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<br /> and�xistinp und�r tM I�v,n of �anarsxa whos�addnss it??t�ntrr�t_rnetraT �a��.�,�::,.�'
<br /> ,cgy��rnr.=�:.� s��on8�� �aae2_qneo __,.,_., (^tsnd�r"1•
<br /> ANCE:Far v�lw��twd.Burown IR�voC�bly p►onU�nd eornay to TNttpb,dn Wtt,with powH of tl�iq;tM nN pfop�y�of whktf
<br /> _ ° BorrowK is�wfuly e�i�wl,dwaf09d iwiow and ap Euikihtipo.tizt�ras.arstl exlstlrf'p,qnd tutsxe�mp►oveme�►ts tpM'�an�nd��li.�imwt•wty.
<br /> �a�ts.nrt��Isw�s,Proflu. inoom�, t�namsM�, h�►�dkam�nt�. Prlvfifp�t�nd rr�y�ppw3onemw tt►�rrur►to bNonpin(�•dali al(rd tA� . _
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<br /> --� 2AT 1118NPY-FOtJR (a8I, WSST"t00D PAR2C 8U8DIVISION. IN THS CIT7f
<br /> --—=s---� - OF GRR�ND TSLAND. HALL COtJNPX. NEBRASXA. ___..
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<br /> ,�;" � toeated in aun*m ial,�_, a� Cowrty.Nebraaka.
<br /> �,�."��';_�`. TRLl:8orrowei covmarrtt and warrartts dUe to the P�aPeK1/,except tor --
<br /> _-=;.'���-'..«�t�( • .�
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<br /> ---.--�y-�`���^'��•• 3ECtl0ED OEiT:Tht�daed of trust eearcet to Lemler npaymsnt of the securad debt end the pedormenee of ths eovemM� and apre�mtrm
<br /> ..- f�-.-�•,•z. ----
<br /> ---4�'-�-'�� cont+�Irnd In thb dsad of Vuat and in�ny other document Incorpor�ted heretn.Sewred debt,es used!n thls dcsd of trust.Include�any�mountt _
<br /> "...-;,�;r:","'"; 8arow�r owes to Lender under Mi�dssd of trust or uMer any tnstrument aeaursd by this deed of truet.and stl modlfleaUons,�xt�ncion�and ___.___
<br />-- : . nn�wa4 tlrreof. �x:-
<br /> ` '.i��:'f TM secund deLt Is evtdeneed Dy(LJ�t ap tnsuume�s end ap�eement��eaurad by thls deed o4 mrst snd the daU+i thereof.l: =_
<br /> _�•-x.��••.,-���P � � n.ew.�w*wns we�vnut.+� 7 9 10�14 �~�
<br />- _��}v�,.+:��;5.. Fa vT.e�• ••nii••' •'ir 7T nATF.D Ti1t�TR � .__..
<br />;•n.w7.i.��rAL-�N�� L°�K".a'
<br />_ '�,�,�,�. �Fucun Adr�neu:Ths above amoum ia seaured even thouph aIl or pert uf lt may rtot yet be edvanced. Future advancea aro ���
<br />. .: ,� ; ..x, _�• • corttomplated end w1II be eacwed to che eems exteM ea It made on the dete thta doed of trust Ia executed. �,s;-
<br /> �_:,��_ �_':_
<br /> E�`"��' ❑Revolvlrp tine of aedh apreement det�d ,with inftiel snnual irrcereat rato ot 96. �•.-•
<br /> � All�mounts owed under thts egroemeM are secured even thougb s��amoun»may not yet be edvanced.Future sdvances under `'"�
<br />� „ � the aQreement ara conMmplated end wlll be aecured to the neme extent a�If mada on the dete thls deed of trun la executed.
<br /> I��'��� Tha eEove obllpeUon la due and payabte on n� �fi,, �ee e --- if not pald earUer.
<br /> .���. The total unpatd baltnae seoured by thla doed of uuet at any one tlme ehelt not exceed e maxlmum p�tnolpal amount ot
<br /> =—__— - �rmrr ,unna,+u„Awm xei�nn . - Dollaro i4�.�eoo ao l,plus iMerest, _
<br />,,,,�r `.,.N� ' plua any emow�te dlabureed under the terms of thls deed of uust ta proteat tha security of thls deed ot trust or to perfarm any of the
<br />' �, �:;: . coYenents cofrteined In tMs deed of trust,wlth Intereet on suoh dlsbursemente.
<br /> .:�.
<br /> �! ❑ VM�EU R�b:The iMerest rete on the ob�lgation seeured by thls deed ot truat may very accor d ing to t ho terms o f t h a t o b l t p e tl o n.
<br /> � ❑A eopy ot tho toan agreement conteining the tetma under wh1oA the iMerest�ete may vary Is attached to thls deod of truet and
<br /> nmde a pan Mraot.
<br /> . �� � AIDEABs 0 Commercia� �r asT[1 AF Rk'NTG ❑
<br /> � ��'t Punuartt to the Farm Homesnsd Proteotlon Aat,doslpnatton ot homeetned ❑ te ettached to thla desd of trust ond made a pan hereof
<br /> '.;', ; : �,.
<br /> ; ' �� ❑ Aa�bem dl�ctaimod;the dlicla�mer ts ettaehed to thb deed of trust end made a part hereof.
<br /> .,� , ,,r�� be
<br />.. ,. ,.:•.,;.�� ,.ry:
<br /> :;�:��;,:,`:.,: lilliNA'NRES:By dgdnp b�iow.BortowK�pn�to th�tums�nd cownmb aonn[rud in 1Ms dsed ot trust.Inoludtnp lhost on psp�2.and In �
<br /> . �r dd�n 6��crlb�d�v�dpn�d by Bortowu. '� I
<br /> ., ,.r. .tf� �1� H// � �_. �/j��_ I
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<br /> • •T �' ItA1�tICR L FAY � / DBBORAH A FAY '
<br /> �-
<br /> • - I
<br /> � I��' ACKNOWLEDGMENTt STATE OP NEBRASKA, csAnun rAt.at�t[f � Cou�r ea:
<br />- , :i The to►epofny InsuumeM waa ecknowtedped bofore mo on thla ��'� day of •'►t�- 199.5 ;
<br /> by - I
<br /> .,. ., . mwt+��
<br /> . ;
<br />-,i. .• Cor�pwet�e� of �Nrm ot Coroonaon a P�rwo� j
<br /> __ � . �ca,owweowni s �A�K on behali of tho corporatlon or partnerohip. � .
<br /> ;,'� � . Myeortemlesionexplrea: 2/14/98 / �
<br /> • .
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<br /> -�;�����-".�'_ ., : IB�W Cyggvt.vna*t�r ��� D�K/�.Q���-%%t. INOtrr VuWtel
<br /> ' : � Thls Inm�mern wa�prepered by ^!���*. ±!^�!rrv*- . I
<br />- � m+ees��+�u�srgt�s.�nc.,sT.ciouu,MN 68301 11�800��07•21�1i FORM OCV-MT6NH 8119fBt pppL# 00008817 �ps8e t ot�i � BR�SKA ;
<br /> � ,.
<br /> � CCD# 000000000o j
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