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xr„� , . <br /> , � .,v ,,y,.. . ' ---� <br /> , ��+..,� � • ....- -- _ <br /> . . <br /> "a��„y, ..,_.... _. . .. __ __, <br /> ' __ ---�°���.-tis--.�'--- - - --- <br /> /nF 1--- -. . ' . _�_- ----'--- <br /> _..u:cmwa� <br /> . . 6.��*� sii• 1to. s9�o� <br />-_-= 9�_��D4�� . <br /> _ ,�* (�•Optioa ��rs��). �� �nd ot th� optioa T� ahail b� ds��d to <br /> ooat�r a! suoh tia� �s Truste� und�r th� Da�d o! Tru�t r�aaa►v�qe t$� <br /> 1Kortqaq�d 1tsaL astsl� or titi� to t$� liortq�q�l Resi �stst4 is <br /> aaquirsd by Optiaa�� aad shaii b� su�orialis�d by a meitt�a r�le:s� <br /> --� - d� this �saat o! Optioa, dniy w�soutad bp tionss aad reaorQed iln -- - <br /> t$� o!lia� o! th� tt�gistisr o! Deade o� 8s� Countg�, N�braska. <br /> 3. gav,��at ter c�tion. Ae aoaaideratioa �or ths optio� <br /> bsreia grantied, Optiones hsa paid to oaaer the sma o! $�.00.00, th� <br /> rec�ipt aad au�ticienap Nh�rsot i� h�rebp aaknotriadqsd. <br /> _-:�:: � - _ <br /> _ _ �. B�tercise ot ��. Opt3omes map eseraise thia Optiaa <br /> --= oniy upon aonditioa tha : . <br />-°--� a. Optioaee, pho is the Senefia�ary uader tbe �eed oP ==- <br />--�z; Truet, bas beao=e the oWasr throuqh �udiaiai or no��u�liaiai <br /> foreolosure praasedings or desd i.n lieu at lor�aciosuse o� the ___ <br /> � 8ro�erty a�ore partiouierly desar3bed on Bzhi.bit �'!��' a�taohed =— <br /> ,,,::�i���, -- <br />-==-�•s,�h.� hereto sna bp this ref�renos inaorporated berei$ (tbe �- - <br /> -a���-:��' °Mor�qaqad Reai Estato��) Wbioh is a portion af ��� aoiistsra�. _ <br />�=�q="�'=' aonvepc�d by said Deed o!� Truat j and = <br /> z„"` �`� ;�.� b. 0ptionee mae qiven �rri�tsa notiae of s�uah exeral.sao <br /> ���j�• to o�mer prior to tne ena ot �he option aes�. 8uv1n wri��a�a <br /> ,....��,,, � _ <br />;:������t'.�,;° no�iae ehaii be deemed to have beea given lturiaq the tas°a o! -� <br /> ;;�� this optioa it it ie �elivered to oxmer �t the addresa tor <br />---��.�;.. . givfng aotiaes se� �orth in Baragraph i3 beloM or i.! it is = <br />�� �eat to O�raer at such a!ldreas bp prepaid vnited etatea � <br />.�r���:' iaii, roturn reoeipt requested, durinq the tera oi r: <br />=��,�� tbis optioa. <br />-;=-�r�•.�:. t�..-:.:.: <br />:•,.� ,. , S. �n�iaation o! �tion pav�aat. It Optioue� e�tszais�e tIIe <br /> .�;' ['��t <br />---.,��s��- Option aad aospistea ths purahas� o! ths Bsoperty purauaat to thie - . ,_ <br /> _==� araat o! optlon, tbea the adoua� o! the Option Bapaeat shaii be �-=' <br /> if'h <br /> �'"�'�"�;. creaited bp o�nsr aqain�t the purohags priae. �,� <br /> ,,i:,.. ,,-E <br /> _����.�� <br /> ;.-�,:,-. . - 6. B�a ahas� �rice. _� opt�oaee esercises the option, then '�' <br />�'";�;�-� the Purahase Psiae !or the Proper�y shaii be One Thousaad Doilars _ <br />-:`���:, ($i,000.oo). The 8urohasa Price fs to be paid ia ansh or aertilied _ <br />_- " cheak at the tiie of delivery o! the deed on the date o! aloeiaq. ;�"' <br />.-��''.,n��{ . - <br /> �1os3nQ G�W <br /> ,.:�1,,; � 7. . if optioaee exeraiaes the option, thea, o�raer <br />--;_,_� �• shaii seil th�o Brnpertp to optionea, Optioaee shaii purchsae the <br /> property �ros o�mer and tbe aSosing o� ttte purahaee o� the Propertp <br />':;:ii�%cr, ` tthe '•Ciosing•') shaii take piaae at the o��ice o! State Title �. <br /> =-•"�;~��� 6e�v3�ed, Zna., ia Liaaala, Idebraaka at a t�.ae tsn� da�e to be _ <br /> '�=:"l;y;�,c��� mutuslip agseed +u�poa betWeen the part�es, but, in no eveat, later <br /> .;;;;.;�;-: than tea calendar �apa tollop�aq the esercise o� the Option. <br /> '�='��: ' 8. p�4,d• At the Ciosing, Ox�ter ahaii eneaute aad daliver to ��: <br /> �� � optioaee a a3ood and aul�ipfent Wnrranty deed, ia reaordable form, ,. <br /> _;���"�.� aoavoying to Optiv�eee marketable tee si.a�pie title to the Property, <br /> a..,:, <br />" � '"'�`' lree sad olear o� aii ].ieas aad eaaumbraaoes, euaept �saeptione C, <br /> . ..pJ.f�:t'�M . <br />_=``;%.`'�;�� <br /> ����+.•�:� Z . <br />`�t� :r:�:�: <br /> . _ � . <br /> .� <br /> ;;� <br /> w ��?` :'���- - . __- --�-----------,.---- ��-R- i <br /> = `z:. : � ... � . ..• � ... , . . ,:: _ . �� . . <br /> ' 4,r�r:,yr . .r'`. ., o .. - . ._ .. -� ,It�.�j� <br /> � - .. S'�y+, . .. • t��• ' . . <br />.' .\'. �t{� ,. . � .. .. � ,. . ... - .. � ' . ..' .. <br /> �� ' `. . / . �. ' .. �i���� .. .i . .. ' , <br /> . . . .. . s �� .' ' , . . .. � .. ' .' .. . . .. <br /> '�y �' . V .. . ,� ., � . . �l, ,�,. <br />'�„ . ,,"" „ .,•. , , <br /> e:r�.. . - . -° ' . - � - . . . _ ,. ...., r <br /> ��s t�,r.:�.� ., � .. , � . ,.•��,r�� %};.��x. .. : . ' <br /> „ _ . , . • �<' .. . �. <br />_ . 4 „ .• ' -. .. . _, ' ., � -. ., � , �. . __.__.____ _—__� _ .,..... <br />