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\ .r SI fi�.t <br /> . .. :�,TS�+ . ��: <br /> .. . �t� .�Y.1'.1.. �.... _ _ <br /> . > . <br /> . . . . �� . .lt.u... ' --- <br /> � <br /> ^- v.���i�{�i�P�".�u; ;�r��.� a r''�,��;A �,� -- <br /> ,, <br /> ,,; <br /> . � �..,a. <br /> ,. . ... . <br /> � .. , <br /> : ---- -- --_ _ ~ �:.,..�.:...__..� <br />'"_.- _-� -- --___- __-- - _ - �__- --�.�.-�`T'G^.�l'.ci..:�-_._' <br /> � 9�, iO4��:�5 <br /> TOt3FiTN�R WITH ull thfl impmvcmcnte noa or hercuttcr cmctrd an 1he praperty.rmd all c�.4emcnt�.a}rpnrtenanceA, �, <br /> und flxtures now or hereafter a part of Uio prop�rty. All repincemente und¢ddidona sftull utso be covemd by this Security <br /> Inatrumcnt. Atl af the foregoing is refcmed to in this 3ecurity Inauument av the "PropePty." <br /> BORROWER COVENAIVTS thut borrawer la lowfirlly seiaed af the estnta hereby conveyed nrtd has tha dght to grant <br /> and canvey ttee Property and that tho Property is unencumbered exccpt for cncumbmnce:►af recard. 8arrower wa�nnta nnd <br /> witl defend genernlly the dtle to the Pcoperty agaiwt all claims und deenanda,Ru6jxt to any encumbranexa of record <br /> THIS SECURI'CX INSTRtlMENT c�mbiates unifom� covennma for rtr�tionnl use and non•uniform covenanta wlth r_ <br /> limited�+tuiations by Jwrisdicdon to conssltute u uniform secudry insuumeat covering mal pmperty. <br /> UNIFORM COVENANTS. Bomawtr and[,cnder covenant and�grce ua followa: <br /> l. H�yn�ent ot Pdndpai and Interesti Prepayntea!�ad l.ate Chat�. Bortnwer shn[I prompdy puy when due the <br /> pdncfpal of und intemst on the debt evidenced by tha 1Vot�and any prepayment nnd lute cbarges due under the Note. <br /> 2. F�ada tr,r 7Uutes and Iasuratr^e. Sub�ect to npplica�ble law or to a written walver by L,ender.Bmzowtr shnU pay to <br /> Lender on the dny monthly paycaents nre due under tho Note.unttl tl�o Note is paid in full.a sum("Funds")for.(u)ye�uly <br /> mxes and assessmtnta whtch may atwin prioriry over thia Securiry[nswment as a Iter�ai�the Pmperty;(b)yeurly leusehold - <br /> paymsnts or ground crnta on the Pmperty.if any: (c) Year1Y haza�d or Praperty insurnnce pmm[ums: (d) Yearly flood <br /> tnsurotice pnmiwns.�f any:(e)Ye�riy n►ortguge inswanr.e premiu�us,if any:and(fl any sums naytible by Bomower w <br /> accordana with�he provislons of pamgrnph lieu of the payment of mortguge iasurance premlums. These <br /> Item4 une called"Escrow Items." LeAdeT may,ut eny timsme.coUect and hold FLnds ia an amount not to e:ceed the msucimum <br /> umount a lender for a fedei�lly related mortgase loan a�ny ceyuin for Bomower's escrow uocount under the federal Real <br /> Estnu Seuleraen!Pracedures Act of 1974 os amended from dme to dme,12 U.S.C.�2601 e�seq.("RBSPA"),unless another <br /> laHr thnt appUes to the F�nd.4 r,et.g a le.�.ser nmow►t !f so.Lender ms► nt�y daae,coliect and hold Fluids in an amount not to . <br /> exc�ed tha Icsses amoun� l.eader may esdmuu the�unount of FLads due on the basis uf cumeat dau►aad m,s�sonable <br /> estlmaus of expeadlwns of futun Fscrow Items or otherwlse in uccordance wttd applicable law. <br /> 'Ree F��nds shatl be hetd�n an incrihiti�m whose deposlts ssre itaured by n fedtml ageacy.iusaumentality,or ent�ty <br /> (includiag Lender.if L.endee Is such an instItudon)or in any Fedeml Home Loan Bmilc. l.ender shail upply the Fi�aaia to pay ` <br /> the Escmw Items. Lender may nat cherge Boitower for holding und applying the E�nds.annually analyztu8 tt�e escroti'�' <br /> account,or verifying the�aw Items.�nless l�ender pays Borrower interest on tbe E�nds and applicable law pemdts <br /> Lender w malce such a charge. However.I.ender may requlre Bomower w pay a uae•time charge for su�iadependent real <br /> e,ctau tax reporttng servIce used by L.eader ia connection wtth thIs loan,ualess applirable law pmvides Unless an <br /> agreement�S made or upplicable luw nquires Interest to be p�id Lender sh�ll not be�quized to pay Bon+nwer uny inurest or <br /> earaiugs on the Fliads. Bosmwer and Lender may agree ia wnd�g,however.that iaterest shall be paid on tde Funds. Lender <br /> shuU give to Bomowu,witheut churge.aa annual uccuunting of the F§�nds,showing c�ts aad debits to the Funds aad the _ <br /> putrwse Cor which each debit to the l7unds was aande. 1tt�E�nds iu+e pledged ac addldon�l securiry for all sums secured by <br /> this�ec.-uriiy ibs�.�i. ` <br /> If tiie Puads held by I.ender eaceai the amoants pecmitted to be held by appIIeable law. Leadet shs�ll nocouttt w <br /> H.omuwer for the ea�cess Fiutds in accordance writh the t�quirements of appltcz�ble law. If the amsunt of the F�nds he{fl by <br /> I.ender at any time is not su�ic�ent to pay the Fscn�w Items when duo,Lender muy so notuy Bomower ia wrlting,aad.ia <br /> such case Bomower shall pay W Leader the a=aouat neaessaiyr to make up the defecieacy. Bormwer shaU ma{ce up the <br /> deRclenry in no more then twelve montNy psymeats,at L.ender�s sote discredon. <br /> Upon payment ia tWl of s►t sums aecwr�i by this Security 1nsm�menG I..ender shail promgtly cefwtd w Bott+ower any <br /> Funds held by L.eader. If.under parag�apb 21. Lender shnll�oqutre ar sell the Roperty.Ix.nder.prtor w the�uisi6on or <br /> sale of the Property,s6a11 apply any k�n�s held by I.ender at We ame of acquisidon ar sale as a crcdit against tbe sums <br /> secUred by this SeairIty Insuumen� <br /> 3. Appl�tlon ot A�y�nenfs. Ualess applicable law provIdes atherwlse.all paymeats tevelved by �.eader under <br /> paraS�phs 1 and 2 s6a11 be epplled:first,to any prepay�uent charges due under the Note:second.w amounta paYable under <br /> P�P�2:QhiCd.W inuiest due:fouN�.w principal due:and aay lau c�arges due undet tiie Note. <br /> 4. Ch�rgesi Idens. Boirower shall pay all taxes.nssessments. charges, fines aad impc>siflons amibutabie to t6e <br /> property which may auain priority over this Saeurtty Iast�anen�and leasehold payanents or ground rents.if any. Bamnwer <br /> sh�!pay d�se obl[gations in the maaner pmvided in par�graph 2,or if not paid in thnt ms��er.Bomower shall pay d►em on <br /> time direcdy W,the person owed paymen� Bomower shaU pmmptly fumis6 to Lender all aotlas of aawunts to be paid under <br /> this gaiagrap!►. If Bo:rower makes these ps+ymeats dI�ecdy.Bomuwer shall pmmptty fumish to Leader receipts evidencing <br /> the paymems. <br /> gorrower shsU prompUy discbarge any llen whictr has priority over tdis�ecuricy Instrument unless Boirower:(a)agce�s <br /> an writing to the payment of the obligatioa secured by the lien in a manaer aoceptable W L,endtr:(b)contests in goai taith the <br /> }ieA by.or defends against eaforcemeat of the Inen pmoeadIngs which in the Lender's opinioa operate to paevant the <br /> enforcament of the lten;or(c)soc�u�es fmm the lmlder of the lien anagreement satisfactory to[.ender subordinadng the IIen <br /> to this Security Inswment If I.eader detecmines that uny pait of the Pro�eerty te subjcxx io a i€en wMch may att�iu prierlty - <br /> over thia Securiay Instsument,Lender may give Bomower a notioe identiffynng the lien. Bomower shall satiafy the lien or mke <br /> one or more of the actions set forth abova within 10 days of ttce giving of nodce. <br /> 5. Ha�ard ot Property Insorance. Bomower shali keep the ingTOVements now eaistiag or hes�after�rected oa the <br /> �operty insured against lvss by fu+e.haanrds{ncluded wiWln the tetm'eatendtd coverage"aad any other hazard�.including <br /> Qoods or Aoodjng,for which Lendei reyuiies insurance. 'I�is lnstuat�ce shall be mainmined i»the nmounts ead for dte <br /> Iiwa�30Y1 9/90 (A�age�of6pngta) <br /> _"_'_" - :i.--e... __"'�_�-r.,� _.....�-�rs�-�r.'��TTrT �.i•.��_ �.__� � ��� - <br /> . ._ ' � .� . -1 •^"�b�� . �i��' Y f� - �.�� y � .-.4.n.:�J--�_ <br /> [� �� - :\. y . . <br /> � � . . : <br /> _ .. ...�.' .-_-_ - n. s-.'` _ i"�$ .. . . �t�l.l'{ir1h�{ � .J.� r- � ._._ <br /> _. ._ ..;,. _-__-.—-.•-T- - --. . --�-__ -__. _ _ �_ _ <br /> _ . " ' ' - l,t'�N.. _�. _ �._ <br /> � � <br /> • '� - <br /> � � ' .. � ���;' -.. �w" ,r�-i:-� <br /> - � �- . _ . . . IC sFhl1�#+:+Y•c`*.tn1M�k Y+"'�+y�^'�e <br /> . , .. " 1 . ` ••�..}��' . 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