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<br /> a�urr o� o�T=�t 9�•• �1�43A�
<br /> Tbis asaat af Oy�tion ia ezeautsd th�.s 30tb day oi Jua�, 199s,
<br /> b� viilraqs =mvestnent, Ltd., a N�bzselca li.�itsd psrtaerehip
<br /> aorporat3.on�ita�suaaeesor�a�aad sesigne t'o�+tioaie�Y� � ��raska
<br /> _-� xntroBu�A _
<br />-�F����-�_= O�rnez is tha o�ta�r o! reai eatats aeeori.l�e� as:
<br /> �.,,.
<br /> i-'.'°:u�:,,,.:s.::v; c=-
<br /> - --°:s�;;:�: The �aetsr2g S6 teet of Lot 3 attd cali o! Lot �, all ia
<br /> --:- ,• � Sl�auk 17, 1Cers►ohaai aad Deo]eer Addt3tioa to the Cilt o!
<br /> F-``�''��;,, asand =sia�na. H�11 Couutp, t�mbraska, exae�t�q•
<br /> -�:;�±, •�� therefrom, a tr3anqalar �raat ot laad looatad a �he
<br />��3�'�'����'�' F aesvribed aa follo$=e��� Lot �1 and �are �ar�iav]�arly
<br />_-:�''�: r,
<br /> �:���x.. saginaing st the �iortha�est aa�aer o# �a�d Lo�
<br />� �~� 4t t3�enae runaing Boutherig alonq the �egterly -
<br /> : ,•:�;, .
<br /> T '}s`�,�.,i lino o! said Lot s, n dssiaaaae o�C 23 ies�; —
<br /> ` `,' , thetns+o runuiag Nortt�ea�erlg �o a ia� on the
<br />,;:�,, ,�;.: ,•
<br /> ��,;',: ;� .: Nortneriy line of ea3.d lat 4, vhic is 3s fee�t
<br /> ,��;..,,,� �asteriy ot the NorthMest aoraer af saiet Zot
<br /> .�;�. �;:4��;�'. :.. �.; t�enae ruaninq Weeterip alonq tihe
<br /> ,''.�.-�,;;"•. �'-� Nort2terly lin�e;n o�a g�inniaQ.distanae ot 3�
<br /> �,,{.�1,,�.�. ' teet to tha a_ �_Q �
<br /> n..-�.{�r,�� �,,.
<br /> �"�`�� "r�'�'� Nhich reai estnte, toqether With aap isproveseat� nox loaated =
<br /> `""�'"'.'„'". . tIIereon and ali riqbta. Privileqee and easss�ats appurtoaan� ':�-�
<br /> ., •�;�:,�;, • �� o ��-,--
<br /> , ,�. ,. :, thsreto, is retersed ta herain �a tha Propertp. Optioaee desir�s �„_.
<br />_ ;�_,;�;y,,;y:; •a to aaguire aa op�ion to purabase the Praperty upaa the toraa sst �.��,
<br />:-�.;;�,.••;.,,.:, �. losth in this arant ot optinn and owner ie wi113nq to qrant auoh aa ���°_
<br /> -:.--�-��r. _ . optioa to optionee. �^=F=
<br /> _:�,`.,.;.•.„� • - [:'�•..
<br /> '• ..��-••. •-'�°�� =n aonsideratioa og the ayneat set tortII ia Basaqraph 3 .-_
<br /> :.:"` baeloM. the asaeipt and su�#iaienoy o� �bivh �ee hmreby ��
<br /> ,� ,.e
<br /> � aaltaoMiedqed, ovner qrants �Ptionee an option to purahaee the �=
<br /> , -��� Bropertp uuder the follo�aiag terms a ay=
<br /> `"`' • rsra�t o� Ontion. Ootnor hereby graats to Optionee the ::;�
<br /> •' ,� exalusive option (the "Option"I to p�rohase the property fros ,.
<br /> - =--' '' o�mer, upon aad sul9jeot to the aonditions aontaiaed ia this optioa
<br /> ,,.�': . -°� Aqre�ateut. •
<br />:��,1��i�t;::a•• y.
<br /> �/...i,{,� �.�t
<br /> :��,�> � Z. Tera o�Ontion. The tes�► of the �ption shail aoa�enae oa
<br /> ' � the Qate ot this araat o� Optioa aad ahnil con�iaue uatii fuii
<br /> . ' . �� . pa yssnt ot the "Indebtedaess�' aad �uii �aerl�rmaaae aad dfecharqe o!
<br /> �•.�;.,,. � �he ��oDiigations�' more psrtiaularlp dosoaibtd in tZiat �ertsin Desd
<br /> •.s „ of Txuat and Beauritp 7Aqreeient t"DeeB o! Trust'•) dated ae ot J�aae
<br /> � . � 30, i995, Dy aad aaonq Vi11Aqe tnvestmeat, Ltd. iV, a Nebragka
<br />� liait�d psrtnership, as ��HorroWer," JoseBh Polaok, �squir�, as
<br /> .;. ` ��Truatee,�• and optionee, ae '•Londer," seauriag, aaoag othe�c
<br /> �� �� obligations, the Pro�isaorp Note o� viilage =nves�taent Ltd. rit to
<br /> . optionee in the psiaaipei azount of $i,BOA,000.00, v�th iaterest
<br />, � ..
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