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<br /> The Funds shnll b�held in pn 1t�tii�at�nn whase deposi s ntb ir�su�d by n feder�l liBencY, in�twt�td °�a��►
<br /> -_- ��_- ---_�
<br /> (includit�g I.cndcr,if l.ender is Fuch an institution)or in eaiy F�eral Horne I.oan i3nnk•�.en�+'���PP�Y��FQ��� � "
<br /> �scrow�tems. I.enucr,�►+►y�ot th:.s�e Bai-r�tu_t f��r h�l�in;;nnd nn;ilyitt�tite t�unds.an�iuully qrialyr.ins the e:kmw�ccau .c►r _ ,.
<br /> ver�fyfng tl�e Esemw Items.uniess Leuder pays Elana�vc:IbtescKt an�the Fwrds and aq�lirablr IavM�tmita l.ender co n�ke sw:+�
<br /> Y C11At�8.Hawe.�er. l.ender may re�uirc Borrawer to puy a aneJtimc cfu+rgo for an independent rsxl estAte tax re{wriing�erviee
<br /> usod by Lender in comxction w�th this l�er shAll t ot��be required to pay Bc►rr�wer�aary v�te�x o rwm�ing s anithe�rds-
<br /> uFpNceble law requires interest to be paid,
<br /> Borcower and l.ender may a,grce in wdNng,l�owover.that lntorest shall ba p�Sd an tlw�uneis.l.ender ntult�ive to Borrorner.
<br /> ------ , without chnrge. an annual nccounting of tho Funds, showjng ctedit�and debits to tha FurKtA u�d the putp�so fa�'wh�c�a�h
<br /> riebit to the FunrJs was maAe.i he Fwsds ure ptociSei]aw siddittotwl�c;eurtty for all sums s!K:urn1 by thes 5ecurlty Ittr,ttument. • �__ _
<br /> IP the Funds he3d by Lender excad the amowue prrmittod to be held by applicable lew.Lendar sha11 Rccounl co$orrower
<br /> for tha exces9 Funds in accordAnce with tho requirements of applicabto law.If the amouat of tha Fwtd�lxid by i.ender f�t rny
<br /> .----�■ time is not sufficlent tn gny the Escraw I�ems when due.LenRer may so natify Borrower in writing,and. in such c�se Borrowes
<br /> shnll pay to I.ender the wnount necessary to mnke up tha deficiency. Bonower sttall mako up tha cieficieacy in no more than
<br /> twelve c►tonthly payments.at I.ender's sale dtscrettan.
<br /> _,_ ____�___ _ [Ipon p�yment in full of all sums secural by this S+xwdty Instrument. I.ender shall pmmptly refuixl to Borrowe;, any
<br /> Funds held by Lender.If,under paragrapt�21. Lencter sl►a!I scquiro or sc!!the Property.Lender,prior w the ecquisition or snle
<br /> af tha Pcoperty,shall sYsply any�unda held by i,ender ut the time of acquisition or sale as a crad9t against the sums secuted by .
<br /> this Securtcy Tnsuument.
<br /> 3.?►pplicatton oi Payments.Unless appGcable law provides otherwise,all payments received by I.ender uuder paraBraDhs
<br /> 1 and 2 sh�il be applied:flrst.to enY PrePayment cdarges due under the Note; second, co amounta payable under parapp'aph 2;
<br /> th;rd,to interest dus;fQUrth,to principal due:end last, tu any late charge.g due under the Note.
<br /> 4.�guges;Liens.Borrow�r shaA pay all taaes. assessments.charges, t'ines and impasidons Attributable to the Propetty
<br /> �yhlch may ettatn prlority over this Securiry Instrument� and icasehold payments or ground renta, it any �orrower shell pay
<br /> these obligatlons la the manner provfded in paragraPh 2,or if not paid in that m�uwec.Borraxcr sha11 Pay tteem°n tl�ne dir��3' --
<br /> _ ,r.
<br /> to the peison owed paymont.Borrower s1taU promPtly fumish to L.ender all notices of amouuts to be paid ander�ents.�p�
<br /> - . _s� If liotrower makes these pi�yments ciirectly�Boirower sbal!prompt3y�umish to Lr.nder receigts cividenctng the paym .
<br /> `--'""�""''"''�"� Borro�ver shall promprt[y discharge auy llea which has pr�onty uver this Security Insuument unless Borr�ower:(a)a�rees In
<br />=== wriHng w the payanenc of the,obligacion secured by the�iei►in a manner acoeptable to Ixnder:(b)comests in goad faith the Ilen
<br /> -- �'-"="�'q by, or defends agaic►st enforcement of�the lien in, legal procecdlrlga which in the I.ende.r's opinion operate to prevant thc
<br /> - �-n�``'�� caforcement af the licn;or(c)�ures fram the holder of the lien an agreement 3adsfactory W i.i.mder subordinat3n8 tl�t;�►ta •
<br /> ---�'' this Securiiy instrument.If Lender detcrmines that any part of the ProPenY is subject to a lien which may attain prionty over
<br /> --���;+�� this Security Instrument.Lender may�ive Borrower a notice identifying the tien.Borrower shall satisfy the iien mr take one or
<br />-��'A='�"'•;;�' more of the actions set forth above wtthin 10 days oF the�iving of notice.
<br />-_���+-a�.�ii���•;, S. �� o�p�p��y Insurattce.Borrower shall keep the tm�rovements now exIsdng or hereafter erected on the
<br /> _:��.��-.�
<br /> -° � � property insured against loss by fire. hazards Included within the term extended covernge"and any other hazards. includiag
<br /> -°°°�:- . ��Qs g��;��, for which Lender requires inswance. This tnsurance shall be maintained in the amoums and for the perioda
<br />�.,;.:,�;s;; � ;� that Lender requires.The insur�►ce carner pmvidfn� the insurancc shail be chosen by Bu�ivwer subjc,rt to Ixndes's sppmv�l
<br />�r-,��,r+��: . wt�ich shflll not be unreasonably withheld. If Bc►rrawer f�ils to maintuin coverage described above,Lender may, ut Lender'e
<br />-��;t;,;;�',N:� option.abwln coveroge tu prot�t l.endcr's rights in the Pmperry in accordence with paragraph 7.
<br />=�;';�.;'��'• •• Ail insurnnce policies and renewals shull be acccptuble m Lender und shull include a stnndcud mortgage clause. L.ender
<br />=y�:' '���', ' shuil havc the right to hold thcpc�I�CIC9 URd iCI1CWitIB. If L.ender requires,Horrower shull promptly give to Lender all receEpt�oE
<br /> ��•.
<br /> �_•�;:�:r:�•. .. aid prcmiums and rcnewul nntice5.M the event af lasr,Borrower shall give prompt nutice to the insurance c,urr�er tutd Lcndet.
<br /> r.�:;.y�., ,.
<br />-__i_r��, ,�P ndcr may make praaf of loss if ni�t madcpromptty by Borcowcr.
<br />_,1.�;;���y,n�-� Unlcss I.cnder ancl&�rn�wcr nthcrwire agrec in wrtting. insurnnce praceeda shull be npplivd ta rcstoration nr rcpair of t!n
<br />-.—.�"° �"t ^ Property damuged.if thc rcst�irution or repair is economically fei►stble and Lendcr's xccudty is not lessenod.If the restorution ar
<br /> --° +� repnir�s not economfcully fcaslb(c ur l.ender's hccurity wnuld be Icssened.the insurance proceeds shall be appliai ta the surns
<br /> ;•'� '�„"���• _ -
<br /> ..,:., secumil by this Secnrity Instrument, �vhether ur nut then duc, with nny excess p�id to Borcower. !f Horrower ubandons the
<br />:•,� ;,'`•,,,4 property. or docs nut unswer within 30 duys a naticc from Lcnder thnt the in:,urance carrier has offered to settle a dnim,then �
<br /> =•-::-�rc:.�, Lender muy callect the insurnnce prcxeeds. [.ender muy use the proceeds to rePuir or restore the Pmper�y or to puy sur� Y
<br />�T���'"-";'•f'='� secured by this Security Iatitrument,whethcr or not then due. The 30-duy period w�ll begin when the notice is given. —.
<br />- -'�+�`��{` Unless Lender and Bonowcr atherwlse agree in writing. ciny applicatton of proceeds to principal shall not eztend or �,_.
<br />-=�'"���^�_'�� ,' postpone the due date of the monthly puyments referred to in pacagraphs 1 and 2 or change the amount of the payments. If ��Y�,;
<br /> ,'•�.i: under paragraph 21 the Property is ucqu�red by Lender. Bonower's right to any insurunce policles and proceecis resulting from �__�
<br />_ • dama�e to ths Property prior to the acquisition�hall pass to L.ender to the extent of the sums secured by this Secudty Instrument �__.�
<br /> .� ' " immediately prior to the ncquisition.
<br /> 6�pccupancy,Preservatton. Maintenance aud Protectiat of the Property;Borrower's Loan Applicatian;I.easeltolds. �•f.,
<br /> � Borrower shall accupy.establish,and use the Property a+Borrower's prtncipai residcnce within sixey days aRer the execution of ,-�
<br /> _ ; '~�� ° this Security Instrument and shall continue to occupy the Property as Borrower's principal rcsidence for at least onc year nfter
<br />- - - -'X= the date of occupancy, nnle�s Lender othenvise agrees i�writin�, which consent shall not be unreasonabty withheld,or unleu
<br />_ . ,�-;
<br /> •" extenuuHng cireumstunces exist which are beyond Borrower's control. Borrower shatl not ciestruy. duma�e or impair the
<br /> ' � Property. allow thc Property to dcteriorate, or comrnit wuste on the Praperty. Bonower shall be in default if any forfeiturc
<br /> • � action or procecding, whether civil or criminal, is begun that in I.ender's good fuith judgment could result in forfeiture of the
<br /> • ' Property or otherwise materiully impair the lien cre:sted by this Security Instrument or Lender's secudty interest. Bc�rrower may
<br /> ; r cure such a default and reinstate,as provided in paragruph 18,by cuusin�the action or proceeding to be dismissed with u tulins
<br /> y, that. in l.endei s gooci faith determination, pmcludes Forfeiture of the Borrowcr's interest in the Property or other material
<br /> • impuirment of the lien cre:tterl by this Security Instrument or Lender's security interest. Bonower shall also be i�deFault if
<br /> •• ' '� Borrower,durin�the lonn upplication process.guve materially false or inaccurate inform�ition or statements tn Lender(or failed
<br /> ` to provide Lender with nny material information)in connection with the loan evidenced by the Note,including,but not limited
<br /> �� . '�� .. to,representations concerning Borrower's occupuncy of the Property as a principal residenre.If this Secueity Instrument is oa u
<br /> , � leasehold. Borrower shuli comply with all the provisfons of the lease. If Borrawer ncquires fce tide to the Property, the
<br /> • teaschuld and the fee tide shall nat merge unless L.endcr agrc�to the merger tn writing.
<br /> ., ' 7.1'rotect[on of Lender's Righis in the Property. {f Borro�ver faits ta perForm thc rovenunts and lgreements contuincxi in
<br /> • this Security (nstrument, or there is u teg�il proceeding that may signifiruntly affect Lender's rights in the Propeny tsuch as a
<br /> procecding in bc�nkruptcy, probatc, fur condemnatlun or forfeiture ar to enforce Inws or regulutians), then Lender may do and
<br /> • pay for whatever is necess:iry to rotect thc value of thc Property und Lcnder's ri�hts in the Prnperty. Lendcr's actions rnay
<br /> .. • • '
<br /> ------------- . . • .. t:e., ...1,:..A huc nrinritv nvci this SCCUY1tV IriStNItTCIlI. appeanng in court, paymg
<br /> . ."" "'__ '_.... M.�
<br /> -- �---`--------T�-�- IIICILLUC PJyttt� tltty avuta a.►uaw ..� « ..... .....�.. .._ r------�
<br /> . �� ; „ rcasonable attorneys' fecs and entering on the Property to make rcpain. Although Lender mny tuke action under this paragraph ,
<br /> . 7.Lcnder does not have to do so.
<br /> �- Any amounts dtsbursed by Lender under this para�raph 7 shall become additional debt of Borrower secured by this
<br /> 1, Securiry Instrument. Unless Borcower und Lender agree to other terms nf payment, the�e amounts shall beur interest from the
<br /> • dote of disbursement at thc Nnte rute and shall be payabie, with interest, upon notice from Lender tQ Borrower requestin�
<br /> - puyment.
<br /> - ' 8.Mortgage Insurance. If L.ender required mortgage insurunce as a condition of making the loan secured by this Secunty
<br /> �_ . .;;,,':;�,, Instrnment. Horrower shall pay the premiums required to maintuin the mort�age insurance in effect. If, for any reusan, the
<br />:i` � � mortga�e insurance coverage required by Lender lnpses or ceases to be in effect, Borrower shall pay the pmmiums required to
<br />° ` obtain cover�ge subswntiully equivalent to the mortgage insurancc previously in effect,at u cost substantially equivalent to the
<br /> .. : cost to Borrower of the mortgage insurnnce previously iu effect, from an alternute mortgage insurer approved hy Lender.If
<br /> _ ., i
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