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<br /> � ' Dl�O 0�'1'HSJd7 W14N FIlTtJR�t ADVANCE� ���� �,t�#'� _
<br /> TFif�Q1�Fii Q�TRvvT�t�r..�r�c4�,:2�� �9 tl Y E . ... ...... .._._ �1p.�-�-,hy�nd anwrw • -
<br /> � • �Y Gt.�•_-T-,.-.,-- -_
<br /> etN7n�aao►, COON��Y �PRQPI�RTI�5�. I�NC. .^.,,.�.�,........��._�__;.._� --_-_�
<br /> wNa�.m�lln�.da►«��. 2a9 S, L.AKES�aE .o}� a�N� L��6�l.1�...��in���ti�'�laM+�r a»a mo�N,
<br /> _---� thoTn.N��, �'IY� PAINTS_SA�IK ___.�.._._ .�..�...� � _
<br /> .-- - •
<br /> whoamalllrt�rddnMl• P d 80X A50y GRANiI ISLANp N� 51l8IDR �„�_,,,,,,� ��n���,�q
<br /> �"� en�em+nokry, F I Y� P 0 Y N T S B AN K ..........,_...�.__ � ..�. �,.. �,:....�....�._. ,
<br /> whoMm�t��np�ddrew�s 2n1S N BFiOAQWELL_ _GRAND 1SI.ANp N� 6QH03_. ._r._,.��„
<br /> .� .. .. . ,. ,. ... (hN+�ln"��nd�r'q.
<br /> - - � FOA VAI.UABL�CC3N81DERATION,Inc�udlnp L�el�'��xNnWon o1 ondM NNnMtWd MM�In fa.............._».._...�.W..,..._.�....._
<br /> C00 N EY P RO P E RT��S, I NC. ���r�y�����ow�►".whNhN ane ar mae)�rid�M truN hsr�In arwbd,
<br /> ths r�cNpt of whlch(�hKebp ecknawtadped.Tru�b�Aveby Inw�bly pr�nb.IrNnel�t,conwiy��nd�IQrn b 1'rwM�,1[d
<br /> TRUSY.v1tTH P01M�ROF 8/►LE.tor th�b�n�fltan�aaESUrtry of L�ncwr.undn�nd�b�:l M fhwlNm��nd aondiHaM h�N»�fM►�N
<br /> bAh.tM ral prop�rty,daorfb�d�e tollow�:
<br /> THE NORTHERlY FI FTY FEET (H50' ) 0� LOT EI I��IT (81 � BLOCK M EHETEEN (19) .
<br /> Ta�sth�r wlth�II btilldlnp�,Improvemeots.fhcturei,�trs�U,Ql��y�,pasapsw�y�,aqmNtt�,tlphb,ptivltepW and�ppuM•
<br /> nanca loe�t�d theraan or In anywlw pertttnlnp th���to,artd Iho rm3�,IpuM�nd proflt�,►�v�►slon��tb rsm�IndKS Mwe�o1,�nd
<br /> euch pereonal propeAy that Is attaohsd to ths Improvementa to�e to can�tttut�e Ilrtur�,tnaludlnp,but not Ilmtt�d to,hNGnp and
<br /> coollnQ equtpm�nC�nd top�th�r wlth ths homsnoad or mtrital Inta�st�,If anr,whlqh tntsrsit����h�nby rNa�Nd Rnd wa1r�0;�II
<br /> otwhloh,tnoludlrtp replac�menb and addlNondthereto,b her�by d�elu�d to bs�part o1 Sh�ral�atat�NeunO by th�Il�n of th��
<br /> �. �.
<br /> • De�d of Tru�t and aU of ths tonpoinp b�lnp ni�n�d to Mrelh s�M�"P�oputy".
<br /> Thle Dead ot Truet ehstl seeurs(a►ths p�yment of the pr►nelpal aum and Int�rest wld4na��y�p►Qmlt�ory noa o►orsdlt
<br /> JUNE 29TH. 1995 JItNE 28TN 2000
<br /> _ ---�-�.? agraement dated ,h�vtnp e maturlry date of_.., _,
<br /> --�°��� �n the od inal rtnat I emount of S �9•02 0.50
<br /> ____$,,,�� p p W ,and�ny and all modlttc�tlnno,sxt«ulom�nd rsnwral�l
<br /> _-- thereof or Msreto and any and n�t future edvances end readvancss to Borrower(or any of thsm if mqr�Man on�)h�c�nd�r
<br />=—��_��'�� pureuent to one or more promissory�otes or crodit apreements(herefn oall�d"Not�'q;(b)th�payrrNnt ql othK wrtu sQranab by
<br /> �':�'� Lender to prot�at ths eeaurlry of Me I�ote;(a)the psrtarmance oi all eovenante and eQrs�menta ot Truttor at toAh h�rsln;and(d)all
<br /> =°;LL;�Z�� preaent end future fndeAtedrtess and obtlp�Uona of 8onow�r(o�any oflhem If moro than one)to Lmd�r wh�the►dlno6lndfr�ct,
<br />--_ _ -�. �� abaotuts or aontlnpent and whsther ertalnp by�ote,�uaranq,overdraft o►othaMrlss.Ths Note,thl�Ds�d of Trust and�ny�nd atl
<br /> _::��L-�,;�� alherdoauenbthateeourotheAtoteorotherorlseexeautedlnconnecUOntherewlth,Uotudlrtpwlthoutllmltetlonqu�nntNi,setlurlry
<br />�„��;,;;�,�;_.�.� egreementa and eaalpnmente of leaoee and rente,shatl be rete�red to hereln ae tho"Loan OoaumeM�".
<br /> ,�:�,a_;�,�,� Truetor cavonants and eQreem wtth LendOr as fotlowx
<br />,,..�.r:•, 1. PqnNnt d tnd�bbdn�.Att Indebtedness eecured hereby shetl be pnld when due. _
<br />,_;_;�,;:' ,. 2.Tkt�.TrusWr le the owner of the Property,hea tho►Ipht and auMorlly to convey the Properry.e�{d warrants that th�Ilen -
<br /> areated horeby Is a N�at and prlor Ilen on the Property,exeept tor 118na and encumbrancea set toRh by Trustor In writlRp end
<br />�=���'�- de�lvered to l,ertder betoro execuUon o}thl�Deed of Truat,and the execuUon artd dellvery ot thle Qeed of Tru�t do��not vlotat�an -
<br />_ y
<br />-�:s:�.:�-��
<br /> -.:.:=� contraat or other obllpetlon to whlah Truator fa eubjeat
<br /> r`"°` � 3.Tau�s,A�sramMb.To pay betore detlnquency ell wxea,apeclat eeaeaements end elt other eha►pe�epelntt ths P►opsrty �
<br /> -�'��`�'" '` now or hereaiter lavled. --
<br /> -.:w�.;.� �
<br />.��;s;;.;_} 4. Inwranc�.To koep the Property Insured agafnat damage by ere,hozards Ueluded wlthln tho term"ext�ndsd coverap�",�nd 4
<br /> -"" - such other heza�de ee Lender may requlre,In amaunts and wlth aompanles acceptaQle to Lendsr,namte�p I.end�r n�an addltlond
<br />� �`'"' '.� nemed inaured,wfM loas payabte to the Lender.tn caee of toss under euah poUolea,the Lertder ia nuthorized to adJuat,colt�of and _ -
<br />-•- ' compromlee,all ctelmsthereunder and ehatl have the opUon of apptying alI or paet ot tho Ineurence prxeede(1lto nny Indebtedneea ",�-�
<br /> , ,•_,;,u,�' secured hereby end In such order es Lender may determine.(fq to the Truatorto be used for the ropelr or restor�tton o11M Prop�riy �;'�"
<br /> ,'. �T' :�, � ar(Ui)tor any other purpoae or objeat eaUatactory to Lender wlthout aHc3olfng the tfon ot thla Ooed of Yruet for the tuD amount seaur�d ' --
<br /> - �• ,:x, hereby betore suah payment ever took place.Any appllcatton of proceede ro fndebtedneae ehatl not exGlnd or poitpoM lh�du�
<br /> • ' �' ;;�' date oi any payments under the Note,or aure any defeult thereunder or hereurtder. ''`
<br /> �w��� -. - 6. F.�erow.Upon wNtten demand by Lender,Trustor shatl pay to Lender,In euch menner as Lender mny destpnote,euttlalent •
<br /> suma W enabte Lenderto pay as they become due one or more of the toll�wlnp:(i)eIt taxee,aaaeaamente and other cherQOS Aptfn�t
<br /> � "�;,• - the Property,(II)the premlums on the property Inauren,e requlrc�d hereunder,end(111)the premlums on nny mortp�ps Inturanit�
<br /> requlred by Lender.
<br /> . ; � 8. l�Int�n�nc��R�pfla artd Compll�nc�wlth Laws. Trustot shetl keep the Property In�ood CondlQOn and rapalr;that�
<br /> prcmptly repalr, or reptace eny fmprovement whlch mey be damaQed or deatroyed;shatl not commlt or pormlt 4ny wsit�or
<br /> ' ' � detartoraUon ot the Proporty;ehalt not remove,demolleh ar aubatantla�ly alter any ot t!►e Improvemsnts o�the P�ope�ly;�hatl nut
<br /> comml�suHer or permlt any sct to be done In or upon the Property In vloladon of any Inw,ordlnance,or teputaqon;pnd sh�Il pay end �
<br /> . • prompdy dlsohargs at 7rustor's cc�st and expenae elI Hene, encumbrences and aharQoa teviod,Impoaed nr neaestsd n��lnet INo
<br /> - Proparty or any part lhereoL .
<br /> "' 7. EmIn�M Oan�ln.Lender la hereby aealgned all compenaatlon,awarde.damepea and other puymonte or ruttq9(herefr�efter �
<br /> • � • "Proceeds'7 in conneoUon w�th condemnadon or other ffiking of the Properry or part thereof,or tOr convoyanco In tleu o1 candemnc�• �
<br /> - Uon.Lender shall be entitled at Its optlon to commence,appoar In and proaecute In tte own�ame any aadon or�roceodln9e,and !
<br /> shall also be endNed to make eny comnrnm��ar settlement In connoatlon wlth such tskfng or dameps.In tha event any porllan o1 '
<br /> , the Property le so teken or damagod,lender shatt have the aptlpn,in Ite aole nnd nbaoluta dlacretlon,to oppty nll euch Procoads, � ���
<br /> • aiter deduadng Meretrom alI eosts and exponoes Inaur�ed by It In conneotton wtth euch Proaeed�.upon any tndtbtedrte�e tepu►ed
<br />- ,. ---_= nereay end in aua�order ae�enoer may cacermirte,or to apply eIt svon Proceede,after euah daduatlon�,to 1he rottpretlot��f IAo ; „
<br /> Properiy upon euah oonaltlons as Lender may determine.Any nppllcntlon of Proceeds to tndeDtedne»ehalt not ext�n�o►�mrtpuno ;
<br /> . the due date ot any peyments under the Note,or oure eny delault thnreunder or horeunder.Any uneppllnd lunde ehall ba pntA M ;
<br /> T�uator.
<br /> '��`�';:� �� 8. P�eform�net by L.mdru Upon the oaourroneo ot an Event ot Oeteult herounder,or If any�ot 1�tek�n or leqnt prACeecllnp ;
<br /> � . commenced whlCh meterle�ty efteote Lende►'s Intetest In Ifle Property.Lender may in ib otvn dl�oreilon,but wlthout obllgttlon to do
<br /> � • so,and wlthout notice to or demend upon Truator and wlt�out relneelrtp T�uuor Irom any obllprttor►,do any ect whtch T�uitor hn�
<br />_ agreed but talla to do end may eteo do any other eot!t deema neceasary to protect the eeaurlry hereof.Truttor�hel1,In�mNtiatety ,
<br /> � • � upon demartd U1e►efar by Lender,pay to Lendsr ell coata and expenaes Incurred and eums exponded by Lender In connoqtton w►th
<br /> theexeroye by Lender of the torepolnp�IQhte,to�ether wllh Intereft thereon nt ths detnutt rete provlded In Iha Note,whlr.h sfull b�
<br /> � edded to the frtdebtedeese eeoured hereby. Lender shnll �ot inau� nny Ilebl�lry bewues of an�thlnp 11 mey do or omlt to do
<br /> hereunder.
<br />_ ..;.
<br /> �,,;:• � �.
<br /> .R�' ';t}��
<br /> • ..,. .
<br /> . „
<br /> ,� .,....--•-�-- �--._......._._n......_._. .___.__..---- -------- — - --------� - ------- -- -
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