.u s . l i' i J+ 71 ,��t J : r R' ;'+"� , . �� .
<br /> � - - �� y, �����+.Y� t.�l�Kt �i�y- ,r .i 1f - - �,' �i.•� .. . a':.
<br /> 2 , �1 .� �:.� ��a. � -_St,�J�i�2 a ` �j e�� �i''I!�r}"�L4� �t) i�f ..�ii�� , ' . � -.�
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<br /> - _. _....�:..�,.....L7 1 i � '= -'--- -- —'r",__..__....-'-�...—__.
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<br /> 1,Pa�rmmte. Borrower agrooa to meko atl paymaMS on tha eecurc�d debt when due. Unte=s Bonav+rer ncid Land�r eprR�ot s�w aa, �ny �n_:�
<br />_::_.�:,s;;;, ; �wy�iierw Lendet recehrsa Mo�N•arfavier or tor Borrovlar'e 6anaflt rW ba eCptkd tirst to any amountP 8on w�r ow�i On ttN srcurot!d�bt �
<br /> hi
<br />--.�.t_,��� exciusive of interon or pri��elpal,second to interest.and then to pflnotpsl.if part�al prapaymsnt of the seaurad ebt 000un fa ony r��fon,it wNi _
<br /> -_ —_-�-� nm reduce or excwe anY scheduled peyment urrtll the s��d�b�l4�t�ld�rttutl. , ,. .
<br /> `���^'*'" 1.qalnu ApHrttt T[tl�.Borrower witl pey all texes,a��'sime{��,�; �t��cfi�J ei�i�ttrlbutebt�to ths proptny wMn du�andy�ill d�tond titN
<br /> -r.,,,.. �._ ��iiH � q B i _—
<br /> �.,.�.:• to ths pro dnst my alaims whloh wouid impair the 9irn ot d �f tfu L�nd�►may n uln orrow�r to atipn�ny r pht�,c1�im�or ---
<br /> _-- --., d�t�nsa wR�c�'�onow�r m+�y nnre ao�tnn partta wtp supph�.ii�or or mstwl�to.imp►o�n or m�frttoln the p►op�ety.
<br /> ''''"t�'a��•���� 3.ine�renae. Borrower wlll keep tha property insurod under terms aaceptable to Lender at BorrovreMa expenss�nd for lendrr'�btnttit.Ait 4_•�:-=
<br /> - __`��:. Intur�nce pottetei ehal1 IneWds e standerd mo�cpepe d�uee in tawr of Lender.Lend�r wfN bs oQmod�e losa payro os oo tha Inoured on ony wrrb r
<br /> - inw►anc�pouay.Any Insuuncs proceads msy bs applisd,within LendePs diicreUon,to Nthsr�r�stor�tlon or�ep�k of t!w damsp�d propaty
<br /> -�`°= �Y�''��~ ar to t!N securod debt.It Lender raqutres morty�go iruurance,Bonowsr apro��to m�intain sucb niururo�foi a onp n I.�nMr nqu n. _.
<br /> ;���� 4.RrapKtY.Borrower will keep the property in pood eondidon and mako ali ropatn reatonabty ntassury. '�`��
<br /> �a�a_�:
<br />-_—:�� 8,6xp�u�s,gartov+er agreea to paY ell Lender's axpensea including�eesonnble attorney�'fees,I!Botrower bre�ks my covemM�In thh d�td �'�-
<br /> =� ;� af trust or in any obligaUon socured by thin deed oi bust.�orrower wNi pay the�s amou�to lereder et provid�d In Coventnt 8 of this dad of ' '���-�-
<br /> -_=;'`�� truat. ,s•�
<br /> :ti.. ��
<br /> 8.iki�8��1r�ats.Unteas Bonower Nrot obtalns Lernier's written consent, Barrowsr wltl not meke or permft my ohan�a to eny Qrior ��;�:-_
<br /> t�4 S ••� „�-, :
<br />�_�•� , s eeeurisy Inieresb.Boaower wili pertorm a�l of Bonower's obqgaUona under any prtor mortpege,deed of uust o�othet teeuriry�pn�mtnt, .����
<br /> ;;;,'�',•'„ .�' tncludlnp Sortawe�'e covenants ta meke paymems wheo due. =
<br /> "• t•• •� � 7,A�ot Ra�U�nd Proflq.Borruwer asaigna to Lender the rents and profiu of ths proparty.Unl�u Borrow�r and Lend�r h�v��prMd ���
<br /> � �U ....•-=,
<br /> ; „� t* .. otherw ss tn wridng, Borrower may colleot end retaln the rante ae long es Bonower is not fn doUutt.If Burcowsr detauits, Lender, L.�ndor'� :+w'�"=.
<br />- opent, or a court appolnted�ecetver mey teAe poeaession and menage the property and aolleot the reMs.Any re�te Lendsr aoUsot�shdl bs
<br />- ' appiisd flrat to the costs of inenaptng the proporty,Including oourt aoata and attorr�eya fnes, commiaalona to teMnl a �r�U,tnd eny otlte� �`` `<
<br />_" �•�4• neeoastry�eteted expenaes.The remaTning amount ot reMs wili then apply w paymenri on the seoured debt as ptovi4ed ln�v�n�nt 1. =���_
<br /> • ... ., �� •',.•
<br /> . . . �f p.L�as�hatdr Condominiumss Pia�wd UNt Dav�tapmar�ta.8onowor ogroo:►to eompfy wlth tha provlaiana of any lenee If thle daed of uuet Ia on " �
<br /> • y a Ieasohold.l�tNe deod of buat is on a unk in e condominium or a plonned unR devetopmerrt,8or�ower witi peAorm etl of Borrower'e dutle� '��� r
<br /> _ n under the eovenanta.by-tawa,or regufetlona of the condominium or ptanned unit deveiopment.
<br />_�_•- -___ =_ g,p�iy a}�da to P2rfo�m.`o::''str�wur. it Burrownr talls to perfam any ot Barrowet s du�iab under Uda deed ot Gubt, Rdr�d81 may -`
<br /> � partorm tRe dutiaa ot aauea them to be peHormed.Lender mey sign eorrower's neme or pay eny emount if nocesaery for peKormrnce.It any
<br /> � `°''� oonspruatton an the prapert/is diseontinued or not cartied on in a reasonabte menner,lender may do whatever ts rteceasary to protaot Lander's •;�;
<br /> ;, seairlty Uttereat in tf►e proporty.TMa may inctude aompieting the aanstruotion. o�
<br /> �� w � Lcnder's falNre to parfarm wfll rwt preWude lender hom exerclsing eny ot its other rtgMa under the Iaw or thfs�eed of truat. �
<br /> n �:' "' AnY omounts pald by Londos to proteat Lender's eecurlty i�terest wilt be eecured by thie deed of uust. Such amouMO witl be due on demand "'
<br /> •� � and wiN bear interest hom the date of the paymeM umli patd In tuli at the iMerost rate in eHeat on the aecured debt.
<br /> : �, ;. 10. D�hutt n+d Aca�t�radnn.U Bornwer falls to make a�y payment when due or breaks any aovenaMs under this dsed of tru�t ar eny , •
<br /> -� . ;�. � obApstion aecurad by thia deed of t�vat or any ptlor mortgape or deed of trust,Lendor maY aoeelerate the metusity of the secured debt and
<br /> ,. demand immediete peymont and may invoke the power of eale and any other remedies permttted by applloabie Uw. .
<br /> �* `� ` 11.R�qtt�st tor Notto�of 6�fMit•h is harehy roqveeted tnoi w�ine ot the noticas af daiautt and saia be se�i to saoh�rert3n wiw Irr o�ariy
<br /> lwtsto,at the addrese of each auch pe�aon,as set torth heretn.
<br /> , 1Z.Pow�►o!SM��If the Lender imokea the pawer of saie,the Truatee ahetl first record in the otflce of the register ot deede of eooh eounty
<br /> Wher�in tlts trust property or some pert or parcal thereaf Is situated e notice ot detauk containing the infarmatbn required by low.The Truatee
<br /> � �hul eito mdil copiea of tha noUce of defeuft to the Borcower,to eaoh pareon who Is a party hereto,and to othm peraona es proacribed by
<br /> ' � appliaebN t�w. Not less thsn one month etter tha Truatee reeoMs the noUce of default or two montha If the uuet property ie not In any ��
<br /> ' incotpa�ted city or viAage and la ueed in farminp o�erations eattied on by the trustor,the frustee eheil give pubilo notice of saie to ths Renons
<br /> �nd in ihe manner preaa[bed by apppifoebte law.Truatee,wlthout demand on Bonower,ahall seii the propertyr at pub�la auotlon to ths highest ";
<br /> '" bidd�►.I}nqutred by tho Farm Homestead Ptotection Aat,Trustee shall ofter the propany in two eeparate sa�ea es required by appAoahie�aw.
<br /> � ' Trutt��may pottpone sate at ell or eny parcei ot tha propeny by pubilo announcement at the tlme and place of eny prevlouaty sohedutsd eate.
<br /> I.�nde�a iu deslpnae mey Rurchase ths propeny at eny sete. „
<br /> • Upoo raoelp�ot payment of the pAee bid,T�uates shali detiver to the puteheset Truatee'a daed conveyine the ptoperty.The reeitlais conteined in
<br /> • Ttu�te�'�dtsd shall be pdma foc(e ovidionee of tho truth of tho etatamenta contalned therein.Truatee Bhali apply the proceade ot the eale In the
<br /> /otbwinp otder: (e) to all expenaea of the aeie, Inaluding, but not Ilmited to, reasonable Truatae's fees,reesonable attorney's fees and
<br /> . nlnstat�mern feea;tb)to eA sums eecured by this doed of trust,and(o)the balance,it eny,to the pereons IegaAy erniUed to recoive it. "
<br /> , 19.Fot�ctawn.At Lender's opttan,thls deed of t�ust may be foreaiosed in the manner provide by appUoabie Iaw for forecloaure of mortgagea
<br /> ' on reat poperty.
<br /> • �� -�• � 1A,y��ypn Lender mey enter the property to inapeat It If Lender givea Bonower notice beforehaM. The notiae must atate the reasonable
<br /> - auss(a lender's Inspeatlon.
<br /> i� �
<br /> , � 1e,Cand�n�ton.Borrower essfqna to Londer the proaeeds of eny eward ar ciaim tor damages oonneoted with a candemnetion or other taking
<br /> of NI vr�r�y part ot the property.Such proceeds wiil be appiled ae provided in Covenent 1.Thie aselgnment fa subject to the terme of any prtor
<br /> ,� s�curlty agroemeM.
<br /> �>•� 10,W�rw.By exerelafng eny remady avaitable to Lendor, Lender does not give up any righte to Iater use any other remedy.By not exeralsirtg
<br /> „ any remedy upon Bonower's default, Lender does not walve any right to Iater consider the event a defau�t if it heppens agaln.
<br /> �� � '„ �, : 17, Joktt md gnrKal Liabilityt Casipn�ni Suneeuora and Assigns Bound. AII duties under this deed of uust are joint and several. Any �
<br /> -- Boi�ower who eo-elfln� thle deed ot truet but doea not co•sign the underiving debt InstrumeMls) does so oniy to Q►8t1t BIId convey that � .
<br /> "3 " any a M 8arroweriur�er t�hfsdreed ot trust mey extend mtodifv or make eny oth re echanges�in the terms of thle dead of trust orethe secured r ' ..
<br />� ,. d�Dt without that Borrowet's conserrt and wkhout releesing thet�orrower irom the terms of thia deed of uust.
<br /> TM dutils and bonsfits of this deed of Vust ahatl bind and benafit the suooeasore end assigna ot Lender and Borrower, I
<br /> :� 1t,NWk��Un�q�otheiwieo required by law,eny notico to Borrower shali be given by deliverfng it or by mailing k by certiNed mall addrossed to �.
<br /> � 8arow1r at ths pro addroae a eny other addreae thet Borrower has gIven to Lender.Borrower wlil give any notice to Lender by certifled i
<br /> .� ' mNl to l�nda's�d rau on page 1 of this daed of truat,or to any other addresa whioh Lender hes deslgnatad.Any other notica to Lender shall �
<br /> �� M unt ro L�ndu'e addreu ae eteted on pape 1 of this deed�f uust.
<br /> � ' Any notic�th�tl be d�emed M heve been glven to Bortower or Lender when given in the manner stated above. �
<br /> , .
<br /> � 1 .TnnetM ot th�/top�ot�cr�B�nHicltl��nst in th�Barowe.If a�t at eny part of the propertv or any Interoat In ft is soid or uanaferrod
<br /> w�thout L�nMt'�prlor written eonseM, Lender may demand Immediete payment ot the seoured debt. lender may a�so domend immedtete
<br /> , piym�m if!h�Borrow��fa not a naturalpe rnon end a beneHatei Intereat i� tho 8ortower ia so�d or uansterred.However, Lender may not
<br /> „ � damfad psVment In the ebovo ekuallona if ft Is profilbked by federal�aw as of the deto of Mis deed of trust.
<br /> •� . 20.RlqonYi��no�. When the oblfgation sacured by thie deed ot trust has been paid and Lender has no further obllgatlon to meko advancoe
<br /> '� " unda uie �n�trum�»2�or egreemeMe aocured by thls deed of uuet, the Trustee ehalf,upan wrltten requeat by the lender, roconvey tho trust
<br /> — DtuDtttln The Londat ehslt deilvet to the Borrowor.or to dorrower'e sucaesaor In interest,the trust deed end the note or other evidence of the
<br /> ��- OD1fQ�tan�o san�neo.OOftOwet ei�ett pa�arry raaordniivn avaio. _—
<br /> Z1, Queaata TnatN. Lender, et Lender's o�on, may �emove Truateo and eppolnt a eueoeseor truatee by fket, mefling a copy of the
<br /> � ° euDstltutlon of cru�te�es reQuired by epplleeblo ow,end thon,by fliln�the aubatltutton ot truatee for record In the oitke of the register of doeds
<br /> ' � of��oD courl�y in which the truat proporty,or some Dart thereof,io s tuated.The suoceesor trustee,wlthaut conveyence of the property,shall
<br /> � 6UCC�fd[O�1 th�pawn.dutier,eutharity and tltle ot the Truatee named In tho deed ot trust and of any auccessor truetee.
<br /> d
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