proparry that i�attached to the improvemente so as to con�Utute a tixture,lnctudtnp,but not Ilmited to,h�aUnp and
<br /> cootinpsquipmenfi and to�ether wiM thehomeatead or maHMt tntereatd,itnny,whtcM Intereata ere hereby releafed and waiwd;a!i
<br /> of which.lnciudinp replacemesns and addttlons tl�ereto,fs hareby dealared to bs a part at tt��rest e8tate�eoured by M�INn o!fhts
<br /> Dned of'TNa!end alt oi ths fare�otrte beirt�referted to herein as tAs"Properl�'.
<br /> Thla Deed o!Trun shali secure(a)tha payment of the prinolpat mum and Interest evidenced by a pramtstory eote or credtt
<br /> -- -- -�-�, �t� Juna 3Qtd 1995 ���a��� Juae 2��th 1997 _
<br /> .
<br /> — fn tl�e o�i hal pdnaipat amo�nt of S 1 O�020.SO
<br /> _ g . and nny and aIi modiBcaUons,extenabns end�enewats
<br /> ��- -= thereof or lhereW and any and a�l future edvancea and readvancea to Borrower(or eny of them If more than one)hersunder
<br /> _,__ _== pursuant to one or more promissory notea or credft agreements(P�ereln c$Iied~Note'y;(b)the paymer►t ot other eums edvenc�d by
<br /> -----= Len�erto protect the e�cu►ity offhe Nof�(c)the pertormanae otall cov�nanta and epreementa of Tivator eet t�rth hereln;ar►d(d)ait
<br />___�•°=��� preaeM amd futuro ind�btedneas and obligatione of BoROwer(or any ot Mem if more than ono)to Lender whether direa;iodiroct,
<br /> -_- absolute ar contlnpent and whether ariain8 by note,guarenty.ove�draft or mherwlae.The Note,thla Deed of T�uat and any and ell
<br /> •-- = other docuenbthat seaure the Note or olherwise executed in connectlon therewiM,inctudfng wiMOUt t!m(tatlon quarantees,escuriy
<br /> :;�`a_:n��, v a�reemer►ts end assipnmenta ot leesea and renta,shall be referred to hereln as the'9.oan Daauments".
<br /> '``'.� '' � Trustor aovenante and agreaa with Lender as bllowR
<br /> '��="'�'=`--' �I� t.P��nwnt d ind�bMdnea�.AII Indabtedneaa secured hereby ehall be patd when d�ee.
<br />;u �?
<br />-�:�A�� .'� 2 Ti1N.Tiustor ta tbe ow�er ot the P�oparty,has the dght and auttaority to convey the Properfy.artd wsrtarna thet the Iien
<br /> ,.•,r.,�,.
<br /> ..... ,:� created hereby is e flrat and pdor Iten on the Properry,excep!for Ilens and encumbraeces set forfh by Trustar In wridng and
<br /> �s•���=��� deUvered to Lender bgfore executlon of thls Oeed of Trust,and the execution and deitvery of thia Oeed of Trust does not vio�ate any
<br />_�_'i�:�!; eor�tract or other obllgaUon to whiah TNetor Ia subject
<br />_�� `'�"`�� 3.Tazn,Ats�stm�nb.To pay befare deli�quenay ali texea,apealal assesaments and ail other oharges against the PropeRy
<br /> ,,�,i,. .
<br /> ,��;` �_ now+or heroaRer levied.
<br /> i�°��'��r:;!; 4.InsurtneR.To kaep the Praperty Inaured agalnat damage by ifre,hasarda included within the term"extertded coverage".and
<br /> =-�• n : .,., euch olher hazar�9s as Le�der may requlre, in amounts and with companiey acceptable to Lender.naming Lender ea an addid�nat
<br /> - • `�' named In aured,with loss payabie to the Lender.M case of�o3s under such po�lcies,the Lender Is authodzed to adjust collect and =
<br />:,j;`;i�f-::•_ „ compraniae,all alafine thereunderand ehall have the opUon ot applyUg ell or part of tho insurance proceeds(q to any indebtednssa =
<br /> .;�; .,; ��� secured hereby and in such order as Lender may determine,(if)to the Truator to be uaed tor the repalr or restoratlon of the Properiy -
<br /> - ��':�� � or(ili)tar any other purpose or obJeot saUatactory to Lender wlthout aitecting the 11en of thla Deed of Trust Mr the full amount aeaured _
<br />--•� `}� . - hereby betore euch payment ever took placa Any applicaUon c+f proceeda to irtdebtedness ehall not extertd or poatpone the due
<br /> . .--_ - dat�s of er�y paymant8 under the Note,or cure any defaui!thereunder or hereunder. =
<br /> :� � 8.Escrow.Upon written demand by Lender.Trustor shail pay to Lender,In such manner ea Lender may designate,aufficfent _
<br /> ' eumstoe:nebteLendertopayastheybecomedueoneormoreofthefoilowing:(i)alitaxes,a8aessmentsandotherchargesogainat -
<br /> •�."''•' the Propery,(fq the pramtums on the property insurance required hereunder,and(IN)the premfums on any mortgage insurance
<br /> ° ��; :} required by Lender.
<br /> � 8.�aUten�nce,R�pairo�nd Complienc� with La�►�.Trustor ahatt keep the Properiy In good condtdon and repalr.shati
<br /> � . promptly npalr,or repiaco any improvemer�whioh may be dartsaged or deatroyed;ahail not commft or permR any weste or
<br /> - . ;� date�laalion of the Property;ahail not remove,demolish or substandaliy elter any of the improvemenffi on the Property:ahalt not
<br /> cGUSmiR suHer or permi!any aot to be done tn or upon the Properiy in viotatton ot any law,ordinance,or regutaUon;and shalt pay and
<br /> � „ .� prampty dlscharge at TruatoPe cost and expense aIi Ilena,enaumbrancos and chergos tevled,impoaed or essessed e�ainat the
<br /> . . �� 'q Propery ar a�sy part thereof.
<br /> - 7.Emfn�M OmmeU.Lender Is horeby assigned e�l compensation,awarda,dameges and other payments or reltet(hereinattor
<br /> � . • "Proceeds'�it�co�neatlon with condemna8on or other taking of the Properryor part Mereof,orfor conveyance in Ileu of cortdemmQ-
<br /> � - tlon.Lender shalt be entiqed at Its optlon to wmmence,appear in and proaecute in its own name any acUon or proceedings,and
<br /> ehail ala�be entltted to mako aoy compromise or selticment In conneotlon with such takirtg or damage.ln the eveM eny portlon of �.
<br /> the PropeRy{s eo taken or daROagsd.Lender ahall have the opUOn,in its sole and ebaolute dfscretion,to eppty atl auch Proceeds,
<br /> nHn��iM..w11w..1•___ _ -att w...s awt e..e....e 1........W V..u t�����c�.....u�.� �V 6.�� �J�W�J� �J _.
<br /> • «.v wqr�....�...v... v..v __�' "_____"' �����..
<br /> .:,�- :..-� .-_---._-.- w�w.�www�.pw�w�w������ � • ������W�t��VVYN��I�M�OW��ftWOOVVIY,1Vi10ii'�IIYWfOV1�QOOWVVtVY
<br /> herebyand fn such order ae Lender may determine,or to apply ail such Proceeda,after such deducUons,to the restoration of the
<br /> ;, Propery upon euah condttlone as lendermaydetertnlna Any app�toaUon of Proceeda to irtdebtsdness shall not extend or postpone
<br /> the duedate of eny payments under tha N�te,or cure aoy detautt thereunder or hereunder.Any unapplied funds shall be paid b
<br /> Trustor.
<br /> 8•P�Ao�mmq 0r l.ued�t.Upon Me ocourrence ot an Event of Default hereunder,or It a�y act la taken or Iegai prxeeding -
<br /> � ' '" aommenced wh�ch materialiy atteols Lender's Interest in the Property,Lender may In Ita own dlscretEon,but without obllgaUon to do
<br /> ' • � � so,and without noUce to or der+�and upon Truebr and without releaaing Truator irom any obllgatlon,do any eat whiah Trustor hes
<br /> , apreed butfalta to do and may also do any otl�er aat it deems neeeaeary to proteat the seoudty hereof.Trusior shall,immeatetely
<br /> upon derraand therefor by Lender,pay to lender a��coata and expenaea In�urred and sums expended by Lertder in connectlon with
<br />- • tl►e exeraiae by Lender ot the toregoing rlghte,together with Intereat thereon at the defeult rate provided in the Note,whlah sh811 be
<br /> � �' , added to the indabtedneas eeeured hereby.Le�dar eha�i not Ineur aey I►ablilty bacause of anythinp tt mey do or omit to do
<br /> Aefeunder.
<br /> �
<br /> � �
<br />