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..,_. �4 �.Ua%�1�N�.rh..1'� (1 •"• � ' _. . .. . , ,`� .. .� <br /> (n�t� •' ���� .. ,' . <br /> �►���.o�'"�' <br /> �.i,i;r�„�G;,:a;,�;:.Tvuctar alrall kc�the!Prao�riy In comL�itanc��vlth d!�pplic�bN lawh a�InancN+nd n0ut�kt►!r .. <br /> rNwtlnq to Indurutal hyplsne or�nvlronnwntal prot�otion lcalrcWsiy rol�rrect mo h�rsin�a"kmrironm�c�t tsw�'�.���11 <br /> kNp 1he Prop�iiy hM frorn edl wbs4nc�dNm�d to bw M�ardow or Wxtc unQK any�nvkonm�ntsl Lirw(ooll�etivey►ntwrw!la. <br /> Mr�kt�s'Husrdous Mat�vi�i�'�.Trwtorto fedrmnNy and hold hs rmlNn �Le�d�r.{le dl�nolor�,`�ot9IC��P�oll����� <br /> unA�tthe Ptct+Ktf►.Trusb!h�r�+f►�� ��N,to�MS�nc!II�bW1iw�r1Nri0 M caonrnolbn wilh <br /> any wccNwn to Ler+d�r'�intenet,irom and a�inst any and�I!cl�lm�, <br /> th� pr�nc�,uts,ditposai or tn�mpc�r4 09 any�iazaryaui A�at�rl�ta on,un¢:.•�.tram cr a�!�!tha Prn�r•THF�OR�LiAWD ._ <br /> WAFIRANTIE8 AND REPRE$ENTATi0N8,IW�TRUSTOH'S OBU�IITIONB PUFiSUANTTO THE FOREGOINO INfJEMNiYY.81'MLI- <br /> 8UF1VPifE RECONVhYANCE OF TH1S�E�D QF TRUST. <br /> 10. 11wt��nt al Rsnb.Trustor hsrehy aatpne to Lsnder!he renb,(a�uee ana proflb of M�9roparly;provid�d ihat'fru�tor <br /> ehal l,untli ths o�currence oi an Evsrit oi Wfauit hereunder,haw tM tl�ht ta eolia�t snd retaln weh r+nb.iatu�and proNts�s tl�oy <br /> become dus end paY��le.Upon the ocaurrence of an Event ot D�fauit,Lender mty.either In penon or by�ent,with or wiq�out <br /> brinpin�any aotlon or pracee�Anq,ar by a receiver appoirned by e aouR snd without�epard to the�ddquacy oi tu e�writy.� <br /> upon end fake►wsaer.slon ot the Properly.oe t�ny R�rttt►efeot�n tts own name or tn the rtama of the Trunae,and do eny aeb whbh it <br /> d�eme.n�cesae�ry or dealrable to preaerve the vatuo,martcvfebilltY or rentabiitty ot ths Propsrty,or any parttAareolor tMwNttMrNn. <br /> in¢rease the lnaome therefrom or proteat the aeaurity hereot and,with or without d►kinp possasalon ot M�Prope�ty.sus tar or <br /> otherwlae cottect the�ents.tesue�and proflb thareof,Inaiudinp thoae paat due and urtpald,and epply tl�e same�(esa cmb snd <br /> exponaesof operaUon artd colleoUon Inciudinp ettorneys'teea,upon any tndebtedneas aeaured he�eby.ett In auch ordaras L,entler <br /> may determfne.The enterine upo�and taking posaesalcn ot the Prowerty,the aoliestion oi auoh rents.issuee and proflta and tho <br /> appllaatton thereot as aforeaaid,shall not aure or waive any def�utt or notice of default hereunder or inyaltdste eny�at dons!n <br /> reapoeaeto suoh detault or pureuantto suah noHce of detauitand,notwith�tandinp tha aQminuance in postea�ion of ths�ro{�iy or <br /> tha raiieatfan,tecelpt end a0piic�don at re3ni0.lasuee or proiita.ancl Trussve end Lender.ahnil be entltlsd to exe�iss ev�ry dpht _ <br /> prodldedforinanyottheLonnDocumentsarbylawuponoceurreaceofanyEventotOefau�.inaludfngwfthoutQmit�(►nth�riphtto - <br /> exarctae tbe powet oi eate. Furlha�.Lender's rights end �emedles under thla paragraph shatl ba cu�nutaUve wtth,and fn�o way a <br />-- Ilmitottanon,4endersrigP�tsandremediesunderanyassignmentofleasesandrentsreapidedagainattheP�operiy.Lender.T�ustss <br /> and the recetvet st�pfl be tiab�e to accouM oniy those rents actualiy received• <br /> 11. Er�nb ol Mbuft.The tottawinp shali constitute an Event at Detauit under this Oeed of Truat <br /> (a) Faflure to pay any Instatiment of principat or interest oi any other aum secured hereby when due; <br /> (b) AbreachotordefauitunderanyprovisioncontainedlntheNote,thiaDeedotTrust,anyoftheL.oanDocumenta.areny <br /> other Iion or encumbrance upon the Property; <br /> � (c) A writ of executlon or attachment or any simltar proceas shali be entered againet 7rustor whfoh ahall become a Olen on <br /> the Properiy or any portlon thereof or interest therein: <br /> (d)There shail be tfled by or against Trustor or Borrower an acUon under any preaent or tuture federat,state Qr other <br /> atatute,taw or regulation retating to bankruptay,inaoivency or other reliet tor debtors;or there shalt be appolntod any truatea, <br /> � r�4ya�or Ilquldatoi ot Trustor or Bonawer or ot al l or any paR of the Proparty,or the rente,iseues or proflts thereof,or Truator <br /> or 8c�rrower shali make any general asalgnment for the beneflt of oretlitora; <br />° (e)The,sate,,asalgnmern.conveyance or further encumbrance of all or any paR oi or any interest in the <br />;;, Properly,either vduntadty or UvotunmrUy, without the express written conaent of Lender,provided that Trustor ehatl be <br />,;; permitted to exeaute e lease of tho PropeRy that does notcontaln an opUon to purchase and the term o!which does not excoed <br />- one year, <br /> r" (�Abandonment of the Property;or <br /> - (g) if Trustar is not an individual,the issuance.eaie,traneter,assignment,aonveyance or encumbrance of marethan a totat <br />- o}�_peraent of(If a corporation)ita iseued and outstanding atook or(It a partnerehip)a total of percent of <br /> pArtnerahip intereata dtihina the peflod this Deed ot Trust remains a�ien on the Property. <br />- 12, p�medly;I�cnNration Upo�ONautt,in the event otany Event oi Defauit Lender may,without nodce except as required by <br /> = law,declare ail indebtednees seoured hereby to be due and poyable and the eame shall thereupon become due and payable <br />'- without any presentment,demand,protest or noUce of any klnd.Thereaiter Lender may: <br />-�� (a� Oemand that T�ustee exerolse the POWER OF SALH granted herein, and Trustee ahall Mereatter cause Ttuatora <br />;:� Interest in the Properly ta be eoid and the procaeds to be distrfbuted,ell in the mnnner provided in the Nebraske Truat Oeeds <br /> 1 Acfi <br /> -� (b) Eacerciseanysndallrightsprovidedforina�yottheLoanDocumentaorby�awuponoccurrenceofanyEventofQefault; <br /> � and <br /> _ (c) Commenca an acllon to foreciose this Deed of Trust as a mortgage.appoint a receiver,or speclNcalty eniorce any of the <br /> ccvenants hereof. <br /> No remedy herefn conferred upon or reserved to Trustee or Lender le intended to be exctusivo ot any other�emedy herein,i�the <br /> loan�ocumente or by taw provided or permitted,but each ehall be cumnlative,shali be in addfUon to every other remedy given <br /> heeeunder,in the Loan Documenb or now or hereatter exisdng at tew or In equity or by atatute,and may be exercised concumentty, _ <br /> Independently or auccessively. - <br />` � 13.fruoi�.T1�e Truatea may resign at sny time wlthout cause,and Lender mAy at any time end without cause eppolnt a i <br /> successor or subatitute Trustee.Truatee eheti not be Ifabie to any party,inctuding without Iimiffition Lender,8ortawer,TNator or any <br /> purchaser of tqe Property.tor any loss or damage unless duero reakless or w1llfui misconduct,and shatl not be required to take eny <br /> action in conneotion with the enforcement ot this Oeed ot T�uat un�ess Indemnified,In writlng,for all costa,compansation or <br /> expenses which may be essociated therewith.I�addition.Truatee may become a purchaser at any ea�e of the Properly�udicial or = <br />' under the power of sale grsnted herein);postpone the sate of alt or any portlon ot tho Property,as provtded by law;or aeli tho _ <br /> Property es a wAota,or(n separate parce�s or lota at Truatee's dlsc�etion. _. <br /> 14.FNS and E�cpensN•�n the event Trustee aells the PropeAy by exeralse of power of sale,Truatee shall be eatltled to epply <br /> any sate procoeds tirst to payment of ail costs and expenses of exercfsing power of sale,including ell Trustee's teus,and Lender'e = <br /> end Truste0's attotneys feea,aetually inourred to exte�t permitted by appitceble taw.In the event 8orrower or Truator exerolsea any _ <br /> � right provided by law to aure an Event ot�etautt,Lender sha11 bo endt�ed to recover irom T►ustor ali costa and expenses actueily <br /> incurred as a result of Truetor's default,Inciuding without Ilmitedon all Truatee's and attomey's teea,to the extent permttted by : <br /> sPpllasbie law. " <br /> 1S.Futun Advances.Upon request ot Borrowe�,Lende�may,at its opUon,make additionai and future advances and re- - <br /> advancea to Borrower.Such advances and readvancea,with Intereat thereon,shatl be seaured by this Deed of Truat At no Ume ehalt <br /> theprincipal amount of thA Indebtednesa seaured by thls Oeed ot Truat,not Inciudin aums advanced to proteat the securiry of thls <br /> r,�.,�T��� oYmad tha ortalnai nrincicai amount atated herein,or$1 whichever ts greater. <br /> 16.MlseNitnoou�Provtalon�.� <br /> (a) Botrow�r Not Reless�d.Extenslon at th9 tlme tor payment or modiflceUon ot amordzatlon oi Me aums secured by this •• <br /> Deed ot Trust granted by Lender to any suaceaso�In i nterestot Borrower shail not operate to reiease,in any manner,the Ilabitiry <br /> of the originat Borrower and Borrower's aucceasore f�Inte�sG Lender shatl not be required to commence proceedinga against <br /> such succesaor or refuso to extend Ume for payment or otherwise modity amortizaUon ot the aums secured by thia Qeed ot Trust <br /> by reason of any demande made by the originat Borrower and Borrower'e successore in interest <br /> (b) L�rtdK's Powfrs.Without aHeatlng the Ilablllty ot any other person ilable tor the payment of a�y obtigaUon herein <br /> mantloned,and without aBecdng the Ilen or aharge of thla Deed of Truat upon any porUon of the Propevly not then or theretofore <br /> �nleaeed sa secudty forthe tutl amount nt ail unpaid obllgatlons,Lender may,irom Ume to Ume and without noUce(q reiease any <br /> � , peraon so Ilab�e,(fi)extend the maturity or aiter eny of the terma ot any suah obltgatlons,(ili)grant other Indutgences,(iv)release <br /> or reaonvey,or cause ro be re�oa8ed or reconveysd at any tlme at Lender's opUon any parcal,portion or 811 of tAe Prope►ty, <br /> (v)take or rotease any other or addidonai seautity tor any obtigadon hereln mentloned.or(vi) make compositlona or othor <br />:..� arrangements with debtora in retadon thereto. t� . � <br /> �-----^_�_-,-,.- .--.�,�-___-�-..-__----_._.._._.___-._______ _ .-.r_r°--- _ <br />