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<br /> ,�..' ' ' .. -'.• .o r"
<br /> ,. _. .. . . ._ -
<br /> -„re. .�!t
<br /> _ ._ _ _ _ - _ _ -- --_ - . - __ __ _ _ _ - - ; - -
<br /> ----- �-- -- -._'— .. • . .. .� �S�w. .��+ ., 'xr . , —
<br /> .tiub�t+�i�:�ivalene roun{�e insuancc caver�ge is not avdl�bio.Borrow�r s#Wlpay ta I.ander sach awnth a wm aqu�l�a
<br /> une•twelt�tt of U�ya�t'iy r�s�ga inwranco prcmium txin�}w�J by Bc►rr�wtr wl�cty tlre u�surA�x�e c�vc�rx�o t,�wed ar caied tn
<br /> --:__-----
<br /> 6e I�eff�!'t.Lender w�ll�ccept. u�e anti retain thase�ymrnt��s �lo�� rnerve in lin� oP �nartgnge inxunncs. Lc�� reserve
<br /> - - --j
<br /> pAynxnte nuy iw langei,iaa ro�irod.at tho ap�ion of[.c�xlc:r.iE ii�ui�t�e:l�uu►�h:�c�ve�aga(:n w:ur�s:�m ax� or �r .-_
<br /> tiw�t l.ecxler tequirt�)nruvided by Kn ineurtr�pproved by�,ender n��in t►oa�meR�vAilx�t�le w� iA cd:+tained. Borrrnwer shall pRy
<br /> the premiums reguired w nuintain motPga�e inauhmce i�t effoct, or to pravide a lore neaerva,�►ntil thr requiranGnt for mortQitge
<br /> la�u��nce ends in eccardancowith any written agragxns betwan 9arrawer and l.enfer or�ppticable law.
<br /> 9.�a�pe�etlon.L.enderur its agrnt cruy�n�lce reuronwble enuia upan and i�upeclton�nf the Propecty. l.ender aluiZ Alvs
<br /> Dorrower natica at the titne of ar prior to an ins�tion epec�itying n�pn�ble cawac for the fn�ectlon, .�
<br /> , !0. Cotec4e�nRet�Mt. 7'1ie rocecds of imy�►ward�r cl�im for �amaqes. dircct or wnsoc�ucnt�al,in connoctYon wlth Any �_
<br /> rnMccuwtion ar ather taR;ng o�any part of the Praperty,ar for conveysu�co in Ileu oP condutinulun,ane hereby�syigne�ud
<br /> shail ba paid to I.ender. .
<br /> In thc evem of a tota!taking of the Propcny.the praa.�eil�slwll bc applicd to the sums secured by this Sxudty instrument. •
<br /> - '—� whether or nQt then due, with any excess paid ta Horrower. In the event of a partlal taking of the Property'in whtch the fAir
<br /> mwket vWuo of the Praporty immodiutely befare the te�king 1�equa! to or greater thaa tho amoant of the sucns sxu.�xl by this
<br /> Security[nstn�ment imrnodletely before the tuking,unlcss Sorrower and Lender otherwlse ngree in writing.the s►ims saurod by
<br /> _- _- T.--=� thia Secudty Instrument sh�l be reduced by the umount of the pr�a multlplIed by tha following fiactlon: (a) tha total
<br /> �unt of the sums secured 6xunadiately before the taking,divldcd by (b)the fair market value of the Property immcdiately
<br /> before the tekirtg. Any balaaoe shal! be�paid to Borcower. in the evestt oP a partiel tsiking of the Property in whi�h the fair
<br /> -_-- market vNue of the Property immedlatcly before the taking is les�than the amouni of the s�uns secured imTnediauly before tbe
<br /> taking,unless Horrower and Lender otherwise ugree!n wrlting or unless applicable law oWerwise pmvides.tlie procaxls shall .
<br /> be applied to tho sums secured by this Secudty Instrument�vhether or not the sums are then due.
<br /> If the Property is abandoaed by Bornower.or if,after aodce by LeiYder to Borrower,that the condemnor offers w makd an '
<br /> awardi or settle a claim for dau�ag�. Borrower fails to respond to Lender wlthin 30 duys after the date the notice is glven. •
<br /> Lender is auWorized to c�lle�t aad apply the praz�eds.at its opt�oa. either to restoratioA ot�+epair of t3�t�roperty or to the sums :,: �... •
<br /> secured by this Security instrument. whether or nat tAen due. ' • � " ' �� �
<br /> Unless L.ender and Borrower otherwise a�ee in writi�g. any appliration of praceeds to prir.elpal shall�tot oktend or. •
<br /> x',;�a�r� pastpone the due date of the monthly payments referred to ir�ptv�graphs I and 2 or change We amount ot suct�puyater�ts, ----
<br /> W�� �i.Bocrower Not Rdeased;�arbearance By Lender No8 a�'Yniver.Eatenston of the ttme for payment or madiflcudon
<br /> .�..�;�v�x� of amariixaqon of tha aums secwed by this Sscurity Instrwnant granted by Lender to any successor in interest of Bo�zower shall
<br /> -_.���.�,.__ not opesate to releASC the Iiablli ty of tha original Borrower or Horrower's successorx in iaterest. Lender shal!not be ccquired to
<br /> commence proceedinga against any successor in intercxt or refuse to eatend time for paym�nt or otherwise modify amortixation
<br /> -_"�`^��.i' of the sums secured by thls Security Instrument by reason of any demand made by the or3g�a1 Borrower or Boirower's
<br /> _�_�A'�4;'� successurs in Interest. Any forbe.arance by Lender in exer¢isin�any dght or remedy shall not 6e a waiver of or preclude the
<br /> �'-�� exercise of any dght or remedy_
<br /> �,:'�=s,�� 12. Suocessors wncl Assigns Bound;Joiat and Several Uabflity; Co-slgnere. The covenants and agreements of thfs
<br /> - = ' - Securlty Instrument shall bind iu►d benefit the successon and assigns of l.ender and Borcower, subjer.t to the provisions of
<br />�,_.... Psrs^nrspt� 27. Busras:�r's cos�td snc! sgr�nss ::hslS be jolss anc3 �.eversl. 4ny &ssm•xer �ho zo-slgns ih�s Secssrfi� ,
<br /> '^�!�%� Instrument but does not execute the Note: (u) is casigning this Security (nstrument oniy co moctguge, gmnt urtd convey thut
<br /> ,;,:.
<br />- J'��J'r�.Y{. Borrowcr's interest In the PropcAy under thc tcrms of this Sccuriry I�istrument;(b)is not persanally abliguted to pay the sums
<br />����"�r�r secured by thia Secudt�+Instmment; und(c)agrees thut Lcndcr nnd uny other Borrower mny agrec to extend,modifjr.forbemr or
<br /> '''��`r�•f��A'' • make uny arcommoduuons with mgurd ro the terms of this Sceurity In�trument or the Note withcut that Barrower's consent.
<br />_''°'�";�;�'�!! 1 3.L o a n C harges. Ifthe loan secu r e d by t h is Security Instrurneat is sub ject to u Iuw w h ic h sets mwe imum losn c hurges.
<br />�.,�-;:..
<br /> _:�-�-;�r���M_ artd thnt law is finalty interyrcted so that the interest ar othcr loan charges callected or to be collected in connectIon with the
<br />:`:�,�m.;,��e!� loru►exceed the permitted limits,then:(u)any such loun charge shall be reducal by the nmount necessury to re�uce the charge
<br /> �-�.��°-�°F>-�� to the permttted limit; and(b) any sums cilready collected from Borrower which exceeded permitted limits will be refunded to
<br /> ""°�'':'''��''w � Sorrower. Lender may choose to make this refund by reducing the principal owed under the Note or by making a direct r-
<br /> r^°i°���ti payment to Borrawer. If a r�fund reduces principal. the reduction will be treated as a partisl pcepayment without any �,
<br /> -_s.�..,:.:,.��;, �`
<br /> � ....�., prepaymeat chacge under the Natc. -
<br /> • ,,,F,,.' , 14.Notices.Any notice to Horrower pravided for ln this Security Instrument shall be�iven by dellvering it or by mail[ng --_
<br />